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Abductions, a new view perhaps......

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posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 09:28 AM
If these abductions are true and they are being carried out by alien beings could you imagine what affect this would have on peoples perspective of religion and spiritualism? Personally I'm not convinced about alien abductions - I haven't seen any plausible proof but I have got an open mind so I'm hoping I see something worth reading or watching. If aliens wanted to abduct us wouldn't it be simpler to use the armed forces to take us to these alleged secret underground bases rather than being prodded and probed in a spaceship?

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by ProfessorT

Then it wouldn't be a secret, plus I'm sure the gov't is working with them, so it would expose other secrets. Which won't fly with the gov't. The aliens must have this understanding...

True or not SOMETHING is going on...Take it for what it is...

edit on 30-12-2011 by SloAnPainful because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by SloAnPainful
Well I have read many different abduction stories online and read the Dulce material many times. Considering that the Grays have no reproductive organs and reproduce by cloning, maybe the purpose of their crossbreeding is to find a way to create their race with ours, with the hopes of getting a Gray with Human reproductive organs..? Just a theory.

Also I have read that Grays need genetic material to keep themselves alive (blood mostly), they use it as a food source.


Perhaps these grays operate like a colony of bees or ants

It all sounds rather archetypal, like frankenstein and dracula, but maybe the horror explains the pathological state secrecy

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Donegal_TDI
Some claim that humanity had been altered in it's early stages of development here on earth,
the end result making us more intellectually advanced than what we would have attained here naturally.

Perhaps the same aliens are in the process of doing the same, NOW, on other planets,
and alleged abductions here could be involved with that process,
harvesting genetic material to create hybrids,
not to colonise earth,
but to seed another planetary body.

Your thoughts please.

Your answer is actually correct. I respect so much that out of 100s of posts there is finally 1 that is right.

Aliens didn't do all the genetic work to let those creatures live here, they took them elsewhere, and now there are no abductions. Just like in the bible when people were worshipping cows, the aliens are probably taking the cows they made from the cattle mutilations to another world and that world will end up worshipping their creatures in the same way our ancestors did. Thats why even though I didn't like ancient aliens when it came out, it could be true and now I respect the general idea.
edit on 30-12-2011 by greyer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by niceguybob
Do you think if someone planted our seeds and DNA here on earth, they have to ARK us to other planets?
I'm asking. I don't know.

"Sumerians believed that the universe consisted of a flat disk enclosed by a tin dome. The Sumerian afterlife involved a descent into a gloomy netherworld to spend eternity in a wretched existence as a Gidim (ghost)."


posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

I have been abducted since I was three. I have seen four different types of beings.I want to tell you all something that was told to me by my niece. She said she when to sleep and awoke in what looked like an airport. she said people where going through star gates. She was told it was her turn as they wanted to show her something. She went through and wound up in this bright room with all these little greys. She said all of a sudden they told her to stand still, The greys also stood still and lined up .She said a tall alien women came into the room and they told her it was their queen. She said she was dressed in an outfit that looked like lady GaGa would wear. She had on a long dress of black and red with a high collar to the neck. She said her neck was real long and she hand very long fingers and big wrap around eyes. The queen came up to her and said she wanted to show her something. My niece said that the queen then made this hologram appear and showed her a body on a table. My niece said she tripped because it was me on the table. She ask the queen what is my uncle doing naked on the table. The queen told her he is the ONE and has are mark. she then was shown my Birth mark on my right lower hip butt cheek. It is round and has a cross in the middle. She did not know i have this mark and she described it to a tee. The queen also showed her this pyramid birthmark on my skull. I shaved my head and it is there. Everyone who has seen it says it look freaky. The queen told her she was going to go back and to let me know I was the ONE. She said it was real. I told her was it a dream and she said no. Now I do not know about being the ONE but it is very strange for her to describe things like that. She did not know i have both those on.
my body. She was told that I will soon take power and be the chosen ONE. I a. I have had hundreds of encounters with the greys,Orange beings and the col bolt blue ones. I have seen beings that wear hats and capes also. I have seen the ones that have jet black hair and long hooked noses and sharp teeth. Their eyes are Big and slanted and wrap far to the sides of their heads.She was told that the mark will be mine to give to whoever I choose since it is my Mark..What I tell you is the truth. I do have a mark with a cross in the middle so she got that right. I have seen so much that I know something is up. I guess when I am placed on the seat of power then I can do away with all religions and evil people who prey on other humans. I can do away with war and greed.I can help to make this world a better place. EVIL will be no more if I get to take my place. I will wage war on all who do evil. I will wage war on all religions and destroy all governments. People will once again have a voice. If you do not take my mark then you will have no part of this new world. We will make sure all men and women summit to the law of ONE. I will not show mercy to whomever has not shown mercy. If your life has been evil and U have acted like an animal then you will be destroyed so the children of the world will not have to live in fear. Get ready I am here and will be on watch. I was born of the watchers and I know I am the child of the watchers. My people will fall like rain soon and the colors will be Black and Red. They will destroy all that will not summit to our world..I go by the Name NOBODY for I truly am a NOBODY who is becoming that somebody

