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The Reptilians And Insectoids Walk Among Us

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

i am VERY SORRY if you were engaged in a sacrifice ritual because these things do exist but it was not at the hands of reptillians who can shapeshift as they chose in and out of human form,

HOW would you know? Were you there? Have you ever been at a sacrifice?

me being a shill hasn't been mentioned

It didn't need to be mentioned. Some of us were already thinking it.

i am still not even conclusive on some of my own experiences. I have not told anyone to bow down to any aliens

That's good, b/c it's not going to happen.

I don't want to make up the minds of others but allow them to have the truth which will help them make up their own minds

Just as long as it's your pre-approved version of the "truth" & they agree with you, right?

I bet i question myself a hell of a lot more than YOU DO...CLEARLY. (I'll elaborate on how you have drawn completely faulty conclusions based on things that could mean ANYTHING)

Ok, such as seeing a Rept that couldn't *possibly* be a Rept b/c such things "don't exist?"

i say i get tired of cleaning up your crap

LOL! GS is *the best researcher* I have ever come across in my professional or academic career.

how dare you suggest letting go of a dream in the same paragraph where you suggest deciphering a HOLLYWOOD MOVIE FOR HIDDEN MESSAGES

Really? You think that people in the know never reveal information in movies or books?

You see, this is where you have it ALL WRONG.

Oh, thank God there is someone on here who has everything completely right. Just enlighten us with your bountiful knowledge, O Wise One, & we will pack up & go home

I am angry because you continue with this flimsy argument based on FICTION. You need to be trying to tie your argument to actual things happening in the world.

Yeah, b/c children don't go missing & no Satanic ritual abuse or sacrifice EVER happens.

Why are you so threatened by this thread?

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:51 PM
We live upon 57,000,000 square miles of land surface area on earth...

Theres 139,000,000 square miles of water surface area on earth...

Which means theres 196,000,000 square miles of total surface area on earth...

Theres 332,000,000 cubic miles of ocean water...

Theres 259,668,000,000 cubic miles of ground area beneath our feet...

Which means theres 260,000,000,000 cubic miles in total volume of earth...

Theres 4,000 miles from the earths surface straight down to its core...

Yet the furthest any human has ever gone down into a cave is only about 2 miles...

And the deepest hole ever drilled is only around 7.5 miles...

Are we fully comprehending what those above numbers are telling us and what they actually mean?

Over 95% of our earth is "Totally Unexplored" and "Completely Unknown" to us!

Seriously,think about that! Its simply fantastic,unbelievable and yet very true!

When i first realized the implications that those numbers represent for us,a very real shudder traveled up and down my spine,we appear to be so concerned about the moon and outerspace,when all the while we dont even know hardly anything about most of our own planet...

We are purposefully misled by perpetually being told to look in the wrong direction for the aliens,up instead of down and we are persistently lied to and taught to think that the aliens are arriving here from up there in outer space,when they actually originate from right here on earth...

The insectoids and reptilians reside deep beneath us underground and far below within the oceans, unreachable and imoenetrable places that we "cannot" go to...

All the while,many of those who are misleading the majority of us,are directly involved in this whole alien abduction scenario and they are well aware of whats going on...

Wars, genocides, abortions, suicides, murders and alien abductions are actually human soul harvests orchestrated by the true dominant species of earth,the reptilians and the insectoids...

We relentlessy and thoughtlessly track, hunt, stalk, capture, kill, abduct, tag, release, monitor, cage, experiment and eat the beautiful animals that we share this planet with on a never ending basis...

And like it or not,admit it or not,there are superior beings amongst us who are a part of this earths biosphere and they are doing those very same things to us...
edit on 4-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Now, if we are being controlled by aliens underground, why do they not simply walk among us?

Did you not notice the avatar stuff? They are walking among us. Sometimes they don't even bother to disguise themselves.

Oh wait, but they DO NOT stay underground because if they did, you would not have witnessed all the things you have claimed to witness here on the surface in your human experiences.

I hate to break it to you, but I personally know two very credible witnesses who have personally seen repts with their own two eyes.

They are using us for some type of energy? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?

Really? You've never heard of energy vampires?

btw... if these are reptiles, aren't they cold blood sun lovers?...who prefer to live underground.. yeah, SO MANY EXAMPLES OF REPTILES WHO LOVE THE COLD. BRILLIANT.

Just FYI, earth reptiles are not the same thing as alien Reptilians.

my God i cannot believe I am engaging in something so poorly thought out and scattered.

I can't believe I am responding to your posts, b/c they are completely pointless, don't add anything, & are just a complete waste of time, but here I am.

My God... This ridiculousness is making me so frustrated that if they start swarming out of some hole somewhere... I'm GOING TO BE FREAKING CHEERING MOST LIKELY... EVEN IF THEIR MISSION IS TO DELIVER US TO OUR MAKER

Ah, OK. Now we know which side of the fence you're on. lol

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:57 PM
Now, you want ENDS TO MEET?

Pretty sure I can do it in two paragraphs but I'm going for one.

Here goes.

Aliens came here to warn us about a fate of this planet to give us every chance possible in the spirit of karmic appropriateness. The government covered it up because they foresaw the immediate loss of power because they can solve most problems very simply. In their egos they thought they could advantage from the situation and make the alien problem go away as they appeared peaceful and weary of karmic repercussion having seen so much of it with their own huge eyes. Mankind decided his own fate by not being good sports in the same respect and now they are resurfacing and the government is afraid and sending out disinfo shills so that if they do arrive or surface, we will be big enough idiots to try to fight them off preserving power for the elites.

There... Now if you think about all the things happening in the world, ends meet in this theory guy.... ends certainly meet!

that was one paragraph but I'd like to extend with more theoretical possibilities just in case this turns into the actual end of the world... some spiritual elaboration not so much tied to what is apparent in our current reality and general world around us but rather tied a little to religious prophecy... so i will not dare treat it the same.

I don't even think it's going to come to a fight between man and aliens. I think they know too much to not be able to avoid getting blood on their own hands. I do not think they would even fight us, most likely just subdue us..paralyze us, put us to sleep, send us to another dimension etc etc unless these events culminate into a global transfiguration of living things and evil beings DO surface, but I think if they do they will be coming through dark portals which are humans who walk the dark path.

It doesn't matter though, if this happens each person will understand their true path through transfiguration and will know exactly what they are supposed to do according to their path... but this is a big what if.

right now, back down here in our virtual reality
we continue to tend to our "virtual" things and when you look at that "reality' whatever the hell you want to call it, if you excuse your human slave masters who walk around on the surface day in and day out... you cannot POSSIBLY be one who understands or upholds truth.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by blocula....
edit on 4-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

I agree there is much to discover in the world and that there are possibilities of civilizations underground.

this says NOTHING about the intentions of those presumed civilizations. Only that they COULD EXIST.

