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London riots: Metropolitan Police raid 100 homes

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posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:01 AM

London riots: Metropolitan Police raid 100 homes

Police seeking suspected rioters have raided about 100 addresses across London.

The Metropolitan Police said 62 arrests were made by officers from several different departments of the force.

Four months on from the disorder, more than 3,400 people have been arrested and about two-thirds of them charged or summoned to court.

Officers began moving on homes in boroughs across the capital from dawn on Wednesday.

Police said it was the largest operation so far against people suspected of taking part in the August riots.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related Discussion Threads:
Demonstrations' to be banned during Olympics'
edit on 21-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:01 AM
I think this is a prelude of what to expect during the Olympics. I did an earlier thread that discusses the special powers police have to go into your home and seize political posters, this falls along the same lines in my opinion. People were saying this would never happen, it seems it is happening though.

This part caught my attention:

"Searches like those carried out today are happening on a daily basis and my message to those who were involved in criminality is that you will not get away with it."

The good people of the UK need to stand up against this police state they have been put up against. This is just too much.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I can see where your coming from, but those who were looting and rioting deserve to face punishment. My preferred punishment is for restorative justice, sending people to jail is counter productive in my opinion. But, those involved need to know they can not get away with that type of behavior.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

I'm not aware of all the details, and I agree that looters and rioters should be punished. My concern is the method they used to identify these people, most likely CCTV which is everywhere. I'm going on assumptions here so it is my opinion only, but I have a feeling that a large amount of these homes that were raided were done so incorrectly.

I linked to a thread that I previously authored in my OP that discusses the special powers the UK police have. Many UK members said this will never happen, this situation is a bit different, but has a lot of similarities. This type of raid should be reserved for extreme criminals such as terrorists. I find it surprising that the UK is wasting such resources on drunken rioters. I'm also worried that a lot of peaceful protesters were deemed as rioters just for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

TPTB need to realize that the people are fed up and this type of round up is only going to increase public dissent.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:12 AM
alas ,the true revolution is going to be crushed by the nefarious monarchy and the freemasons.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:12 AM
They are just trying to reinforce the notion that they are in charge for the coming collapse..

I personally lean towards the notion they should reverse all the police cuts and actually retrain our police officers back to being local police men on the beat. This distance between the police and the people married to having to make up the shortfall in physical numbers with sophisticated equipment or firearms is going to bite them on the arse as has happened time and time again throughout history.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:15 AM
seems to me that British govt is going to wage a gulag war against its civilians.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:17 AM
What the # is up with you people? These people were not demonstrators or great political protestors. They were criminals. Simple as!

I say congratulations to the police for smashing their doors down and taking back the possessions which they gained through criminal acts.

Day by day I wonder why I visit this site. Infested with lunatics.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by LondonerBLV

I respect your concern, but do you know each and everyone of these people that had their homes raided? I doubt you do. I'm sure there were some trouble makers, but the UK police have a habit of charging people with terrorist offenses over minor infractions. I have had various members from the UK pass this information on to me, as I have seen much documentation. I'm not saying there were not rioters, but I think you're missing the point.

The police coordinated a raid where they busted into 100 homes, this is as the police have just been granted special powers that people thought they would never exercise, I think this is just a warm up. I hope I'm wrong for your sake and the rest of you who live in the UK. If it makes you feel any better, the same garbage is happening here at home in Canada. So please don't take my comments as condescending.

I advise members to read the thread I linked to in my OP. I think there is a connection between these two news items. Perhaps a member from the area can correct me if they see any flaws in my theory.
edit on 21-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

breaking the police away from the community is necessary in order to isolate people and communities so they can be dealt with. This is all part of the governments move from localization of government and services to a large bureaucracy which the corporate fascists can control!

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Well, the homes of those raided appear to be the people that they have only just identified from engaging in some looting over the summer. I personally have no problems with that.

What other message could we possibly send as a society? If we do not punish them then we are actually in effect endorsing rioting and looting.

