With Geonets SeisComP3 settling in there is no database for New Zealand from Sept 1st, they don't expect it to be back until 2013.
Its OK though, with the aid of Mr. Puterman and his QVS program we are able to access the data that IS being gathered and process it.
I've managed to keep NZ Earthquakes blog rolling along, once I got the hang of gathering the data.
As far as database, the best way I see of presenting it, and finally get something going on the Energy Released side of things, which after all is
more important than counting the number of quakes, is to map that too.
Here is what I have done for September 2012, I'll go back in time too, to create an archive for comparison purposes.
If you look at the numbers ER you can see the South of the Kermys is way ahead of elsewhere and Waikato/Bay of Plenty second, Taranaki and the
Volcanic Plateau about neck and neck with Canterbury
Thats just one map of 21 on the page so far, each area shown on that map is broken down and has all the quakes plotted.
New Zealand GL Seismic Regions Energy Released Summaries, Archive for ‘Sept2012’
I tried to get the static maps and the interactive maps to match up side by side, but this Wordpress theme is based on columns so although it looks
great on MY laptop it might not be completely lined up side by side if you have a big screen. Also there are 2154 icons (1077 quakes shown twice) to
load on all the maps on the Sept category page alone so patience is needed. Dialup? - forget it, it will probably timeout.
ETA: if you want to get to know the GL Regions, click on the "about" tab at the top or just to get a handle on the region numbers click on the header
to go to the "pinned" key map that comes up every time you open the blog
edit on 13-10-2012 by muzzy because: (no reason given)
ETA@: Oh Sept started on the 5th BTW, don't ask me why, I just noticed that
edit on 13-10-2012 by muzzy because: (no reason