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A question about 9/11 Truth ?

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posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by psikeyhackr

No, it just means that measly airliners can't obliterate them in less than two hours.

Well, in a nutshell, they did. We all saw it. So obviously you're wrong.


So you expect everyone to be simpleminded.

If that is what happened it then should be easy for physicists to build a self supporting model that can be completely collapsed by the fall of its top 15% or less by height and weight.


posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr


Well, at least you're not rolling on the floor. Thought you might have had a problem.

So you expect everyone to be simpleminded.

Or smarter than you. That's actually more likely.

If that is what happened it then should be easy for physicists to build a self supporting model that can be completely collapsed by the fall of its top 15% or less by height and weight.

Yep, probably is, but who the hell cares? Really, all the world's physicists should drop everything and build a model of something just to satisfy one person on the internet? Tell you what, you know what the current explanation is, prove it wrong mathematically and send the calcs to some university and ask them to review. Scientist don't spend a lot of their time building models - they learn math instead. Think some data is missing? Fine, substitute any numbers you want. Just do it with math. Not washers and copy paper and broomhandles.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by mikejohnson2006

The 9/11 conspiracy was focused on maintaining the military/industrial/academic/congressional mileu secure, well funded and in power. It was threatened in 1990 when the Soviet Union folded. People around then remember talk of a "peace dividend" but then suddenly there was counter talk of "its still a dangerous world." Damned if Saddam Hussein (our former client) didn't pick that exact moment to attack Kuwait. That gave us Iraq War I. Yet it was largely unsatisfying since it didn't provide the Military Industrial Complex with a long term pseudo-enemy for which money, power, and security could be gotten. Yet MIC aligned think tanks & wonks scrambled to come up with a plan. In the late 90s the Plan for A New American Century neocons proclaimed that America needed a new "Pearl Harbor" to awaken it to the dangers of the post communist world. Undoubtedly this call resonated with the DarkMIC contingent actively planning a false-flag incident.

The amateurish 1993 attempt to take down the WTC gave the DarkMIC (Dark Military Industrial Complex) operators a focus. They would use former CIA client Osama Bin Laden to manipulate very real but unfocused anti-American terrorists to participate in a false-flag operation so horrendous it would have Americans petrified for a decade. Afghanistan & Iraq War II came quickly after the false-flag WTC-Pentagon attacks. And while the public was still in shock, DarkMIC operatives surfaced the Patriot Act (much of which was written years beforehand & adopted [unread] by a scared panic-ridden Congress) to serve as legal framework for what would essentially evolve into a National Security State i.e. a fascistic (Mil & Corp controlled) state. Even if the National Security state didn't come about at once, the MIC would be securely ensconced with dollars & power rolling in to fight Islam as the "forever enemy."

So long story short the Cabal was about keeping the powerful in power as justifying threat melted away until a new enduring one could be found.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by lunatux
reply to post by mikejohnson2006

The 9/11 conspiracy was focused on maintaining the military/industrial/academic/congressional mileu secure, well funded and in power. It was threatened in 1990 when the Soviet Union folded. People around then remember talk of a "peace dividend" but then suddenly there was counter talk of "its still a dangerous world." Damned if Saddam Hussein (our former client) didn't pick that exact moment to attack Kuwait. That gave us Iraq War I. Yet it was largely unsatisfying since it didn't provide the Military Industrial Complex with a long term pseudo-enemy for which money, power, and security could be gotten. Yet MIC aligned think tanks & wonks scrambled to come up with a plan. In the late 90s the Plan for A New American Century neocons proclaimed that America needed a new "Pearl Harbor" to awaken it to the dangers of the post communist world. Undoubtedly this call resonated with the DarkMIC contingent actively planning a false-flag incident.

The amateurish 1993 attempt to take down the WTC gave the DarkMIC (Dark Military Industrial Complex) operators a focus. They would use former CIA client Osama Bin Laden to manipulate very real but unfocused anti-American terrorists to participate in a false-flag operation so horrendous it would have Americans petrified for a decade. Afghanistan & Iraq War II came quickly after the false-flag WTC-Pentagon attacks. And while the public was still in shock, DarkMIC operatives surfaced the Patriot Act (much of which was written years beforehand & adopted [unread] by a scared panic-ridden Congress) to serve as legal framework for what would essentially evolve into a National Security State i.e. a fascistic (Mil & Corp controlled) state. Even if the National Security state didn't come about at once, the MIC would be securely ensconced with dollars & power rolling in to fight Islam as the "forever enemy."

