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The Reptilians And Insectoids Walk Among Us

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posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:27 PM
I just don't believe in "Reptilians and Insectoids" its just plain fiction in my eyes..There is no evidence or logical thought behind either..Im just not convinced of there existence..And blocula we don't know whats down there but i just don't believe there is entire civilizations of Insectoids and Reptilians its all fantasy B.S peace,sugarcookie1
Just my 2 cents

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
I just don't believe in "Reptilians and Insectoids" its just plain fiction in my eyes..There is no evidence or logical thought behind either..Im just not convinced of there existence..And blocula we don't know whats down there but i just don't believe there is entire civilizations of Insectoids and Reptilians its all fantasy B.S peace,sugarcookie1
Just my 2 cents
Heres some "no evidence" evidence and if you or anyone else takes the time to actually read through these reports of sightings and encounters by people who were brave enough to step forward and run the mainstreams gauntlet of ridicule and denial,you'll most likely begin to see this world in a different kind of light...

Praying Mantis Accounts >

Insectoid Abduction:The North Canol Road Incident >

Indiana Man Abducted By Reptilian Humanoid >

UFO Casebook...Insectoid Aliens >

The Greys And Reptilians May Be Interdimensional >

Encounter With Insectoids...December 1994 >

The insectoids are advanced bi-pedal insect entities that greatly resemble the praying mantis and or ants and they had 100's of millions of years to evolve into what people are seeing and encountering here and now...Insectoid Visits Haunt Californian >

The reptilians are literally advanced,bi-pedal,intelligent humanoid dinosaurs that also had 100's of millions of years to evolve into what people are seeing and encountering here and now...The Lizard Man Of Scape Ore Swamp >

One of the earliest reports of a Reptilian like being was that of Ashland,Nebraska police officer Herbert Schirmer, who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings with a slightly Reptilian appearance, who bore a "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of their chests >

The Hopi word for ant is anu.In the same language naki means friend,prayer feathers,food offerings,or sand,a nexus of concepts pertaining to this insect that sometimes flies.A combination of the two words,"anu-naki or ant friend" may be related to Sitchin’s Anunnaki...The Babylonian sky god was also named Anu...The Anthills of Orion > Ancient Star Beings of the Hopi >

The Mantis like creatures allegedly posess supernatural powers,have the ability to affect the weather,project their consciousness into people and are able to posess people.There are some indications that they may have certain para-physical characteristics...The Secrets Of Mojave >

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
I just don't believe in "Reptilians and Insectoids"...There is no evidence or logical thought behind either..

I know two very credible witnesses personally who have seen reptilians with their own two eyes.

I know one very credible witness personally who saw a praying mantis being/insectoid w/ her own two eyes.

Eyewitness accounts are direct evidence.
edit on 3-4-2012 by someotherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:58 AM
I have been watching and reading this thread since its birth and I have to say that I'm fascinated with the amount of information people have provided.

I have recently come to the conclusion that these beings are able to conceal their true identities because they have mastered quantum physics.

Here is a bit about quantum physics:

The theory suggests the existence of a state space (the set of all possible states of the universe), within which a smaller (fractal) subset of state space is embedded. This subset is dynamically invariant in the sense that states which belong on this subset will always belong to it, and have always belonged to it. States of physical reality are those, and only those, which belong to this invariant subset of state space; all other points in state space are considered “unreal.” Such points of unreality might correspond to states of the universe in which counterfactual measurements are performed in order to answer questions such as “what would the spin of the electron have been, had my measuring apparatus been oriented this way, instead of that way?”

Mainly focusing on reptilians and their so called ability to shape shift, what if they are able to manipulate state space? They appear as humans in our physical reality, but when they "change", they are part of the unreal space, which is exactly what some people consider them to be. Unreal. Fictional. Pixels.
The Internet consists of pixels, yet everyone believes it is real. Is it really? What if the "measuring apparatus" mentioned above is our eyesight?

When the electron spins and enables the shape shifting, whether on purpose or by accident, if someone witnesses this change, they are immediately laughed at. This disbelief in the "unreal" assists their agenda.
They are hidden in plain sight.

