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Open Letter to Anonymous

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by NeoVain
reply to post by Amaterasu

While i Flag & Star you for this thread, there is something i think you fail to consider.

What do you think would happen if energy was free with the population increase on this planet? That´s right, it would be heaven at first without money and slavery, however our population increase would be insurmountable over a short period of time as a consequence. Overpopulation would lead to an ever increasing rate of overharvesting the planets finite resources, forcing us into space before we like locusts have picked the planet clean.

1. With food distributed by need and not profit, the hundreds of thousands of TONS of food a MONTH presently thrown out by supermarkets will be eaten fresh, with organics - which give equal or usually better yields - We will have nutritious food and more of it, and not paying corporate "farmers" to NOT grow food allowing all farms to grow food, We can feed 10 times the present number of Humans on this planet.

2. When People have freedom to do as They wish, They are not limited to TV and sex as entertainment. It has been proven that statistically, the richer One is, the fewer children One has. (And We will ALL become "rich" using material wealth as a measure.) If bodies are not required to operate the family farm because robots (free) will do the work, the motivation to have children for that purpose will drop away. Expect a radical drop in population growth.

3. Over-population is a myth. We are only "over-populated" relative to the energy required to sustain Us. If You took every Human - from newborn to barely clinging to life - and gave them 1/4 acre of land in Australia (4% of landmass on this planet EXcluding Antarctica) there would still be a chunk of Australia left over...and the rest of the world. The volume of Humanity as a whole would not fill one side canyon of the Grand Canyon. Statistically speaking, Humans do not exist on this planet.

While i agree space is the next step and we need to hurry, at the same time i do not think we have the technology yet to colonize space, even WITH antigravity drives. We need warp drive tech or similar.

In black ops, We're already in space. Electrogavitics can get Us to Mars in five days. The nearer stars are a year away at most. In the first link in My OP is a link to Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion. I suggest You read it to gain an appreciation of these facts.

This might be a reason to the suppresion of this tech, if indeed they have their best people working on this (like you would expect)

Heh. They have been working on and with electrogravitics for over 50 years... But it is the free energy, more than anything else that is the threat They hide. Money is just Our accounting for meaningful energy expended in an energy-scarce society. With abundant free energy, the need for money (and the control it affords) dissipates.

Only they would be able to forsee this.

And those of Us who are aware... [smile]
edit on 1/5/2012 by Amaterasu because: clarity

edit on 1/5/2012 by Amaterasu because: typos

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:01 PM
Great thread OP, starred and will flag once I've reached the required posts!

In respect to the "hell blowing over" quote, I sort of feel the same in the way that I don't think such information would be released in this current year and the way the global elite work. Something drastic needs to happen if humanity is ever to escape their tyrannical rule of the Human race. Once we are free of current restrictions, I believe this sort of information for the betterment of humanity will be released.

I fully support this thread and your intentions, as I share the same sentiments. If it reaches the core of anonymous and this sort of thing is within their power, then that is great! What happens to that information after that is a different matter

(Side note: I recently received a copy of the book you mentioned (Secrets Of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFO's, and Classified Aerospace Technology) and have yet to start reading it. Is it worth my time or is all the information I need available within this thread? I'm currently learning to lucid dream and so I ask if the book is worth my time to read? Thanks!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by ThePeopleWillRise
Great thread OP, starred and will flag once I've reached the required posts!

In respect to the "hell blowing over" quote, I sort of feel the same in the way that I don't think such information would be released in this current year and the way the global elite work. Something drastic needs to happen if humanity is ever to escape their tyrannical rule of the Human race. Once we are free of current restrictions, I believe this sort of information for the betterment of humanity will be released.

If We pass the awareness on to enough to reach a tipping point, I think We can affect change (and the release of electrogravitics) much quicker than You might expect. The problem with waiting for all "hell to blow over" is that by then, likely, most of Us will be dead. They will be in control with an Amero or a world currency. And then... Electrogravitics? Gone entirely from the awareness of any freedom-loving soul.

I fully support this thread and your intentions, as I share the same sentiments. If it reaches the core of anonymous and this sort of thing is within their power, then that is great! What happens to that information after that is a different matter

I think raising awareness of the evidence - as covered well in the book, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, which is linked through the first link gives in My OP - would be a great boon to the efforts to raise awareness to the tipping point. It's not that there is not any evidence. It is that there is no awareness of it. All I might ask of Anonymous is to raise the awareness of the evidence and what the tech means relative to poverty, hunger and war.

(Side note: I recently received a copy of the book you mentioned (Secrets Of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFO's, and Classified Aerospace Technology) and have yet to start reading it. Is it worth my time or is all the information I need available within this thread? I'm currently learning to lucid dream and so I ask if the book is worth my time to read? Thanks!

