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Quake Watch 2012

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posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 11:26 PM
Nothing out of the ordinary, but they count if you feel em right? This one ripped through here pretty good for being 15 miles away. Two nice waves five seconds apart..

You hear about it, but five minutes earlier the two labs were acting unusually needy to the point I said, "Must be an earthquake coming", and right now they're both back asleep. They have their routine, and that wasn't it... weird.

M4.2 - Nevada 2012-06-23 03:51:56 UTC

Looks like it scared shorty up the street too.

edit on 22-6-2012 by lernmore because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 11:45 PM

Magnitude M 6.3
Date time 2012-06-23 04:34:52.8 UTC
Location 2.81 N ; 97.82 E
Depth 83 km
Distances 128 km SW Medan (pop 1,750,971 ; local time 11:34:52.8 2012-06-23)
114 km SW Binjai (pop 228,763 ; local time 11:34:52.8 2012-06-23)
80 km SW Kabanjahe (pop 57,159 ; local time 11:34:52.8 2012-06-23)


posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Hellas

looks like it was revised to 5.8 or 5.9ish
Magnitude mb 5.8
Date time 2012-06-23 04:34:54.0 UTC
Location 3.15 N ; 97.99 E
Depth 100 km
Distances 90 km SW Medan (pop 1,750,971 ; local time 11:34:54.6 2012-06-23)
74 km SW Binjai (pop 228,763 ; local time 11:34:54.6 2012-06-23)
55 km W Kabanjahe (pop 57,159 ; local time 11:34:54.6 2012-06-23)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by lurksoften

It's been raised now to a 6.1

edit on 23-6-2012 by Hellas because: to insert pic

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:36 AM
'Cos it is Saturday.

Saturday is a day for getting all sorts of things done that you did not manage during the week, or last week, or maybe even the week before such as mow the lawn. But it has been, and still is pouring. I know Ireland is wet but this is ridiculous!

And anyway the trouble is I can never mow the grass again after reading this brilliant short story which deserves a read, a star, and a flag IMHO. (No agenda or axe to grind, favours to return or anything like that - I just loved it.)

Now, with mowing out, my thoughts turned to something much more interesting. A table of the magnitudes - all as Mw - from the various providers. I know Muzzy has some excellent lists, but this sort of puts it side by side so you can see the results.

This is a 'can't mow the lawn project' sponsored by no one and depending heavily on investment from the UN which unfortunately is not forthcoming. As it pans out you will find the table - I should have called it Provider Magnitude Tables or PMT - expanding at this salubrious location on the Costa del Blog.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 10:58 AM
update to post by PuterMan

I have just added May 2012 to the above page and totals of each provider so for example RAS has 38/39 which means 38 of the events out 39 where they had an entry they are saying are Mag 6+

There are some quite surprising figures coming out.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 12:59 PM
I'm baaaack...!!!!

Finally got a different computer....maybe I won't be observing so quietly now!!!
But I must be doing something wrong!

I haven't been able to get USGS earthquakes 2.5 or greater to refresh for almost an hour!

The 1.0 page is fine???!!!
Anybody else having issues with it?


ETA: Okay... the time has finally changed....but no eqs listed for almost 6 hours???!!!

Or does this computer have some serious gremlins???

I have to run to town for some supplies....
If the problem isn't my computer....
Then things might be about to get interesting......& I don't want to leave!!!

ETA: It's now 18 minutes since the time changed again!
I've never seen it do that before.

And THIS is giving me flashbacks to before Haiti's eq!

