posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 03:12 PM
I don’t like this, this is not what ATS should be about. Let me explain.
First problem I have is right at the start, I don’t like the overall presentation its jumpy and not very attractive.
The segment at the start around the death of Kin-gong-ill I found particularly distasteful, death should never be celebrated or made light of
especially on a site like ATS that attempts to promote an ethos of professionalism and decorum. Making jokes of it, really unfunny jokes, is just not
right, it does not fit in with ATS, much like the presenter who comes across like he is presenting a MTV top 50 pop tunes of the 80’s show. I was
also very disappointed that the show replaced any informative analysis of his death with those god awful and offensive jokes.
The biggest problem I have with this video is the use of cursing, what is it one rule for the owners and another for the rest of us. This is not
right, it should never have been allowed and I am incredibly disappointed in whoever authorised it (assuming it was authorised). If I was to use
cursing like that I would have at the very least had my post removed the first time I used it and the second time would probably find myself post
banned. According to the T&C’s that we members have to follow when writing our threads and posts this video should have to be removed by the
moderators for this reason. It sends the message that there is one rule for “them” and another for “us”.
Then there is the choice in threads, really this is the best of ATS in a week, a Ron Paul thread, a Pepsi can and a building design that looks similar
to 9/11. Surly this is a truly a sign that we on ATS need to pull up our socks and get back to talking about the stuff that matters. Where are the
conspiracies, the big stories that matter, the mention of the threads whose authors have really worked hard to produce a quality and informative
thread? If that is all ATS can come up with to recap over this past week why not go and look at past threads that have been forgotten about or
didn’t generate the response they may have deserved.
Sorry to be so negative, I can tell allot of work was put into producing this video its just a shame that I was not executed with the same stared
other ATS videos are. I hope these problems are resolved in the next video because this “Recap” idea is a good one. IT should focus on the threads
that don’t get as much attention as they should or the ones that have been really important. Not about a new Pepsi can in Dubai.