Who is lying to you? Do you REALLY know the answer to that question? Who told you to LOOK UP? I don't think you are thinking these things through. People with crappy cameras? NASA? NO!...people with crappy cameras ar just THAT. we should be looking up to to understand the stars and the cosmos. OF COURSE people will wonder if there is life out there and look for it. No one is telling you to do this. If ANYTHING, HUMAN BEINGS are trying to insist that there is no real reason to look up for any signs of life by being the organization who would and SHOULD know


Now look at all the pages on aliens underground.

LOOK AT THEM! I bet there are at least a good ten thousand but you are imagining that people are trying to make you LOOK UP.

let me explain something, rumor has it that they found a large circular disc at the bottom of the ocean. It lured them into curiosity naturally. It has been told to me by multiple people now (one man long ago labeled as a schizophrenic ostracized from regular society who i spoke to & a man claiming to be on first name basis with maj 12 who claims there are both evil and benevolent aliens and i still question his integrity and i'll explain this but I think his words are still revealing) they both claimed that there are aliens in the so. pacific.

Now without knowing for certain what this thing is (I fully admit this is theory) that NASA has known of it's existence & the potential for alternate life forms but instead of reasonably investigating this as the one organization who should have an open mind about such things THEY ARE SO FIRMLY TIGHT LIPPED THAT IF YOU CANNOT SEE THEY ARE HUSHED BY OUR GOVERNMENT, I dunno

Rumor has it there is a craft that could not be opened by humans. i think there is a possibility that they might have even PUT it in the ocean to HIDE IT FROM THE PUBLIC after giving up on opening it long long ago.

They WANT IN THIS THING, but aliens would not give them this info as it is a piece of their property & this serves as a perfect example of how SOME will stop at no trespass regardless of what is offered to them. they claim everything as their own, the roads, the air, the world, you name it.

They screw around with alleged contactees trying to pick their brains apart for info, yet giving NONE to anyone else.

I think newfound technology and efforts gave them hope of breaking it open, but all they succeeded in doing was shaking the ground beneath it. Why can't they just tell people when they find and do things like this.

one Word= LIARS

i do not disagree that there could be a soul harvest, but have you not read the bible? in the bible it is perfectly ok for their to be a soul harvest as describe by Christ. He actually even refereed to people as some are wheat and some are merely the tares... but it's ok with most people around the world if God does these things. even other religions carry such themes, but OH HELL if the angels look like aliens.

many people who believe in and worship God talk nice about him all day but if he were to come back and people will die as appointed (as is written!) then all those who thought their religion so nice and bright and shiney will be shuddering as well. No one wants to die, ESPECIALLY those living in LUXURY.

but it will happen, Frightening or not, no man is above it. I'm sorry if that is upsetting but we have been looking this straight in he eye for a long time. We, who appoint others to die for our own selfish reasons like it's going out of style, can we really pass judgment on whether God is wrong for appointing man to die, when it was him all along trying to grant life eternal beyond the narrow scope of our human lives.

We are NOT being told to look up, we are being told they are underground and that they are an insidious menace to this planet. I guess this fact is new to you but seek and ye shall find. That theory is NO new theory! and yes, the first ambassadors may very well be down in there somewhere.

i agree with a lot of what you say about humans being connected to many things that appear to be alien, but if you think they are responsible for our murders, i think this is a cop out. I think that wars and genocide and everything going on has NOTHING to do with a soul harvest and any DNA collection. these are separate issue that i think should not be lumped together without better evidence, but evidence is to THE CONTRARY.

Our government is AFRAID, not in cahoots.

Yes, they may be doing things to us but who has our better interest? Short sighted murdering liars or soul harvesters that know we cannot live in these bodies on this earth forever?
edit on 4-3-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-3-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by someotherguy...

avatar?... THE MOVIE. NO!!!

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!

i try as often as possible to NOT watch Hollywood fiction because it has the capability of implanting even more ideas into your brain that could be true or false but is most likely a combination of the two and I'd rather spend my time trying to sort out the apparent reality around us!

If one more person suggest that i watch a fictional movie... i just don't know what i will do!

I do not feel i have such time for such nonsense! Why? because i do not feel that i should be employed by OUR GOVERNMENT to be an UNPAID SORTER OUTER OF WHAT MIGHT BE TRUE IN FICTION IN CONTRAST TO WHAT IS NOT!

I've got MUCH more important stuff to do and if there is any truth in there... then guess what, it is likely ELSEWHERE AS WELL. So I can't say i'm too worried about what i might miss out on.

Grrrrr!.... sorry but I am getting really tired of the boob tube drones.

i don't care about the credible witnesses who have seen reptiles because that says NOTHING about their intentions. I have seen and had close contact with a grey and in my opinion, he is not evil. I never said i don't think they exist... but that's NOT what I am debating here. I am debunking GETSMARTS weak associations.

Can YOU say YOU met an alien? I can in good conscience which means much more to me than you knowing two people who seem credible... blah blah... which still vouches nothing for their intentions.

OF COURSE I have heard of energy vampires... and they are HUMAN BEINGS who cannot control their need to project their petty wills onto others around them over MUCH LESS IMPORTANT MATTERS THAN NEEDING TO EVOLVE TO THE NEXT LEVEL OF EXISTENCE.

Perspectives, perspectives...

If reptiles and alien reptiles are at least not related then why refer to them as reptiles? (as IF you are some kind of expert on the anatomical differences of reptiles and aliens)


yeah, i think you just conceded that they are NOT the old snakes and serpents that every disinfo shill needs to make them out to be in order to make them look like the devil in the eyes of all Christians that they NEED ON THEIR SIDE TO FIGHT THEIR BATTLES FOR THEM.

very interesting, I will CERTAINLY make a note of that!

as for what side of the fence i am on... i do not want to be in bed with any evil aliens.. are you freaking kidding me? But i WILL NOT be in bed with any weak minded human liars. I would however, possibly be willing to transfigure to another form if it means carrying on the good fight in the name of truth and being able to use the tools it might give me, such as more insight into the minds and wills of others.

There... now you can go even FURTHER with your conclusions based on the simple elaboration I willingly gave you without batting an eye or feeling wrong, evil or dirty by doing so. Are you suggesting i have something to hide, because I don't.