MAG UTC DATE-TIMEy/m/d h:m:s LATdeg LONdeg DEPTHkm Region

MAP 3.1 2012/06/23 09:13:33 19.055 -67.133 8.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/06/23 08:16:53 19.015 -67.186 10.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/06/23 08:13:49 19.043 -67.173 8.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/06/23 06:22:53 19.033 -67.126 6.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/06/23 06:16:06 19.038 -67.118 7.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/06/23 05:46:56 18.957 -67.243 9.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/06/23 05:46:00 18.974 -67.344 8.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/06/22 23:02:40 18.228 -68.782 102.0 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION
MAP 3.5 2012/06/22 21:19:04 18.351 -65.201 94.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/06/22 11:54:06 18.779 -63.917 10.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/06/22 06:01:28 18.883 -68.750 170.0 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
MAP 3.2 2012/06/22 05:23:57 17.890 -64.110 38.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/06/22 04:45:42 18.922 -67.715 20.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/06/22 03:22:04 18.081 -64.996 5.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/06/21 22:58:12 18.299 -64.352 18.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/06/21 18:48:06 19.053 -66.414 27.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/06/21 13:20:09 19.068 -66.405 33.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/06/21 11:16:56 18.142 -64.416 176.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/06/21 02:49:30 18.586 -64.728 51.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/06/20 17:46:51 18.659 -65.102 37.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/06/19 21:40:42 18.091 -64.983 4.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/06/19 18:09:12 18.118 -65.003 4.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/06/19 14:47:33 19.266 -64.244 17.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/06/19 12:24:15 18.603 -65.025 34.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/06/19 09:17:59 18.941 -64.876 40.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/06/18 22:18:30 19.624 -64.671 53.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/06/18 08:25:44 17.872 -67.072 3.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/06/18 06:19:32 18.643 -67.372 6.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/06/18 02:14:13 18.119 -67.168 21.0 PUERTO RICO
MAP 3.0 2012/06/18 01:54:58 18.580 -68.865 116.0 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
MAP 2.5 2012/06/17 23:25:14 17.868 -66.197 7.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/06/17 22:46:35 19.253 -64.272 25.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/06/17 19:06:40 19.395 -65.588 29.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/06/17 10:42:03 19.302 -66.178 26.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/06/17 05:05:00 18.970 -64.587 24.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/06/17 03:17:58 19.148 -64.179 44.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/06/17 02:25:54 19.102 -66.406 37.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/06/16 23:56:38 17.867 -66.192 6.0 PUERTO RICO REGION


Is something developing???

edit on 23-6-2012 by wasobservingquietly because: Getting a little freaked out!!!

edit on 23-6-2012 by wasobservingquietly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

Been doing some digital weeding instead of cutting the lawn I see

I just had a read of your article Do USGS downgrade earthquakes? from August 2011,which is logically explained, but when you see a list like the one on this post you do wonder.
My study of LISS SNZO has shown they consistently seem to come out with low estimates. By comparing signals from quakes in the same location (on different dates) its clear to see how big they are. (see my posts about the Kermadec 5's on the 22nd for example)

Or are the Russians over estimating?
I'm not sure, isn't Mag 6 about where the mb signals saturate?

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by wasobservingquietly

Is something developing???

Paranoia perhaps?

Maybe if you give a link so we can try it out? Are you using the interactive or one of the lists?

ETA: Looking at your post again I am guessing you are using the old lists. I would suggest that you drop those. They may disappear any day and cannot be regarded as reliable.

You should use this list.

edit on 23/6/2012 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by muzzy

I'm not sure, isn't Mag 6 about where the mb signals saturate?

Yes round about there. I really don't think the RAS values are worth worrying about as they seem to be consistently high. There are very few that get even near the other providers.

In addition to that of course it is not comparing like for like. The bulk of those - like about 99% - are proper Mw calculations but none of the Russian ones are. I guess I may just drop them off that list as they are skewing it.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by muzzy

For some reason I couldn't get it to link.

Went from Windows XP to 7.

It's like taking granny off her bike & putting her in a car! I'm a little befuddled!!!!


ETA: Just proved my point!!!
Replied to Muzzy instead of Puterman!!!
edit on 23-6-2012 by wasobservingquietly because: Really, really out of my element!!!