So long story short the Cabal was about keeping the powerful in power as justifying threat melted away until a new enduring one could be found.

Hear, hear.

The fact is 911 was an insurance scheme, a demolition scheme, a pretext for war scheme, an eliminate the competition scheme, a bankrupt the Soviet Union scheme, a seize Soviet energy and munitions companies scheme, a steal the gold scheme, a destroy the evidence scheme, a kill the investigators scheme, and a continue with business as usual scheme all rolled into one. Psychopaths like those in the CIA are nothing if not pragmatic, and something of the scale of 911 would only be considered if it accomplished multiple goals. History has shown they succeeded; but the veneer is wearing thin and truth, like galvanic corrosion, will carry the day.

False Fronts For A False Flag

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by mikejohnson2006

i don't know what to think. do i think bush turned a blind eye? yes. do i think it was al Qaeda? yes and this is why. it was April i just got fired from the bar i worked at and need some smokes. so i walked to the small convenience store around the corner.this store was shady to say the least .but samir the owner seemed like a nice guy. i got smokes, and told him i just got fired he said he needed someone to work the day shift, so i took the job. the job paid cash everyday sometimes right out of the register, but that was cool with me the job was awesome all i did was watch movies and eat junk food sweet. i would work the day samir would work at night it was great. so, on the back of the counter under the register, al Qaeda was written. i would sit there and try to pronounce it and wonder what it meant. remember this is April before 911 so i had no idea what it meant or how to say it. so i ask samir he gave me a look like ha you silly American and just shook his head.then on one day a cop comes in to the store he leaves and samir start talking about crazy stuff, light hearted joking then all of a sudden he gets real serious and ask me if i know any terrorist im like what ?? ?(like if it was a movie i would of look at the camera and been like what the # did that dude just say) then he started to say something, but stopped mid sentence and, completely change the subject telling me i needed to go sweep up over there real real weird . what ever, so time goes by and one morning when i was real hung over and not in the mood to chat. a guy came in and woke me up (yeah i would sleep with my head on the counter) and said he was a middle east scholar dude and reads Arabic and pointed at a hand written poster, that was hanging on the wall. and ask me if i knew what it said. i looked and said no.well he gave me this strange look and said its bad! its real bad! i didn't care it was early and i felt like # so i let it go. well time goes by and samir starts acting strange he would sit outside and star into space like something was on his mind. so much so i ask him one day if he was ok? it was weird. then he would tell me tomorrow so and so, was going to call and if they ask ,so and so i was to say yes or no depending on the name real weird! these calls seemed like they came from the other side of the world static delay etc.(i pictured a camel and a pay phone on the middle of the dessert) then one day samir said his uncles where going to come by and get some things from the store they cleaned out all the medical stuff the whole shelf band aids, cold stuff ,alcohol etc.these people were exactly what the stereo- typical terrorist looks like long beard weathered face the whole shabang. there were three of them, one was the leader, i could tell by the way the other two catered to him. i was standing behind the register and the leader was trying to go past me well i didn't move out of the way fast enough when i looked at this dude he had eyes that said do you know who i am i demand respect(a look like a general or military person would have the look that said i have killed you will respect me ) i moved again strange, then samir says he is leaving for and im gonna run the store while hes gone. what ever cool with me. so he leaves and starts calling from new jersey asking if who ever called, then from California, then back to NJ real weird. he comes back some time in late Aug and tells me he sold the store and is leaving and was selling his car!( which he loved never seen someone love a Nissan sentra so much, he also sold all his stuff and broke up with his girl ) and, when i say selling the store,i mean everything he sold the lease which he hadn't been paying, sold the displays and coolers that coke and Pepsi owned and sold me too and get this he made the new owners pay in cash something like 40 grand the were pissed i got fired crazy.huh it was all strange before 911 then it made a lot of since after 911. they are here among us!
edit on 25-12-2011 by spacejosh because: forgot something

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by lunatux

You must have been completely asleep to not remember the massive defense cuts AFTER the Gulf War, nor awake enough to see the cuts that have been going on for the last couple years. All in all, another ill informed "explanation" for 9/11.

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