I realize that quantum physics/mechanics may not have anything to do with this, but I like pondering the idea anyways.
edit on 3-4-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by someotherguy
I have diligently brought together a lot of supressed and hidden pieces to this puzzle,hoaxed space programs, hundreds of billions of extorted tax dollars,underground atom bomb blast proof bunkers, reptilian and insectoid aliens below us and among us and the blue star final sign of the hopi indian prophecy and once all those pieces are joined together,they form an obvious image and it is horrible to behold its brutal truth and denying the reality of what tptb are aware of,denying whats been going on beneath our feet and denying the blue star asteroid or comet thats soon to appear in the sky and slam into earth,wont stop it from happening...

The Nine Signs Of The End Times Hopi Indian Prophecy >

The Anthills Of Orion,Ancient Star Beings Of The Hopi >

Cheyenne Mountain,Underground Atom Bomb Blast Proof Bunker Complex >

Moon Landing Hoax,The Photographic Evidence >
edit on 3-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by Afterthought
Hi Afterthought,your ideas about the reptilians and insectoids mastering quantum physics is amazing to contemplate and i believe you are correct.

The Mantis like creatures allegedly posess supernatural powers,have the ability to affect the weather, project their consciousness into people and are able to posess people.There are some indications that they may have certain para-physical characteristics...The Secrets Of Mojave >

edit on 3-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by blocula

Thank you for contemplating my ideas and finding that they may be relevant to this mystery.

The Mantis like creatures allegedly posess supernatural powers,have the ability to affect the weather,project their consciousness into people and are able to posess people

Sounds like a Type III civilization to me.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by blocula

...The Mantis like creatures allegedly posess supernatural powers,have the ability to affect the weather,project their consciousness into people and are able to posess people.There are some indications that they may have certain para-physical characteristics...

Hi blocula,

While I am a bona fide eyewitness of a very large Reptoid, I have no personal experience supporting the reality of Insectoids. However, and despite allegations that the far more witnessed Alien Greys are biologically engineered mutant forms of reptoids, my impression is that they are an entirely different nature of beast. Those who gleaned information about their dissection have stated that they have gelatinous internal organs similar to those of insects. Furthermore, the EBE (extraterrestrial biological entity) which survived and was interrogated at length by the US Military in the 50's couldn't be treated by normal physicians or veterinarians, although they know how to attend to the health of both mammals and reptiles.

You mention that they have supernatural powers, but might I rectify that unless these powers are gained by using exotic technology, these would actually be SUPERHUMAN powers, which could be "natural" to them? The creature I witnessed, which was very impressive physically, worried me a lot more by its ability to Psych Out anything. It's telepathic power was very pervasive, detecting anything going on about it within a distant range (I sensed I was within its mental grasp at about 200-feet) and transmitting vivid sensory images, smells and sounds to our minds from far away. Their abilities are awesome and definitely SUPERHUMAN, meaning far above those of Humans. If the Insectoids can do even more awesome things, such as create an artificial reality in our minds and transport our experience to another realm, then we're really up against something!


posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by blocula

When you stated this:

project their consciousness into people and are able to posess people

my mind immediately zeroed in on media, TV, and advertisements.
They know exactly how to trigger our reptilian brains by playing upon on base desires of reproduction, food, and drink. They have used subliminals before to make us think about sex or that we are thirsty for Coke, so this can easily be interpreted as them tapping into our subconscience. Not to mention the experiments Mangele did and the MK Ultra program. I also believe that possession can be used as a metaphor. For example, when Lady Gaga calls her audience "My little monsters", she has possessed them. They are hers. They worship her and her "art" (aka crap) as though she is a mythical idol.

I'm sure that long ago, these types of mind control and the technology involved would have been viewed as being supernatural. Today, we have become so desensitized, that it's the norm and an everyday part of society.
edit on 3-4-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by Getsmart
I'm convinced that the reptilians and the insectoids reside deep underground and they either cohabitate,or occupy seperate areas and i believe they are the true dominant species of earths biosphere.They are able to move in and out of our visible spectrum and rather than literally walking or climbing up out of their subterranean realms,they materialize and dematerialize as modes of travel, whenever they appear amongst us and i also think they ascend within their flying saucers for abduction purposes...

edit on 3-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by blocula

When you stated this:

project their consciousness into people and are able to posess people

my mind immediately zeroed in on media, TV, and advertisements.
They know exactly how to trigger our reptilian brains by playing upon on base desires of reproduction, food, and drink.
To ensure themselves theres always an ever growing,steady supply of human souls to harvest during their abduction scenarios and whenever theres an extinction event that cripples earths biosphere and there have been many,the architects of earths extinctions and near extinctions might not be caused by some cosmic intruder,but actually by intervention from below,the insectoids and the reptilians unleashing another massive soul harvest upon us,severely reducing the population of humanity and after being properly depleted,we are allowed to once again breed and expand upon the surface, preparing ourselves for their next near extinction harvest of our souls,without even realizing it, wow, damn, thats just about as terrible and horrible as reality could ever actually be for us all and unfortunately,it makes more than a lot of sense and is probably very true...
edit on 3-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by blocula

You could be right. I certainly won't rule it out.
The one thing that would be constant is the fact that they hold onto the knowledge and play the game all over again. They survive time and time again because they have the knowledge and power to do so as the human species keeps getting knocked out and replenished every so many thousands of years. What a vicious cycle this would be if it were true.