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

OK I did a match of LDEO and RAS, for the ones that matched ( there were lots more 6mb's on RAS that LDEO didn't even have a listing for). I used 5.5+ parameters for both, May and June 2012.
My assumption is that RAS are measuring the S waves also, if not then the exercise is pointless.
If the fault is in the mb to Mw conversion ..............? Mw =SUM(mb)*0.7813+1.5175
I've kept to the same format, red are higher, blue less, black the same as

Note that where RAS have a Ms reading they are ALL less than or equal to LDEO's figure.
Are we sure LDEO is Mw and not Ms ?
The reason I ask is because if you check the GlobalCMT data for that first one, Macquarie, they have a different figure than LDEO ie 5.8Mw and 6.0Ms
Maybe if we were to cross check using GCMT and get their Ms and compare with RAS Ms it would be fairer.

edit on 23-6-2012 by muzzy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by muzzy

When you compare apples with apples..................
or in this case Ms with Ms, RAS come out not too shabby
9/18 their Ms was LESS than Global CMT's Ms
6/18 they were higher
3/18 the same

Those 18 are all that matched with RAS out of 70 GCMT solutions I lifted for May/June.
Even RAS are not as Ms savvy as I thought, in comparison to GCMT.

Thats all without converting any magnitudes, Mw , Ms, and mb data is direct off the pages.

I thought LDEO and GCMT were the same thing, but it appears they work independently.

Would it be fair to say that GCMT is the "fat lady singing", as in, that is the final solution?

edit on 23-6-2012 by muzzy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 10:34 PM
I'm not here 24/7 you know

Been away and waterproof coated a 70m2 basement wall since my last post, weather has been terrible, so had to make the most of a dry day, even though its Sunday here.

OK looks like USGS are dumbing down the 6's again
N. Sumatra
This from BGMK

Date 23/06/2012-11:34:52 UTC+7
Magnitude 6.6 RS (ML)
Depth 103 Km
Location 2.81 N 97.71 E
The quake's epicenter was on land 24 km Northwest Kota subulussalam \n
Felt (MMI):
IV Sibolga, IV Blangpidie, III Pantai Barat Sumatera Barat, II - III Medan, II-III Banda Aceh,

and from their own USGS phase data page
mb = 6.2 (183) ML = 6.2 ( 18)
USGS WPhase Moment Solution 6.1Mw
USGS Body-Wave Moment Tensor Solution 6.2Mw
So how do they get 5.9 GS

WTF use is GS when nobody else on the planet uses it

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Type: Earthquake
15 minutes ago
Magnitude: 6.5
DateTime: Sunday June 24 2012, 03:15:05 UTC
Region: near the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
Depth: 51 km
Source: USGS Feed
edit on 6/23/2012 by Connman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Connman

USGS now shows it as a 6.1. Going to
check out the map location now.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 10:45 PM
The 4 November 1952 Kamchatka Earthquake and Tsunami

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by stanguilles7

There has been a 'group' predicting a mega-quake of up to 8 Mag will strike this region very soon (possibly between now and July).

Keeping an eye now that a 6 Mag has struck, as it maybe a fore-shock to the big one.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by muzzy

Thanks for the work on that Muzzy. Yes when comparing like for like, so I shall drop the RAS values off that table I have done as it is not like for like.

More digital weeding!


Would it be fair to say that GCMT is the "fat lady singing", as in, that is the final solution?

Yes I believe that is considered the case in the 'industry'

edit on 24/6/2012 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by muzzy

If you look at this page in the interactive version you find that the 5.9 is Mwp, which I understand is about as good as mb as it is measure on the first few seconds of the signal. They have call this 5.9GS as they usually do - Get Stuffed we are not telling you which scale we actually used.

Since 5.9 mb is 6.13 Mw on your conversion scale I would assume that in round figures Mwp is something like mb as it is measured at the same point in the signal.

On the Phase data, 6,2 mb converts to 6.36 Mw, but 6.2 Ml converts to 6.03 Mw.

5.9 > > 6.13 looks about right by comparison to the other providers but as you say, why call it GS???

I did see something about this somewhere on USGS but I can't find it now. I will keep looking as I will have it saved somewhere.

I don't usually do a post on my blog for < 6.0 unless I think it may change so this Sumatra quake is one I did post, and note that my new average of magnitudes figure (bottom of the second phase data block) that is calculated if magnitudes are given on the phase data, gives the average of 5.88 for this quake. Round that up to 1 decimal place and I think we may have discovered where GS comes from.

edit on 24/6/2012 by PuterMan because: bad tag

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