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Quake Watch 2012

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posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by PuterMan
reply to post by murkraz

I often wonder just what these people are going to do as we sail past 21st December 2012 and on into 2013 and there is no doom, no end of the world, no rapture, no tribulation, no second coming, no space invasion, no mega tsunami, no horsemen of the apocalypse, no Antichrist and all we are left with is economic doom which has nothing to do with any of the above and is the result of pure banker and investor greed and corruption.

It must be a serious disappointment to believe in all this BS and then not have it happen.

Earlier I said we may have 15 or 16 mag 7+ earthquakes for the year. To fit that in before the end of the year is a lot of energy, but I don't think I would say it can't happen because it can. It may be,however, that 12 for the year is more like what will happen.

As with any estimate of this nature I shall revise this as less information comes to light and remove all traces of earlier estimates.
thus enabling me to be correct at all times.

Have no fear (or maybe a little), there are still plenty of doomsday scenarios being touted for 2013 and beyond, on the off-chance that we make it past 21st December 2012!

Main belief of the 2013 doom merchants is a supposed ratcheting up of solar activity that will smite us all from the earth

So we still have something to look forward to for at least another year, if things don't pan out this time (again).

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 09:08 AM
Another powerful aftershock just hit Iran. I estimate 5.1 to 5.2 or so, from comparing amplitude to previous quakes there. Waiting on USGS report...

Yep 5.1
edit on Tue Aug 14th 2012 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I noticed that Mr. Ekstrom's Surface Wave page was 403'd last night. Bummer.

On the new LDEO website, his name isn't listed under the "people" tab--maybe he has taken another postition elsewhere? Or the funding for that particular project ran out?

His website with links to his research is still up...

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Olivine

lol, looks like they put it back!:

I got a "you do not have permission to access this server" message last night too. Could be they were doing maintenance or something...

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Good news.

You're probably right about the maintenance. Or maybe that were just waiting to see if anyone was missing it.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Thanks for the link:

Since I'm in the Northeast, a lot of good info & wilfing there for me!!!

The last eq before Virginia's big one, listed as a possible sonic boom?
Second last at the bottom.

32 responses in 15 zip codes!!!

Hmmm.....Veerrry interesting!


posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:08 AM
Wow, the quake activity map sure has picked up today. I took off for a few hours of meetings/etc. and it looks like there's a whole lotta shakin going on.

I'm just relieved that 7.7 didn't hit a major metropolitan area. Not sure how populated the area is where it hit, but I imagine the devastation would have been unbelievable if it was in CA.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:19 AM
This may be a dumb questions but shouldn't that 7.7 generate some aftershocks?

Or does that typically not happen with EQ's if they are at sea?

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by PuterMan
reply to post by murkraz

I often wonder just what these people are going to do as we sail past 21st December 2012 and on into 2013 and there is no doom, no end of the world, no rapture, no tribulation, no second coming, no space invasion, no mega tsunami, no horsemen of the apocalypse, no Antichrist and all we are left with is economic doom which has nothing to do with any of the above and is the result of pure banker and investor greed and corruption.

It must be a serious disappointment to believe in all this BS and then not have it happen.

Uhhhhh . . . No, Dear Heart.

None of the folks I know of similar bent are the least bit disappointed that things have not been kicked off in a bigger way . . . yet.

The Bible says the time will be worse than the world ever has seen or ever will see again. No one in their right mind is the least bit interested in such festivities beginning in earnest. We just know they will. And we'd rather folks we love--anyone actually--be more prepared in heart, mind, soul, home, provisions, options than not at all.

As to the globalist deliberate crashing of the USA and world economy--it's more than greed. They have so much money already it's like Monopoly money to them. Purportedly ONE family by some sources and the to tier of the elites by other sources have at least $300 TRILLION. They are intent on POWER--absolute power over everything they can remotely have power over and particularly individuals . . . and possibly quakes . . . as tools for their tyranny.

I watch your excellent quake threads looking for some clue that things are racheting up in the quake department. And that as a clue that things may well be set to rachet up in other areas.

Israel is making new noises about attacking Iran within weeks. Iran has said that war will start within weeks. Multiple sources insist that such a war would morph quickly into a global WW3 . . . most think with China and Russia attacking CONUS.

Some of us are convinced that quakes will coincide with such events much more than usual. Time will tell.

Certainly all the other 'watchers on the wall' I know would just as soon it all waited several decades or more. We are just convinced it won't.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Cherryontop

quakes that deep rarely have aftershocks, regardless of where they are

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:45 AM
quakes that size in the Sea of Okhotsk not unprecedented

data from usgs, anss and ras that I picked off my eqarchives show the following Mag 7+;

interactive map (with other magnitude types in the popup tags)

until the fat lady sings (GCMT) I'm reserving my number on this, GFZ and USGS seem a lot higher than the Russian and Chinese, especially when they can't come up with a mb reading (see phase data usgs)

mb 7.4 [ras]
Mw 7.7 [gfz]
Mw 7.7 [usgs]
Ms 7.2 [cenc]
ML 7.3 [jma]

usgs have this on their details page

M-type="moment" magnitude from initial P wave (tsuboi method) (Mi/Mwp), Version=B

means "we're just guessing"
probably the same reason LDEO haven't come out with anything yet.

edit on 14-8-2012 by muzzy because: just had a hail storm here, like millions of peas hitting the roof, woke me up, its 4:47am!