Another common denominator is that we would want to leave info behind to warn the next batch of humans just as we see with rock drawings and tablets. What could we leave behind that would remain? I'm not seeing much at this point since everything is electronic and easily destroyed. This is disheartening because this would mean that the next humans would be in even worse shape than ourselves because they have even less to study, analyze, and decode.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Afterthought
Satanic rituals generally take place at night because that is when the magnetic field is most stable. During the day the electrically charged particles of the solar wind cause turbulence in the field and make interdimensional connection more difficult...

The reptilian blood legacy >

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by blocula

I'd never heard that before. I'll certainly check out the link you provided.

I always thought that it had more to do with the lunar phases since the body is made up of mostly water as I believe the spirit is, too. Then, there's the whole numerology aspect of their rituals such as the witching hour, the 11th hour, and dates corresponding with seasonal shifts. Then, I've often assumed that the spirits they worship and entice are certainly more comfortable in the darkness, so whoever is attempting to conjure them wants them to be more likely to come out and play.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:21 PM
Can the people who have had close encounters with reptillians share more details as to skin composition, height, approximately where and when it happened, any weapons involved, etc? According to Thomas Castello who worked at Dulce underground complex in NM, USA he said:

Q -- Others have suggested that some of the entities below Dulce are not of 'extraterrestrial' ORIGIN, and that they are actually descended from saurian or reptiloid beings such as the Velociraptors or Stenonychosaurus Equallus -- a 'serpentine' race or races similar to that hinted at in the third chapter of the book of Genesis?

A -- Yes, some 'reptoids' are native to this planet. The ruling caste of 'aliens' ARE reptilian. The beige or white beings are called The Draco. Other reptilian beings are green, and some are brown. They were an ancient race on Earth, living underground. It may have been one of the Draconian beings that 'tempted' Eve in the Garden of Eden. Reptoids rightly consider themselves "native Terrans." Perhaps they are the ones we call the Fallen Angels. Maybe not, either way, we are [considered] the 'squatters' on Earth.

Q -- Abductees have reported that the aliens can pass their bodies and that of the abductee through window glass. Is this a feat of magic achieved by advanced technology or is it a psychic power?

A -- The aliens have mastered atomic matter. They can go through walls like we go through water! It is not magic, just physics. We can learn to do the same thing. It has to do with controlling atoms at will.

Q -- How can WE [the public] go after, or expose an alien culture which is covert and hidden?

A -- Go for the best shot. That means go after the REPTOID. They stay near the surface, they choose to try to hide and avoid contact. They are soldiers, doing a job and usually there are two or three at each job site. They are 'manning' a remote post. They are not to bother the humans unless they are endangering the post. Most of them are not hostile and won't kidnap you, they may blast you with a flash gun that may paralyze you [you won't remember the flash] for an hour or two and cause confusion and mild fear. It could cause you to black out [pass out] for a while. It is their way to escape and buy time to hide any visible equipment. If you know any areas with repeated reptilian sightings, then that is the place for you to look. They are fearsome to meet face to face, and their voices are harsh and whispery with heavy ss's, but most of them understand English [and several other languages]. Wear something with a reptile [not something violent, like St. George killing the Dragon!] in sight. If you see one, keep your hands OPEN, palm forward, arms DOWN. That is the non-aggression approach. DON'T raise your arms, unless told to. DON'T carry anything in your hands or arms. If he doesn't run, walk SLOWLY towards him. Let him speak first. They consider humans repulsive and hostile and threatening [with good reason!]. DON'T try to offer him anything, DON'T touch him or anything of his. If he hisses at you, back up a couple feet, but DON'T LOOK AWAY! It simply means he finds you smelly. DON'T try to overpower him, he is stronger than ten or twelve men! Usually, if he hasn't run so far, he is curious and wants to talk to you. FIGHT YOUR FEAR and your thoughts of panic.

