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*Inciting racial hatred?:* Can (extreme) Islam ever coexist with 'the west'?

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posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by looking4clues
Heres a couple stories you must have missed...I guess you're too busy getting along with them.

Your getting boring now,
If you read its "extremists", most muslims are against extremists. Islamic terrorists are not evening seen as muslims in their eyes.

Muslims are a key part to UK society, hard working citzens and majority help out in our business sector.

As i said before, what was your view on Islam before Sept.11th??

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by infinite
Your getting boring now,
If you read its "extremists", most muslims are against extremists. Islamic terrorists are not evening seen as muslims in their eyes.

Muslims are a key part to UK society, hard working citzens and majority help out in our business sector.

As i said before, what was your view on Islam before Sept.11th??


The Difference between Muslims and Islamic extremists is their level of ANGER! something bad happens and they wanna strap a bomb to themselves and Blow a crowd of people up.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by muppet
I hear they make children play with rattlesnakes and suffocate them in rugs to exorcize evil spirits in some areas of the deep south. I guess that must mean all American's think that way, right?

Not even close.
Ill be the first to tell you that putting ANYTHING poisonous in the hands of a child is just WRONG! We have idiots here as well, its just that the rest of us are not afraid to stand up and say they're idiots. Now if we could get the peacefull Muslims to do the same for thier idiots, my strong feelings would be quite passified! Untill then.......

By the way, I live in Kentucky. The snake handlers you are reffering to are located mostly in Appalachia and the surrounding poor areas. SMALL population of them. I would be willing to bet that there are no more than 1000 of these snake handler religeon worshipers. Also, I believe that they are more like Baptist. Meaning I think that they are Baptist with a different look on thier religeon than most. I would guarrentee you that if these snake handlers ever tried to bomb anything, or BEHEAD anyone, they would be disdained just like the muslim extremest.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by looking4clues
The Difference between Muslims and Islamic extremists is their level of ANGER!

Normal Muslims hardly get angery, most of them are very calm people. But Islamic extremists have a diffferent level of thinking.

As i keep saying, what was your view on islam before Sept 11th??

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by looking4clues
Heres a couple stories you must have missed...I guess you're too busy getting along with them.

One nutcase rent-a-quote agitator, and we should be afraid? Jeez.. I mean hey, what does a lifetime's personal experience count for when you've got the right-wing press telling you how to think?

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:10 PM
Every religion has its fair share of nutters and extremists, numerically speaking, extremists calling themselves christians have done a lot more killing than extremists calling themselves muslims.

Its just burying our heads in the sand to try and explain it all away as 'they are evil' or 'they hate freedom'. Or any other random warmaking catchphrase.

No, extreme Islam cannot coexist with the west, no extremist religious groups can.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:10 PM
Just to break the stalemate, most riots, membership of radical groups and terrorism is bourne of poverty and boredom. In Britain it was cool for a while on my council estate in the seventies to belong to the ICF, a football hooligan group. Bored teenagers would go aroung fighting and causeing trouble in the name of football. Young unemployed and bored asians now use their religion in the same way in whitechaple on a friday night. Any excuse for a fight. Around the world young people with no prospects and plenty of time on their hands look for someone to blame, The U.S and the west generally are an easy target. Once in these groups indoctrination magnifies the resentment.

Poverty is the real enemy. Look at the way the west controls trade and you can see we don't help the situation.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:12 PM
Muslim's in the west and Muslim's in the east sort of follow different variations of the same religion.

In the east (eg. Iraq) they are much more extremist, anti-west, anti-any other religion

In the west (eg. Britain) they are far more peaceful, pro-west, calmly discuss problems with other religions

Yes the western Muslims could do with more intergration, yes they could take more of a stand against the extremist muslim leaders in the east, but the majority in the west try to fit in.

We can learn things from them and they can learn things from us.

I myself have nothing against the western Muslims, but i have a great dislike for the extremist eastern variation of Islam.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:13 PM
nfinite, I found some info on these kids. They DONT do it to themselves. Parents cut them with swords or knifes. Heres a quote

Shiite Muslim child Mahmoud Slieman after his mother cut him with a sword during the annual ritual to mark Ashoura Day in the southern Lebanese town of Nabatiyeh, Tuesday March 2, 2004. Ashoura day marks the Shiite Muslim�s commemoration of the 7th century killing of their most revered Saint Imam Hussein. Al Hussein was a grandson of Islam�s prophet Mohammed and is a symbol of martyrdom for Shiites.

Here is the link:WARNING, GRAPHIC PICS!!

Sick People!

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:14 PM
According to extreme Islam, it can not. Eeryting about their beliefs tells themthat if you are not muslim you must die.

