posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Seems to me that as long as all we have is questions, they won't be landing. I don't think there will be any mass contact until we reach a point at
which all we would have to say is something along the lines of, "Hi, let's be friends."
Think about it. If you lived in a rural area, and close by was some group that fought all the time, robbed and killed each other, etc., would you go
introduce yourself? The only reason for saying yes to that would be to make some misguided attempt at mentoring them in some way. That is ego, nothing
more -- and it would not be fruitful. Wisdom would simply wait until they learned from their own mistakes and evolved, or until they all die off.
Every parent knows this to be true. You cannot tell a child a life lesson, they must learn it.
There is no great truth that they could possibly have that would fix our problems, because our problems are caused by us. It feels good to pass the
blame off on the "elite", but we all participate and contribute every day to the corrupt, murderous, insane, system in which we all live.