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Israel's Way of Showing Hospitality to American Tourists

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posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 03:46 PM
Right - if you read the history of the UN you see that it was set up by the Zionists to help advance the inevitable creation of Israel.

I use the term inevitable not because creating Israel was a good thing or the right thing to do but the Zionists were going to create Israel if it killed us and it damn near has.

The brave young Jewish American boy should have asked the Israeli thugs for their deed for the land upon which he was standing.

The US government has never bowed so deep as to actually recognise Jerusalem as being part of Israel.

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by BRAVO949

Thanks for pointing that out, I have even forgotten that this is in occupied Palestine at various times during this discussion.

This is where they tell us that the illegal occupation is legal. It's a well known fact that the settlements are illegal, various organizations have even confirmed this. Please be aware that I'm not a fan of the UN. They're just as crooked as the Zionists.

One thing that has always bothered me is that Israel will use UN resolutions in their defense if it's convenient for them, but disregard any resolution that is against them and call it Jew hating by the world community.

It's a twisted reality, and people keep falling for it too.

edit on 18-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

You seem to know a lot of the background information on this, do you know who was filming? Part of me was surprised that the film wasn't confiscated. I have heard many stories of the Israeli authorities destroying pictures and videos that are filmed if they deem it a possible public relations nightmare.

The person filming is lucky they were not also arrested.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 04:05 PM
You are right about one thing.

You are ignorant on these matters.

The video is shot in East Jerusalem which is part of Palestine and the Israeli police have no jurisdiction there under international law.

The Israeli police are carrying out an act of terrorism in fact in perpetrating violence against a civilian to advance a political or ideological goal.

In fact if the police wanted to do somthing constructive they could asked the Israeli protesters whom you can see in the background to not protest in a Palestinian area to avoid provoking the local people.

You could say that the brave, honest Jewish American man was protesting a protest.

Thank you for you contritbution though. I am sure you are interested in resisting Israeli terrorism such as the example we see depicted in this video.

Zionism is the problem

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 04:13 PM
I am quite familiar with the way the Israeli authorities operate but in this case I read the backgrounder one to the other contributors posted.

The cops are basically bullies and cowards. The video was taken by a group of Israeli activists and it looks bad enough that they grab an American who is out in front more or less aloe but when then go into a crowd of Israelis and split skulls it ends up in Haaretz and broadcast around the world.

Israel has already alienated thousands of Jews who live outside Israel and reject Zionism there is no sense in just adding to the ever growing number.

Israel is pretty well finished. Not because anyone will invade it but because the utopia is a failure. Jews don't want to live there. Some say a million Israeli Jews live out of Israel. That is over 15% of the population.

Israel is corrupt. The president was charged with rape and the last several prime ministers have resigned over charges of corruption.

You can not really have a country founded on racism and land theft and expect it to be a normal palce where honest people live.

The greatest eye-opener is to talk to Israelis who decided to leave Israel.

It is easy to say that Zionism is a fraud but the hard cold facts scream - Zionism is a fraud.

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by BRAVO949

You seem to know a lot of the background information on this, do you know who was filming? Part of me was surprised that the film wasn't confiscated. I have heard many stories of the Israeli authorities destroying pictures and videos that are filmed if they deem it a possible public relations nightmare.

The person filming is lucky they were not also arrested.

edit on 18-12-2011 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 04:29 PM
So let me get this straight:

Western journalists are beaten and raped christians are being murdered right and left and we are suppose to get outraged when a young kid acts like an idiot and is told to produce id?

Yeah alrighty oh the horror the horror and this is only an issue because he's a "Jewish American" running his mouth and he comes the ant Isreali anti US crowd to prop up that little puppet.

Nah nothing but defeaning silence about a great many other things that go on daily in the middle east.

Two thumbs down on my worthless meter

edit on 18-12-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Well, I do appreciate your reply. I'm still completely without reference as to what in the video or supporting information at YouTube (There really isn't any) gives us the detail necessary to open a map of Jerusalem or East Jerusalem and point to a specific street and a specific intersection to say 'There!...That is where this happened!'. Perhaps someone will come along later who can read the local signs in the background to at least give the name of one of the businesses we see. Any net directory site should map a street address for comparison to border and political boundaries from there.

I understand some people see every inch of land from the Red Sea to the Syrian and Lebanese borders as being illegally occupied by the State of Israel, but grand concepts of historic claims wasn't quite what I was putting effort into determining. You suggested he was in Palestine and I'm not sure. In a place where which side of the street one happens to stand on can make that difference...well... again, maybe someone else can supply location information on that.

Oh..and to address that last point you mentioned... No.. I don't see this as terrorism. I see this as a very spoiled American rich kid going to play rebel in a fight he neither understands nor has ANY place in walking into. If the Israeli Police hadn't bagged him, I'd have loved to see him go start trouble in Ramallah or Gaza City and see how he fancies treatment from Hamas Authorities or Palestinian Authority Police. I'll bet he'd be wishing with all his being he'd stayed under Israeli jurisdiction in short order.