LOL! That's what I get for replying and reading at the same time. The answer to Your question is: a resounding YES!!! It is worth every moment spent reading it!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:33 PM
Thanks for this thread
It's a subject I got into about 3-4 years ago before I used the internet at all and what I found out fundamentally changed me and my way of thinking, Tesla had many great ways of tapping free energy and that was 100 years ago! It's getting late but I'll read your links and comment a bit more later on
thanks again for the many links and info

starred and flagged

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

Thank You. [smile]

I am glad to see Others who have a clue that the way things are is NOT what they should be.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:18 AM
I must say that the answer to all of this is agenda 21.
If one does not see or understand this, I urge you to jump into the rabbit holes and see for yourselves , what is happening and what the plans are and also why. There are no reasons to justify the rest.
No amount of greed or money will put you in heaven, as there, money does not exist.
You can buy a hooker but you cannot buy grace, by anything that does not reside in your soul.
Peace be with you and in my heart I hope some will awaken to this reality.
It is time to equalize your karma as it is 2 sided and if all you have is in the dark, may He have some pity for you.
If you lose the path , no tanks, drones or bombs justifies a place in heaven for you.
May life gives you what is deserved. After all you have already set your path and there is no-one who will shift your feet , but yourself...
If you are in the dark,light a candle.
Be what you should be as none can make you do it.
Our collective thought.
Good kuck in your next cycle. Peace and light for all!

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by NeoVain
reply to post by Amaterasu

What do you think would happen if energy was free with the population increase on this planet? That´s right, it would be heaven at first without money and slavery, however our population increase would be insurmountable over a short period of time as a consequence.

I can answer this one.

While it's true that population increase is associated with energy abundance, it is also associated with both infant mortality and lack of education. This can be clearly seen by looking at the recent birthrate trends in the industrialised world; as Amaterasu has said, they are either neutral, or becoming negative. Uncontrolled growth of population is also primarily associated with misogynistic religious systems, or those which do not allow birth control.

In other words, free energy would most likely assist in the process of stabilising population growth, in areas (primarily the Third World) where that is still a problem. Increased access to education, as well as contemporary hospital conditions, would neutralise all of the abovementioned factors. Atheism is not always the result of increased education, but more liberal belief systems usually are.

We've seen that Semitic monotheism (Christianity and Islam, in particular) experience the most prevalence and adoption, in technologically regressive, uneducated areas. Catholicism is growing on the African continent currently, but is experiencing systemic global decline virtually everywhere else, and that will generally occur in direct proportion to the spread of education and scientific knowledge. The Renaissance and Enlightenment were the two main events in Western history that broke Catholicism's rule, and the pattern is being repeated later, pretty much everywhere else on the planet. When people become sufficiently educated, they generally abandon Pauline (although not necessarily Essenic or Gnostic, as both of those are much more rational) Christianity.

Islam is still growing strongly, but I am inclined to believe that that is attributable to that religion's use of intimidation to both recruit and retain followers, as well as its' stronger and more effective use of mind control generally.
edit on 6-1-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by ionsoul
I must say that the answer to all of this is agenda 21.
If one does not see or understand this, I urge you to jump into the rabbit holes and see for yourselves , what is happening and what the plans are and also why. There are no reasons to justify the rest.
No amount of greed or money will put you in heaven, as there, money does not exist.
You can buy a hooker but you cannot buy grace, by anything that does not reside in your soul.
Peace be with you and in my heart I hope some will awaken to this reality.
It is time to equalize your karma as it is 2 sided and if all you have is in the dark, may He have some pity for you.
If you lose the path , no tanks, drones or bombs justifies a place in heaven for you.
May life gives you what is deserved. After all you have already set your path and there is no-one who will shift your feet , but yourself...
If you are in the dark,light a candle.
Be what you should be as none can make you do it.
Our collective thought.
Good kuck in your next cycle. Peace and light for all!

I am unsure what Your point in this is... I am out to eliminate the need for money, creating a "heaven" on Earth. No, it won't solve all problems - just virtually all.

Though I am spiritual, I am not religious. I love Humanity and want to free Us from the evil power elite, and if awareness reaches the tipping point, We can demand the free energy hidden in black ops. That will free Us from Their prison.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Excellent explanation and analysis! Indeed, as access to education becomes available to all, We will see a lower population growth.

Whereas today One must spend money (go into debt) for One's education, in abundance, teachers will be valued and any may request Their services. Those whose bliss it is to teach will do the teaching (and there are plenty of People who love to teach...). The better teachers will gain appreciation, name recognition, and good reviews on the web. There will be no motivation to rewrite history.

And education will be available all the more on the web, allowing Self education to a much higher degree than at present.

Thanks for Your input in this thread!

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:27 PM
Oh wow, another few day's worth of material, the networls will be glowing

I hope the serious Anon operatives read this & realise that all black ops plans etc should be dumped on the net for the rest of us to study, without any kind of 'filter' mechanism

The resistance (that is never futile) must come from all fronts.
Anon, we need you.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by playswithmachines
Oh wow, another few day's worth of material, the networls will be glowing

I hope the serious Anon operatives read this & realise that all black ops plans etc should be dumped on the net for the rest of us to study, without any kind of 'filter' mechanism

The resistance (that is never futile) must come from all fronts.
Anon, we need you.

Enjoy the read. [smile]

I hope Anon is reading!

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 06:31 PM
I invite everyone on this thread to take a trip over to my thread...
There is Only ONE Conspiracy (and it is Benevolent) - Everything Else is Just 'Noise'!.

