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History of Palestine

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posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Helixer

I've never heard about Dir Yassin being a myth, since even the Lehi acknowledged it's happening, however, it was not a 'extermination' - such a statement is obscene considering you then compared it to the holocaust - where 6 million human beings were hunted down and EXTERMINATED, whereas Dir Yassin was a village that harbored Arab militants.

There was also a few catalysts behind the Dir yassin massacre, particularly the Killing of 58 Jewish civilians and injuring 140 in the 22 February 1948 attacks on Jerusalem.

In one sense, in the way that the Deir Yassin "massacre" occurred, it was a myth, in the sense that it wasn't unprovoked, and the town did have Arab militants there.

But more importantly, Jews, as per usual, had held their hand back despite the massacres committed against them on:

The Jaffa Riots in 1921, which left 45 Jews killed.
The infamous Hebron Massacre of 1929 which left 67 Jews murdered in cold blood.
The Safed Massacre in 1929 which left 20 Jews killed, and 80 wounded
The 1936-1939 Arab revolt which left up to 500 Jews dead.. Most of them civilians.

And even if the Deir Yassin massacre occurred, why is it all we ever hear about? About a month later the Arabs killed just as many Jews in the Kfar Etzion Massacre

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:20 PM

The END of Hate Speech, subtle or otherwise, on ATS

edit on 29-12-2011 by alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:35 PM
Hey Dont,

Here is the big difference that even you with all your brain power can not argue against.

Khazars who converted to Judaism centuries earlier would have never died in Palestine regardless of the cause if they had not invaded the place, tried to set up a colony and started raping the Palestinian children.

If the question is, "Do Khazarian porn peddlers, organ traders and con artists have a right to have their own country?" Then my answer is "Sure society needs porn, spare organs and con artists but why Palestine?"

Again this is not simple Israel bashing - it is much more than that.

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by Helixer

I've never heard about Dir Yassin being a myth, since even the Lehi acknowledged it's happening

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

60% (about 4 million) of the Jews living in Israel today are Mizrachi (eastern) origin i.e. North Africa, Middle East, Turkey, Iran and the Caucasus.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Helixer

It's about as fanatical as Muhammad having a dream in some ambigious unamed place where he decended to heaven and the Muslims set up camp at Temple Mount for eternity but that is accepted I guess since they too have a spiritual connection and is never questioned.

For christians Christ rose from the dead there to save man from sin who have faith in him.

The Jews wait for their Messiah but he will return from the Sky, they must expect he has not been born yet but many Old Testament references suggest he was in Bethlehem and he was pierced and persecuted but that has not happened in their eyes even if history tells it has, so what do they expect it to happen again.

For the Muslims it is place where Muhammed went to heaven in dream form, Jeruselem is not even mentioned by name.

But for everyone we know there are Tombs and caves of the prophets in Israel like it or not for all see it as holy and evidence for the faiths.

Who is the crazy on here, me or them, under their terms that is the spiritual battle like it or not, you try and convince them to make peace by saying religion and prophecy is false, they won't believe you one bit, so since the world knows it is based on religious claims we have to back track to what their books say, right now the Bible has a big chunk of Israel and Jeruselem as their centre point of faith.

The world will be judged and challenged by that nation alone believer or nonbeliever like it or not and by non conected people it will bring people to argue over it, not even Mecca gets this much attention.
edit on 29-12-2011 by The time lord because: (no reason given)

The Bible says God will bring back the Jews from the four corners of the world back to Israel, meaning those who have not gone back were probably not part of God's plan.

The 144,000 is a different matter they have still not emerged or have been given the green light to return yet for those who have wondered about it.
edit on 29-12-2011 by The time lord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 05:02 PM
Mizrachi Jews are not from North Africa.

Non-European Jews are in Israel mainly post 1948 because the Zionists schemed, lied, cheated and conned them into Israel and you know that.

That part of Zionist history is just part of the fraud - so thanks for bringing it up so others can research the topic.

The "Arab Jews" were made to feel that they were not ethnically and genetically Arabs by the Khazar Jews - pure fact - easy to prove.

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by BRAVO949

60% (about 4 million) of the Jews living in Israel today are Mizrachi (eastern) origin i.e. North Africa, Middle East, Turkey, Iran and the Caucasus.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

They're generally grouped together, as people erroneously call eastern Jews Sephardim (north african), so too, the state of Israel identifies Jews of non European origins as "mizrachi".

It may not be technically right, but that's the way it is.

Mizrachi Jews are also included within the sphere of the Sephardic chief rabbinate in Israel, to further highlight the lack of distinction made between the two groups.