Pointless? lol

You whose favorite conspiracy is that there is a fake Paul McCartney who has been making music all the same after his "first' death and looks like exactly the same person as the OTHER Paul. Yeah... Now THAT is IMPORTANT!....geez!

i'm sorry if my mind carries points to a territory that makes you uncomfortable but you'll be hard pressed to ACTUALLY dismiss them.... and by ACTUALLY dismissing them i mean adding substance to your debate rather than a tired and lazy... "pffft"
edit on 4-3-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by BlackSatinDancer
Praying Mantis Accounts >

Insectoid Abduction:The North Canol Road Incident >

Indiana Man Abducted By Reptilian Humanoid >

UFO Casebook...Insectoid Aliens >

The Greys And Reptilians May Be Interdimensional >

Encounter With Insectoids...December 1994 >

The insectoids are advanced bi-pedal insect entities that greatly resemble the praying mantis and or ants and they had 100's of millions of years to evolve into what people are seeing and encountering here and now...Insectoid Visits Haunt Californian >

The reptilians are literally advanced,bi-pedal,intelligent humanoid dinosaurs that also had 100's of millions of years to evolve into what people are seeing and encountering here and now...The Lizard Man Of Scape Ore Swamp >

One of the earliest reports of a Reptilian like being was that of Ashland,Nebraska police officer Herbert Schirmer, who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings with a slightly Reptilian appearance, who bore a "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of their chests >

The Hopi word for ant is anu.In the same language naki means friend,prayer feathers,food offerings,or sand,a nexus of concepts pertaining to this insect that sometimes flies.A combination of the two words,"anu-naki or ant friend" may be related to Sitchin’s Anunnaki...The Babylonian sky god was also named Anu...The Anthills of Orion > Ancient Star Beings of the Hopi >

The Mantis like creatures allegedly posess supernatural powers,have the ability to affect the weather,project their consciousness into people and are able to posess people.There are some indications that they may have certain para-physical characteristics...The Secrets Of Mojave >
edit on 4-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Originally posted by someotherguy...

I do not feel i have such time for such nonsense!

And yet you have time to post endlessly on a thread you claim is stupid. Interesting...

I've got MUCH more important stuff to do

Such as posting on a thread you claim to hate. lol

i don't care about the credible witnesses

Good thing judges & juries don't feel the same way about credible witnesses. Maybe incredible witnesses are to be preferred? lol

who have seen reptiles because that says NOTHING about their intentions.

Their intentions are to tell people what is up so they can be prepared. If you don't want to listen, then why do you insist on preventing other people from hearing the warning?

I am debunking GETSMARTS weak associations.

Getsmart does tend to be a shill-magnet

Can YOU say YOU met an alien?


and they are HUMAN BEINGS who cannot control their need to project their petty wills onto others around them over MUCH LESS IMPORTANT MATTERS THAN NEEDING TO EVOLVE TO THE NEXT LEVEL OF EXISTENCE.

Yes, there is one that comes to mind right now... hint: they have "black" in their username. Nice word choice, btw. Dead giveaway.


Earth reptiles != alien Reptilians. Seems a fairly simple concept to grasp.

yeah, i think you just conceded that they are NOT the old snakes and serpents that every disinfo shill needs to make them out to be in order to make them look like the devil in the eyes of all Christians that they NEED ON THEIR SIDE TO FIGHT THEIR BATTLES FOR THEM.

I would answer this - maybe - if I could decipher the garbled gobbledegook.

I would however, possibly be willing to transfigure to another form if it means carrying on the good fight in the name of truth and being able to use the tools it might give me, such as more insight into the minds and wills of others.

Shapeshift, huh? ok. And again, you care nothing about the Truth. If you did, you would not be trying to squelch earnest and sincere inquiry.

You whose favorite conspiracy is that there is a fake Paul McCartney who has been making music all the same after his "first' death and looks like exactly the same person as the OTHER Paul.

Obviously, you don't have the eyes to see that they DON'T look "exactly the same person." If they did, no one would have noticed! You just gave yourself away as an exceedingly poor researcher.

you'll be hard pressed to ACTUALLY dismiss them....

I have no trouble dismissing your trite observations and comments. I am quite unimpressed with anything you have said so far.

Anyway... I'm pretty sure GS will not be happy with me for feeding the troll, so I'll stop now. I hope the other visitors to this thread will realize that a *certain user* has tried to hijack this thread to stop discussion of the Reptilian presence on this planet.

edit on 4-3-2012 by someotherguy because: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by blocula...

Doesn't surprise me one bit.

thanks for posting these and I hope to get around to looking through the accounts after someotherguy gets done questioning my intentions in this thread when it should be quite obvious.

my real problem is not with alternate stances on anything... because who of us REALLY knows?


but when people start posting ridiculous inconsistencies to shape the opinions of others so that THEIR fear will carry over to others (such as the human DNA and body being able to just jump back and forth, despite me believing that transfiguration is possible), then I must ask if they are really even serious in their intentions. lots of people on this site like to do social experimentation by way of trolling to prove whatever point the want to prove... but it is only because if they tried to just talk about their experiences or what seems to be true to them, they must feel they would fall flat on their faces because they are not used to trying to open the minds of anyone without mocking everything up.

Our government FUNDS fictional movies and this is just one example of how our time and our resources are being misused in the form of mock up.

i still don't know if i really think GETSMART really believes his own claims.

that's how bad it is.

i think he fully expects people like me to come in here and argue with him as a way to reveal things to others (a little tactic that some (like those in majestic) THINK they have learned from a visitor our government held for some time, by letting others troll out their own inconsistencies, but it is not the same, not the same tactic at all)... and i think it is inefficient and very inconsiderate of other people's time. if he really wanted to make an impact and open the eyes of others he would come forward with truth and let others troll out their own inconsistencies, not lies just so people will argue. I say LIES because again, i'm not so sure even he believes this. It's that old devils advocate tactic.... trolling to start in depth debates. some think that if there is tension and anger that this will make them fight harder for truth... when in fact, it confuses just as much as it reveals and he must own his own words and realize that a lie is a lie is a lie. you can't just expect people to see past ridiculous notions. I HAVE to shoot down this tactic you see... this so called social experimentation. i have been harassed, baited, threatened, trolled... you name it from others on the internet only for others on the same forums to question those members why they would do such a thing and things like social experimentation are the kind of answers they get... and jokes... OH, cause people just need to lighten up and "take it with a grain of salt" as GETSMART has interjected into his post... what is WRONG with anyone who would get so aggravated at someone constantly doing these types of things? WHY take these things so SERIOUSLY they say... let's just have a laugh and tell this person they just simply get too worked up. hell, lets call them OBSESSED while we are at it while seeing how far we can go with this social experimentation.

the fact is... it IS serious and we simply don't have time for such things.

that is not what i think this forum is for.... or any forum, but some just laugh all the way to the bank, don't they?

Now... If he DOES believe some of his more unusual claims....
... i just don't know.

it is just THAT HARD for me to believe.