I'd also note that reports of Israel's demise are insanely premature. It's like saying the United States is done for. Israel is having some severe problems with people in it's leadership...kinda like we are here...but writing off the entire nation full of people because some total jerks reached power for awhile is beyond harsh, eh?

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by CREAM
Holy crap?!?!? So if you dont support the occupation and live in Israel in public, they arrest you?

What a brave young man in the video. S&F
edit on 15-12-2011 by CREAM because: (no reason given)


#OccupyIsrael! ROFLMFAO!


Damn shame when folks "occupy" their own country, ain't it?

It's posts like these that keep me coming back to ATS - it's the comedic entertainment value!

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by CREAM
Holy crap?!?!? So if you dont support the occupation and live in Israel in public, they arrest you?

What a brave young man in the video. S&F
edit on 15-12-2011 by CREAM because: (no reason given)


#OccupyIsrael! ROFLMFAO!


Damn shame when folks "occupy" their own country, ain't it?

It's posts like these that keep me coming back to ATS - it's the comedic entertainment value!

I am talking about the occupation in Palestine.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
Only the shills resort to saying stuff like that and no one even bothers to pay them any attention.

The Christian Zionists who support Israel come back with a different opinion a lot of the time after they visit. I know a couple who have experienced this.

Seriously. This video has been around. He was asked for his docs and refused to produce them.

Show me your Paperz! Jetzt! Paperz!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

On the scale of all the trauma and violence the Israeli regime has enacted upon its neighbors, this is nothing.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
Only the shills resort to saying stuff like that and no one even bothers to pay them any attention.

The Christian Zionists who support Israel come back with a different opinion a lot of the time after they visit. I know a couple who have experienced this.

Seriously. This video has been around. He was asked for his docs and refused to produce them.

Show me your Paperz! Jetzt! Paperz!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

On the scale of all the trauma and violence the Israeli regime has enacted upon its neighbors, this is nothing.

I agree this is nothing compare to other things, but this shows how corrupt things have gotten there. If people don't understand why the "Paperz" mentality is a red flag, well I just don't understand what their deal is.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 07:14 PM

I have read several of your posts over the last few months.

You are not stupid.

Apparently you simply don't know why the Israelis are occupying Jerusalem and why the US government even though it supports Israel in virtually every way has stopped short of accepting Israel's occupation of Palestine as legitimate.

The US embassy in Israel is not in Jerusalem it is in Tel Aviv for that very reason.

Virtually every nation in the world is crystal clear on the fact that Jerusalem is an occupied city.

With regard to the details of how, why and when this young Jewish man like over 5,000 high profile Jews world-wide rejects Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza you will find a post a few pages back with a link to all the details.

I guess you have never been to the Middle East and speak no Arabic or Hebrew otherwise you would not have made the statements you made.

We can not all be experts on the Middle East.

As a primer watch this video of a beautiful, loving, caring, compasionate Jewish American woman talk about her experience in Israel.

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by BRAVO949

Well, I do appreciate your reply. I'm still completely without reference as to what in the video or supporting information at YouTube (There really isn't any) gives us the detail necessary to open a map of Jerusalem or East Jerusalem and point to a specific street and a specific intersection to say 'There!...That is where this happened!'. Perhaps someone will come along later who can read the local signs in the background to at least give the name of one of the businesses we see. Any net directory site should map a street address for comparison to border and political boundaries from there.

I understand some people see every inch of land from the Red Sea to the Syrian and Lebanese borders as being illegally occupied by the State of Israel, but grand concepts of historic claims wasn't quite what I was putting effort into determining. You suggested he was in Palestine and I'm not sure. In a place where which side of the street one happens to stand on can make that difference...well... again, maybe someone else can supply location information on that.

Oh..and to address that last point you mentioned... No.. I don't see this as terrorism. I see this as a very spoiled American rich kid going to play rebel in a fight he neither understands nor has ANY place in walking into. If the Israeli Police hadn't bagged him, I'd have loved to see him go start trouble in Ramallah or Gaza City and see how he fancies treatment from Hamas Authorities or Palestinian Authority Police. I'll bet he'd be wishing with all his being he'd stayed under Israeli jurisdiction in short order.

I'd also note that reports of Israel's demise are insanely premature. It's like saying the United States is done for. Israel is having some severe problems with people in it's leadership...kinda like we are here...but writing off the entire nation full of people because some total jerks reached power for awhile is beyond harsh, eh?

edit on 18-12-2011 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949

I have read several of you posts over the last few months.

You are not stupid.

Virtually every nation in the world is crystal clear on the fact that Jerusalem is an occupied city.

I guess you have never been to the Middle East and speak no Arabic or Hebrew otherwise you would not have made the statements you made.

We can not all be experts on the Middle East.

I appreciate, again, your time taken to reply to what I said. You're both right about me...and wrong. First is the most obvious and it's hardly a revelation. I don't speak either Hebrew or Arabic and I haven't been in the Middle East, let alone Israel proper.

Second where we're getting a little side tracked. We can certainly have a debate about the core issues and the political history of that land and the two peoples who have lived there at various ratios of population, since the days of Christ and before. That is what I'm studiously avoiding, not ignoring. I got no impression that Corruption Exposed particularly wanted his thread to become another in the endless threads dealing with the war of words and more between Jew and Arab.