It took a Loooooong time - but, I think it will all be worth it

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by SquirrelNutz

Thank You for the link to Your thread...

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 11:24 PM
I love your passionate post OP. I believe that with free energy (if it exists), will be one step toward a utopia. This will not solve all of our problems, but it could at least grant freedoms to people who have never understood the concept of freedom. I really hope anon reads this. I worry though, that even if these blueprints exist, they have been kept far away from servers and the like. Praying that one day this is a reality.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:28 PM
The only major problem is called EGO

if we dont have need for money, the human mind will start trying to find something new

Human nature need it, the fake feeling of "competition"
if its not money, it will soon be another thing.

Because it help ego to satisfy one thing : power over another human being.

I wish a world without the need of money, but as long our kind stay limited into the concept of " i have more money/gas/oil/bigger car/bigger gun/ , so it mean im better than you" then we're still doomed

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 08:23 PM
To the Original poster.

Many people want this. People just do not recognize the consequences if this technology is presented. It would change everything about the world and would simply have to many unknowns and what ifs.

The change cannot be made without the entire world willing to change with the Technology you are asking for. Instead , the military releases information "slowly" to the general public or leave it to Civilian scientist to invent further.

Having to have taken Economic classes in my college courses ... i now understand even better the way this system works.

It is simply supply and demand. That is it. This system is very efficient , but everything comes to fall in Economics. Everything fails. I mean everything. It is simple Economics. It is very hard for things in Economics to change without a Crisis in hand. Unless of course you want a Dictatorship.

Also , if this was presented the World economy would literally collapse. Think about it.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by ventian
I love your passionate post OP. I believe that with free energy (if it exists), will be one step toward a utopia. This will not solve all of our problems, but it could at least grant freedoms to people who have never understood the concept of freedom. I really hope anon reads this. I worry though, that even if these blueprints exist, they have been kept far away from servers and the like. Praying that one day this is a reality.

Oh... It exists. [smile] But it never will be "utopia." Just a whole hell of a lot better than it is now!

It is not the specs I want out and spread. Just the awareness that We have this tech. Then, when that awareness hits the tipping point, We will demand the tech from black ops.

That is My goal.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by AnonyWarp
The only major problem is called EGO

if we dont have need for money, the human mind will start trying to find something new

Human nature need it, the fake feeling of "competition"
if its not money, it will soon be another thing.

Because it help ego to satisfy one thing : power over another human being.

I wish a world without the need of money, but as long our kind stay limited into the concept of " i have more money/gas/oil/bigger car/bigger gun/ , so it mean im better than you" then we're still doomed

Ah, ego will be satisfied with payments of appreciation, status, name-recognition, and Self-satisfaction with a Betterment Ethic in place of the work "ethic" (slave's ethic: enrich the elite with Your Human energy). And in abundance, having "more" in terms of material things and flaunting it will just be silly.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by milkyway12
To the Original poster.

Many people want this. People just do not recognize the consequences if this technology is presented. It would change everything about the world and would simply have to many unknowns and what ifs.

That is why I presented a "seed" for this chaos-driven society (chaos differing from randomness - chaos has an infolded (hidden) structure, and when seeded will drive the chaos accordingly. I would link to My thread where I offer such a seed, but I have reasons not to. It is linked in My sig - or You could do a search for "ethical planetarian Amaterasu."

Everything is RIFE with unknowns, but with a seed directing towards Betterment, the overall chaos will engender Betterment.

The change cannot be made without the entire world willing to change with the Technology you are asking for. Instead , the military releases information "slowly" to the general public or leave it to Civilian scientist to invent further.

Having to have taken Economic classes in my college courses ... i now understand even better the way this system works.

It is simply supply and demand. That is it. This system is very efficient , but everything comes to fall in Economics. Everything fails. I mean everything. It is simple Economics. It is very hard for things in Economics to change without a Crisis in hand. Unless of course you want a Dictatorship.

Also , if this was presented the World economy would literally collapse. Think about it.

No it wouldn't. As energy is added, as the cost of energy is removed down the line, prices on everything would begin to drop - allowing for social services to care for more and more (those whose jobs are eliminated - like bankers and insurance salespersons) - and prices drop more, and drop more... Until the effort to collect that penny for the week's groceries is more than the penny is worth. And then... Everything will be free.

And meanwhile, with robots being cheaper and cheaper, We could focus on installing them in all necessary jobs no One wants to do.

And THEN... We all are free to follow Our bliss.
edit on 1/22/2012 by Amaterasu because: clarity

edit on 1/22/2012 by Amaterasu because: I failed tags again

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I dont think you understand how supply and demand works. Social Services isnt free and and the money comes from some where.

You would have mass job loss in every sector.

It is simply no "Demand" needed for a infinite energy source .. yet. So there is no reason to have one.


Also from what you explained is still in Sci-fi in terms of cost and actually being able to implement this. You are talking Trillons of dollars here. This is hundreds of years away. We most likely all be dead within the next 100 years from blowing ourselves up.
edit on 23-1-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

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