The interview with thomas castello is lengthy and would take many pages to print, so just do an internet search on dulce files or dulce book. It is MINDBLOWING STUFF which I encourage anyone brave enough to do so. Basically anyone who has played quake or some other first person shooter can imagine lodestar elevators, mag-lev trains, flash guns, fusion powered power plants, etc.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:07 PM
More interesting dulce file quotes from the Thomas Castello interview. Thomas Castello was a security officer with an ULTRA-7 clearance, which is way above Top Secret.

Q -- Are there any other security level names [other than 'secret' - 'top secret' - 'ultra']?

A -- There are many other security clearances, here are a few, UMBRA, STELLAR, G2-7Z, TRIAD, UMT [Universal Military Training] and UMS [Universal Military Service], ASTRAL and SUB-ASTRAL. UMBRA is higher than ULTRA (Note: It may be conceivable that some of the higher security clearances are used for the joint human-alien interstellar projects. For instance Whitley Streiber described an abduction to another planetary sphere where he encountered ancient ruins, aliens and human personnel dressed in military kackies and carrying camcorders, automatic weapons, etc. Obviously such personnel would have to possess an extremely high security classification, such as "Universal Military Service" for instance? The joint alien-illuminati "alternative-3" projects have reportedly taken part in joint offensive operations against the peaceful residents of other worlds, this according to a couple who 'defected' from the alternative-3 movement after an agent from the 'Federation' warned them about such atrocities. - Branton)

Q -- There have been reports of the Delta Force having black vans with no tires that hover over the ground. How much are we [U.S.A.] already inter-working with alien cultures?

A -- I haven't seen the black vans you mentioned. We are totally submerged with alien cultures. Very little of the original human cultures have survived.

Q -- Female abductees report being inseminated by aliens. Are they trying to hybridize our species?

A -- Yes, they are breeding slave-warriors for the upcoming war with the alien races (the Nordic races? - Branton). The serpentine races are in orbit around Earth, Venus and Mars.

Q -- Where do the little gray Aliens fit in?

A -- They work for, and are controlled by the Draco. There are other gray skinned beings that are not in league with the Draco.

Q-- Is there any truth to the allegations that the CIA/'Aliens' have established 'bases' on the moon, and also Mars?

A -- I've HEARD that too, but I haven't seen proof with my own eyes. The 'aliens' do allegedly have bases on several moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The CIA operates in other COUNTRIES, but I've never heard they operate on other PLANETS (Note: Perhaps we should have referred to the CIA's superior agency, the NSA, whose personnel reportedly pilot the "black-budget UFOs" between the LUNA and DREAMLAND bases. - Branton).

Q -- Is there an alien installation under Groom Lake or Papoose Lake at the Nevada Test Site, and are they conducting biological research at these sites?

A -- Most of the stuff at the Groom facility deals with defense, but there is a large storage area in the tunnels that holds thousands of alien craft parts. From what I have heard, the medical tests at the Nevada Test Site are conducted by and for the Navy.

Q -- Tom, did you have access to the alien craft? Were you ever inside any of them?

A -- Yes, I frequently saw them in the garages, there are quite a few of them. The main fleet is stored at Los Alamos. Yes, I entered several crafts. There were two things that stick in my mind, the odd spongy feeling of the floors, and the unusual pinkish purple color of the lighting. The crew stated the floor becomes ridged in flight, and the purple tint of the lighting changes to bright blue white. The entire inside of the air craft are scaled down in size, when compared to the average human. The halls were curved and narrow, but some how, when inside it appears bigger than it looks. Certain areas, the outermost sections, almost felt and looked alive. I was never taken up in one.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:31 PM
Last very interesting segments.......

Q -- If you can, give us some information on the upcoming war with the aliens. When does it start? Do you recommend going underground?

A -- The war has already begun. To start, they use "weather control" devices that can cripple a city in hours. Storms, flood and drought -- with those few things they can bring any country to their knees in a hurry. Yes, I do recommend going underground. Choose a location that has a higher elevation than the surrounding terrain. Pick out a cave or even an abandoned mining shaft or two, bury a cache of supplies [including food and water!] near these locations. Place the supplies in heavy plastic boxes that have tight lids [to prevent the destruction by earth burrowing rodents and insects]. Then plan to live like a squatter when it becomes necessary. If you own land, create a system of tunnels and tell no one. Use your tunnels to secrete your supplies, and plan to live in those corridors when you must.

