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Muslim women must show faces when taking citizenship oath

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posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:13 AM
Hey, i just read today "24 Hour Toronto", there was an update on the issue, it seems a lot of muslims, including Women activists and Muslim Congress are in favour of it, saying that "this is something good that government did", although u have the extremist jumping up and down about their household item given more rights

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:16 AM
I agree with most posters here. Canada has given in to muslims for too long now. My wife works at an elementary school in a area where a lot of muslims live. They no longer have Halloween (it is black and orange day), they no longer have Christmas (it is red and green day).

HOWEVER, my wife's cousin is currently working in Saudi Arabia and she had to abide by all their rules, etc which is rightly so because she is in their country! Muslims or other religions who CHOOSE to live in Canada should suck it up and live by our rules. It's been Halloween for years and Christmas for years, why change it now to make the MINORITY happy?

It's also come out lately that immigrants are bringing in translators to pass the immigration test when it is law that you must know english or french to gain Canadian citizenship. Canada is trying to be friends to everyone and they are neglecting people who were born and raised Canadian.
edit on 13-12-2011 by Matt93 because: grammar and spelling

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
how often do you see ANYONE walking into a bank, wearing a burqa?

Philadelphia PA - head to toe black flowing robes with face coverings. Not those blue burqas from Afghanistan, but still - full head to toe coverings. I see it a bunch. In Northern Delaware too. If people wear that getup on the street and in the stores, then I'm sure they wear them in banks and in post offices and to their kids schools, etc etc ...

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by luciddreamalthough u have the extremist jumping up and down about their household item given more rights

Quite a few men I know are horribly affronted at the message that these political activists are sending about them.

Which is, all the men here are just ready and waiting to be rapists and jump at any opportunity they might see to rape and pillage girls over 13. You know, unless some male is escorting them and they are covered from head to toe to fend off the lusting pirating ways.

I don't blame them for being offended. That this nonsense is promoted about the men around me offends me.
edit on 2011/12/13 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:27 AM
Living in Scarborough Toronto, among lot of muslims, and other cultures. i only seen 1 full gowned person in TD Bank, but it(dont know if its man or women!) was with a man.

Please stop putting all "minority" and all "immigrants" in the same category, some actually come here as doctors and other qualified careers.

Sometimes it is also offensive to put, such as middle eastern(including pakistan) in the same category as south asians, since they hated each others for over 1600 years and have totally different cultures(including treatment of others and others culture) and religions. That not saying everyone from either of the side are 100% gems or 100% charcoal.
edit on 12/13/2011 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by luciddream

They do. As such, they are smart enough to know that there are limits. Some of them are smart enough to try a variety of methods to effect a conversion effect for their cause and be good at it.

At what point did Hindus ever effect any large scale empires aimed at conversion? Never. So while I may have some concerns about bringing too many at once who have old school beliefs, I am over all less concerned about them. They've proven to be pretty decent at integration for the most part.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:36 AM
I seem to be one of the few that think are country is going to rat sh&@ !! I seriously hope ww3 comes and sooner the better ! I hate to think my grandchildren have to grow up and live with all the crap that's coming !!!

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by rick004
I seem to be one of the few that think are country is going to rat sh&@ !! I seriously hope ww3 comes and sooner the better ! I hate to think my grandchildren have to grow up and live with all the crap that's coming !!!

We just need stricter laws on how much freedom someone gets to express their religion (referencing to unlimited mosques popping up in every intersections), of course that also includes no special treatment for certain religions over other.

I seen Fridays where all the streets are blocked up with cars on the side, all the spots in my parking lot(at work) are taken up for the worshippers, and the parking lot guard (i guess) has the balls to tell me "you can't enter here, we are full", i was like " I WORK HERE" in a hard tone... oh and don't talk about schools, im glad i finished school, but some religion gets more way more privileges to a point where cafeteria was gonna turn into a prayer room....of course it didn't get to that point.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:53 AM
a thumb print would do
this is just a religious harrassement designed to cause division in the population to make sure that attention is diverted from the agenda which has ALL the religions and political ideologies destined for extinction in preperation for pedophile globalist luciferian rule...

edit on 13-12-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:59 AM
From what I understand, the headscarves/body coverings are NOT for religious reasons. They are PURELY cultural.

And I am of the opinion that if you are doing "business" in a court, bank, or other government-based institution who needs to verify your identity, then it won't kill you to take the gear off.

You're not allowed in a bank with a ski-mask here in Canada (even in -38 degree weather), so a full face covering is ALSO a no go..