He must just be riddled with fear is all i can say.

edit on 4-3-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:54 PM
some other guy
don't tell me what i hate and don't put words in my mouth. waste of time. I suspect you are now TRYING to waste my time as I have already stated this as an issue important to me. Petty arguments are just as bad as trolling.

What i HATE are trolls who think they have good cause. i'm still trying to decipher GETSMARTS real intentions but it is VERY hard for me to believe it is to inform people that we are using oil created from poo put into the ground by aliens who are ENERGY vampires, have atrophied stomachs and therefore, probably wouldn't have a whole hell of a lot of POO not to mention that it would have to be VIRTUAL POO according to GETSMART?

Are you some kind of aspie? OF COURSE I care about credible witnesses, just NOT YOURS because THAT TO ME, does not automatically make them credible witnesses. Do try to think about things b4 posting. do i have to explain the meaning of every word I use as well?

My experiences are much more important TO ME PERSONALLY (for your blunted comprehension) than your so called credible witnesses because if you would pay attention you are just someotherguy on the internet.

Get it now?

i am not stopping anyone from hearing any warning... if they want to heed the wrong one, that is there path to walk. I can however state my opinion on that so called mocked up warning... and will do so... and will do so much better than than those who resort to fear tactics and petty arguments..oh... AND MOVIES.

funny you did not mention meeting an alien first time around. people naturally mention their own experiences first as these are much more reputable to nearly any person under the sun. Way to make yourself sound like someone who couldn't resist embellishing under pressure. BIG discredit to you.

that next statement made no sense what so ever. So, i am the one who has much more petty things to talk about than achieving the next level of sentient life.

Ummm... no, wait. I think that is EXACTLY what I was talking about.

really guy, that statements meaning was a complete dud.

If earth reptiles are different than alien reptiles then that makes them what... PROBABLY completely different species thereby making calling them reptiles very incorrect and scientifically inappropriate because it suggests a direct relation.

now then... interesting hat you mention they are ALIEN reptiles and much different that EARTH reptiles because this whole time I thought YOUR side of the fence was one that believes these creature as the long standing dominant masters of this earth enslaving mankind. Could you please at least make up your own freaking mind? I mean, you ARE arguing for the side that suspects these creatures to be the age old meddlers of mankind and what-not, right? Holy crap guy, you are all over the place. I mean blocula is arguing that he thinks they are from earth and you are not arguing with him OR getsmart, but yet against me... on which point i am not completely uncertain unless this is nothing but a personal attack. I mean really...what the hell do you believe?! PICK SOMETHING! HELL, JUST PICK A THEORY FOR THE SAKE OF DISCUSSION FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

either that or try to reign in your different personalities...something!

You have nothing to say about what is obvious. if you claim it is due to a fault of yours in comprehension seeing as how despite not being completely grammatically correct, the point is more than clear.... makes you look bad, really. Don't brag about ignorance, it's unbecoming.

You are a horrible liar.

there is no shape shifting in my opinion. there MIGHT be the transfiguration of cells from one DNA arrangement to another, but it would be akin to burning off your old clothes and never getting them back. It's not the same body, in my opinion. It is a different body...and i am not even decided on whether i think that is possible without death of this body first. there is no simple shape shifting back and forth as one pleases... not in this dimension. perhaps in others, but this dimension is arranged in such a way where i cannot fathom this would ever be possible. I could be wrong of course but that is my stance. so to suggest i am a "shapeshifter, huh?" is a thinly veiled way of perpetuating your own ridiculous opinions and trying in vain to make me look like ONE OF THEM.

Your avatar is so dumb. the left side of his head is extended bigger than the right. they are not even the same size photos so how would things line up? features are exactly the same except for the fact that on the left he looks more surprised. lets not forget that any photo on the net that YOU might have seen is probably photoshopped and this just completely escapes you. Photos prove nothing genius.

i don't know how many times I have to state to your blinded eyes that i never said reptilians don't exist & have contributed more than many to this thread.

ready to get off my tits yet, my back is hurting you time wasting psy-vamp.

edit on 4-3-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Well what I meant by different avatars, was that perhaps due to frequency or soul choices, people may limit their choices for incarnation (this is referring to incarnations versus enties, ie corporal beings) and even be led down this path, to become one of the foot soldiers for the empire, or any form of beehive type organization, due to the way planets are overtaken.

Its always done with soul consequence in mind, Trojan Horse style, and always seems to target divisions and those who have some greed, special interests, set themselves above others.

But I don't believe all species of a certain type are negative either. But around earth we have quite a problem because that trojan operation has been ongoing for some time and followed this planet as it took a plunge from on high, for earth is not from here.

So this has followed humans through various locations, not just earth even.

However the avatars, the hybrids, even transhuman, with even animal and other elements, as hosts for entities or those they have been in contact with or channeled in, and this is carried out in underground facilities, and has been going on for some time. I've been given this information.

I just know that what is going to happen, is a freeing and upgrade.

Stepping out of fear is rasing up to joy and peace, and a friend shared some really deep insight on this, the same day I got some insight on how to strive to be happy, and raise frequency, to deal with stubborn problems here from a higher perspective, so seeing them as lower frequency behaviors, and just get to the heart of the lesson. And have a sense of humor about it. The things that we need worry about is the pain and suffering of others, but learn to laugh at ourselves alot more, and move to higher ground.

And then my friend said to study a brain cell and a picture of the universe, and to just let it flow. We're all connected, almost like fibre optics. We're in oneness. When we're reaching for Love and Healign we're operating with a oneness with Source, Father/Mother/Family,and we're unlimited, or Source is..

So its time to flow with our light and higher purpose and rise up to meet greet the enregy and light that is coming in. That is how we change, is by reaching higher.

Im really sorry you witnessed something ritualistic, so many others have had to experience this, and it breaks my heart and have sent many prayers for all those in hidden places suffering, for them to be rescued, for Love to step in, for things to not be as they think but rescues or SHFTS in a flash. There are beings feeding off this pain, and this also brings them more access to walk into our world.
edit on 4-3-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 12:09 AM
Has anyone ever seen the ground breaking movie "Rosemarys Baby" by Roman Polanski from 1968? It daringly sheds light onto the hushed up and denied satanic worshipping,child sacrificing cults that really do exist all over this world...If anyone hasnt seen that movie,i suggest turning out the lights and watch it
edit on 5-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 12:15 AM
Of course it would be painful for people to realize that great change from their lives might be upon them.

but the level that people suffer in this world, the lives that are just thrown away.... This means nothing to "the comfortable"

those who have ever turned a blind eye to the pain of another... even myself, should have the grace to face this should it be true... bravely.

people have to think about those who have never had the opportunity to love their own lives. They count too!

