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Strange UFO Dec 22, 2011

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posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by smashdem

post by smashdem
you are never going to convince me that the object I saw that mimics a star for nearly 3 weeks and then suddenly begins to move was an airplane.

Nor me , but how do you know that the object that you saw for nearly 3 weeks and the object that flew over are one and the same .

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:09 PM
Sorry OP, but your back story sounds fishy, and most people with a head on their shoulders would not trust it, or just think you confused yourself. Also, your pictures are basically inconclusive lights in the sky. We have no point of reference because it's just a completely black background. For all we know these are a bunch of LED lights in a dark room.
edit on 23-12-2011 by K1771gnorance because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Do you happen to live by any Air Force bases?

Im always suspicious of objects flying around those perimeters.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:12 PM
Can we please get back on track? The point being made earlier was the one-liner that didn't help at all with the "Analysis" we were looking for.

OP, could you provide more info on the lights seen? A typical airplane light is Red for (Port), Green (Starboard), that will give you an indication which direction the airplane was moving and there's the blinking white light. Does this resamble anything of what you saw?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by TheEnlightenedOne
Can we please get back on track? The point being made earlier was the one-liner that didn't help at all with the "Analysis" we were looking for...

Excuse me? Analysis "we were looking for?" What the sam blazes is this supposed to mean? Analysis that configures to your world view?
edit on 12/23/2011 by jeichelberg because: misspelling

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:20 PM


posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by smashdem

Well, based on this response, it appears "leaping to conclusions," is part of your psychological makeup...

Look, my opinion on what I saw in your photos merited a one line response...I will repeat it here:

Looks like an airplane to me...

From this response, you are somehow able to draw a conclusion that I think you are an idiot? Let me clarify for all here to see...I do not know you and do not think you are an idiot...

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:29 PM

It has been maintaining its position in the sky since I noticed it that night, and would move as the other stars should. That is mainly why even thought it was blinking, I was decently convinced it was still a star, because it moved perfectly(to my naked eyes) along with the other stars, to disguise itself.

Dont sopose you have google sky maps?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by smashdem

post by smashdem
I know was in the sky for nearly 3 weeks and suddenly began to move, and flew OVER my head

post by smashdem
after I sprinted inside when I saw it moving.

You don't KNOW it was the same thing , unless you had under observation 24/7 , you admitted that you went inside to get the camera so it may have been a plane coming from the same direction ....Adrenalin does funny things to the sense of perception .

edit on 23-12-2011 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:32 PM
Ok, I am pretty sure it is just a normal aircraft.

I analyzed the last image's colors and found hints of red and green which would indicate wingtip navigation lights. Also, the EXIF data on all the pictures say: "GainControl : High gain up" and I believe this would "wash out" some of the color from the lights.

Above you can see I did a "pixel resize" on the last image and then looked at the RGB color values for each light and wrote them below. As you can see, the light on the left has a mostly Red value. The light on the right has a mostly green value.

The OP claims this picture was taken when the craft was flying away from him:

Originally posted by smashdem
6:going away from my location.

Since the Red navigation lights are on the left, and Green navigation lights are on the right, this would indicate the aircraft was indeed flying away from his location.

It's just an airplane. Good Day.

-edit to add-

By the way, I think "smashdem" was trying to pull a fast one. Honest opinion.
edit on 23-12-2011 by K1771gnorance because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by TheEnlightenedOne

Absolutely not. It had two solid yellowish lights on the "sides". Solid as in not blinking, strobing or pulsing. One end had a whiteish blue light, the other, a red light. These ones were blinking.
I KNOW it was not an airplane, or that I did not just imagine that it was in the sky mimicking a star for nearly 3 weeks and then suddenly, under my observation, begin to move.

To goretex, I do not know, but, either;
It was the same thing, because there were no other objects flying in that area of the sky. So, within the 30 seconds it took me to get my camera, the first UFO disappeared completely, and a second one appeared and began to move on the same flight path as the first, or, it was just the original one.

Also, no, I do know for sure it was the same object every night, but, I do know that every night since around Dec 3, an object appearing to me to be the same object, was appearing in the same spot in the sky and following the same path every night. It traveled with the other stars, that is why I used the term disguise.

