posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 11:54 AM
this is seriously the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen make it to the front page of ats.... its sad. this thread, and all of its replies.
apparently 95% of the ats community have never taken pictures at all...ever. seriously?
i have a degree in photography, and have been a professional photographer for many years now. when i do photography jobs such as a reception for a
wedding, which is usually a dimly lit room or dance floor where i have to use a flash, i either unintentional get this effect because im to distracted
too keep an eye on my camera settings or i intentionally attempt to achieve the effect to give the feeling of movement when taking photos such as
people dancing, or even people just sitting at a table eating. the pictures have a better feel when you have this type of action in them, vs. a plain
picture of people sitting at a table with a fork frozen in the air on the way to their mouth or a person dancing with their leg frozen in the air in a
weird position...... with movement in the photo, you can show the forks path of movement, or the legs path of movement. it looks way better that
way......which is exactly what is going on in this photo. you are seeing movement. the blurry/see through parts are where the child stood still the
least, while the less blurry/see through parts are where he stood still the most during this long exposure. its that plain....and simple. typically
most people auto exposure settings on their point and shoots do faster/shorter exposure so most pictures arent like this.
even if i wasnt a photographer, every single person i know has a point a shoot camera, and every single one of them always takes pictures like this
every single time they pull their camera out and start taking pictures. its just a common problem (depends on how you look at it, could be a neat
effect) that all the auto exposure point and shoot cameras that have flashes......have. the end. period.
i feel stupider for even participating in this thread.
and like some one else said, you say this kid has adhd.......and your wondering why a picture of him shows him not being able to stay still long
enough for an exposure thats merely seconds long......seriously?
i love ats, and read it daily. i keep an ats tab up in my browser and refresh it hourly. i believe in everything be it unbelievable or believable.
but again...this is just flat out dumb.