Q -- What about the reptilian ships that are in orbit around the equator (presumably including the original two 'planetoids' that arrived in geosynchronous orbits around earth at 400 and 600 miles up in 1953. This reportedly led to an NSA project which successfully communicated with the Grey aliens and resulted in a contact-landing-treaty scenario involving president Eisenhower and other Executive-Military-Industrial officials at Muroc/Edwards/Holloman Air Force Bases in 1954 - Branton), are they cloaked?

A -- They are not cloaked the way you may think. It's more like nobody is learning to SEE, even though it is in plain sight. Like the mail man becomes invisible because you are so used to seeing him you never noticed he is alive. One of the favorite methods of covert activities is to 'hide' their operation in such an OBVIOUS way [or place] that no one would suspect it is covert (for instance, hiding entrances to underground bases beneath religious shrines, federal buildings, mining works, malls, libraries, lodges, hotels or basically areas that one would consider the least likely places to hide or accommodate an entrance to an underground facility. The underground New World Order 'FEMA' facilities throughout the United States apparently utilize this type of concealment with many of their bases. - Branton)!

And some masonic stuff.......

Actually, from what my sources tell me, not only are there degrees beyond the 33rd degree, but the 33rd degree itself is made up of two cores, an inner and outer core, the 33rd degree and the 33+ degree. In the past when the 33rd degree initiation was reached a potential initiate might have been given a Bible or a Cross and asked to spit on it or desacrate it in some manner.

If they refused to do this they were told that they had made the "right decision" and remained in the outer core of the 33rd degree, thinking that they had finally 'arrived'. If they did or do commit this form of blasphemy then they are told that they have made the "right decision", and they are sent on to the inner core of the 33+ degree, which is the springboard to the higher levels which interact with the joint humanoid-reptiloid Ashtarian lodges or branches of the 'Serpent Cult' on other planets, within underground cities, and possibly even other dimensions. One source informs me that former president George Herbert Walker Bush -- who was at one time the HEAD of MJ-12 -- had attained to the 42nd degree, however he may have attaned to even higher levels since that time. I would guess that the one who holds the highest level of initiation would be the 'dragon-king' of Draconis himself, or whatever appellation the leader or the leaders of the Draconian Empire may go by. - Branton):

edit on 4/3/2012 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 03:18 PM

From: Draculi-Levithon IV-0094736 Commander of the Alpha Draco Regional Contingent Ephraim [Canada] & Mannassah [USA] sectors Solar-3 [Terra] Infiltration force Station-D, Level-VII

To: Rashtikarsh-Draculon IX-0006476 Central Commander Alpha Draconian Galactic Intelligence Force 664th degree Terminal #3 - Central Nexus Command Planet Typhon, Alpha Draconia

Glorious and Exalted One, I send you my humble greetings. Might and power be to your holy and majestic name, and to your service as director of Galactic Intelligence on behalf of his great and omnipotent highness, the Lord Emperor of Alpha Draconis, and arch-regent of Lucifer.

Ever since our illustrious race in the most ancient of times joined in alliance with the Luciferian gods, also known by the derogatory hu-man term "poltergeists", we have -- by reason of our advanced genetic sciences, our collective intelligence matrix, and the supernatural abilities which our Luciferian benefactors have themselves bestowed upon us -- enjoyed physical, psychic and supernatural dominion over the hu-man species.

Our father Lucifer was wise to bestow upon our supreme race the dominion over this world that his arch-nemesis Adonai had so presumptuously given to the hu-mans.

True, it might seem that the hu-mans had ruled the surface realm of planet Terra since ancient times when our species was driven into the subterranean depths of planet earth. However this perceived dominion and freedom is only an illusion [this history and the reality of our inner domain of course having been sequestered from public consciousness by our agents on the surface for our own protection].

We have, as you well know, inspired various elitist fraternities which have been carefully designed and structured so as to initiate any hu-man who might stumble onto certain technological secrets which otherwise might upset the balance of our infrastructure of dependence and control through which we keep the hu-man vermin in a state of submission. The purpose of these fraternities also being to eliminate those who would betray these secrets to the profane masses of hu-man cattle.

Yes, like cattle, humans do serve our purpose, and their purpose, as you well know your excellency, is to serve our glorious race and to serve as the milking-cows who provide us with a constant supply of the bioplasmic fluids which we crave. So indeed you might say that it is in reality a symbiotic relationship, with the hu-mans serving as the "hosts".

