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Huge News! Obama Must Prove Eligibility in Court Now as Motion to Dismiss is DENIED.

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posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by roaland

Brother you hit the nail on the head. I have been thinking this for several years.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by spinalremain

I can assure you that

Perkins Coie bills are

NOT the least bit thought of as LIES by their billing dept.

And the Perkins Coie leadership certainly don't treat them as lies.

If their customers treat them as lies, I assure you that Perkins Coie will take very stern action to get paid.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by spinalremain

Every last birth record Obama has offered the public

has been PROVEN to be a forgery--usually a pretty inept forgery at that.

IIRC, One of them was proven false by a friend of mine on

So . . . how do you explain Obama spending $2 MILLION essentially to hide his birth records?

Particularly given that he ran on the promise of having a dramatically more open and TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION.

Gross hypocrisy may be in his DAFFYNITIOARY.

I don't think much of politicos who so brazenly demonstrate such duplicity.

This is what baffles me about this site. On the one hand people say that the US Government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, without of course leaving any kind of paper trail, but on the other hand Obama's people can't do a decent forgery to save their lives. Hmmm.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by Xeven

1. His grandmother said he was born in Kenya and she attended his birth there.

2. His sister said he was born in Kenya.

3. A Kenyan official provided a copy of an authentic Kenyan birth certificate for him . . . with his infant footprint.

4. I realize "objective" tends to be in the eye of the beholder around here.
edit on 4/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: typo

Let's see now... (1) his grandmother was asked, in a telephone conversation, where he was born. It was a translated conversation IIRC, so there was plenty of room for misunderstanding, which is what happened. During the same conversation the btranslator made it clear that Obama was born in Hawaii.
(2) Please provide a citation for which sister said he was born in Kenya.
(3) There is no evidence at all for a Kenyan bith certificate, other than a very clumsy forgery.
(4) Please look up the definition of objective.
edit on 4-1-2012 by AngryCymraeg because: Typo

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

On the one hand people say that the US Government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, without of course leaving any kind of paper trail, but on the other hand Obama's people can't do a decent forgery to save their lives. Hmmm.

That has been a curiosity to me, too.

About all I've come up with as a hypothesis about that is . . .

that the rumors that after he was sworn in, he was presented with a manila envelope with his orders from the oligarchy in it and the number of his presidency on the outside.

He purportedly read it and immediately collapsed . . . muttering that:

"They've made me a scapegoat."

I felt that from the beginning of his installment in the WH.

Nothing else fit. It was like he was a caricature of all the worst that half the Nation would hate in terms of his values, track record, goals etc.

It seemed to me like they reared and trained a prime candidate to destroy the nation as much as he could, as fast as he couldl--creating a lot of suffering AND A LOT OF CONFLICT across the values divide . . .

and THEN


THEN they would flush him, blaming him for doing exactly and only what they'd ordered him to do.

Overnight from chief . . . to chief scapegoat.

It seems to me, that any of the above conjecture and hypothesis is at all correct, then the

schlocky job with the multiple OBVIOUSLY FRAUDULENT purported official birth records . . . would fit right in. Just more setting him up to be an unroyal scapegoat.

And, I think his abundant vacations and golfing stuff is just him taking understandable advantage of the perks while he can. Who wouldn't if they knew they were installed by a super powerful oligarchy and just as scheduled to be uninstalled, flushed on their whims or according to their script.

In many ways . . . he's in a rather pitiful position.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

On the one hand people say that the US Government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, without of course leaving any kind of paper trail, but on the other hand Obama's people can't do a decent forgery to save their lives. Hmmm.

That has been a curiosity to me, too.

About all I've come up with as a hypothesis about that is . . .

that the rumors that after he was sworn in, he was presented with a manila envelope with his orders from the oligarchy in it and the number of his presidency on the outside.

He purportedly read it and immediately collapsed . . . muttering that:

"They've made me a scapegoat."

I felt that from the beginning of his installment in the WH.

Nothing else fit. It was like he was a caricature of all the worst that half the Nation would hate in terms of his values, track record, goals etc.

It seemed to me like they reared and trained a prime candidate to destroy the nation as much as he could, as fast as he couldl--creating a lot of suffering AND A LOT OF CONFLICT across the values divide . . .

and THEN


THEN they would flush him, blaming him for doing exactly and only what they'd ordered him to do.

Overnight from chief . . . to chief scapegoat.

It seems to me, that any of the above conjecture and hypothesis is at all correct, then the

schlocky job with the multiple OBVIOUSLY FRAUDULENT purported official birth records . . . would fit right in. Just more setting him up to be an unroyal scapegoat.

