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Huge News! Obama Must Prove Eligibility in Court Now as Motion to Dismiss is DENIED.

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by andreoutlaw
Does anyone here believe that Obama is actually going to be removed from office because he is unable to fake a birth certificate? Based on what you know about the way that the system functions, does that appear to be something that would actually happen in reality? Assuming that no one believes that is actually going to happen, what then is the purpose of rattling on about it, as if it mattered? What is the goal of such inane behavior?

The goal of such behavior is simple.
It's nothing more than a mental defense mechanism. Birthers cannot accept Obama as their president. For whatever reason, mostly they're obvious, but we need not go there.

This is a way they can justify him not being their president. Obama doesn't count and he doesn't represent them. It's nothing more than denial to the extreme.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:26 PM
It seems that posting on this one is like living in .gov Shillywood.

In fact on a couple of less public boards ATS has that reputation from all the shill activity.

Fact is like the OP says.....Obama has to present. And the fact is the .gov BC is a fraud and there is a type specialist with 50 years in the business that has verified it from the multiple typewriter type.

Ok all done. Shill on!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by mattsk
I don't know if Obama was born in the US or not and don't have an opinion about it, but I'm wondering.....

What is the reason for a US President and Vice President to be natural born citizens anyway?]edit on 4-1-2012 by mattsk because: (no reason given)

Um....because the Constitution stipulates it as a requirement for the office?

It has to do with loyalty to one's nation. The framers of the Constitution didn't want anyone with divided loyalties to be in the highest office.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by SourGrapes
So, what was the basis of their collective decision? Which was the determining factor that made McCain a 'Natural Born' citizen versus 'naturalized' citizen? Was it based on the fact he was born on an American military base, or was it based on both parents being American?

From what I've read, they made the decision to make the public affirmation because of the speculation that was swirling around. He was affirmed being a natural born citizen because that's what he is ... naturalized is something entirely different. It was based on the fact that he was born of American parents on what was considered American soil (the military base is considered American soil for birth purposes). At least, that's what I've read ...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Just looking for the truth. I gave two perfectly acceptable proofs that I would accept. Why not go on pawn stars, that would be great.

Here is a link to a summary and comparison of the POTUS BC with another Hawaiian BC from the same month and year. BC comparison summary

The question is, in 1961, how was it possible that the Nordyke twins had their birth certificates accepted by the registrar general in Hawaii three days later than the registrar general accepted Obama’s birth certificate, when their birth certificate numbers are lower than Obama’s number?

If he has lost his original BC, then school records may be helpful in proving his case. Copies of all that stuff goes in school applications. If he was getting any kind of student aid his specific circumstances would have been recorded. The fact that everything is sealed away only makes me more suspicious. I would think his college work would be something he is proud of. My Brother the shrink had his thesis published as a huge hard cover coffee table book and gave everyone in the family one. He likes Obama.

There are no old girl friends. No college friends, except maybe the guy on coast to coast that said he teleported to Mars with Barry Sataro. Transported to Mars link, beam me up Barry, no sign of intelligent life here Not that credible. The Gov in Hawaii said that he would get to the bottom of it and then said there was nothing he could do. And he said he remembers Obama as a 5 year old, but not earlier?

It matters to me that the requirements in the constitution be satisfied.

For McCain they had an investigation. Why not for Obama? Break it down for me brother!
edit on 5-1-2012 by kawika because: corectolated spel'n err

edit on 5-1-2012 by kawika because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-1-2012 by kawika because: added link

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by PaxVeritas
I never considered myself a "Birther" until I saw a few experts break down the PDF format BC the White House released about a year back. I looked through it, downloaded it, watched what other Document experts said and I believe it is/was a fraudulent document. Hilarious... The TEA party will really make themselves look BAD. I bet they are trying to make sure this one doesn't get pinned on them.. If the TEA party really believed Obama was a foreigner, they'd spend tens of millions on ads and everything else. Didn't happen.. Now they don't want the racist tag on them after the allegations were disproven. It has come back to bite them right when their candidate (Santorum) is gaining momentum. Expect Santorum to completely distance himself from this crap.. I like Santorum... He'd be better served staying a bit away from the TEA party..

