posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 11:18 AM
Another failed social example of a family (ish)..
What I want to know is how a single unemployed mother can supply these good her greedy nasty little child wants?
I'm classed as unable to work due to illness, I have a wife who's a state paid carer (awful money but she's caring for family) and an 11yr old
daughter, I can tell you its incredibly hard to even think of Xmas here, we are having to scrape every little item and even borrow cash off out mother
in law to help get my daughter the few items she's getting and trust me, even with all her presents the cost is a 3rd of one of that brats wants!
I'd imagine the absent father is throwing some money their way or she's working on the side because looking at the girl she an old 13 ie she's very
made up and I'd guess she gets the best clothes etc from the walkover of a failed parent and that costs a lot of money, her DSS money would not cover
Sadly, you will probably find the mother is much the same and comes from a family of little discipline or morals, I don't mean that in a certain way,
just that I see many single mum families in my estate, we have 3 in our block and they all follow a set process, pregnant very young, no bloke around
except BF's when it suits, instant attempt at council housing, if failed get another child one way or another, get house, be loud and proud, scream
at the kids, kids do as they like often following mum and getting pregnant early where the boys stay out all night, join gangs and are involved in
constant crime, none of them work.
Now if you think that's a real stereo type by me and FALSE then PC peeps I'm afraid you totally wrong, that's how it goes around here and many
other places. The kids grow up from dysfunctional families and follow suit, most have a wrong understanding of morals and respect.
And before I get a PC fool saying its a racial thing then I'm afraid I have a shock for you, THEY ALL DO IT HERE, black, white, Asian or whatever,
its a social style adopted by many.
I can also see from the girls name that the mother is a big fan of the US way of life, many of the US afro American females in the poorer area's
adopt odd names like Lakeesha and Tiwaneeka, its like a social branding, you 'aint part of the hood without a real funky name'. Parents should be
avoiding glamorising these US counterparts, many live in incredibly squalid and violent area's, education in these area's is a premium because the
gangs recruit the teens so early on, they get street education rather than useful real learning, its certainly NOT what a parent should aspire
What this woman needs to do is teach this spoilt brat VALUES, my daughter is 2 years younger than that girl, she's NOT a street kid, we made sure she
had ALL her childhood no matter where she lived, she's well spoken, doing very well in school, she's learned that things cost, money needs to be
saved, what is wasting money and why some things cannot be purchased. She buys stuff from the local charity shop for herself and bloody good it is to,
she's a grounded kid, something the mother of that girl has never taught her.
People should stop spouting about living in poor area's and how it affects them, we live in one of the worst council estates in this area, its full
of every kind of nasty little urchin and dealers galore but my wife and I educated our daughter about the simple things like manners, decency and self
pride, she does not aspire to be in a gang, to smoke, to get pregnant etc like the girls of her age do around here, she has her friends but they are
good kids.
That mum needs to halt this line of self destructive behaviour before she's out of control running around pulling knives on people to get their
goods, its a very simple leap from her mentality as it is.