And, I think his abundant vacations and golfing stuff is just him taking understandable advantage of the perks while he can. Who wouldn't if they knew they were installed by a super powerful oligarchy and just as scheduled to be uninstalled, flushed on their whims or according to their script.

In many ways . . . he's in a rather pitiful position.

Right.... you seem to be immune to sarcasm.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Actually, IIRC, some researchers traveled to Kenya to verify with the grandmother and the sister before it got too hot for them to cooperate. More than one did, IIRC.

I've bothered enough with for today.

Others can track such stuff down, if they wish.

I recall that the sources were quite convincing to me at the time. I stand by that assessment.

IIRC, one of the ones verifying such stuff was a Kenyan missionary.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

With respect, the link you posted to back the claim of Obama hiding records is nothing more than opinion. "How much, who knows and who cares" does not do your argument any justice.

The article's link is 404.

Everything else you posted I have read through thoroughly before. All of the claims are explained in a simple way. They have all been explained. Obama is not a secret Kenyan born commie.
He may be a Hawaiian commie, but let's not go crazy.

You've been a member here, Bo Xian. You've read all the threads. Every one of them has a legitimate reasoning to them to supprt the anti birther stance.

Same thing always happens. They're proven hoax or just wrong and they go away for a few months.
The Orly or WND releases something and it reappears again. Only when it reappears it never takes into account the previous defeat. It continually spews the same ignorant lies or proven hoaxes.

Mark my words. In August Orly will be at it again. There will be new threads with Obamas hidden records and the whole 9. Put it in stone.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:54 PM
This obvious waste or html space again?

This has already been debunked and disproven!

In African and Hispanic cultures they will refer to the nation that their roots are from as their homeland even if they were born stateside.

You are reading way too much into this.

From Wikipedia :

Among African Americans it is common to refer to the continent of Africa as the Motherland.

This practice is quite common and they will refer to themselves as a Son Of Africa!

Instead of taking underhanded swipes at him how about you target that energy at what your State's loving Govenor and State Legislature is trying to do to minorities.
edit on 4-1-2012 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
This obvious waste or html space again?

This has already been debunked and disproven!

In African and Hispanic cultures they will refer to the nation that their roots are from as their homeland even if they were born stateside.

You are reading way too much into this.

From Wikipedia :

Among African Americans it is common to refer to the continent of Africa as the Motherland.

This practice is quite common and they will refer to themselves as a Son Of Africa!

Instead of taking underhanded swipes at him how about you target that energy at what your State's loving Govenor and State Legislature is trying to do to minorities.
edit on 4-1-2012 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

Im to blame also for feeding it. I just couldn;t help it when I saw the 2million dollar to seal records claim. It really doesn't matter what I say though. It will never go away.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Right.... you seem to be immune to sarcasm.

Actually, it's more serious than that. It's a life-long handicap--probably from the usually subtle brain damage resulting from my serious degree of ATTACHMENT DISORDERED childhood.

I have had a life-long hard time detecting when some folks were serious vs joking. I've gotten much better over the years but it's still a weakness in my psychological/linguistic/relational perceptiveness.

However, thankfully, I've made up for it in other areas of discernment--such as screening counselees stories for degrees of truth and falsehood.

That's one reason, (in addition to the PhD in clinical psych) that narcissism that seems to be such a factor in the topic of this thread, is not that hard to detect, for me.

edit on 4/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: an addition

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Actually, IIRC, some researchers traveled to Kenya to verify with the grandmother and the sister before it got too hot for them to cooperate. More than one did, IIRC.

I've bothered enough with for today.

Others can track such stuff down, if they wish.

I recall that the sources were quite convincing to me at the time. I stand by that assessment.

IIRC, one of the ones verifying such stuff was a Kenyan missionary.

Translation: "Facts? We don't need no steenking facts!"

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:03 PM
I don't really care either way, but I find it insanely amusing that citizenship of government officials isn't, in every way, proven before they are even allowed to run. Mind boggling that it's gotten this far. Makes me wonder WHO put him in there, because this is obviously not something he could pull off by himself. If it is a forgery, that is.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Alythea

It was proven. twice.

This situation is not created by anyone serious. It's a fringe movement with no backing. It's nothing more than a witch hunt.

Again. Obama did indeed prove his citizenship multiple times. In fact, no other POTUS has ever done so.

Anything short of Obama going door to door with the ACTUAL DOCUMENT will be considered insufficient to birthers because their mind was made up when he was elected.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by spinalremain

Every last birth record Obama has offered the public

has been PROVEN to be a forgery--usually a pretty inept forgery at that.

IIRC, One of them was proven false by a friend of mine on

So . . . how do you explain Obama spending $2 MILLION essentially to hide his birth records?

Particularly given that he ran on the promise of having a dramatically more open and TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION.

Gross hypocrisy may be in his DAFFYNITIOARY.