edit on 5-1-2012 by justaskin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:30 PM
here's what i don't understand.... IF his BC is fake (which i don't believe it is) how did that spin into a massive conspiracy instead of "he faked it because he really wanted to be the president". IF it was fake couldn't it be as simple as he faked it because he really likes america and wanted to take a shot at being the prez? where did the conspiracy come from and how is it possible to keep something that big so covered up when so many people hate him and want him out of office? none of it really makes any sense to me.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by pasiphae

here's what i don't understand.... IF his BC is fake (which i don't believe it is) how did that spin into a massive conspiracy instead of "he faked it because he really wanted to be the president". IF it was fake couldn't it be as simple as he faked it because he really likes america and wanted to take a shot at being the prez? where did the conspiracy come from and how is it possible to keep something that big so covered up when so many people hate him and want him out of office? none of it really makes any sense to me.

If he was born elsewhere he might not have our best interests at heart (ya think?).

And it is a requirement of our highest law, the constitution.

This is a nation of laws.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by pasiphae
here's what i don't understand.... IF his BC is fake (which i don't believe it is) how did that spin into a massive conspiracy instead of "he faked it because he really wanted to be the president". IF it was fake couldn't it be as simple as he faked it because he really likes america and wanted to take a shot at being the prez? where did the conspiracy come from and how is it possible to keep something that big so covered up when so many people hate him and want him out of office? none of it really makes any sense to me.

He wouldn't be able to do it alone, and that would make it a conspiracy.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

McCain's dad was serving his country when John was born in the canal zone on a USA military base. The congress investigated and found no problem with that.

John McCain was actually a Navy pilot and you can see him in the movie about the USS Forrestal (big fire) as he escapes from his doomed plane with fire all around by walking out on the wing. McCain escape video

John McCain is not a conservative, but his citizen credentials are fine. Congress did hold hearings about it.
edit on 5-1-2012 by kawika because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

She is a snake-oil saleswoman, a fly-by night charlatan.

And your continued support of her ensures that this bull# continues. Please, renounce this woman and reclaim your sanity before it's too late.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by RMFX1

i understand that he wouldn't be able to do it alone but WHY? that's the part i don't understand. it just seems silly. i've heard some explanations and it just makes no sense to me. for all the "proof" that the thing is fake there is just as much "proof" that it's real.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by kawika
I still have my ORIGINAL BC, born in 1963, The paper is thick and old, the printing is white, the background is black. I imagine this is to make it more difficult to create a fake document.
No, it's white on black because it's not the original... It may be a first generation copy, but the fact that it's a negative means that it's a photostat, an early, pre-Xerox photocopy technique.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Sartori

What are the PTB getting out of Obama's White House reign?

My conjectures:

He's a great . . . waters testing shill

1. What an intensely arrogant thing for them to foist on the American Judeo/Christian public. He's kind of like a poke in the eye to Conservative Christian Constitutional Americans.

2. Their arrogance was convinced they could get away with it but he was an excellent test case to test out their propaganda MSM machine to see how much ABJECT TREASONOUS OUTRAGEOUSNESS they could pull over the mass of the electorate.

3. He's a great stalking horse/gopher for putting a tyrannical monopolistic capitalist/Marxist meme in front of the American public and raming it down our throats more or less at the point of an economic AND military (read Homeland Security/TSA gun) . . . just to see how much they could get away with it at this point in time.

4. Doing so helps them calibrate how quickly they can continue to bring our house down around our ears and create utter chaos, anarchy and war in the world sufficient to totally crash the OLD ORDER.

5. That allows them to calibrate how much more quickly they can force the NEW ORDER on the world system.

6. It's been hideously masterful . . . and largely successful. They must be licking their chops and strutting about slapping one another on each other's backs at how grandly their treasonous destructiveness is succeeding at this somewhat early point in the looming engineered chaos.

imho, of course.

But then, I'm just a Conservative Christian insane kook according to some--who's only studied such things for 45-49 years . . . . So what do I know.

edit on 5/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: rt paren left off

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by pasiphae

IF it was fake couldn't it be as simple as he faked it because he really likes america and wanted to take a shot at being the prez?