However, we can not allow the masses of hu-man cattle to leave this planet, otherwise the great plan of our lord and god Lucifer -- to conquer the cosmic realms which Adonai unjustly claims for himself -- might be put in jeopardy.

Only those who are truly loyal to Lucifer can be trusted to possess the interplanetary and interstellar technology, as you well know most illustrious one. And even through we have offered technology to the leaders of the military-industrial-banking elite of Germany and America [Terra or Solar-3] in exchange for "access" to various levels of their society, this technology was either obsolete to us or it was assured that the hu-man recipients were first under our psycho-emotional control, having received the psionic implants within the nerve centers of the brain linking them into the nexus. The nexus [which some hu-mans humorously refer to as the "hive"] will be strengthened all the more once we have fully infiltrated the Ashtar/Astarte psionic information matrix and have forever rooted out the last vestiges of individual thought and expression. In that the "Federation" places so much dependence on that particular cosmonet, as the hu-mans do on their so-called internet, the Ashtar collective shall be the common ground that we shall use to destroy and conquer our enemies within the Federation, and ultimately shatter their futile blockade of Solar-3 and its system.

This manner of assimilation through interventionist-collectivism, as you well know your excellency, has been our policy for ages. It has also been our policy that unless alien collaborators have been fully assimilated and genetically integrated, that once their minds have been "bled" or "drained" of any useful data, they have been eliminated once their usefulness has been served, or in some cases their soul-energy fields have been removed [into electro-magnetic containers and then sold on the metaversal galactic markets as "energy food"], and replaced by one of our 5th dimensional counterparts who have proven to be very useful to our 5th column agendas... although some of the earlier "shifters" were rather indiscriminate in their activities, giving rise to the ancient "vampire" legends among the hu-mans. In these times however the shifters are far more discrete in their methods of obtaining human bio-plasma in order to keep their host bodies from decomposing prematurely. One of the most successful being the subterranean "farms" where hu-man children, being strong in life-essence and free of chemical contaminants, are bred for servitude and sustenance.

As you know, your highness, there is still the disturbing fact that some of the hu-mans have in times past slipped through our claws and have acquired hyperspace travel technologies and had established bases on Luna and Mars. History will tell you of the glorious battles that have raged over and within Terra, Luna, and Mars before the hu-mans managed to escape from the system all-together, mainly to Orion and Lyra. We responded by establishing our own imperial forces in Draconis and Bootes, and then in Orion once the hu-man parasites were for the most part eradicated there, save for the Nephel-Anakim who still maintain a considerable hold on the Betelgeusian system. This left Lyra as our main target, and our vengeance was swift and decisive once the great purge was ordered. In that mighty battle, our glorious forces succeeded in wiping out most of the hu-mans in the Lyran Alliance, save for a few resistors in Vega.

Many however escaped the purge, and spread like a virus throughout the galaxy, in spite of the fact that we hunted down and eliminated a great number of them. For instance the Zenatae Andromedans, the Tau Cetians, Procyons, and even the female dominant Capellans who have betrayed our own species and had taken sides with the so called "non interventionists".

Our former lack of commitment in hunting down, eliminating and enslaving the entire herd of the hu-man scourge shall haunt us and be a lesson and motivation for our species for ages to come. However, with the blessing of our lord Lucifer, we shall prevail in the end against Adonai and all who serve him. Because of our past lack of discipline, our hold upon Terra must be strengthened, until our forces -- amassed within the Sol-ar system, fortified beneath the crust of Solar-3, and within the localized alternate reality singularities that we have generated within the grid matrix of Solar-3 with the assistance of our human puppets within the Montauk network -- finally have the hu-mans surrounded on all sides. The time is soon at hand when we shall bring about the complete collapse of their society and initiate the implementation of total electromagnetic control of all hu-man cattle on Solar-3, and in turn all remaining hu-man rebels throughout the Multiverse.

Terra, unlike many worlds, holds a convergence of many of the ancient and powerful meta-genetic characteristics, being essentially the galactic root from which the hu-man scourge sprang. However our continued interference in the hu-mans genetic lines has allowed us to keep them for the most part in a state of docile passiveness, as we continue to rightfully take the strongest genetic attributes of their race and integrate them into our own glorious biogenetically engineered warrior lines.

And if factions do arise in rage, resulting from an overcrowded corral, we shall simply influence the global merchants who have sold-out their own kind for personal gain, and command them to use their economic pull to turn these warring factions against each other, being extremely careful to conceal ourselves, the ultimate "chess players", from the rest of the blind pawns while they continue on the path of mutual annihilation.

