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NASA debunks every 2012 conspiracy under the sun...

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posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Sartori
I can never understand why people still believe that the Mayans could have predicted these things. Yes the Mayans knew things, they knew lots of things, but the concept of being about to predict something for so long ago, so godsdamn precisely with only very basic tools (compared to our own) just makes no sense.

Kind of how they could build a pyramid, so goddamn percisely with only very basic tools, hey?

The fashion in which their life was conducted based on their perception of whole energy, magnetism and how other forces work, at a glance is just astounding. It's hard to even talk about a civilization so far into the past with any kind of certainty whatsoever, but from pyramid builders alike around the world it seems that they had some knowledge of how energy worked. We conduct our lives in the reaches of our mind, to the reaches of a home or building, to nature, and then finally to what's 'above', when it should probably be the opposite way around.

Who knows what we'll end up calling this energy or understanding when we find it, if we haven't already, but clearly it was a force that took some intellectual means to reach - assuming it was homo-sapiens who did all of this.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by murkraz

Kind of how they could build a pyramid, so goddamn percisely with only very basic tools, hey?

It sounds like your argument is that you don't understand basic principles of how this was possible so you are pretending that others are also lacking in basic knowledge. That is not a good way to think. You might begin by asking how certain issues were worked out instead of relying on dolts that suggest even modern technology could not do trivial tasks.

The fashion in which their life was conducted based on their perception of whole energy, magnetism and how other forces work, at a glance is just astounding.

There is no need to understand gravity or magnetism or any of this other stuff you allude to to build a ziggurat or anything else of size. Look around you and ask if people need to understand P-N junctions to text or to post on forums.

To suppose that information had to come from aliens is simply laughable. Why would anyone think that aliens would be needed to teach anyone how to stack blocks?

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyTruth

"There's no evidence whatsoever that Nibiru exists," Yeomans said. Notions that it might be hiding behind the sun are unfounded, as "it can't hide behind the sun forever, and we would've seen it years ago," Yeomans said.


There are records of a solar "super-storm" striking the Earth in 1859. Although that caused little damage back then, there are fears that such a storm would inflict much more harm now that our world is far more dependent on electronics. Still, "there is no evidence that one will happen on Dec. 21 next year," Yeomans said. It's impossible to predict solar activity that far out, and even an extremely strong solar storm wouldn't likely bring the apocalypse that some fear.

Have at it!

I worry about our future weather on this planet but don't really know if NASA has predicted any upcoming apocalyptic disasters... I do think there's more to solar activity that this article implies, though, for sure, as that's one thing I've been following very closely and it looks like we're due for some epic happenings there...

By the way, anyone seen Melancholia yet? Let's just say, Lars Von Troyer has been researching this stuff like the rest of us.

Yes, because NASA has been so forthcoming and HONEST for so many years...FAIL

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Destiny777

Once again I'm going to bring up Elenin and 2005 YU55. We were told we were going to die for almost a year straight and that NASA was lying about the truth, yet here we are. Let's face it NASA has a much better track record than conspiracy theorists.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:10 AM

It sounds like your argument is that you don't understand basic principles of how this was possible so you are pretending that others are also lacking in basic knowledge. That is not a good way to think. You might begin by asking how certain issues were worked out instead of relying on dolts that suggest even modern technology could not do trivial tasks.

I was saying that the Mayans were great astronomers and that they shouldn't be written off so easily. Platonic structures and the forces of magnetism have been called upon with interest based on the positioning and repeated appearance of platonic references (flower of life - abydos), petroglyphs, crop circles, etc, embedded globally (see the movie Thrive) in some attempt to get to understand at least some portion of how energy works and how matter could be manipulated, which was no doubt a daily obsession for those living beneath the stars.

Coral Castle was originally located in the town of Florida City. The site was later moved to Homestead, FL. The site consists of 10 acres completely surrounded by 8′ high coral blocks, tightly constructed without the use of cement between them. Each of these blocks weigh over 20 tons. Edward Leedskalnin the engineer/builder did this work all by himself even though he was a very small man – 5 feet tall, weighing only 100 pounds. He did not own tall, heavy cranes which engineers use today to construct buildings. He was asked: Why did you do it? ‘Someday, my Sweet 16 will come,’ was always his response.

Science investigators suggest that Leedskalnin somehow learned the secret of the “world grid,” an invisible pattern of energy lines surrounding the Earth which concentrates points of telluric power where they intersect. It was here, at one of these intersections of Earth energy, that he was supposedly able to move his prodigious stone blocks using the unseen power of our planet.