In any case, 4,000,000 million Jews of non-European origin live in Israel today, which is more then your fictitious "khazarian" Ashekanazic Jews...

Non-European Jews are in Israel mainly post 1948 because the Zionists schemed, lied, cheated and conned them into Israel and you know that.

You are the most repulsive human being at this website, hands down.

The Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries...From 1948 until the early 1970s, 800,000–1,000,000 Jews left, fled, or were expelled from their homes in Arab countries; 260,000 of them reached Israel between 1948 and 1951; and 600,000 by 1972.

The reasons for the exodus included push factors such as persecution, antisemitism, political instability and expulsion, together with pull factors, such as the desire to fulfill Zionist yearnings or find a better economic and secure home in Europe or the Americas. A significant proportion of Jews left due to political insecurity and the rise of Arab nationalism,

Holocaust restitution expert Sidney Zabludoff has published a calculation that the losses sustained by the Jews who fled Arab countries since 1947 amounts to $6 billion, in contrast to the losses of the Palestinian Arab refugees which he estimates at $3.9 billion (both sums in 2007 dollars)


So there you go. This is your "schemed" and "conned" them into Israel? These Jews left assets that today are valued at 6 billion dollars - almost twice that of the Palestinian Arabs.. The Arab governments took it all, and let them take nothing from the Arab lands. Some governments (Yemen, hence, operation magic carpet) such as Iraq, even refused to let them leave, forcing thousands to flee into Iran.
edit on 29-12-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

The "Arab Jews" were made to feel that they were not ethnically and genetically Arabs by the Khazar Jews - pure fact - easy to prove.

Which is why Sephardic Jews living in France, America or Canada today, regard themselves as Jews, and not Arabs?

That is such a monstrous lie. How can any sane person say that - much less, believe that? Simply go by wikipedia, and I dare anyone reading this post, eating the # spewed from the mouth of bravo, to look up "Sephardic Jewry" - and see for yourselves how ancient their heritage is. For Gods sakes, they have a completely unique culture, speak a different dialect of Hebrew, have their own liturgy, and hundreds of famous Rabbis, maimonides, judah ha levy, etc, who have contributed to the corpus of Rabbinic Judaism....

You have absolutely no shame Bravo - and you take the people who post here for complete morons.

Sephardic Jewry
Sephardic Laws and Customs
Sephardi Hebrew
Sephardic Cuisine

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 05:36 PM
To stay on the topic of Palestinian history - the "Arab Jews" as they should be called except for the Turkish, Iranian Jews and other Middel-Eastern Jews of non-Arab ancestory will be part of the future of Palestine because they are from the Middle-East and for the most part want to stay there.

I don't want to see a bloody civil war in Israel but if the "Arab Jews" were smart they would kick the Khazar Jews out and make peace with the Palestinians and Arab nations around them.

The Khazars really want to be in the US in the porn and abortion industry anyway so what is the big deal here?

I hope you don't think that I am bashing Israel just for the fun of it, dontreally.

As I have said, once you see the light and learn just how misguided Zionism is you will be one of the best opponents of Zionism.

Thanks for calling me a human being. I'll report that to my designer.

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by BRAVO949

You are the most repulsive human being at this website, hands down.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by dontreally

The reason the Deir Yassin massacer is all that is ever heard of is because it is widely accepted that it was the catylyst for the Palestinian exodus, which led to the brith of the refugee problem, which constantly threatens to undermine the peace process (if you can say it hasn't been undermined already).

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 05:48 PM
dont - get angry please...

The history of the fine people of Palestine goes back thousands of years. At leat we agree on that. They were not Arabs then but carry on an Arab culture now.

The Sephardim are not Arabs. They are Berbers - so you are right about that.

The onese who lived in the Iberian Penisula spoke Ladino which is not Hebrew.

I am going to a party on New Year's and there will probably be a couple there I talked to last year of that heritage.

They think I am charmimg because I know so much about Jewish (I don't use the word Khazar with them) history.

They probably do not know that I know even more about Palestinian history and how it has been distorted by the Z-tards as I call them.

When I meet Jews here I don't really (coincidence - your name) consider them Zionists no matter how much they go on with all the standard Zionst crap / myth because they don't live in Palestine.

They are like a virgin kid outside a whorehouse bragging about his sexual prowess.

Now, if I have just made it sound like Israel is a whorehouse then I am sorry.

Not sorry for saying it but sorry because it is true.

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by BRAVO949

The "Arab Jews" were made to feel that they were not ethnically and genetically Arabs by the Khazar Jews - pure fact - easy to prove.