So, yes, during the day and times of night I am not watching, this object could easily have been replaced by a new one, but, there was something there, appearing similar to the original object, night after night.
Another way I can tell that this "blinking star" and the ufo that moved over me were the same, were the other 2 people I mentioned. They watched it the whole time. I was the one to notice it moving, told them and they watched it the entire time.
edit on 23-12-2011 by smashdem because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by smashdem

post by smashdem
I do know that every night since around Dec 3, an object appearing to me to be the same object, was appearing in the same spot in the sky and following the same path every night.

Probably because it was Jupiter or one of the other celestial candidates , you should check out Stellarium , its free and will tell you what you saw .

One end had a whiteish blue light, the other, a red light. These ones were blinking.

This may help
edit on 23-12-2011 by gortex because: Edit to add

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by K1771gnorance

Can you explain to me what "Gain Control" and EXIF data are? And thank you for actually analyzing the image and putting even a little effort into it, not just saying you think it is an airplane.
EDIT:goretex, ty for the link to stellarium, it is awesome, but it doesnt really show me this object inside our atmosphere that I saw, so, no real help for the topic at hand.
edit on 23-12-2011 by smashdem because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2011 by smashdem because: correct myself

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by smashdem

EXIF data is bits of information created by your camera that is saved into the image. You can use an EXIF reader to read that data. Here is EXIF data from the image I analyzed:

JFIF_APP1 : Exif
Main Information
Make : Panasonic
Model : DMC-FH25
Orientation : left-hand side
XResolution : 72/1
YResolution : 180/1
ResolutionUnit : Inch
Software : Ver.1.0
DateTime : 2011:12:23 00:10:10
YCbCrPositioning : centered
ExifInfoOffset : 418
PrintIM IFD : 208Bytes
Print Image Matching Info
Version : 0250
Unknown (0001) : 16 00 16 00
Unknown (0002) : 00 00 00 00
Unknown (0003) : 64 00 00 00
Unknown (0007) : 00 00 00 00
Unknown (0008) : 00 00 00 00
Contrast : 0 (-128`127)
Brightness : 0 (-128`127)
ColorBalance : AC 00 00 00
Saturation : 00 00 00 00
Sharpness : 00 00 00 00
Unknown (000E) : C4 00 00 00
Unknown (0100) : 05 00 00 00
Unknown (0101) : 01 00 00 00
Unknown (0110) : 80 00 00 00
Sub Information
ExposureTime : 1/30Sec
FNumber : F5.9
ExposureProgram : Program Normal
ISOSpeedRatings : 1600
Unknown (8830)3,1 : 1
ExifVersion : 0230
DateTimeOriginal : 2011:12:23 00:10:10
DateTimeDigitized : 2011:12:23 00:10:10
ComponentConfiguration : YCbCr
ExposureBiasValue : EV0.0
MaxApertureValue : F5.9
MeteringMode : Division
LightSource : Unidentified
Flash : Not fired(Compulsory)
FocalLength : 40.00(mm)
FlashPixVersion : 0100
ColorSpace : sRGB
ExifImageWidth : 2048
ExifImageHeight : 1536
SensingMethod : OneChipColorArea sensor
FileSource : DSC
SceneType : A directly photographed image
CustomRendered : Normal process
ExposureMode : Auto
WhiteBalance : Auto
DigitalZoomRatio : 0/1
FocalLength(35mm) : 630(mm)
SceneCaptureType : Standard
GainControl : High gain up
Contrast : Normal
Saturation : Normal
Sharpness : Normal
Thumbnail Information
Compression : OLDJPEG
Orientation : left-hand side
XResolution : 72/1
YResolution : 180/1
ResolutionUnit : Inch
JPEGInterchangeFormat : 1002
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength : 1016

Actually, I didn't notice until now that it says the image was taken on Dec. 23, while you claim it was taken on Dec. 22. Anyway...

As you can see from the above EXIF data, "Gain Control" is a setting on your camera. Some reason your gain control setting is set to "High gain up". I believe this makes your camera sensor a bit more sensitive. It might make things brighter, and at the same time wash out certain colors.

The reason your images get blurry and or out of focus when you try to "zoom" or "resize" or "scale" the image on your computer is because the method you are using to scale the image is using a special type of interpolation. When I resized the image I didn't use any special interpolation.