There are lots of things to take the Police to task about - illegal stop and search for example. This, however, is one of those situations were they will be pilloried for actually doing the right thing and enforcing the law.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:41 AM
Let's not forget that these riots kicked off with the police shootig an unarmed man....which has been proven I believe. I do believe however that the people who destroyed homes by fire, raided and stole others people property should be held accountable, otherwise they are no better than the unfustifiable act that triggered these riots.
The whole thing was a farce and continues to be whilst people continue to react and respond in a way that TPTB are expecting us to.
It's about time people started to become an enigma, and react in totally different ways.
Rant over
Rainbows with tinsel

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 06:58 AM
i recommend waching the movie apocalipto for an eye opener of were society is heading.oh by the way,lets not forget the famouse provoking police envolved in many protest.just something to be on the look out for.of course we will have a few idiots that love to take advantage.they are not only in the rich and political arenas. problem reaction solution,played out like a harp to the tunes people are so engrossed with.end game?lack of freedom
edit on 21-12-2011 by bumpufirst because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Does your line of thinking also relate to the police and their lack of any visible attempts to try and stop what happened ?

They let the riots happen so they could get some shiny powers or clarify exactly what powers they had, most people seem to forget this all started with the police shooting someone and then coming out with a complete fabrication to cover their collective a***s. Now what some of the little thugs did was bang out of order, but what the police did was even worse, ffs they are supposed to uphold the law not try and wriggle around it and blame everyone else. Now look, they are even talking about shooting people in future, and before anyone says that will only be because blah blah, look at the bit above about what started it.

I know for a fact the first time i hear that someone has been shot in similar circumstance i will be one of the first on the street baying for blood. Anyone that thinks this will not be used incorrectly must have their head so far up their own... they probably think the police never do wrong.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 07:04 AM
according to this article the police may use live bullets next time.

Cameron likes to blame this on problem families yet his family made their money in the slave trade and he is implicated in illegal nuclear weapons sales in the 80s along with Dr David Kelly (murdered) and justice secretary Ken Clarke as well as others such as Mark Thatcher.They have been involved in attempted coups and god knows what else. Id say the Camerons are a problem family if ever I saw one! Rather than smash up shops the people should have instead burned down parliament and held to account the real criminals, its easy to understand the frustrations of the rioters when our elected government are nothing more than drug dealers, weapons salesmen and murderers. This is simply TPTB trying to pre empt the next round of riots and I will tell you now, lessons have been learned and the next time it will be for real. At least people know not to trust facebook etc any more. Unfortunately the people have no voice, 1 million marched against Iraq, we went anyway so they could all get the grubby hands on some more directorships and commissions from weapons sales.

Lets face it, if not for the riots this would never have made the MSM and the police whitewash would have gone ahead as planned, eg black guy got what he deservered

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by LondonerBLV

I agree but the blame is misplaced on the individual, the blame is on society. In its inequalities and marketing of consumerism.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 07:12 AM
Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

London riots: Metropolitan Police raid 100 homes

Police seeking suspected rioters have raided about 100 addresses across London.

The Metropolitan Police said 62 arrests were made by officers from several different departments of the force.

Four months on from the disorder, more than 3,400 people have been arrested and about two-thirds of them charged or summoned to court.

Officers began moving on homes in boroughs across the capital from dawn on Wednesday.

Police said it was the largest operation so far against people suspected of taking part in the August riots.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related Discussion Threads:
Demonstrations' to be banned during Olympics'

The UK is becoming more like America everyday....

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by trustnothing

Apparently you don't need training to use live bullets, but you need training to use rubber bullets or tear gas...I mean it makes 'perfect' sense...

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by Revelation11

Unlike America we dont have guns anymore cos MP George Galloways mate Thomas Hamilton shot a load of kids in Dunblane, of course we will never know the full truth there either as case was sealed for 100 years.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
reply to post by LondonerBLV

I agree but the blame is misplaced on the individual, the blame is on society. In its inequalities and marketing of consumerism.

I am against riots, but I find it so infuriating that the general public got so outraged over a few thugs stealing plasma TVs, like it was mass murder or something. Are we that tragically materialistic? Aren't there better things to get angry over?

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