If there is improvement to be made in general, why would anyone want to continue the suffering we see every day in this world? People being exalted on the backs of peons.. it is far from a grand existence for many. I hope that if this change does come that others will be ale to realize all the suffering in the world that needs very much to be sorted out. We are a fragile species and our planet seems to be going through changes. i don't believe this is just for the sake of soul harvesting, but that one day soon... no human will be able to live here anyway...
To understand and flow with the changes harmonizes us better to changes that will occurr anyway.

Everyone dies.

Some are trying to save themselves right now from these changes... with your tax dollars.

I think I pity the existence they will be living in their selfish efforts... but who knows.... who knows...

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by blocula
Has anyone ever seen the ground breaking movie "Rosemarys Baby" by Roman Polanski from 1968? It daringly sheds light onto the hushed up and denied satanic worshipping,child sacrificing cults that really do exist all over this world...If anyone hasnt seen that movie,i suggest turning out the lights and watch it
edit on 5-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)


not just because it's fiction but because roman polanski freaks me out.

I am interested in those who have been victims of satanism.... not just mallrat oh look I drew a pentagram crap... but actual power evoking rituals meant to make fearful slaves of others. i think pivotal people have suffered such things and I'd like very much to see these things exposed and the perpetrators brought to justice. I think churches claiming to be godly churches might have been into such things... breaking people's view of god.. so they can be further used for agendas.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 12:25 AM
And im sure you think harry potter was based on real events....... funny i couldnt even convince my nephew to believe any thing like this and he is 11... write a book or something, some good fiction stories could come from all this useless information.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 12:28 AM
Since I have a background in hermeneutics, allow me to interpret BlackSatinDancer's posts:

"Bla bla bla... go back to sleep... bla bla bla... don't research Reptilians... bla bla bla... Go watch TV."

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by BlackSatinDancer
Of course the movie rosemarys baby is fiction,but its fiction based on fact and its not like hollywood would have ever allowed the release of a movie showing an actual satanic cult ceremony...

edit on 5-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy
Since I have a background in hermeneutics, allow me to interpret BlackSatinDancer's posts:

"Bla bla bla... go back to sleep... bla bla bla... don't research Reptilians... bla bla bla... Go watch TV."

The amount of illiterate people making their way through secondary schooling is astounding. so now you are an expert in THEORY.

and you pick them so well....

Look, I even TOLD someone in this thread to go look at the pages all over the net about underground reptilians.

What the HELL is wrong with your screen!

You are just trying to flip this to the next page so less people will read what has been posted in here.

keep trying bubba... knock yourself out.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by someotherguy
One of the earliest modern day accounts of reptilians was from a 1934 Los Angeles Times article, which reported that a geophysical mining engineer claimed to have discovered subterranean labyrinths beneath Los Angeles, leading down to an underground city built by an advanced race of Lizard People who escaped surface catastrophes some 5,000 years ago...

Now before i ever read about that,i had written...

The Reptilians and the Insectoids are advanced and highly evolved species of Dinosaur like the Velociraptor and Insect like the Mantis and or Ant,who escaped the Yucatan Doomsday Asteroid 65 million years ago by going literally underground and into the oceans where they have entire civilizations and bases,places we cannot go to and they are what we call the Demons of Hell...

Pretty damn similar,would'nt you say?
edit on 5-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 04:58 AM
Hi Black Satin Dancer,

First, I shall reply in a post but would like to say that this is a thread about "Reptilians and Insectoids" and not designed as a platform to bash a given ATS member posting here. I am therefore replying in one long post and hope that either your further interventions be SMACK ON TOPIC offering direct debunking of what is said here, or else move to a better place so as not to take the edge off a very animated discussion about Reptoids and Insectoids, which I happen to believe are part of a broader reality which we fail to perceive in its entirely!

For whatever reason that is clearly eating away at you, you're completely entitled... even if you feel that my genuine courtesy is not sincere or some sort of devious ploy. Even from your last post I can read between the lines and note that you are not some agency boob doing the dirty, but have your own motivations which I cannot yet fully understand. So I am actually quite curious about what move you and I might have a thing or two to learn from you, having no problems with that as this is the best part of any forum discussion. That we see things so differently is in fact of a greater likelihood to bring some further understanding, and I already sense it will bring me some and hope it will likewise be useful to you.

I can understand there might be things which ilk you, either in my verbal style or in what I might say or from time to time suggest. Admittedly I tend to take the "counterpoint" too far, but I do so not to manipulate others but to push a given postulate to its extreme to test its solidity and determine its limits. When I speak here, it is only to the "best of my current understanding" which is far from exhaustive, and although intensive it is not necessarily the truth. The truth is what I seek, if I had it I wouldn't still be needing to seek it, right?

If you would like, we can take it up in PM messages or else you can start another thread about "Why Getsmart is so stupid" so that we don't take up all the bandwidth in a thread by going off topic. Thanks to consider either alternative out of respect for those here who might be interested in other things than our pet peeves.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

yeah, let me go get a parental block FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD... fail. Getsmart!

This is probably where folks might get the impression that you are not a harmless ATS member but one trying to soil the reputation of a dissident: this is just one stop short of calling somebody a pedophile, telling the public that I am out to harm the consciousness of innocent children! Get real, the internet is a vast place with many far more troublesome and worrisome places than ATS, and this thread is buried in a "highly speculative" section, where I doubt too many kids wander astray. Plus it is highly likely that those who might have less difficulty in accepting strange ideas on the Internet as just that, strange ideas, and are possibly less likely than you to have such a knee jerk reaction to what is said here?

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Not dumbing people down? YOUR OPINION is what is meant to dumb people down. i am VERY SORRY if you were engaged in a sacrifice ritual because these things do exist but it was not at the hands of reptillians who can shapeshift as they chose in and out of human form, yet cannot seem to shapeshift even into more attractive human forms. BRILLIANT!

My opinion is meant to be my opinion, nothing else. So you think I should simply shut up and keep it to myself because others such as you don't agree? Voicing something different from what you think means that I am dumbing you down? From what you've maintained, if that is the purpose it sure ain't workin'. LOL

Yes, I know that ritual sacrifice exists, but not out of some silly sci-fi movie. I was there! I also know that the Draco Repts exist. Why? I was also there. The rest is simply conjecture for which I cannot provide evidence, but which I must at least "consider" as possible given that there are too many loose ends to any mainstream explanations of what goes down on this planet. Yes, Reptilians walk among us, I can attest to this.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

the thing you say about me NOT being a shill is a convenient concession meant to apeal to those who also do not believe i am a shill. bit of weak psychology on your part and unimportant because me being a shill hasn't been mentioned and is just more words to read through trying to make an impression, not on me but on others. i really don't care whether or not you think i am a shill.... so, you're point is MOOT TO ME!