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 02:15 AM
I watched an ancient ailens episode and this guy said he touched a ufo in the 80s and he saw a code in his mind and when they figured it out it said somehing like This species still has room for advancement. Hmm I wonder if that is the same thing you are talking about and I think it is called anienct ailens and the secret code that i wacthed on the history channel. I love to wacth ancenit ailens.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by johnkillrory
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

If you do not take my mark then you will have no part of this new world. We will make sure all men and women summit to the law of ONE. I will not show mercy to whomever has not shown mercy. If your life has been evil and U have acted like an animal then you will be destroyed so the children of the world will not have to live in fear.

Are you trying to say you are the anti christ? This is just a werd post that you made you are acting like the bible and sayig things that are somewhat the same in the bible and you also are freaking me out on here

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by johnkillrory

Shut up you nut job you said you would abolish war then in the next breath say you would wage war on religions and governments, you sound worse than what we have now, what you would be doing my friend is creating a dictatorship you fruit loop, you sound about 13 and haven't got the slightest clue what you are on about.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by johnkillrory

Law of one ?? You mean dictatorship

No religion or governments??? Slaves

If we don't take your mark we have no part in the new world????? No freedom of choice

Are you Kim Jong il reincarnated?

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by johnkillrory


posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 10:09 PM
I heard something little known, that the frequency spectrum transmission was seperated electronically by a scientist in 1980, guess where the transmissions were from, lol the unguessed answer was from the findings of a regression under hypnosis, the main thing that everyboy thought was fake was proved by a scientist and kept hidden. The world is a laughing stock. The scientist's family would not talk because they knew the world was like a bunch of ignorant people ready to antagonize them. Great world, I really like it, I am happy to have grown up in a place where everybody respects each other, and a world of everybody respecting each other is a world of loving each other if each other loves everybody.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Donegal_TDI
Some claim that humanity had been altered in it's early stages of development here on earth,
the end result making us more intellectually advanced than what we would have attained here naturally.

Perhaps the same aliens are in the process of doing the same, NOW, on other planets,
and alleged abductions here could be involved with that process,
harvesting genetic material to create hybrids,
not to colonise earth,
but to seed another planetary body.

Your thoughts please.

Well, it seems to be the little Grays that are doing these abductions, and I do believe they happen, I know a few people who have been abducted. I think they do it to experiment on us, in an attempt to further their own species, and they also used human organs and blood for nourishment, they have no digestive system, so they bathe in the goo made from this, or at least soak their arms in it. Others have said this too, so if you label me crazy, I am in good company.
There are some that cannot be taken. The Grays have attempted to take me many times, with no success.

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