I understand the basic principles to a degree, not an expert, and the possibility that many of these structures would have totally been possible without modern technology, but the likely hood in some cases seems to dwindle the more and more history books incessantly insist on such inferior methods and resources in such a mocking pale comparison to what we're actually processing, like, holes perfectly bore in Egypt that could not be achieved to our knowledge without what we have at present, but it is what it is regardless.

There is no need to understand gravity or magnetism or any of this other stuff you allude to to build a ziggurat or anything else of size. Look around you and ask if people need to understand P-N junctions to text or to post on forums.

Well, clearly not because a system is in place which offers us an interface beyond those junctions. The basics of building a ziggurat is a bit different then suggesting say, off the Mayans for a sec, the Great pyramid, which was built within a time-frame that would have insisted upon placing a 40 ton stone every 2 seconds, then being 1 inch off the next phenomenal giant. There are just too many different references to sew into one post where energy input/output in its own vast sea had to have had a conscious and intellectual basis from some source - I'm interested in this source, be it a man, talking silhouette or spiritual intrusion, whatever you want to call it.

To suppose that information had to come from aliens is simply laughable. Why would anyone think that aliens would be needed to teach anyone how to stack blocks?

Stack blocks? If you wanna look at it in such mundane terms, but I'm speaking of the energy in which flowers immerse themselves in, the energy and frequencies that are all around that we cannot see that things supposedly depend on. Forces of nature in it's rawest form.

I didn't directly say it had to be aliens. Not saying it was a Grey or inter-dimensional being, but I don't quite understand what's wrong with suggesting that forces that we cannot comprehend had a presence in the past or was made available by the deeply analytical nature of these people around the world. Our senses are so limited, we rest within such a limited frequency... so why be so distanced from all other options living in such a reality that it is. I don't even want to be argumentative, I just like suggesting different ideas that intrigue me at my core and I know that some here are intrigued by.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by murkraz

The Mayans were definitely able astronomers in the realm of unaided eye astronomy. What they did not understand is orbits and space and the existence of galaxies and nuclear fusion and Uranus and Neptune and much about comets, and gravity, etc.

Platonic solids are limited. There are only a few. It is a simple exercise to show that the number is limited. The Greeks worked out the process thousands of years ago. Just because installation artists make crop circles and use anything in particular in a design does not make those motifs any more special.

The Coral Castle was built by a man using typical construction tools. The so-called investigators are nothing more than charlatans pretending that something special happened there. There are photographs of him using devices such as block and tackle. These charlatans pretend that some mystery exists. There is no mystery except how easily the gullible fall for these hoax tales.

I understand the basic principles to a degree, not an expert, and the possibility that many of these structures would have totally been possible without modern technology, but the likely hood in some cases seems to dwindle the more and more history books incessantly insist on such inferior methods and resources in such a mocking pale comparison to what we're actually processing, like, holes perfectly bore in Egypt that could not be achieved to our knowledge without what we have at present, but it is what it is regardless.

The liars even claim at times that modern machinery could not move the blocks involved. They tell lies about many issues. The fact is that ancient people were as intelligent as we are today. They applied their intelligence to the use of the materials they had available and they solved complex problems.

There will be some liar in the future claiming we could not have built skyscrapers without ET or that Apple's founder was a shape shifting reptilian.

Well, clearly not because a system is in place which offers us an interface beyond those junctions. The basics of building a ziggurat is a bit different then suggesting say, off the Mayans for a sec, the Great pyramid, which was built within a time-frame that would have insisted upon placing a 40 ton stone every 2 seconds, then being 1 inch off the next phenomenal giant. There are just too many different references to sew into one post where energy input/output in its own vast sea had to have had a conscious and intellectual basis from some source - I'm interested in this source, be it a man, talking silhouette or spiritual intrusion, whatever you want to call it.

Let me remind you that you were the one claiming that these issues needed to be understood. Let me also remind you that the rate of block placement is far too high. You probably got that from some charlatan. You also should know that only a few of the blocks are of the size you state.

Stack blocks? If you wanna look at it in such mundane terms, but I'm speaking of the energy in which flowers immerse themselves in, the energy and frequencies that are all around that we cannot see that things supposedly depend on. Forces of nature in it's rawest form.

I have no idea what sort of hoax you are discussing now. Flowers utilize EM and only a small range of that spectrum.

I didn't directly say it had to be aliens. Not saying it was a Grey or inter-dimensional being, but I don't quite understand what's wrong with suggesting that forces that we cannot comprehend had a presence in the past or was made available by the deeply analytical nature of these people around the world. Our senses are so limited, we rest within such a limited frequency... so why be so distanced from all other options living in such a reality that it is. I don't even want to be argumentative, I just like suggesting different ideas that intrigue me at my core and I know that some here are intrigued by.