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Uhhhhh . . . No, Dear Heart.

None of the folks I know of similar bent are the least bit disappointed that things have not been kicked off in a bigger way . . . yet.

The Bible says the time will be worse than the world ever has seen or ever will see again. No one in their right mind is the least bit interested in such festivities beginning in earnest. We just know they will. And we'd rather folks we love--anyone actually--be more prepared in heart, mind, soul, home, provisions, options than not at all.

As to the globalist deliberate crashing of the USA and world economy--it's more than greed. They have so much money already it's like Monopoly money to them. Purportedly ONE family by some sources and the to tier of the elites by other sources have at least $300 TRILLION. They are intent on POWER--absolute power over everything they can remotely have power over and particularly individuals . . . and possibly quakes . . . as tools for their tyranny.

I watch your excellent quake threads looking for some clue that things are racheting up in the quake department. And that as a clue that things may well be set to rachet up in other areas.

Israel is making new noises about attacking Iran within weeks. Iran has said that war will start within weeks. Multiple sources insist that such a war would morph quickly into a global WW3 . . . most think with China and Russia attacking CONUS.

Some of us are convinced that quakes will coincide with such events much more than usual. Time will tell.

Certainly all the other 'watchers on the wall' I know would just as soon it all waited several decades or more. We are just convinced it won't.

I agree much with your sentiment. However, (and I apologize as I do not wish to derail this thread) I'm curious about your statement highlighted in bold. When did Iran claim war would be starting within weeks? I'd be interested in reading the story/article behind this, if you have it.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by schweizerI agree much with your sentiment. However, (and I apologize as I do not wish to derail this thread) I'm curious about your statement highlighted in bold. When did Iran claim war would be starting within weeks? I'd be interested in reading the story/article behind this, if you have it.

I realize it's exceedingly fringe to most folks, . . . however, I still think that bigger than average quakes will be more common once festivities start . . . and not only due to nukes. Due to what, I don't know.

I don't want to derail the topic either. I just think that quakes are a factor and this is one of the best sources of quake info on the net, imho.

I think I first saw it on ATS . . . a week or 2 ago . . . will search for it . . .

Here's the ATS thread:

And, imho, it's interesting the quakes that Iran has just had.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 05:12 PM

edit on 14-8-2012 by whatnext21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Not going to disagree that war is inevitable very soon in Iran (due to 1st strike by Israel), but keeping to the subject of earthquakes there; if it was at all possible to generate earthquakes (via HAARP etc), then given Iran's earthquake history, it wouldn't be hard to 'target' their fault-lines and get a desired effect. By destabilizing them in this way, it would make it an ideal time to launch an attack (though rather heartless).

But, no matter if it was possible to generate earthquakes, you have no way of proving it wasn't just a natural event, unless someone involved in 'earthquake generation', turned whistle blower (which BTW, would surely have happened by now, if there was any truth to the possibility,

Though I do like to entertain the possibility that the technology is feasible (and I've done a ton of research over the last 2 years), I'm not yet convinced. Too be honest I'm more worried the Large Hadron Collider, and something going wrong with the experiments!

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 08:52 PM
West of Ahar, Azarbaijan Sharghi Province, Iran, 2 x 6.1mb (iisse)

The first earthquake above 6.0 magnitude in Azarbaijan Sharghi Province since 1883 [utsu, iisse]............. read more here with 2 maps and a 144 aftershock 72 hr timeline graph
I took it a bit further and checked with Utsu back beyond 1907 (previous oldest quake in the area I posted) and got back to 858AD, a 6.0 near Tabriz.
Most devestating quake in Azarbaijan Sharghi Province seems to be this one;

Date: 1780/1/8 1906Local
Lat: 38.12 Long: 46.29
Magnitude: 7.4
Depth: shallow
Deaths: 50000
Location/Remarks: Tabriz(I=11)fault(One theory holds that D= 200,000)
Source: Utsu/Ambraseys et al, Alsinawi et al (1975, 1985a, 1985b), Berberian (1994), Ben-Menahem (1979), Eiby (1968ab, 1973), Poirie et al (1980ab), Robson (1964), Rothe (1969)

I went a bit nuts on the sources, but hey, they did the work

There was a more recent 6 in 1997, which is on the map, but it was in Ardabil Province.

