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Spoilt 13 year old girl: 'Give me my presents or I'll KILL Santa'

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posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by greenovni
Reading how "entitled" people demand presents, I came across this gem...

And even as I'm reading it I knew it had come from the Daily Mail.

I aslo wonder about these stories, exactly how does a big newspaper find out?

Edit - incidentally, the whole point of "news articles" of this type isnt to inform readers of whats going on in the world, but to push people's emotional buttons. In this case to get readers ANGRY with huge dollops of OUTRAGE.
Judging by what I've seen written here so far, yep, it works perfectly.

edit on 15-12-2011 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:18 PM
I'm unable to decide who is more loathsome, the 13-year-old leech or her incompetent mother.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by greenovni

That's great man.

You must be doing something right with your son!

That's great to hear.

good job papa

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:19 PM
I hope her mom continues to spoil her, then kicks her out when she is 18. "Give me a job, or I will kill your CEO!" lol, I'd like to see how well that works for her... Oh wait, she would probably find and idiot to mate with and have a bunch of kids and continue to cycle.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:22 PM
Whoa, this has got to be a joke, right ?!

Who in their right minds would actually notify the mail about this ?

Makes the kid look evil, and the mother incompetent !

Personally for me, I have a boy, who say's he only wants to put 5 things on his list this year, because he says any longer, and he doesn't get anythig off of it (weird I always thought he got at least one thing off his list lol).

Anyway this year, he has asked for a nintendo 3DS, and two games, and guess what, he isn't getting one!

I refuse, as I do not think 3D is safe for his developing mind, regardless of the 3D killswitch.

So instead, he is getting Skylanders game, for the XBox, which at first is going to leave him a little miffed, beacuse he knows we don't have an xbox........

Til he opens mummy's main present to him.

Hope he likes it

I think he will, allowise I'll be taking him back to the shop, and keeping the console !!!

But seriously, kids in general although quite expecting, never think about murdering the big guy.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:29 PM
Please bring back the spankin'!

I know I've said it before but I'll say it again.

Govt. should stay out of our homes, let us decide to spank or not to spank.

This little brat needs a good ass whooping and if she had it earlier, she might not be on ATS.


posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:29 PM
The option for her to receive a box of crayons and a coloring book is still available . If she doesn't like it she can always use the crayons for make up since she is acting like a very plastic person . Fill in some of the gaps of her personality in different shades . Sighhhhhhhhhh

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by brommas
Hmmm, i wonder where we have gone wrong as a race? anyone got any ideas?

I've thought about this and here's what I came up with. We (our species) have forgotten that we are animals. When you compare the way a human raises its offspring to the way a non-human mammal raises its offspring, you will see the differences that I think serve to make children grow into people who spend their whole lives overcoming the trauma and unnatural way they were raised.

For example, we humans dote over our babies like they are a special gift from God, when in reality, practically any two people can make a kid if they mate. It's really nothing special. It's nature. Any animal can do it. Yet we give parenthood so much meaning, as if it's something special.

And parents practically worship their children, laying presents and other goodies on the altar many times a year, simply for managing to live another year and for being around when holidays happen. Children learn that they don't have to do anything to get exactly what they want.

If you observe the way a dog is raised, the mother provides food, comfort and guidance when needed, but does not coddle the puppy, coo to it, make it the center of her universe or dote over it, as human mothers do. And these days, people are doing even more unnatural things with their kids, giving them cell phones and blackberries when they're six years old! It's crazy. Kids are raised in such an inconsistent and unnatural environment that they become little monsters, like this girl.

I can't explain her mother except to say that mothers don't like their babies to be sad or cry. The easy way out is to give in to the child. It seems this mother has done that for about 13 years. She has created a monster and isn't taking responsibility for it, so she's in denial... Se's not going to say her daughter's a brat because she knows she created it.

Just my thoughts.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:31 PM
I take this story with a grain of salt.

- The letter was "found" by the mother. Nothing tells us if this was only a joke made from a teenaged girl along with her friends...

- Her mother is a live at home mom. Probably living off disabilities as she walks with a cane as seen in the picture.

- Her mother smiles with pride in the picture.

- The father is missing in the story. I would assume it is his picture that we can see in the second picture that comes in the link. The mom might be a widow or has lived a separation. Or just absent that day.

- The letter has her name written over and over with ink. Not a "on the spur of the moment" thing.

I would say that this is just a bored kid writing a funny letter to impress her friends.

Daily News has turned it into a story worth wasting our time about...

Just my opinion.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by dannotz
reply to post by greenovni

That's great man.

You must be doing something right with your son!

That's great to hear.

good job papa

I have let him grow up on his own, my job is to guide him to make good decisions on his own. He knows that his 'job' is to bring good grades, when is is stumped by something, we both work on it together to find the solution.

Mainly using Khans Academy

We talk about everything and anything in the world, clearly and like little adults.

I do not lie to him no matter the question and he knows this and if the question is too adult for him at this time, I let him know that it is not appropriate to talk about that yet at this age.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by jude11
Please bring back the spankin'!

I know I've said it before but I'll say it again.

Govt. should stay out of our homes, let us decide to spank or not to spank.

This little brat needs a good ass whooping and if she had it earlier, she might not be on ATS.


The problem is an incompetent mother, not the fact that she didn't spank, but the fact that she is encouraging this crap.

