Originally posted by CB328
Because Obama isn't a republican, of course. Obama isn't that great, but he still isn't nearly as evil or destructive as a republican.
Of course RP isn't evil, but he wants to dismantle our country and doesn't even realize it would destroy our economy.
Oh, dear...
Okay, look, I don't want to come off as anything other than genuinely trying to help here,
but just from reading this quote right there,
I seriously think there are some fundamental flaws going on with your world view right now,
possibly due to lack of information (which is totally understandable)
but they need to be corrected before...well, before it's too late for this country/world.
For starters: This is NOT a "Republican" vs "Democrat" thing.
That whole two party system is a lie, a scam and a theatrical element to keep you/us distracted and versus one another.
BOTH political parties are DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY.
Not all, of course, but nearly every politician/lobbiest in DC is corrupt, bought out, paid for and a talking head for interests and agendas that have
nothing to do with our best interests as freedom loving human beings.
B) Both parties are currently destroying the dollar/economy. Actually, they are just allowing it to happen (either ignorantly or consciously), but it
is the FEDERAL RESERVE that is ruining our economy. Not the republicans, not the democrats, but ALL of them. We need to get them OUT. Ron Paul will do
C) Ron Paul is the only candidate who understands our Economy. Period. All anyone else see's are $$ signs reflecting in their own eyes. They want
money for THEM, not for YOU. Ron Paul will free this country from the slave masters that are The Federal Reserve, ie Central Banking.
D) You should probably watch THRIVE, a new documentary which will explain all of this much more thoroughly than I am able of doing here/now. You can
stream THRIVE for free here >>
I wish I could explain to you how important it is to understand these concepts. The American Politlical system is A LIE and it is DESIGNED to
purposefully strip our economy of ANY value, and YOU of ANY freedoms. We have to wake up. Obama is a puppet. He cares 0% for you or me or this
country. He serves an agenda (just like Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr, etc, etc) that extends well beyond the borders of America, and it is an agenda that
aims to tear down the constitution of this country.
Please watch the film.
(I'm sorry I sound so...intense? But, like...this is important X1000)