Actually..I jumped into this thread because the whole incident was so intriguing, being American Jew vs. Israeli Jews. It happens, but not that often, and it's always of interest to see how my fellow countrymen conduct themselves far from our shores. It's in that very narrow scope I've been replying and discussing everything.

In that very narrow scope and focus, I can't see anything to admire and much to sadly sigh about in watching this example of a fellow countrymen in this example of behavior in a foreign nation......on Youtube...for the entire world to see. Sometimes, Americans do more harm to our national image than any foreigner or terrorist could dream of, and they do it with such a naive blundering around other people's countries as to make it hard to even feel outraged.

It's like picking on a special needs kid. It's just wrong. In this case... Well.. He couldn't have really appreciated his situation or the casual brutality those police are CAPABLE of, if pushed..and continued to act like he was. He's one of those which just leave me sad, I suppose.
If he wanted to protest, act like a fool and be arrested for it...he could have saved thousands and just joined Occupy, for as long as they'd tolerate him. Oh well... We all see events differently, eh?

Hey, while we are touching on Jerusalem, I will add one quick thing. IF anyone were to ask my opinion and care about my reply...
....I'd suggest Jerusalem be NEITHER Arab OR Jew in control. I believe the 1940's concept was an open and neutral city under United Nations control in perpetuity. Whether that was the specific plan or not, that IS an awfully good one in concept. In the mean time...SOMEONE has to 'Occupy' Jerusalem and keep basic law and order while the lights stay on. Given all I've seen and all I know, I'd sure prefer that be an Israeli than a Palestinian wearing a uniform, carrying a gun and eyeing me with suspicion.

edit on 18-12-2011 by Wrabbit2000 because: reduced quote size.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

You made a lot of good points, great post, but I believe the Palestinians are just as capable as being peaceful watchers of Jerusalem. There are a lot of Israeli extremists, not just the IDF but the settlers too.

Jewish Extremists Attack Christmas Carolers

Of course this is just a small minority, just like it's a small minority of Palestinians who are extremists. I do like your concept of it being mutual though. But that's easy for me to say because I have no religious connection with the area compared to a Jew or Muslim.

The fact that this whole video happened in illegally Occupied East Jerusalem should be enough to get people thinking about the whole root cause of the issue.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

He's in a country, speaking out against that country, and the country is not America, so the 1st Amendment doesn't apply here, and you're calling out that country for it? Are you also going to post threads on China, North Korea, Russia, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran on how they shut down "free speech"? Or is this yet another "let's bash Israel" thread?


posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 08:28 PM
The 1967 War is not ancient history, if that is what you are trying to implicate.

The cause and the course of the 1967 War is not controversial either. As I said here six times. The land the young brave, honest Jewish American is standing on is occupied by a force that you might like but as far as I know not a single country on the planet agrees is legitimate and this planet agrees on virtually nothing so that is really saying something.

Again - I am glad you can admit you don't know much about Israel because Jewish Americans in conflict with the racist, Apartheid policies of Israel is quite common. If you do not know that then maybe undoing the TV remote lock on FOX News might be an idea.

I am damn proud of this American kid. If we had a million of them out in the world people would kneel down and kiss the feet of Americans world-wide.

I hope you actually watch these videos so you know what is really going on.

Here is a group of American Jews we can be proud of as Americans or as human beings.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 08:37 PM
This seems so difficult to understand for some of you.

He - is in a country (Palestine) and he is speaking out for the people of the country (Palestinians) and a group of men who have no legitimate right to be there Israelis, let along the right to arrest anyone, let alone act violently against anyone are attacking him.

If you can not understand this simple situation then why comment on this thread and make yourself look silly?

The US government does not recogonise the right of these police / border quards to even be where the yong honest man is standing.

I get the feeling that if Mexican police crossed the border into the US and arrested a man from Germany who was supporting Americans that you would be outraged - right.

Think out of the box for a minute, would ya?

Originally posted by The Old American
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

He's in a country, speaking out against that country, and the country is not America, so the 1st Amendment doesn't apply here, and you're calling out that country for it? Are you also going to post threads on China, North Korea, Russia, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran on how they shut down "free speech"? Or is this yet another "let's bash Israel" thread?


posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I am Christian Zionist [ that is- I believe all the promises to Israel as God's nation in the Bible ] from Canada and agree- the cops over there can be wacko- I hold the Knesset parties responsible. They hire a lot of Russian immigrants who are neither Jews or beleivers and carry violent Russian police baggage. My Israeli friends dont trust them.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:31 AM
Happy Holidays!

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 04:56 PM
Another Israel bashing thread, great

LOL i have had a far worst done to me for being loud & vocal in a night club in my home town i don't see what the big fuss is here,

As far as i can see the police was fair until he ignorantly refused to had them his passport, bit heavy handed sure, but he was putting up a fight and continuing to be none compliant, but thats about as much as i can see wrong with this video, he had the wrong attitude and looked desperate to get his point across in the wrong place & time,

moving on

edit on 19-12-2011 by BRITWARRIOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 05:34 PM


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