I thank God my parents never even thought about spanking me, they taught me in much more effective and gentile way. If spanking worked for you, cool, but I will never do that.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

yea, and to add, notice the look on the girls face in both images?
it's like instead of saying 'smile for the camera', they instead said 'scowl for the camera'.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:40 PM
Before you all get angry over this article, ask yourself one thing.

Why has this story been made into news?

I know it's the Daily Mail, but why?

edit on 15-12-2011 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by CREAM

Originally posted by jude11
Please bring back the spankin'!

I know I've said it before but I'll say it again.

Govt. should stay out of our homes, let us decide to spank or not to spank.

This little brat needs a good ass whooping and if she had it earlier, she might not be on ATS.


The problem is an incompetent mother, not the fact that she didn't spank, but the fact that she is encouraging this crap.

I thank God my parents never even thought about spanking me, they taught me in much more effective and gentile way. If spanking worked for you, cool, but I will never do that.

Animals in the wild correct their babies with bites, swats and more. The children learn fast. Are they wrong? No. It's done for the chchild's sake only. If they don't correct their behaviour, they will get hurt or worse. Die. Moms in the wild know this.

We do nothing but allow the Govt. to raise our kids now.

Sometimes a swat to the rear can do more than talking to and sometimes not. I agree that she is incompetent because she should know that when talking doesn't work, a swat on the ass might just do the trick.

It's not cruel. It's corrective behavior when used correctly.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Finally, someone who knows what I am going through..

Has to be NOW, NOW, NOW!!!!!! Or, you get the crap beat out of you if you don't.

I blame that on her mother, who has no job, and neither does her daughter, and they both always get what they WANT, WANT, WANT...Neither one of them has ever had discipline in their life. Mommy makes excuses for her and let's her beat her up and me. I won't put with her BS.

She tried to sit on me, [girl is twice my weight], So, I got up as she was trying to squash me like a bug and moved the chair, boom, her bums hit the floor. I told her, "My dog isn't a lap dog and neither are you". And that same night, minutes later, She went to kick me, in one of her fit rages, because, I wouldn't let her sit on me, she put her foot high up in the air, to hit her intended target, which was me, and lost her balance, and sure enough, she hits her bums on the kitchen floor, started crying like a spoiled baby, "console me", "I was just trying to show you my karate kick", "um hm, sure you were. Don't expect sympathy from me. You want do something mean and it bites you in the butt, you get what you deserve. Now, deal with it.". "Hurts, doesn't it", and she's like "Yea", and I was like "Now you know what it feels like to hurt and cry, when you hit us all the time, don't do it again." Then the next day she tried to do it again but only to my dog, and I told her, " you want the floor to smack you in the butt in again?" and she was like "no". Sure enough, she stopped trying to kick my dog. Went back to watching her Barbie movies.

Totally draining.........To me, my school, my studies, and my work. Not to mention the officers, who are here everyday.
edit on 15-12-2011 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2011 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by greenovni

This is wierd on so many levels.

What kind of 13 year old actually writes letters to Santa Claus? Don't kids text nowadays?

This is from the Daily Mail. Is it actually true?

Cook his reindeer?

Where's her father in all this.? The REAL Santa Claus?

I say the parents call her bluff and wrap up the family fiream with enough ammo to get the job done. When the little sh*t opens the package on Christmas morning, they should tell her "Let's go, I think I know where Santa Claus is right now." Take her to the worst part of town, if the town they live in has a ghetto, and deliver her to a properly attired drug dealer who the father paid to dress as Santa. Kind of a twisted version of "Scared Straight", you know? That'll learn her quick and proper. And to put the icing on the cake, have the Daily Mail there for THAT one.

The mother pawns this behaviour off on hyperactivity on the kids part.....Sorry, aint buying that one. If this story is true, that kid has some real problems.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by jude11
Animals in the wild correct their babies with bites, swats and more. The children learn fast. Are they wrong? No. It's done for the chchild's sake only. If they don't correct their behaviour, they will get hurt or worse. Die. Moms in the wild know this.

We do nothing but allow the Govt. to raise our kids now.

Sometimes a swat to the rear can do more than talking to and sometimes not. I agree that she is incompetent because she should know that when talking doesn't work, a swat on the ass might just do the trick.

It's not cruel. It's corrective behavior when used correctly.

I did not say spanking should be completely illegal, I think think beatings like what Judge William Adams did should be.

I agree, how others raise their kids is no of my business. I also believe a child can be raised without any spanking and without becoming a spoiled brat. I also think there are alternatives to discipline a child.

Anyway, I agree, but I think the mom here is problem, spanking or no spanking. I think the mom needs a spanking lol.
edit on 15-12-2011 by CREAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by greenovni

Well i applaud you, i wish i had that honesty with my parents.

It's become a 1 way street. I'm honest, and well they, half truths.

It can really mess with someones head when their own parents can't be honest with them.

So yes, once again..

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by CREAM

At the end of the day, there are better ways to correct a child other than using violence.

What does that really teach them?

I know that's a whole other thread in itself.

But i do believe there are better, more effective ways.

i've always seen spanking as "lazy" parenting.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by dannotz
reply to post by CREAM

At the end of the day, there are better ways to correct a child other than using violence.

What does that really teach them?

I know that's a whole other thread in itself.

But i do believe there are better, more effective ways.

i've always seen spanking as "lazy" parenting.

I agree with you completely, as I said, I was never spanked and I never would spank if I had a child. I don't really get into other people's buisness in that regard though.

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