I don't think a lot of Muslims living in western countries believe this is right. Most of them have blended into our country wonderfully.

That being said, the problem I see with Muslims is the ones that live in the Middle East. They, for the most part, hae little to no interaction with westerners, and nothing but anger towards western civilization. Just turn on the news everytime they drag a dead body through the streets - there 'culture' not only allows this to happen, but actually embraces it. This is the part of the religion that needs to be utterly destroyed.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:17 PM

Sorry for the Blunt education... Islam is not a Race thus not Racism. There are words that do fit... please use correct words... Unless you of course are attaching a race to Islam, in that case you ARE the racist.

Correct it is not racism, if you fear Islam then it is called Islamophobia , but it is viewed as racism by Rights Groups and Discrimination Groups

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:21 PM
Responding to the edited...

Islam in general, can coexist peacefully with other religions just fine...and does so in numerous nations and communities....

EXTREME Islam, or MILITANT Islam, on the other hand, cannot coexist, as the very foundation is the interpretation of JIHAD as the active extermination of non-muslims. This branch of Islam is basically preaching the most drastic version of genocide....not just the destruction of one people, but of ALL peoples not of a like nature....

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:26 PM
Sorry guys ignore this wrong button pressed lol.

[edit on 7-9-2004 by Munro_DreadGod]

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
Just turn on the news everytime they drag a dead body through the streets

Well, these bodies getting dragged, before they were dead, they usually weren't there doing particularly nice things to the locals. Of course there is going to be massive built up rage against those seen as opressors and invaders. That has nothing to do with the religion.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Kano

Originally posted by American Mad Man
Just turn on the news everytime they drag a dead body through the streets

Well, these bodies getting dragged, before they were dead, they usually weren't there doing particularly nice things to the locals. Of course there is going to be massive built up rage against those seen as opressors and invaders. That has nothing to do with the religion.

I dont think Nick Berg did any thing bad to those people, unless it was to tell the truth! Not to mention the rest of the kidnapped CIVILLIANS. Thier bodies may not have been dragged through the streets, but the terrorist sure showed the whole world what happened to them with a video camera.And before I hear "Your not talking about terrorist", I am. I dont care if thier in Yemen, Iraq, Iran or where. If you do things like that, your a terrorist. Plain and simple.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:52 PM
I don't believe that Extreme Islam can ever exist in the West, the two cultures are not compatible. However i dont see why Islam can't exist in the West, i don't see normal muslims causing chaos or preaching hatred in the West. They want to live here just like everyone else so they can work, live, breathe just like the rest of us.

The extremists are the danger whether it be the BNP, Jihad, KKK, Neo-Nazis or whoever, they all need to be eradicated. Only then will we have true peace.

Perhaps if the moderate Muslims, Clerics and Imams would more openly protest against the extremist elements then maybe people would view Islam with more respect and less caution.

Another thing Europe, nor Britian nor the West as a whole will ever convert to Islam, it's too drastic a change i think people will stay as they are. That's just paranoi getting the better of you.

Originally by sminkeypinkey

In terms of trouble though, the world over, I would suggest the 'average' black man is the guy who suffers the most, not the 'average' white bloke.

Eh? Where do you get that from? Everybody suffers, suffering and pain doesn not discriminate between colour, religion or creed.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by UK Wizard
Yes the western Muslims could do with more intergration, yes they could take more of a stand against the extremist muslim leaders in the east, but the majority in the west try to fit in.

Here's a great example of trying to fit in... how about Change the law into Muslim Law!

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Looking4clues, you're obviously on a roll posting Republican war porn today so don't let me stop you,...


What's really disgusting is how you interject your own political agenda into everything. You praise such images in other threads when they are used in conjunction with some organization like or Michael Moore=on's mocumentary, but as soon as they don't support your position, you call them, "Republican war porn".

This thread isn't about the election, or either party. It's about radical Islam and its ability to coexist with the normal world.

As a moderator, I would expect something more of you...or should I?

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:59 PM
I think it has been made clear that "extreme Islam" embraces terrorism. Islam in general needs to get their factions in-line or be guilty of in-action.

How things are being handled currently by todays standard is what is in question. The civilized must eradicate the cancer (extreme Islam) which has infected Islam if Islam does not deal with it. The civilized keep asking Islam to deal with the problem and join the civilized. The question is, will they?

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
Thier bodies may not have been dragged through the streets

Well no, but the bodies through the streets thing clearly showed the emotion and hatred of the general populace (at least reasonably large groups of people). Spontaneous things.

The kidnappings and beheadings are a different thing, they are premeditated and carried out by a smaller group of people who are carrying out their own agenda. Different kettle of fish.

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