BTW, he's NOT succeeded--THEY have not succeeded in keeping it covered up. They have ONLY succeeded in MOSTLY keeping it out of the globalist oligarchy owned Main Stream Media--and in using the Main Stream Media to ridicule the factual evidence--the same tactic they've successfully used against the UFO evidence for more than 60 years.

However, the evidence fiercely and redundantly indicates that he

hates America and all America has stood for . . . for 200 years. . .

he persistently has demonstrated--even during the campaign!!!!-- that he hates America, her flag, her Constitution (his reputation as hostile to the Constitution was emphatic during that period of his life as a "Constitutional scholar").

He seems to go out of his way to redundantly demonstrate that he hates America's Judeo/Christian heritage.

He evidently loves Marxism and Islam and has chronically lied about both.

The evidence of the above is redundantly illustrated in my links posted on such topics.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by kawika

This is a nation of laws.

Sorry . . . the truth is

This WAS mostly a nation of laws.

I think one of the more BRAZEN aspects of Obama's SElection for the White House is that they were poking America in the eyes


the oligarchy is above the law--has long been above the law--and CAN AND WILL do whatever they want to do to the serfs and slaves--and to THE USA--even TO THE WORLD.

The levels of corruption and illegality are rampant in this situation on many levels and from may perspectives and aspects. It's like the whole thing is awash in a Pacific ocean of corruption; broken laws; outrageous treason etc. And it's brazenly flaunted . . . as if they are saying--TOUGH TACOS--TRY AND MAKE SOMETHING OF IT SLAVES!

edit on 5/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: an addition

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by The Sword

Thanks for your personal assaultive insult about my sanity.

I've researched such stuff long enough . . . I'm pretty confident of my capacity to screen evidence.

Enjoy your opinion. Imno,

Given the outrageously abundant evidence about the oligarchy and it's role in the OP topic, I think your perspective has a rather limited half life.

I personally don't think that the oligarchy will allow the court thing to win against Obama.

IF they do, it will be because they have decided to flush him early and make him a scapegoat early--something they planned to do with him before they put him in--at least once he succeeded in doing all the destructiveness to the Nation and the world economy that they ordered him to implement.

IF there is a ground swell of public sentiment insisting that the court case go forward . . . then they may decide that Obama has to go earlier than planned.

Otherwise, with the high number of judges under their orders/command . . . I think it will be another futile flash in the pan. NOT because of the abundant quality evidence--but merely because of their enormous degree of corrupt ruthless power.

edit on 5/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: addition

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by pasiphae

for all the "proof" that the thing is fake there is just as much "proof" that it's real.

Evidently you have not examined a fraction of the massive amount of proof otherwise very carefully.

The piles of evidence documenting all the Administration offered documents as 'proof'--the evience that all those docs are frauds is piles high. It makes those that believe otherwise look foolish and/or grossly uninformed.

The links are available, above, if this is the right thread. LOL.

Some of the same sharp folks who proved the CBS anchor Dan Rather's nonsense was fraudlent also proved the Admnistrations' docs were fraudlent.

There's just NO REASONABLE DOUBT whatsoever (for fair-minded folks with eyes to see and ears to hear) about those documents being fraudulent--EMBARASSINGLY OBVIOUSLY fraudulent.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Evidently you have not examined a fraction of the massive amount of proof otherwise very carefully.

The piles of evidence documenting all the Administration offered documents as 'proof'--the evience that all those docs are frauds is piles high. It makes those that believe otherwise look foolish and/or grossly uninformed.

The links are available, above, if this is the right thread. LOL.

Some of the same sharp folks who proved the CBS anchor Dan Rather's nonsense was fraudlent also proved the Admnistrations' docs were fraudlent.

There's just NO REASONABLE DOUBT whatsoever (for fair-minded folks with eyes to see and ears to hear) about those documents being fraudulent--EMBARASSINGLY OBVIOUSLY fraudulent.

ROFL.... massive amount of proof??? Really? Heeheehee..... Hey, go check behind your fridge for Elvis! You know that he's hiding there, right?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:30 PM
This is wonderful! It is too good to be true. We shall see what happens. He probably will ignore the ruling, since he sees himself as a dictator!

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