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post by smashdem
you are never going to convince me that the object I saw that mimics a star for nearly 3 weeks and then suddenly begins to move was an airplane.
Originally posted by TheEnlightenedOne
Can we please get back on track? The point being made earlier was the one-liner that didn't help at all with the "Analysis" we were looking for...
It has been maintaining its position in the sky since I noticed it that night, and would move as the other stars should. That is mainly why even thought it was blinking, I was decently convinced it was still a star, because it moved perfectly(to my naked eyes) along with the other stars, to disguise itself.
post by smashdem
I know was in the sky for nearly 3 weeks and suddenly began to move, and flew OVER my head
post by smashdem
after I sprinted inside when I saw it moving.
Originally posted by smashdem
6:going away from my location.
post by smashdem
I do know that every night since around Dec 3, an object appearing to me to be the same object, was appearing in the same spot in the sky and following the same path every night.
One end had a whiteish blue light, the other, a red light. These ones were blinking.
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