posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 04:43 PM
I'm hearing a lot of laughter with lots of laughing icons. But they all seem to be missing the biggest point in this matter. Iran successfully
jammed our remote control signals and took control of a U.S. top secret drone safely landing it intact. IMO; that could only have happened with
Russian assistance. Has anyone wondered why Iran has been strutting back 'n forth with their chest out for so long, making threats against Israel &
the West? Maybe it's because Russia has been providing them with nuclear technology and Russian scientists and technicians helped build the Iranian
reactors. Consider the following question: The RQ-170 had a self-destruct mechanism to prevent its secrets spilling out to the enemy in the event of
a crash or capture. This did not happen - why? Obviously, the Iranians were able to override that command sequence and steal the drone almost
completely without damage preventing it from self-destructing. This is a giant threat to U.S. military superiority. What else can Iran jam, over
ride and steal or disable? Guided missiles? Nuclear Subs? The U.S. has become so intoxicated on their supposed technological superiority that they
continuously fail to keep top secrets, secret. Why should Russia, China or anyone else spend billions to develop weapons, when they can steal the
plans to ours? May I suggest that we not lose sight of Iran’s big brother’s Russia and China standing behind Iran? Consider the following:
“Reports suggest as many as 1,000 Russians are in Bushehr to operate the power station. They will fill key roles in the plant's administration,
including the site's security, say diplomats familiar with the project.” Retired Russian intelligence officials and IAEA officials familiar with
Bushehr point out that:
• The containment domes covering the two nuclear reactors have been so hardened that they could withstand a direct hit by a 747. This would make an
aerial attack such as Israel's strike on Iraq's Osirak reactor ("Operation Opera"-June 1981) ineffective, says IAEA sources.
• The completed and reinforced domes are clearly visible in satellite photos from several imaging companies.
• The IAEA explains the only way to penetrate such hardened domes likely would be to use a tactical nuclear weapon, something neither the U.S. nor
Israel is likely to employ.
• The presence of Russian technicians could also complicate any military campaign to hit Bushehr.
• Satellite photos of the Bushehr complex revealed the presence of several Chinese-made fast patrol boats docked at the city's main port. Such
boats could provide Iran with a means to counter any prospective naval attack by the U.S. or Israel, say Russian military sources. It is believed that
the patrol boats likely are accompanied by Chinese "naval advisers." In addition to the boats, CIA sources confirm the presence of Chinese-made
Silkworm surface-to-surface missiles on the coast near Bushehr.
• Late model Russian surface-to-air missiles (S-300s) are also believed to have been installed on the complex's perimeters. Some of the batteries
are believed to be staffed by Russian personnel. Overall, Bushehr, it appears, will be guarded by an array of anti-aircraft, anti-ship missiles and a
small flotilla of naval vessels, making it one of the most heavily defended sites in the Persian Gulf, explained a retired U.N. official familiar with
the region.
Ever since Israel & Iran began this latest round of sabre rattling, ATS posters have been scornful towards Iran as a serious potential threat to U.S.
security. Most posters felt that outside of dirty bombs or suicide bombers already in American sleeper cells would be about all Iran could do to us.
Well, I suggest that we all reconsider our over confidence in underestimating our enemy here. Anyone that underestimates a threat or potential enemy
is a fool. Any Islamic regime is extremist and as such, willing to die for their ideals. How many men would turn down the opportunity to die a
martyr, if that mean going to Paradise with a dozen young virgins waiting to fulfill their every wish? I would suggest that Iran is a serious threat
because of their religious fanaticism, inbred hatred for Israel and the West and links to super powers like Russia and China. With China’s
voracious appetite for oil, they are most likely poised to get involved militarily to stake their claim to as much Mid-East oil as possible, as is
Russia. Many people believe that both Russia and China will at some point invade Israel. IMO; for that to happen, America would need to be
neutralized as an Israeli ally and threat first. I would hope that Americans would not be so smug to think that this nation is still number one and
invincible. We do have the edge is some military aspects, but we are certainly not the supreme king of the hill any more. What weakens us even more
is our intoxicated self-delusion that we are still number one.