First and foremost, I must say I am appalled about how easily our citizens can be baited and switched at a moment's notice. Its amazing how Americans
memories are WIPED completely clean every 4 years. Its as if the same cycle of ignorance just keeps spinning repetitively.
4 years ago, Obama made ALL OF THE SAME PROMISES that Ron Paul did. LITERALLY, one by one...piece by piece. As long as you guys LINE UP TO VOTE, you
ensure that the system remains INTACT, as-is. There WILL be NO change. Talking heads, are JUST THAT. You guys lined up, because some idiot promised
you change...WELL, I've got a list of your marvelous change...
We WILL NOT, and CANNOT allow them to continue this route. If you gamble on Ron Paul, you are literally gambling on the last of our country's EMPIRE
STATUS that you gung-ho Americans love SO much. Should I post just how BAD our economy is as a reminder? Here's a little news for the people who
simply cannot get enough of WAR. If our economy is BROKEN, we can't even leverage the ability to DEFEND OURSELVES, let alone "protect others," as
MANY of you have convinced yourselves of. The USSR learned this the hard way back in the 80's and early 90s. (They're not protecting us, they're
STEALING natural resources...END OF STORY.)
Now, although some of this may come off as insulting, believe me, its done out of LOVE for YOU. We need to roll back our sleeves and do EXACTLY what
Iceland did. IMPRISON the bankers and EVERY politician that is associated with them. That would include the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
branches. THEY ALL NEED TO GO. Recently, our Senate and the House passed an indefinite detention measure against Americans. Although, they didn't
specify WHICH Americans. The only provision was the fact that they have the rights to detain people who are affiliated and associated with Al Qaeda.
-Well then, that gives us ALL THE RIGHTS IN THE WORLD to arrest them. GET IT?
recently EMPLOYED AL QAEDA to do our biddings for us in Libya. Its all laid out in the link provided above, but, I'll put it here one more time just
to make my point.
Here's more about everyone's "KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR," Ron Paul...
I have NEVER been so embarrassed to be a human being. In fact, even a MONKEY seems to learn quicker...
Here's my warning...take it or leave it. If you Vote Ron Paul and he wins, YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE for the END of this empire. Plain and Simple. We
can NO LONGER afford to gamble with the FAILED two-party system. So...Its up to you.
Again...I know how this post came off, and for that I TOTALLY APOLOGIZE...but, we are on the precipice of DISASTER. Ron Paul is nothing more than
controlled opposition and a "bait and switch" candidate. Do not ALLOW yourselves to be manipulated by "Everything you want to hear." We saw how that
worked out 4 years ago.
ETERNAL LOVE TO YOU ALL...17.7777777(infinity). Also, that will be the LAST of any "aggression," you will hear from me on this thread. Anyone who
comments, regardless of their opinions will be treated with respect, LOVE, and compassion. I will NOT return any vitriol...FOR ANY
edit on 24-12-2011 by Destiny777 because: to add