I am not at all manipulative or I would have spoken out very differently in the many postings I have made at ATS, so you are quite in error thinking that I do things planning for a given reaction from others. I say whatever I say, they call it like they see it, I'm fine with that since this is what a discussion is all about. Otherwise it is just an exercise in mental futility where one party thinks they have all the answers to get others to swallow them whole, or where people are engaged in an entirely different agenda than discussing ideas openly and freely. While there are shills and some of your statements do raise a red flag, I am not quite convinced that you are, and in any case it matters not to you what I think so it looks like we're both fine on that point?

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Furthermore on those thoughts...
i am still not even conclusive on some of my own experiences. I have not told anyone to bow down to any aliens but only suggested things to make people think and question. i am all about being able to question things and i question my own contact CONSTANTLY as he would have me do no less than this and believed and held hope that I would because he knows me and he knows i have never NOT questioned him in a previous engagements, IN MY OPINION. You see that...I do not tout my opinions as fact as some do and leave plenty of room for healthy doubt

At least here we have some convergence. We both base a lot of our thinking on our own experience and seek to figure things out from there. Maybe we have more in common than it appears, even if we take very different approaches to problem solving and are not on the same side of the argument. I note that you concede that aliens might exist, that's at least a starting point to know where you stand. Also you vaguely (simply because I haven't learned of your experience before it seems vague to me) refer to your own "contact" and I would be very interested to learn more, if you mentioned it elsewhere thanks for a link.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

i am well aware of how wrong i could be and i CERTAINLY do not one to be the one who opens the can of worms for my own personal feelings about the matter... which is why i am CONSTANTLY DIGGING FOR THE TRUTH. Hell, If only I could make my OWN mind up about some things, I would be happy. I don't want to make up the minds of others but allow them to have the truth which will help them make up their own minds and that truth is being held by WHO? HUMAN BEINGS!

This is what I detected in your previous posts, even though they first appeared to be directed against me. I think they were motivated by a compelling need to figure things out. After my Reptilian sighting I pretty much shut down my research for about two years, because I simply couldn't digest what it impacted about my worldview and understanding of what is really pulling the strings of events and geopolitics. It entirely upset the whole apple cart. Only later did I delve into researching what it might imply, and my current postings are simply an evolving vision of what might be out there. The OP advanced this theory, which added the notion of Insectoids to what I already knew only too well to be true, that Reptilians are indeed real and can, at least from time to time, walk among us.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Don't tell me what to ask myself. I bet i question myself a hell of a lot more than YOU DO...CLEARLY. (I'll elaborate on how you have drawn completely faulty conclusions based on things that could mean ANYTHING)

Sorry if I came of as condescending, it wasn't at all my intention. I do question myself a heck of a lot also, as you will note by this long reply to an adversarial posting. Usually if I feel it is ill intended, I simply ignore members who disrespect me. Sometimes it turns out that the "known facts" are the ones which are faulty! In the case of our exchange I sense there is something worthwhile to learn, and am open to evolve... and to Getsmart.

My conclusions could very well be faulty, but the only way to make sure is to follow them and confront them with known facts. Yet this is a long and arduous task which takes time, so to accelerate it I take a very extreme stance to bring to light where things just can't connect or make sense. I am thus seeking replies, for or against. Thanks!

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

i say i get tired of cleaning up your crap not because i have a problem with ATS in general but because some think that the best way to make a point is to make the REVERSE pointing showing how dumb it is as a social experiment. Shills come in who are obvious shills and are questioned and caught red handed and claim 'social experiement" THERE IS NO ROOM FOR THIS IN THE DAYS OF FAMINE FOR TRUTH. WELL MEANING PEOPLE- PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND THAT IMPRESSIONABLE PEOPLE READ THIS.

I hadn't noticed how you cleaned up anything of mine, since I don't recall ever crossing paths with you before during my years of ATS membership. Anyone can search my previous postings and will find countless accusations I have voiced against MI5, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, the FSB, the Nazi Continuum, the NeoCons and Godfather Bush, Freemasons, Zionists (who infiltrated Israel hiding behind honest Jews), Royal Families and many many Politicians from numerous nations. That makes for a lot of enemies, if any were ever to consider that a lone individual's rants on an internet forum had any weight or bearing, which I very much doubt.

I HATE social experimentation, just as I DESPISE psychological experimentation. So you'll get no argument from me about how these are abject behaviors which are undignified and totally unacceptable, this cannot be opposed too strongly. Also, I agree that one must not go about with large banners telling people preposterous things just to have fun or to poke fun at a mainstream idea one disagrees with. And I would not do such a thing. Do you see me posting a blog or starting a website with such an agenda? No. I simply joined this discussion thread, a highly speculative discussion in the highly speculative section of a highly speculative Conspiracy forum, to explore ideas and see what credence they might be afforded. And yes, admittedly I push the envelope, not to brainwash anyone or upset their mental tranquility, but to test the limits of ideas because in fact I would much rather "disprove them" than prove them to be true! Unfortunately, there are a number which I cannot disprove, one of which is that the Draco Repts do exist, to my deep dismay...

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Your next statements are just polite fluff to me, trying to make yourself sound like a great diplomat who needs to be heard but like most diplomats, is nothing more than a politician with an agenda.

If I had a political agenda I would have gone into politics and not spend so much time discussing unusual ideas right here at ATS. I think that people should retain their own power over their minds and their lives, point blank!

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

how dare you suggest letting go of a dream in the same paragraph where you suggest deciphering a HOLLYWOOD MOVIE FOR HIDDEN MESSAGES. You see, this is where you have it ALL WRONG. You think i am in here attacking you because of my personal feelings about aliens but you are so far from correct. I am angry because you continue with this flimsy argument based on FICTION. You need to be trying to tie your argument to actual things happening in the world. FACT! this is where your ends do not meet and I will point this out in this post or the next. In my opinion, theories much different than yours are the ones in which THE ENDS START TO MEET. Simply put, it makes no sense. MY FEELINGS ASIDE!! this is not important to the current state of the world, but I do expect that if you are going to tout all this, you had better at least try to make the ends meet somewhere, or going to get an argument that you cannot dismiss with mere opinion. You ought to know it, expect it and be ready for it and not try to slink out of it by insinuating this has anything to do with my feelings or opinion.

A dream is a "construct" which must maintain itself with numerous elements. A message which can come from any source, a total idiot blurting out something incoherent or a road sign or ice cream flavor can be enough to dial into your mind some important pivotal data, if you happen to need that signal at a given point in time.