You can learn more about it here:

Or better yet here:

To some it up, when you enlarge an image without special interpolation you are just making the existing pixels in the image bigger. This makes images look jagged and blocky and ugly. To make images look better when they are enlarged several different interpolation methods were created to artificially smooth the images and make them aesthetically pleasing. Although these special interpolation methods looks great, it can NOT be used to analyze an image because it adds data/pixels that didn't exist in the first place. Scaling images without special interpolation preserves the pixels that were created by the camera and just makes them larger, and are better for image analysis.

edit on 23-12-2011 by K1771gnorance because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by K1771gnorance

Thanks for all the info. And BTW, the time on my camera is now 12:34, and it is 11:36 on my phone, which is what I used to tell the time last night. Daylight savings?
I did say "roughly" 11:15 as well. The way I took the time of the event was after it all happened, I realized time might be important, so I looked at my phone and figured that it happened about 5 minutes before. So, the time is not exact.
Is there a way I can take better photos of stars besides getting a more expensive piece of equipment? Whatever this was(I am still not convinced it was a plane) has piqued my interest, and I want to be able to take photos that arent so easily dismissed because of how crappy they are next time. I have my camera set to "intelligent auto" so I assume that when I take a picture at night, it knows to adjust to the night scenery mode, but, I am a total amateur photographer so I have no idea. really just a young guy with a camera, not a photographer at all.
Im gonna be going through the manual today looking for this gain stuff and whatnot.
If by what you say this is a plane, it has wingtip configuration, correct? What about the other lights on the craft in the image. What do you think about image 5?
Definitely can see one is orange/reddish and one is more green though. 5 may even show it more clearly.

edit on 23-12-2011 by smashdem because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2011 by smashdem because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2011 by smashdem because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:16 PM
HEy OP, it does not matter what anyone says, thanks for sharing your material, the fact is we are all entitled to our opinion, whatever that may be, mostly rants, I have been witness to the visitors craft and more, I stopped trying to prove anything once I understood that the sightings are not for all to see, not all will comprehend even if they showed themselves on their backyards.

We know so little, and believe in so many lies that truth it seems, will be ignored if the paradigm deems it necessary, or if the alternatives become too outlandish to be "possible", well, in a Universe governed by forces beyond any measurable scope, anything goes, its Chaos not Order what prevails, we are not alone, and have never been alone, life is what prevails, not the absence of it.

This universe is infinite, for me the doubts and denials are even more amazing than the actual "visiting crafts", we try to fit everything inside our heads, when not even common sense can find room.
Yeah, for me its against common sense to believe we are alone, when nature always proves us wrong on our initial assumptions, keep em coming OP, many saw them yesterday all around the world!


posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by K1771gnorance

i dont see nav lights...come on now was it photoshopped/ i dont see that in the data, or did i miss it.

I've said this before in another thread...
FYI...navigation lights on aircraft are deliberate so as to allow for positive identification of the aircraft and direction of travel.---you dont need a computer interpretation to spot nav lights.

Also there should be a white nav light at the tail. Red anit collision beacon, strobe light...none of these pics depict required night time aircraft lighting.

edit on 23-12-2011 by type0civ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Either discuss the TOPIC or do not respond at all. Do not discuss each other. Do not tell other people how to post.

From here on out, if there are any off topic posts. Any insults or anything that is NOT on the topic Strange UFO Dec 22, 2011, your post will be actioned. If it keeps up, posting bans may be handed out.

Final Warning.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 07:01 PM
Interesting, how long did you look at it before it started moving?

Do you think it started moving because it picked up your energy and wanted to acknowledge itself to you?

Are you 100% confident it was idle and then started to move?

Could you hear any noise? Did you feel any special feeling appart from excitement?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 08:34 PM
I saw a UFO that looked like a star moving....just at was hanging up there in with some group that looks like a chair....then it was came down from space and glowed brightly till it reached the lower atmosphere where it slowed and dimmed but flew towards me with an undulating sort of motions (like a sine wave actually....)
about a mile or two away it suddenly reversed course about a hundred seventy degrees with out perceptible change of receded so fast away from me it looked like a light bulb fading out in a dark room...poof it was just ggone>never heard a sound either....

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