The problem here is that you are tossing out unfounded ideas for no apparent purpose. There are a few basic forces and no others. Ancient people did not have access to unknown forces. Such claims are made by hoaxers and swindlers that take the money from the gullible.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by defcon5

If not, you’ll probably not notice anything if it does a complete pole flip, outside a change in compasses as stated.

I think the toilets would reverse flow also? You might notice that.
While I do believe some theories that there may have been another planet or two in our solar system at the beginning, they were expelled by Jupiter and to never return.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by mugger

The direction of flow of a sink or toilet or other basin is not due to the Coriolis effect. It is due to the shape of the basin and the pipes leading into and out of the basin.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Not entirely true that birds use magnetic north to migrate or navigate...take a look at this...

To find the location that houses the magnetic compass, Mouritsen and his colleagues caught 36 migratory European robins and made sure that the birds could all orient correctly under natural and induced magnetic fields. Next, the researchers performed surgeries on the birds to deactivate one of the two systems. The team either severed the nerve that connects the beak cells to the brain, or damaged the brain cells in cluster N that receive light signals from cells in the eye.

Birds with the severed beak-to-brain nerve — called the trigeminal nerve — still oriented perfectly, Mouritsen says. “No information from those iron crystals could get to the brain, but the birds oriented just as well,” he says, suggesting that the beak cells are not important for orientation.

On the other hand, birds with damaged cluster N regions could no longer sense and orient to magnetic fields. These robins failed to pick up both the Earth’s natural magnetic field and the artificial fields created by the researchers.

The new study “nicely confirms that the trigeminal nerve is not involved in this direction sensing,” says John Phillips, a neuro-ecologist at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. “This is an important advance in what we know about these systems.”

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

NASA accurately predicting an asteroid orbit doesn't prove that it's trustworthy, not one bit! I suspect NASA is indeed some sort of PR front rather than our "real" space agency, and so it's understandable for people to jump at every conspiracy theory about the institution (and even eat up potential "psych-op" theories planted by the disinfo network). Just because the people get it wrong sometimes, doesn't mean NASA can be trusted. Just that they're actively looking for the lies, and that those lies are very hard to find.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by ConspiracyTruth

NASA makes lots and lots of predictions. It's not one asteroid. It's not one solar cycle. There are predictions concerning tens of thousands of known objects in the solar system. There are predictions on meteor showers and planets and the moon. There are predictions on solar activity and its impact on us. The fact is that NASA is correct and conspiracy lovers are wrong 100% of the time when it comes to space issues.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Of course NASA can predict everything, they have all the cards !!!! To say that then implies they're telling you everything is naive - whether or not a conspiracy theorist or astronomer has any chance at discovering what they are hiding is a whole other issue entirely. They don't have access to said cards. And when people do come forward with real proof that NASA hides stuff, they just get discredited in the media: Having trouble finding the name of that secret military space program that is now common knowledge from the 1960s...but maybe someone else can find a link!

Our government thrives with its complicated chaotic miles of bureaucracy and secrecy here on Earth - why we'd expect to get the full story from our space agency is amazing to me! Even though we know Project Blue Book didn't officially exist for a while, neither did Area 51, and meanwhile we've got the known National Reconnaissance Office

Meanwhile, we have natural disasters happening left and right that we know have their origins in outer space (EVERYTHING starts from the sun/from space), and NASA never ever gives us warnings before they happen.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by ConspiracyTruth

Of course NASA can predict everything, they have all the cards !!!!

NASA is but one organization from 1 nation.

You have provided nothing to support a claim that NASA is hiding anything. So now you point to a blog that provides nothing other than a hacker and his claims that something is being hidden. Again, no evidence that anything is being hidden.

Meanwhile, we have natural disasters happening left and right that we know have their origins in outer space (EVERYTHING starts from the sun/from space), and NASA never ever gives us warnings before they happen.

What does NASA not warn us about? More unsubstantiated claims?

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
The problem here is that you are tossing out unfounded ideas for no apparent purpose. There are a few basic forces and no others. Ancient people did not have access to unknown forces. Such claims are made by hoaxers and swindlers that take the money from the gullible.

Your post was a good read, I expected more hostility towards my unfounded ideas but what you wrote was decent. I can't say I agree that it's all hoax-based since there's too much to just casually write off. A lot of the questions and ideas I've dabbled in come from inside and are expressed by some individuals whom hate all the doom and gloom. While the ideas lack a true scientific basis, it still merits interest for me no matter how spiritual and unfounded.

I don't see how we could fathom such forces we cannot comprehend, like how Sagan put it. If we see two-dimensionally, a fourth dimensional being would see three-dimensionally. When I start knit-picking in such a realm of thought I cannot help but feel that there are forces that the human brain will not be able to process. I don't think it's that much of a stretch to say that these forces play a dominating role within the unknown.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by murkraz

Thanks for taking my comments so well. I have a tendency to be rather blunt.