I have nothing against validating ideas with facts, or disproving them as erroneous should the case arise as it often does. However I also wish to first validate the "facts" especially if they were not gleaned from personal observation and analysis first.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

You make it clear you do not believe in god. Point noted.

Whether or not I believe in god is irrelevant. You can note whatever point you wish, but I really don't think you know me well enough to have even a remote inkling as to my deeper beliefs... If this is a religious inquisition, to ascertain whether or not I am a "heretic", thanks for advising me of whether I am on trial for my beliefs or absence thereof ?

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Did you just claim that my skepticism is the same thing as my certainty. MAKES NO SENSE. FAIL! NOW GETSMART!

No - I ventured to wonder if maybe you might be skeptical because considering what is outside of your beliefs might shake your certainties. That is why I dared ask if you might not also apply your very acrid skepticism to what you have held as Holy and Sacred. If those beliefs are indeed valid, then you ought not worry about doubting them, since your doubts will inevitably point out that they remain accurate. But maybe, just maybe, you will find that the whole of the body of your beliefs is indeed true, except for a very relevant detail which you bought along with the rest of it? All it takes is a small element to open up the possibility of something much broader, and which can help us better understand events and situations, such as the HUMAN CONDITION which is at the center of this thread's preoccupations.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Do NOT accuse me of assuming without bringing with you at least one example to discuss. FAIL! NOW GETSMART!

I never did accuse you, only it seemed that you did base your very harsh words upon some form of conviction or other. You apparently are "assuming" that the Reptilians and Insectoids DO NOT Walk Among Us. I bring that example to discuss.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Can you even claim who has gained my confidence in this world, because until you do, how can you comment on it? Trust me. FEW IN THIS WORLD HAVE MY CONFIDENCE!

I am glad that you have a strong skepticism and let few if any influences into the gambit of understanding our reality. This is very important and will guarantee strong results in the long term, even if it makes you lock horns with quite a few people you don't agree with. So I encourage you to continue as planned. Whether we ever agree to what is in this thread is irrelevant, and maybe a year or two down the road you shall enlighten me with some very interesting knowledge you have thus acquired.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

funny you mention learning about the world when you can only rely on fiction for your arguments...and then adlib some crap about lessons, rearranging words already spoken about the fact that this place should be for LEARNING. What else do you like to hijack.

I rely first upon what I learned from life experience, only secondly upon what I learned from interacting with the world professionally and personally, third upon substantial academic research and lastly from broader open research into many subject matters. From this I then establish what you call FICTION and which is pretty much the only thing we can ever glean about the world we live in. All reality is a form of fiction, it is a way of connecting our perceptions with others, with events, with situations and with causal relationships to understand "for ourselves" what gives. Then we can further venture to figure out what it is all about, in some sort of philosophical undertaking. When groups of people meet at the intersection of their subjective appreciations of reality they then establish those fictional crossroads as "Reality". I was hoping we might find such an intersect?

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Now I will come back with my thoughts on this flimflam theory. Only a service to self type would say that duty is to one self alone. YOU have a duty. I have a duty. We all have a duty to OTHERS!!... YES, OTHERS!!!, but we serve very different masters it seems, don't we?

I like that you take a strong tack against the service to self types, especially in your implication that this means that some of those who are into service to self have what one might call a "Master". To this end I link to a recent thread I started for much of the same reasons, and which I hope will show me to not be what you seem to think. For your purview, should you so desire, I expect no form of support or agreement but only point to this so that you remark that I am on the other side of that battle:

Luciferians control our Reality Matrix by presiding over Scientific Orthodoxy

Regarding children, it is because I aim to defend the innocent that I am so deeply engaged in the battle for truth and to free humanity from a breed of predators that for most of my life I thought were simply disoriented and criminally inclined individuals. I have been victim myself of some quite horrendous crimes and am not without knowing that there are people who engage in the basest of acts. However I also note that this is due to certain I "other worldly" influences in their life, demonic or alien as you would have it. Please spare me psychology 101 as I am son of a CIA MK Ultra psych-operative - and believe schizophrenia is a fallacy invented to remove religious theories about spirit possession from the societal appreciations of such symptoms and also to stop the use of exorcism as a solution to said problems.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Most people agree that the government is covering up information on aliens and UFOs and many people have come froward with MUCH better credibility than the likes of ridiculous theory touters.

Speak of the USA. Elsewhere in the world where there has been very little if any talk about UFOs or Aliens, most people think that folks such as you and I who waste precious time discussing such preposterous things on the internet are wildly deluded and off their rocker! To them there is NO theory which is credible. That you find some credible and others not is your call, but don't use "most people believe" logic in this highly controversial area because it can't hold water and offers absolutely no relevance to use a consensus to establish the truth. Consensus shifts over time, does the truth shift also?

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Now, if we are being controlled by aliens underground, why do they not simply walk among us? Why do they stay underground? Oh yeah, to hide, but they shape shift into humans so this isn't really necessary. I guess it is just fun for them? Oh wait, but they DO NOT stay underground because if they did, you would not have witnessed all the things you have claimed to witness here on the surface in your human experiences. SO WHICH IS IT ALREADY.

I saw one without disguise, walking 9 feet tall and weighing several times more than a very large person. They apparently CAN SIMPLY WALK AMONG US which is what horrified me the most. Why do they usually hide? You might ask why the Gods forbid that their features ever be described or made it punishable by death to ever represent them with an image? This is found among many ancient scriptures from Latin America to Babylon. Do they shapeshift? I personally think that those who shapeshift are actually HYBRIDS such as was my father whom I once saw shapeshift, he was of Illuminati descent meaning a "bastard" lineage of illegitimate royal offspring that were then crossbred among themselves to make what I call a "stealth Royalty" that is our democratically elected governing Elite which is falsely said to come from "The People".

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

I do not completely disagree with the idea that some aliens might be hiding underground. I think it is actually completely possible, and that they are hiding and not intervening on a massive scale as you claim, waiting for the opportunity to surface once mankind screws up the world so bad, it will be very reasonable for them to intervene, having less karmic repercussion than to come up here NOW and try to sort mankind out and possibly having to kill a bunch of idiots.

1. OK, so Aliens might exist.

2. Aliens might be hiding underground.

3. Aliens might be intervening on a massive scale.

4. Aliens might be waiting for an opportunity to surface.

Thanks for making your point clear. I happen to have had a Close Encounter, and for what that's worth I know for myself, without seeking to convince anyone else, that Reptoid Aliens do exist. Others I have not seen. However, I only speculate that they might be underground. They might be in aerial craft, in undersea bases, in the inner earth, off planet somewhere in outer space or even maybe in some other dimension outside of what we call our physical reality? I have no way of knowing anything beyond the fact that I witnessed one such creature. I can't even vouch for there being more than one.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

How do you know they want that blood on their hands? What if they are largely disinterested in our bullcrap and are just waiting for it to fizzle itself out knowing that we are headed for great change and preparing much better than our human slave masters. Hell, they might be underground, they might be on an outpost in the stars. i suspect that we are even getting some type of unusual radio signals and only a privileged few know about it. this has been a recent suspicion of mine and keeps coming up here and there and if someone could just establish that, it might clear a lot of things up... but then again... if it's just a voice. it could be the government screwing with people, so really, what person of influence wants to be the first to fall for what might be a trick? i know of not one, but i seriously suspect these incoming signals now.