FWIW GCMT are out with their "opinion"

Date: 2012/ 8/11 Centroid Time: 12:23:22.7 GMT
Lat= 38.38 Lon= 46.79
Depth= 12.6 Half duration= 4.2
Centroid time minus hypocenter time: 4.9
Moment Tensor: Expo=25 0.489 1.300 -1.790 1.700 0.343 -5.830
Mw = 6.5 mb = 0.0 Ms = 6.4 Scalar Moment = 6.28e+25
Fault plane: strike=173 dip=74 slip=1
Fault plane: strike=82 dip=89 slip=164

Date: 2012/ 8/11 Centroid Time: 12:34:40.7 GMT
Lat= 38.40 Lon= 46.79
Depth= 18.0 Half duration= 3.6
Centroid time minus hypocenter time: 5.5
Moment Tensor: Expo=25 2.190 -0.900 -1.290 -1.720 -0.082 -3.210
Mw = 6.3 mb = 0.0 Ms = 6.3 Scalar Moment = 4e+25
Fault plane: strike=7 dip=49 slip=31
Fault plane: strike=256 dip=67 slip=135

One thing I have found, when looking at the olden days quakes is that the epi-centres seem to be in the big cities/towns, whether this is the true place of the earthquake or they just gathered the info from where the most people felt it ............. dunno (a lot around Tabriz in this area and I noticed in looking at Syrian historic quakes a similar situation)
edit on 14-8-2012 by muzzy because: spelled ( or is that spelt) colour the correct way, so i didn't work for the tags on this yankee site

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

LDEO has pulled access now to their surface wave chart, at

Must have been off line. Seems OK now.

ETA: I see you already know that having read further.

edit on 15/8/2012 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 04:05 PM
Reykjanes came early this year!

Prov,Date/Time UTC,Latitude,Longitude,Magnitude,Depth(Km),Location
emsc,2012-08-15 10:04:29, 57.863, -32.791, 5.3, 10.0, Reykjanes Ridge
emsc,2012-08-15 09:41:51, 57.898, -32.781, 4.4, 10.0, Reykjanes Ridge
emsc,2012-08-15 00:21:38, 57.589, -32.200, 4.2, 141.0, Reykjanes Ridge
emsc,2012-08-15 00:21:24, 57.618, -32.356, 4.3, 10.0, Reykjanes Ridge

Normally this runs September, October and even November of late.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by SpaceJockey1
reply to post by BO XIAN

Not going to disagree that war is inevitable very soon in Iran (due to 1st strike by Israel), but keeping to the subject of earthquakes there; if it was at all possible to generate earthquakes (via HAARP etc), then given Iran's earthquake history, it wouldn't be hard to 'target' their fault-lines and get a desired effect. By destabilizing them in this way, it would make it an ideal time to launch an attack (though rather heartless).

But, no matter if it was possible to generate earthquakes, you have no way of proving it wasn't just a natural event, unless someone involved in 'earthquake generation', turned whistle blower (which BTW, would surely have happened by now, if there was any truth to the possibility,

Though I do like to entertain the possibility that the technology is feasible (and I've done a ton of research over

Yeah . . . AGREED.

I don't know what the facts are either. I do think there's some Tesla stuff that may well apply to generating or rather triggering quakes--at least in fault zones all cocked and ready anyway. I just don't know.

It seems to me that it would also be very hard to detect.

It may or may not relate . . . there's a Linda Moulton Howe story from someone who contacted her . . . about an exotic weapon being demonstrated/tested in Somalia that I THINK COULD have implications for quakes.

Her article may still be outside her subscriber wall. I don't know

Anyway--the truck driver reporting to Linda said he asked the LT or some such how far the weapon could fire. He'd just seen the results at 10 miles of it making a basket ball sized hole through 12 feet of concrete. He was purportedly told that if they had the coordinates on the opposite side of the globe--they could shoot clear through the whole planet and destroy the target on the other side. That sounds like something Tesla reportedly said. I dont' have the quote handy.

And, I have independent confirmation of such a beam weapon from a local loved one. He and a buddy had ended up with some used computers from the military. One of the HD's had not been sufficiently wiped. And they found a video of a large convoy of huge trucks and heavy equipment instantly reduced to nothing by an exotic beam weapon.

IT SEEMS TO ME that such weapon(s) might well be used to trigger fault systems all cocked and ready to fire anyway. I don't know if they could destabalize fault systems cocking a system that wasn't all that cocked to begin with.

I realize this is 'out there.'

However, it seems to me that this thread will be one of the earliest to expose or discover or be hot on the trail of such things WHENEVER and WHATEVER the evidence that might surface in the future. I'd just like folks to be alert to such possibilities. If we don't think it COULD happen, we might be all the more blind if and when it does.


I just think we live in very strange and dramatic times likely to get more so by the month, if not the week.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 03:35 AM
Magnitude mb 5.0
Date time 2012-08-15 17:49:07.0 UTC
Location 38.59 N ; 46.87 E
Depth 10 km
Distances 75 km NE Tabriz (pop 1,424,641 ; local time 21:19:07.0 2012-08-15)
21 km NW Ahar (pop 94,348 ; local time 21:19:07.0 2012-08-15)



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