I don't think much of politicos who so brazenly demonstrate such duplicity.

This is what baffles me about this site. On the one hand people say that the US Government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, without of course leaving any kind of paper trail, but on the other hand Obama's people can't do a decent forgery to save their lives. Hmmm.

A nice one, (I presume you are talking about Obama's BC) fact is, who is going to prove or disprove it as per this thread, or who is going to prove or disprove it in a court of law? There is however a fundamental conspiracy issue here, if Obamas's certificate of birth is false, (and how do you prove that) then that must mean that there is conspiracy at the highest level of government ongoing, and not just this administration. How much then, does that make every other conspiracy topic like 9/11, more or less valid when there are many of the same movers and shakers around?

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
I think that Clarence Thomas is an embarrassment to the supreme court, Colin Powell should be in jail for lying to start a war, and Herman Cain is no different from Barack Obama: a shill for the elites.

And why should others not just assume, like you continue to do, that your opinions of those men are based solely in racism?

See, you make a mistake when you assume that everyone who has a view that is different from yours to be a democrat.

I didn't assume anything. I merely pointed out the fallaciousness of your argument that all "birthers" are "racist goons".

I despise both parties. I believe that a majority of the people who buy into the partisan politics and ally themselves with the DNC/GOP to be delusional morons and nitwits who can't see two feet in front of their faces.

With the exception of the unnecessary degrading and divisive descriptors, I agree. I despise both parties, as well. Long ago, I ceased voting for candidates of either, other than for local elections. If there is no other candidate for a particular race, I leave it blank. But, you and I can never convince others to abandon the two parties that have long ago abandoned them, if we castigate and name call. That approach is destructive and only widens the divide. That divide is what the establishment elite counts on to maintain the power and by name calling, you are an unwitting accomplice.

If Obama was a white male, I'd wager that a majority of the birthers wouldn't bother to look into his eligibility because they'd assume him to be a citizen.

Obama is more white than many caucasians. Physiologically, he is half white. He was raised by white family members. I would venture there are more white people who identify with Obama, than do black people. I can guarantee there are people who don't like him because of his skin color. But, no more than didn't like any white president, because of his skin color.
edit on 4-1-2012 by WTFover because: Horrific grammar.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:39 PM
I would accept proof as either one of two things:

Tested in court with his applications for school, college, actual OLD BC, with OLD ink, ect, reasonable explanation of why his SS# indicates he is from a state in which he never lived, and whatever else the legal eagles think is applicable. And the judge decides.

Or, let him appear on Pawn Stars to pawn his BC, and if Rick and his document expert say it is the real deal, and offer him cash for it, I will accept that as proof.

I still have my ORIGINAL BC, born in 1963, The paper is thick and old, the printing is white, the background is black. I imagine this is to make it more difficult to create a fake document. It has a seal embossed on it to confirm it is the original document. It would be very hard to fake and make it look right.

I have read tons of material about this online and in books. The thing that he presented as a genuine BC looks nothing like a similar document from the same time period. Even if you look at Hawaiian documents only, what he gave us is clearly fake. And there are many, many circumstantial facts that would seem suspicious if you would do your due diligence for yourself.

And he has spent so much time, energy and money stonewalling, how could we not suspect something is up.

Could I read his thesis from college? Why not, whats the harm?

Those of you posting that there is no issue are either just creating a disturbance for your own entertainment or have your head in the sand.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Alythea
I don't really care either way, but I find it insanely amusing that citizenship of government officials isn't, in every way, proven before they are even allowed to run. Mind boggling that it's gotten this far. Makes me wonder WHO put him in there, because this is obviously not something he could pull off by himself. If it is a forgery, that is.

But you should care, Orly Taitz is an American citizen, although born in Europe she could hold American government office, but not POTUS, God forbid. Your amusement is flawed at the outset.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 08:00 PM
Ahhh..... finally, we get to see what's in the empty vault. Welcome, to the Twilight Zone".

In the voice of Rod Serling...

" It's the story of a man. Not just any man, but a man nonetheless. A man who would be President, and a little black vault that either holds the key to ultimate power or absolute defeat. Hold on... you,re about to enter a place know as...... the twilight zone..."

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 08:37 PM
Holy crap..this garbage again..and I swore I wouldn't post in any of those these idiotic threads again.

It doesn't matter if you think the BC is fake...the proper authorities have seen it and declared it legit...what makes any of you so special that you would know different.

Also stop spreading the same ol' lies again and again...he is not...I repeat NOT using millions of dollars to hide anything. More and more lies usually used but this one seems to be the favorite of the birthers.

Besides the same garbage websites that spew the same old there anything new?

People who would follow bat sh*t crazy ortiz need to get their own heads examined...

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