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:04 AM
It's about time someone had the cajones to stand up against
this PC madness.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by luciddream

It's much too late now !! We have given away our rights !! In Ottawa Schools you won't find a school having a Christmas play or concert and alot of school cafeterias are converted into muslim prayer rooms ! God forbid that we offend anyone !!! Bullsh$& !!!

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by rick004
reply to post by luciddream

It's much too late now !! We have given away our rights !! In Ottawa Schools you won't find a school having a Christmas play or concert and alot of school cafeterias are converted into muslim prayer rooms ! God forbid that we offend anyone !!! Bullsh$& !!!

Scale back the attack rhetoric. It doesn't play in Canada.

There are unacceptable accomodations. Expecting prayers to be set up, and then expecting public schools to enforce that menstruating girls can't participate is not okay. I agree with you.

You need to say it in a way that penetrates the brains of Canadians, and lots of !!!!!!!!!!!!! doesn't do it.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Aeons

You're probably right ! But it's very frustrating knowing that there's nothing that can be done ! Perhaps vote in an Iman , get it over and done with and bring them all over and we can start over in the middle east !

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by rick004
reply to post by Aeons

You're probably right ! But it's very frustrating knowing that there's nothing that can be done ! Perhaps vote in an Iman , get it over and done with and bring them all over and we can start over in the middle east !

Currently, there is quite a bit to be done. Being very clear with the NDP and Liberals, and some Conservatives, that there is a limit and they are stepping over it with their immigration policies is a message that can be heard.

They like to tell us all that we are very open - and that is true. Within reasonable limits, and those limits are not being respected. To some this means that they simply need to attack Canadians more.

I'd say that there are probably 50% or more Canadians who are noticing that they don't like the population mix they are starting to see. And frankly, this is OUR home. We are allowed to define the parameters of it.

We, not parties, not bureaucrats. Us.

Now the NDP and maybe some Liberals will try to spin this as "evil Conservatives" or "Alberta" being racist. That's their usual stance.

I'll remind you that Quebec separtists have generally not been happy with the use of multiculturalism. That in some parts of Ontario, people are finding that all the young people are not born Canadians and this number is increasing. Wanting some balance isn't unreasonable.

I think that they need to be reminded that they are REPRESENTATIVES of people who LIVE HERE. That people who are concerned are also generally quite happy with their multi-ethnic neighbours, and therefore having their concerns dismissed as them being rabid xenophobes or racists is likely to make them disaffected.

The boomers are going to die off, and the legacy of a problematic population mix won't be their problem. So having them lecture when they aren't looking at the full picture but are stuck on their 1970s political message is getting tiring.

When specific groups start pushing political agendas which are not compatible, we are completely within our rights to set down a limit.

Middle ground is already in Canadian society, laws, bureaucracy and culture. Islam is welcome to adapt itself to survive in it.
edit on 2011/12/13 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Excellent post ! But what can the average Canadian do to keep our country Canadian ?

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Well now that is the grind isn't it? When two of the three parties currently says that *you* don't define Canadian, they do?

Parties that are feeling left in the cold for power, who notice that a redirection of their rhetoric to be inclusive and still get the advantage of defining themselves as fine protectors of Canadian values and legal boundaries, respecting Canada's inherent regionalism and nationalism could be a very useful tool. Perhaps one of the Parties could be reminded what the taste of power feels like, and find a reason to rethink a few points.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by rick004

How often do you see a woman walking into a bank wearing a burqa? And what is the difference between a hijab and the head coverings worn by Hutterites? Or for that matter, what's difference between a hijab and a toque? They only cover the hair.

Don't know about Canada but in Dewsbury , England there are burkha wearers everywhere, constantly all day long all shops and BANKS.

FYI, a couple of years ago some extremists tried to blow up the public and one of them was caught in an airport wearing......a burkha !

We don't allow kids in shops wearing hoodies so why should muslim women be exempt? There are far far more places on this earth that accept burkhas so why not emigrate to those countries.

FYI : moderate muslims are very bit against this as non muslims. So stop the PC c..p you are playing into the hands of the extremists who would curtail your freedom in an instant.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by malcr

The problem as well is You never hear the moderate Muslims speaking out against the extremists so it makes me wonder who's side are they on ?

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 08:24 PM
As far as i'm concerned, regarding facial coverings, every sensitive area in the country should not allow facial coverings of any kind, ever.

You try to go into a bank (or government building, or other sensitive place) with a burqa on, you have the option to take it off and then enter, or refuse to take it off and turn around and leave. If you get whiney about it, "Hoss" gets to physically throw you out on your ass, where you can then choose to take it off and try again, or leave.
Same with hoodies and other crap that covers the face.

Just my two cents..


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