reply to post by fnpmitchreturns
Theres no way that thing was shot down,see any marks on it? i was it brought down? without scratches? without dents? without any burn
marks? no large parts broken off ? that drone weighs thousands of pounds and is more than 50ft across,if it was shot down,or electronically
jammed,either way,it still would have had to fall out of the sky from at least a couple of hundred feet up,so whats really going on here?
Theres no way that Iran has the remote computer controls needed,and theres no way,China Or Russia,who just happened to have teams of computer
technicians hanging around inside Iran exactly as this USA drone flew by?technicians that know exactly how to replicate controlling the inner
mechanisms of the drones hardware and software? has the remote computer control hardware needed to jam out the USA's signals "and" safely land it...No
Hmmmm? Soooo...what are we left with?...
USA purposefully lands the drone on Iranian soil...
Then USA pumps up their media to say that the Iranians did it...
Next orchestrated incident that will amp up everyones anger and rage will be something like a USA troop helicopter being shot down into...guess
where?...of course...where else?...Iran...
And then all the USA military needs after that is a nice little Gulf of Tonkin false flag type incident and...whattta ya know...public support!...
Then we'll suddenly have another fabricated enemy,another countries people demonized enough to test our new weapons on,more cannon fodder for the war
machine slaughter...
Only problem this time,Russia or China or Pakistan,or perhaps all of them,wont just hang around on the side lines,unless of course the USA gives them
lots of hush money,a few billion dollars each of USA citizen extracted tax money,billions more extorted from the American worker,from the soon to be
extinct American Middle Class, who will be threatened with prison if they dont willingly comply.That kinda cash should keep the military leaders and
government officials of those countries drowning in booze,hashish and kidnapped harem whores long enough to keep them out of the way of the USA's war
And all of us closer to doomsday...
Imagine this hell on earth scenario exploding all over the Middle East...
United States, Israel, England [i'm having a hard time thinking of any other country that would cash in dead soldiers and maybe civilians to help the
USA? okay,lets throw in Canada,maybe?], France? they'll side with the bad guys in a heart beat,whoever gives them the easiest ride,like they did in
ww-2,France economy was never so productive as they were with the Nazis,Egypt,meaning Muslim Egypt? helping the USA in this kind of situation?,no
Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Iraq [yeah them again], Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan[still], North Korea[again] and
Turkey [why not turkey? they border Iran and hate the USA] all those countries,even the not so advanced ones,would be able to send in overwhelmingly
vast numbers of troops...
Will that be WW-3 ?...Yes...When will WW-4 be fought ? about a thousand years...and the USA as a country will be a distant memory long before
edit on 12-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)