There are interesting things to research, but these should be based on suggestions and not unsubstantiated guesses. For example, there is a place in Texas called Marfa. There have been tales of mystery lights for a long time. Are there such things as mystery lights? Possibly. On the other hand if you go to Marfa as I have done and view the lights you will see people pointing at obvious cars and declaring them mystery lights. I put a good set of binoculars on these lights in the night and noticed that all of the bright white lights were followed by red lights. It was headlights and tail lights. No mystery there. Just because most people visiting Marfa see mystery in the ordinary does not mean that something interesting does happen out there at times.

The pyramids were built by man. The coral castle was built by man. It is interesting how both were built using low tech, well compared to modern standards. These constructions are awe inspiring and show the ability of people to use their intelligence.

The con artist does not show intelligence. They claim that an ancient image is some modern object. Do they claim something is a flux capacitor or do they claim it is a light bulb? Is there a reason for doing this? Do they examine the context in which the material is found? No. Spaceships (as claimed by VonDaniken) in medieval paintings are simply illustrations of the Moon and Sun. The light bulbs claims for ancient Egypt do not consider that no wires, power sources, filaments, or glass pieces have been left behind.

Are there mysteries to find? Yes. No only are there mysteries, but these mysteries leave real tantalizing clues unlike the completely bogus junk tossed out by the hoaxers.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 11:50 PM
YEAH dont pay attention to this pay attention to this instead o0

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by ConspiracyTruth

Of course NASA can predict everything, they have all the cards !!!!

NASA is but one organization from 1 nation.

Here you are wrong, NASA really is from Germany. United Stated has nothing to do with NASA they are under their control Sir.


posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by thruthseek3r

You think that there is something to Nibiru other than a piece of fiction written by a hoaxer named Sitchin?

It is starting to becoming controversial and now Stereologist comes in, eh eh, just like I thought. I will investigate further and make the link between the Debunkers. I will one day know who is who and what is really going on this website.


posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by thruthseek3r

The difference between the magnetic field today and a decade ago is so small that it is hard to detect without good instrumentation. I can still orient well in the woods using maps with magnetic to true north differences printed from the 1950s. Not going to affect migration of animals.

Studies of paleomagnetism do not show any indication whatsoever that magnetic reversals are associated with any extinctions.

It is funny you still can because actually, the magnetism of earth is really screwed up to be honest. That is my opinion of course and be it true or not it is not on the MSM or here that somebody will really attempt to post the truth (I do even if I would have anybody debunking it). There is proof of pole reversal, it is happening right now and the birds are actually a good proof of this. In my area as I said earlier, there are massive group of birds flying around and regrouping where they weren't last year.

It is happening right now but I do not think anybody should complain nor fear anything about it. I understand you debunkers, want us to avoid propagating fear but the matter is everything happening right now on a global scale on mother earth will have to be revealed. You might not agree but humanity will soon need a major disclosure about what it's been lied.

Everything happening right now is just what should have happened is what should happen and I am saying this to you all ATSers. Do not let anybody tell you what is true or not without feeling it deep inside your gut. Debunkers are around the corner such as Stereologist, Xcalibur, Chadwickus, etc just to name a few. The fact is that even if it would be the same person or not, do not believe their words just because of a matter of good speechness.

I see this often, many sophism, people trying to push their arguments by overcome one with many (proofs), which often only go in a one way argument, or small comments without actually saying anything. It is also common that one may discredit another member opinion by pointing at his grammar or small mistake one make on the subject. This actually is a psychological association somebody makes, which does not mean the argument of the supposedly wrong member was less credible.

Anyways just covering a bit of what is happening on this site. I am not here for a clean up, a well developed structure is here and it is its owner choice to do so, it is their website. Although, will you as an individual fall in the category of the what I call automatic debunker of any controversial subject such as this very subject, magnetism of planet earth, the missing link between our ancestors and the modern man (key of who we really are as specie right now). Or will you find your own little truth hidden here and there and attempt to do what this website is "supposed" to be all about, denying ignorance?

Your take, truth is painful, but pain is inevitable somebody once said,


posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

For someone who claims that "debunkers" use tricks to convince people there sure was a lot of loaded rhetoric in that post. On the topic of the magnetic field... Could a pole reversal be in progress? Sure. They've happened before. However, they take thousands to tens of thousands years to be completed. On top of that, there are no mass extinctions related to pole reversals. The magnetic poles reversing is a natural process that doesn't seem to affect life on Earth in any way. I would classify this as fearmongering as you clearly didn't do any research on geomagnetic reversals yet are willing to make claims about them being a problem.

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