posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 07:10 PM
One last thing. I wrote a rather long primer for our younger boys in the family. Here is the opening:
1. Know the difference.
a gift. Special, treasured item that either has great value, or if finances dont allow, is an open demonstration of your love and emotion for her. A
gift can be shown off to friends and if it meets one, the other or (home run) both criteria your golden.
A sex oriented gift. Has zero value on the gift scale even though she may be wild about your choices, It means nothing as a gift, since no one can
know. You can stub your toe here boys. caution. Make sure your living up to her ideas and wants, and not just yours. Yours will backfire.
Household supplies and equipment. This is a no-go. Doesnt matter if she drools over an appliance, vacuum cleaner or anything close. Keep exactly what
she wants in mind. It can be a special 'out of the house shopping surprise'. She wants you to know what she likes. And she wants to feel warm when
you go by it on the shelf and you stop and put it in the cart without asking. This is about the only time, and only if its something she has been
2. Give all three at their proper times.
3. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Then say these things every day.
I love you This is a no brainer, but 95% of men don't do it even half as often as they should.
I care about you And then prove you do. Rub her feet, give a massage, baby her when she is sick. Man up. I challenge you to prove it to her.
Your beautiful Be sincere. Notice when she does little things to make herself attractive to you. Praise her for doing them.
I need you For your friendship and love and companionship. As a sounding board and an equal.
I'm proud of you Praise her every effort and success. Downplay any failures and make note of appreciation for her efforts regardless of outcomes. Be
certain she knows that nothing makes your love conditional.
4. Know and respect the power that these holidays have in a woman's life.
She gauges her value, self worth, and the degree and depth of love her man has for her, with Your responses to them. They are make it or break it
times for her emotional well being, as well as the strengthen of your relationship together. Continued failures on your part, destroy her self esteem,
and leave her saddened and unsure of your true feelings for her.