posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 07:38 PM
Hi there,
This is my first official post and well i thought what better way to start my introduction on ATS than an I Love You post.
I hope you don't find this soppy or gay..I’m not by the way but if you are.. I Love You too...
Or that you feel it is my way of winning you over because well i don't think telling you I Love You would do that.
Rather it is my way of simply saying I Love You... in all sincerity and from the heart i truly do.
Now you might think but hold on a minute you don't even know me.. and you would be right, i don't.
What i do know is that save our own unique experiences and the environments in which we grow, fundamentally beneath the layers we are all
quintessentially the soul and if you haven’t figured it out yet.. I Love the Soul.
To all the politicians, bankers, police, military, popes and clergy men and women.. I Love You.
I know life isn't easy being in your line of work and people often point the finger of blame at you but always remember that I Love You.
To the poor, the week, the downtrodden. To the victims of war, the desolate, the hopeless, the despairing and depressed.. I Love You. I know you each
suffer and feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and see a future with no hope left in it.. but remember always that I Love You.
To the haters, the despisers, the jealous, the angry, the bitter, the evil, the lost, the racist, the cynical, the boastful and those with big egos..
I Love You. I know you are the way you are because you have harboured pain inside your hearts, souls and minds for so long with no outlet to vent
constructively that the build-up unleashes itself uncontrollably, But always remember that I Love You.
To the victims that endure, to the humble, the silent, the peaceful, those with humility, To the conscious, the loving, the compassionate, the
sympathisers and empathisers, I Love You. I know in a world of such adversity where right has become wrong and good has become bad how much
perseverance and integrity you hold and for that remember always that I Love You.
To the black, the oriental, the white, Asian and European, to the natives, the men, women and children of this earth, I Love You. I Love You because
you are my mother, my father, my sibling, my friend, my teacher, my lover, my soul mate., And I Love You all.
To this beautiful earth that sustains each of us without ever demanding anything in return, who provides continually and consistently the nutrients
and supplements which lie in her bosom, who gives so freely and lovingly without question, I Love You.
I know we are not perfect. I know some of us try to become better people and try to do the right thing and I know we are tested to our limits and
breaking points. I know we each suffer and mourn, we pray and hope, we sing and rejoice, we share and love. We are all one humanity, one family
regardless of the lines that divide, the boundaries which separate or the individualism which takes us away from the collective.
I know we are experiencing an unprecedented change in attitudes, beliefs, opinions and understanding of one another... the technological revolution
has created a unifier.. we now have a tool which connects us to each other, perhaps not physically but in spirit, in mind and thought. We are
beginning to change on an ever increasing level and are beginning to see ourselves in ways we have never been able to before and for many that change
is frightening for many that change is so swift it is hard to keep pace with and for many it is an overwhelming transition. That is why I Love You all
so so much.
You are never alone. I am not the only person alive that thinks like i do. There are many of us. We are located all around the earth and we all
understand the importance of love and family. We will never judge you, tread on you, belittle you, threaten you, deprive you, isolate you or create
intentional suffering for you in any guise. We realise that beneath all your experiences, all you have done, said, thought or acted in your life that
it was an expression of your totality.. that beneath your totality, beneath your conditioning and programming, In the same way a baby or young child
is.. you are but an innocent soul. And we each Love You unconditionally.
Never lose hope, never be afraid, never despair, never feel alone.. for around the very corner is someone like me..who Loves You.
May Love wash over each and every one of us and show us the way...