Thanks to the gullibility of the military-industrial element of the surface, we now have the means to "bleed" the outer world of its resources, and our hu-man servants have bled these cattle even more to help expand our underground empire, having constructed for us even more sub-networks with the hopes that they will be allowed inside and given refuge by us, once the chaos and carnage begins.

It amazes me just how easily these greedy little worms will sell out their own kind and then trust US to follow through on our so-called "promises". No harm done though, for these hu-man imbeciles provide us with a steady supply of "hosts" for our 5th dimensional allies to incarnate, and a steady supply of hu-man "soul patterns" to provide us with ectoplasmic sustenance.

Since technology on Terra has reached a critical mass and poses a threat to our galactic empire, a project of massive depopulation through our fifth column agents in the Terran United Nations Organization and other eco-political global agencies -- who are expert in divide-and-conquer tactics -- shall work to raise up the United States as the greatest threat to the "socialized" world. Our agents in the economic infrastructure have succeeded in polarizing the United States into the two fasocialist extremes of left and right, unknowing in their ignorant blindness that both wings are controlled by the same "dragon-lord", whose purpose is to breath "fire" upon the planet and to flap its left and right "wings" in order to "fan the flames" that would destroy the old eco-political boundaries that were established by Adonai, and thus offer us easier global control.

Since all hu-man conflicts have an economic "fuse", we have made it our priority, your highness, to infiltrate and control the most powerful economic institutions of Solar-3. Eco-political collectivism in any form is our desire, as it makes the hu-mans dependent, destroys self-responsibility, and makes them all the more easily conquered, controlled and manipulated towards our greater cause -- a planet and galaxy and metaverse where all hu-man cattle are finally contained in a perpetually controlled society of servitude, in which the "livestock" will be tamed completely, tagged, and made to serve and to feed our superior race. We must therefore seek to destroy eco-political boundaries and hu-man self responsibility at every possible opportunity.

The left-right capitalist/communist machievellian polarities of a Russian-Chinese-Arab alliance vs. the U.S.-Canadian-European factions, and even more localized "civil" conflicts within each of these, will decrease the rebellious surface population dramatically. Once the major forces deplete each other and the ectoplasmic manna released from the untold numbers of dying hu-man cattle is "harvested" and stored up for our final battle with Adonai, we will continue to divide-and-conquer and debilitate the smaller localized factions until they are too weak to resist assimilation... and the only faction that shall be allowed to maintain its size and organization will be that which is directly under our electromagnetic control via psionic implantation and programming.

We shall also appear in the skies as "saviors" to "rescue" millions of hu-man cattle from the so-called earth-changes created by our electromagnetic weapons, and from the war and disease and chaos and famine also, but of course these "rescued" hu-man cattle will be redirected to those areas of our empire which most need to be "sustained", and little will they suspect their ultimate fate. Many who do not fall for this guise will be brought to the point where they shall sell their very soul-matrixes to us for their daily bread.

An economic cattle/slave society based on an illusion of freedom has it's limitations. In the future all hu-man livestock must be "marked" and tagged with sub-epidermal chip implants, which will be integrated with a time-released virus to maintain the level of population on the planet that we so desire. Every action and in fact every thought shall be monitored, using our mainframe subspace microwave transceivers which are capable of tapping the encephalographic and emotional signals directly from the nerve centers of the brain, linking and assimilating those minds into the central nexus, which will instantly through algorithmic programs interpret and translate the neural-emotional energy signal-patterns and feedback the conditioned assimilative responses that have been programmed into the mainframes -- which are carefully guarded under miles of earth and rock.

This is the glorious plan and destiny which our lord and god Lucifer has bestowed upon us, your excellency. The blessing of our lord Lucifer be upon you and our efforts, for his greater glory and for the glory of our expanding multi-dimensional empire.

The universe shall be ours!!!

edit on 4/3/2012 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by blocula

Regarding the link you posted and the night time rituals, I have to say that we were both correct. It is a combination of the magnetic field, the moon, and seasonal patterns/processions.

Satanic rituals generally take place at night because that is when the magnetic field is most stable. During, the day the electrically charged particles of the solar wind cause turbulence in the field and make interdimensional connection more difficult. It is most stable during total eclipses and this is when native peoples held their most important ceremonies to contact and manifest other-dimensional entities. The tribal shamans know this. Satanic rituals and human sacrifice, especially of children, are performed on a vast scale and involve some of the most famous politicians, business people, media owners and entertainers on the planet.

