posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:28 PM
i have been thinking about a serious answer for a while now, and the best one question i think i would ask has to be about what their belief is.
"who or what does your race believe created the universe"
simply because it can give clues about how advanced they are and if they are all in agreement with each other and if they can be trusted, or wether
they are just as confused and misguided as us humans.
i think it would be wrong to assume an advanced race technology wise has all the answers to every question in the universe, they could easily be the
type to be in disagrement with themselves and have conflicts amongst themselves about their beliefs, which could potentially mean their information
cannot be trusted anymore than we trust our own.
on earth our different beliefs cause conflicts, and some peoples different beliefs bring about agenda's as one group tries to be more accepted than
the other or tries to take power inorder to force their view on others.
some more stupid questions would be,
"are you legal or an illegal alien?"
"hows Elvis?"