Which is why Sephardic Jews living in France, America or Canada today, regard themselves as Jews, and not Arabs?

You have absolutely no shame Bravo - and you take the people who post here for complete morons.

Sephardic Jewry
Sephardic Laws and Customs
Sephardi Hebrew
Sephardic Cuisine

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

So Sephardim are Berbers now??

Japanese are Chinese - even though though they speak a different language, and have a different culture and history.... It's ok! We'll just say crazy stuff, and call them Japanese. Chinese = Japanese now, because that's how Bravo says people should think!

Until you can show some proof that Sephardic Jews are Berbers (who have their own language and culture, originating in the pagan cultures of north Africa before Arabization) let it be know that you are a crazy person who will say anything to manipulate a situation.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 06:05 PM
dont - for the love of Buddha, I did not say that the Japanese are Chinese because they are Koreans!

No they aren't Koreans but my Korean friends claim the Japanese knew nothing until Korean culture reached Japan.

It is a fact though that some Japanese think they are Jews. Which sounds odd but Khazars think they are Jews so why question the Japanese?

Everyone knows that Sphardic Jews were the descendants of the light-skinned Phoenicians who colonized North Africa. So, ironically they are more closely related to the Lebanese and are back close to where they started out unlike the Khazars who should be back in the Black / Caspian sea area eating caviar in jail.

Thanks for making me laugh, though.

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by BRAVO949

So Sephardim are Berbers now??

Japanese are Chinese - even though though they speak a different language, and have a different culture and history.... It's ok! We'll just say crazy stuff, and call them Japanese. Chinese = Japanese now, because that's how Bravo says people should think!

Until you can show some proof that Sephardic Jews are Berbers (who have their own language and culture, originating in the pagan cultures of north Africa before Arabization) let it be know that you are a crazy person who will say anything to manipulate a situation.

edit on 29-12-2011 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

And is that what is emphasized when people mention Deir Yassin? It's force as a catalyst to the refugee problem?

I have never in all my time posting at this website, had that pointed out. Everyone - the laymen in particular - who makes mention of Deir Yassin, does so to point out the "outrageous murderous behavior" of Zionists in Palestine.. And they say that ignoring the many massacres which occurred prior to Deir Yassin, and the reprisal of Kfar Etzion, and in essence, the nature of war.

When the British bombed Berlin, were they not aware that they were killing innocent civilians? That's called collateral damage, and it something that unfortunately cannot be avoided - unless you want to lose - in wars.

You have ignored a point I made that I would like you to address. Why did the Arabs attack the Jews in 1921, and 1929 - in the Hebron/Safed massacres - and in 1936-1939, when the Grand Mufti and friend of Adolph Hitler incited the Arabs to reviolt against the British?

Isn't this the crux of what undermines the peace process? If they fought in those years, in the 20, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60s and 70's.....why oh why, pray tell, would they accept anything different? This is is the core of the situation - the Arab insistence and zealous rejection of any Jewish state of any size in "Arab land".

To say it's the refugee problem is a flat out lie and distortion of whats plainly and obviously the truth: The Arabs fought in the 20's, because they knew what the Zionists wanted. They rioted in the 30s, and went to war in the 40's. In '67, they went to war again, and again in '73. Yet, all of sudden, you claim its the Palestinian refugee problem? That is dishonest. That is simply untenable given the historical reasons for Arab rejection of a Jewish presence in Palestine.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Everyone knows that Sphardic Jews were the descendants of the light-skinned Phoenicians who colonized North Africa. So, ironically they are more closely related to the Lebanese and are back close to where they started out unlike the Khazars who should be back in the Black / Caspian sea area eating caviar in jail.

Nobody knows that. Who are these people that "know that"?

Please, explain for everyone here professor, why Jews of North Africa call themselves Jews then - and why there are ancient synagogues in North Africa, in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya that bear conventional Jewish insignia; What are these menorahs inscribed on the stone? Or the ancient tombstones with Hebrew inscriptions??

You are a complete joke.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Right here.

The Non-Jewish Origins of the Sephardic Jews

State University of New York Press

Not from any of the regular Israel bashing sites that I get most of my information from.

The author uses linguistic, ethnographic, and historical evidence to support his theory that the origins of Sephardic Jews are predominantly Berber and Arab.

"This is a fascinating book based upon a wealth of diverse sources not usually brought together by scholars of Sephardic history. It is based upon the premise that Jewish languages such as Judeo-Arabic, Ladino, and Yiddish offer invaluable clues to ethnic origins.