I wish more people would open their eyes to what's going on with the rich and powerful. I realize it's difficult to wrap your mind around this information when you first hear of it, but I had the time to do additional research while others do not. They are happier believing that it is fantasy in order to sustain their sanity and cope with everyday life.
As I was reading the website you recommended, it made me think about the accounts and research I've read/listened to from Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, Cathy O'Brien, and the Holly Greig case. If more people had time to educate themselves, the mass awakening would roll much faster. Instead, they know to keep the humans entertained -- even when that entertainment is practically non-fiction.
This is an insightful article about "Rosemary's Baby" and the house where it was filmed. I was surprised to discover that John Lennon was shot in front of this same house. It's certainly worth a read.
I would love to see someone slow down film of a Roman Polanski video interview to see if there were any strange anomalies present. Even if he isn't a genuine shapeshifter, he's obviously a sick individual who's in deep. It would be so interesting to discover all that he knows. (Oops) Sudden bout of nausea there.
I probably don't want to know what he knows.

edit on 3-4-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by blocula

I'm convinced that the reptilians and the insectoids reside deep underground and they either cohabitate,or occupy seperate areas and i believe they are the true dominant species of earths biosphere.They are able to move in and out of our visible spectrum and rather than literally walking or climbing up out of their subterranean realms,they materialize and dematerialize as modes of travel, whenever they appear amongst us and i also think they ascend within their flying saucers for abduction purposes...

Hi blocula,

You are apparently not alone in believing this, the following documentary report suggests that Fritz Todt and later Franz Xaver Dorsch of the Nazi Civil Engineers had helped connect the Third Reich to an underground Alien Civilization which brought them a great deal of high technology.

Wikipedia: Fritz Todt

Hitler giving Albert Speer, his successor as Minister of Armament, the Dr. Fritz Todt Honor Prize

* NOTE: the man at the left of the picture reminds me of Dr Ferdinand Porsche !

Wikipedia: Franz Xaver Dorsch

These underground creatures would have then kept their alliances with the Nazis who moved to the USA in Project Paperclip and through other channels, and thus the US Intelligence Agencies took over where the Nazis left off. American Military Black Ops would thus have become the main channel for relations with said Aliens and the US Army Corps of Engineers was able to develop tremendously their abilities to dig very deep indeed. A mere mile depth was called "Child's Play" by the head of the Army Corps of engineers, Lloyd Duscha - they are even said to have reached tunneling depths of more than ten miles...

Nazi link to Deep Underground Civilization at minute 15:00

Before that interesting historical segment, there is testimony by Phil Schneider which is highlighted in a better way than usual, and I expect the entire video is worth a watch. It later goes into the various underground tunneling technology including nuclear boring leading to molten vitreous rock with a glassy surface, such as described by a number of whistleblowers in their eyewitness accounts of ultra-high speed underground tunnel railways between major cities, enabling cross-country travel in mere minutes.

They also talk about how the US Black Ops hide behind Corporate Entities which keep on getting reshuffled and are outside of the reach of Freedom of Information Act citizen oversight. At minute 51:00 we learn that there is a massive underground facility underneath Camp David where Presidents and their distinguished guests might perhaps meet up with their Alien masters? One can wonder given the level of disclosure to which we are privy. At minute 56:00 they get into the Exopolitics involving relations with ALIEN Entities. At minute 1:13:00 they cover Phil's and his close friend Ron Rummel's alleged suicide/murders, and why they were snuffed out.

"The New World Order and the Alien Agenda is ONE AND THE SAME ! It's WORLD TAKEOVER and Decimation of the Population of this Planet." -- Phil Schneider at minute 1:18:50

What it seems to demonstrate is not only that our Ruling Elite have "connected" for a long time with these ALIEN creatures from underground for their own purposes, but that they have kept us out of the loop in terms of all the technology thus acquired, and this maybe for quite a few centuries? We really will have to have a "Coming to Jesus" session with those who are alarmingly IRRESPONSIBLE to the DUTY TO CITIZENS and they had better reassess their allegiance, not to a Power Elite, not to their idea of a Nation, but to the PEOPLE and to HUMANITY !

edit on 3-4-2012 by Getsmart because: TPTB are ALLIED with ALIENS - they are TRAITORS to ALL HUMANITY !!!

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