"Wexler challenges the prevailing view that Sephardic Jewry did not have its genesis in Spain, but in North Africa, and that the Sephardic Jews were not descended from the ancient Judaeans, but were primarily the posterity of Berber proselytes. The author detects remnants of this North African Berber and Arab substrate in the language and culture of the Sephardic Jews. He marshals a dazzling array of historic, literary, ethnographic, and--most important--linguistic data in support of his highly original hypotheses."-- Norman A. Stillman, Binghamton University

Paul Wexler is Professor of Linguistics at Tel-Aviv University.

See - "Arab Jews" - I told ya!

dont - I keep telling you that Zionism is a fraud. It is - we have the proof now.

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by BRAVO949

So Sephardim are Berbers now??

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 06:41 PM
dont - why do I have to explain these simple things?

The "Cleveland Cavaliers" are not actually, real life Cavaliers.

Granted the do have a flippant attitude at times but they are really basketball players.

But an even better example are the "Cleveland Indians" - who are not real Native Americans but a baseball team with what I think is an offensive symbol on their uniforms.

You called me a professor. You can do that but I am not a professor even though I profess the truth about Zionism and the history of Palestine.

The Sephardic Jews were not and are not Jews, exactly. They are just a "team" that plays in the "Jewish League" if you will.

The "Ehtopian Jews" are not Jew either but play in the same league. The Kahazar Kagans of the central division are another team in the Jewish league.

I say, I say - is this making sense to you?

Is anything filtering through that little blue bonnet of yours?

I am cheering for the Arab League in which the Palestinians play - get it?

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by BRAVO949

Everyone knows that Sphardic Jews were the descendants of the light-skinned Phoenicians who colonized North Africa. So, ironically they are more closely related to the Lebanese and are back close to where they started out unlike the Khazars who should be back in the Black / Caspian sea area eating caviar in jail.

Nobody knows that. Who are these people that "know that"?

Please, explain for everyone here professor, why Jews of North Africa call themselves Jews then - and why there are ancient synagogues in North Africa, in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya that bear conventional Jewish insignia; What are these menorahs inscribed on the stone? Or the ancient tombstones with Hebrew inscriptions??

You are a complete joke.

edit on 29-12-2011 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

So there you have it!

Ashkenazi Jews aren't Jews

And Sephardic Jews aren't Jews...

Now, you just got to convince people that Mizrachi Jews aren't Jews, and the Gnostic establishment which controls and directs university professors (who, being masons, do their jobs to facilitate the 'grand plan') will have destroyed the historical basis for Judaism...

Anyways..All of that is nonsense. Just following your hateful posts and maniacal obsession with everything anti-Jewish should be more than enough to show that.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:14 PM
And as for that joke book, the author, paul wexler, seems to focus all his research on disproving that neither Ashkenazi nor Sephardic Jews are actually Jews.

Someone who has directed his research against BOTH Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewry must have an agenda. You don't do both if you want to come off as impartial. In fact, you cannot conduct fair research if these two separate fields, Ashkenazi Jewry and Sephardic Jewry, have "produced" results which seek to show that Jews from North African and European lands aren't actually Jews...

But since you could care less about facts, and seemingly find it difficult not to vituperate Israel and Jews with every other post, I don't know what else to say...

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:44 PM
dont - give up now!

Why not come over to the light and join the people on the right side of history?

Zionism was a really bad idea, advanced by a bad group of people and has resulted in two world wars, the death of a few hundred thousand Jews (people who claim to be Jews) and tens of millions of gentiles.

At this juncture, Khazars in the Middle East are more unwelcome now than ever and Arab Jews are stuck in Palestine and can not go back to their real homes.

Zion has been a total disaster.

Everyone in the world has suffered due to Zionism and many have suffered much more than US and German taxpayers who have been forced to pay for Israel's war crimes.

The Palestinians have suffered the most. Virtually all of the land has been stolen and thousands of Palestinians have been murdered.

How many Palestinian women have been raped? We can't even speculate.

I think I am getting to you dont - aren't I?

Originally posted by dontreally
And as for that joke book, the author, paul wexler, seems to focus all his research on disproving that neither Ashkenazi nor Sephardic Jews are actually Jews.

Someone who has directed his research against BOTH Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewry must have an agenda. You don't do both if you want to come off as impartial. In fact, you cannot conduct fair research if these two separate fields, Ashkenazi Jewry and Sephardic Jewry, have "produced" results which seek to show that Jews from North African and European lands aren't actually Jews...

But since you could care less about facts, and seemingly find it difficult not to vituperate Israel and Jews with every other post, I don't know what else to say...

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