I cannot know what they might want, blood on their hands or in their throats? The one I saw didn't seem at all interested in us "inferior creatures" and into his own rather nasty adventure. The notions I have about what their nature and intent might be, granted they are several of them out there, was gained from that encounter and the very strong telepathic signals I received from him.

I find your "radio signal" theory to coincide with the movie "They Live" as well as with John Lear's theories about the Moon being used to broadcast such a signal to Earth. I would be very interested if you could set aside the bone of contention about whether or not the entire planet is indeed infested with such creatures, for that makes little difference when dealing with a very mobile and technologically superior potentially hostile enemy alien species. Please share more about your ideas which are very interesting indeed.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

as far as where they could be, i don't know because I am not SUPPOSED to know.
It has oh lets say "OCCURRED" to me that to know a lot of certain things would only put me in harms way even more. They have already tried a half assed attempt to regress me in case my contact from 32 years ago used me as a hard drive. AS IF he would have been that dumb.

I am very sorry to hear about your abduction or other form of entirely way too close contact... I didn't get anywhere near that close and can well understand how this can mess with one's life in a major way.

About that feeling of "knowing" when things can put you in harms way, this leads me to believe your story as it is something I also experienced during my encounter and several times since.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

So... many agree the government is hiding something and THEY are the ELITES. THEY cause the death of MILLIONS and they are obviously scared of the idea that aliens will take power from them to the point where they will NOT EVEN WARN THE PUBLIC OF POTENTIAL THREAT even though you claim this widespread threat is facilitated by aliens and NOT those humans who are NOT warning us and NOT helping us and basically just using us as cattle. but you are absolutely certain that ALIENS are the bad guys.

Well, here is where we seem to disagree fundamentally and I fail to find solace in your reassuring words. The creature I saw could never, in no shape or form, be what we humans might call a "Good Guy". It was Cold Blooded and totally uncaring without empathy or pity. These are Dracos who were possibly used as a linguistic reference for the word Draconian, meaning without mercy, examples given in the dictionary are being killed for a small insignificant act. They are as hard-assed as anything in the universe, way beyond the worst that humans are capable of, by our modest human standards of behavioral assessment.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer


How in the world could anyone not see the gargantuan inconsistency in your claim. YES... maybe aliens are underground but controlling us like the matrix? CAN'T YOU DO ANY BETTER THAN THAT?

I cannot discern what you are getting at here? Am I supposed to provide you with earth shaking answers? I know that we are in a controlled Matrix, this is something which is emphasized by the huge mass of myths, dogmas, fairy tales, historic falsifications and scientific fallacies which pervade our various civilizations. Most lead to a very complacent SHEEPLE which is easy to manipulate like livestock, and there is no way that a simple group of humans might have perpetuated this on such a Global Scale for Thousands of years in apparent similarity without some form of coordination. CAN'T YOU DO ANY BETTER THAN THAT?

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

They are using us for some type of energy? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?

How do you know that this isn't true? You who believe in solid factual answers, explain why this isn't possible, if you please? And be sure to bring your Quantic physics to the table as we are very interested in your explanations as to what form of energy constitutes the human soul. At present I find this the best explanation for the predatory nature of soul harvesting by massive human deaths in wars and genocide, and also note that there is a dominant aspect of Satanic behaviors connected with Demonic Spirit possession of people from both modest extraction as well as among our governing Elites through their cults and rituals and secret societies.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Why?...oh, because we are so good and spiritual that we have a lot of soul power to leech off... and you don't even believe in God. Again... BRILLIANT!

We have hands and feet, does noticing that make me be a believer in god? I note that we have a soul, there has been enough fascination about this feature of human constitution that I would bet that more has been said about it in the history of literature than about hands or feet. LOL

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

btw... if these are reptiles, aren't they cold blood sun lovers?...who prefer to live underground.. yeah, SO MANY EXAMPLES OF REPTILES WHO LOVE THE COLD. BRILLIANT.

Apparently your devotion to solid scientific facts has left you without the presence of mind to explore whether their might be temperate climes in the inner earth? After all, the basic lore taught in Geology 101 is that the earth's core is made of burning hot magma. There's nothing brilliant about grasping at straws to prove a point.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

oh, but they have power to keep them going under there. BOY, THAT SOUNDS EFFICIENT. Not too bright if they are in such control that they have us locked into a virtual reality that we cannot escape from which makes ALL of what we see an illusion, SO WHY BE UNDERGROUND AT ALL IF THERE IS ACTUALLY NO UNDERGROUND TO BEGIN WITH BECAUSE IT IS AN ILLUSION... WHY NOT JUST COME OUT AND BOSS US AROUND WHILE THUMPING THEIR EGOTISTICAL CHESTS LIKE PEOPLE DO? Shouldn't be too hard if they are our slave masters. NONE OF THIS IS ADDING UP.

You are clearly seeing things from a basely materialistic viewpoint. The war which is ongoing with these Alien creatures, the Fallen Angels, demonic beings or ultra-dimensional entities if you prefer, is a SPIRITUAL war. The battle is for our Souls and not for our flesh, even if some of them seem to enjoy the occasional gourmet meal while getting their kicks munching upon their live feast, just like a snake will want to eat a LIVE MOUSE. Yup, that's about it. Sorry for you, if it doesn't compute.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Oh but they don't come out because this world isn't even real and they just have us plugged in to the matrix.... so if this world isn't even real, then NEITHER IS THE WORLD BENEATH THE SURFACE.

any of this adding up to you yet?

I didn't say that there is no physical reality per se, only that we are limited in what we can know of it first by our perceptions and then by the extremely limited mental ability to make a conceptual construct of what it actually is. If you are so convinced that all it takes is to watch and think to know everything, then go about your reality without bothering with us. You know it all that way, right? Some things we perceive are indeed real, but we cannot fail to project our assumptions upon them, and that is one of the biggest problems in assessing the validity of what we experience and understand.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

my God i cannot believe I am engaging in something so poorly thought out and scattered.
...and i don't even disagree that there might be some hiding somewhere!!!!

so, what's this crap about their waste actually being the organic matter that makes oil form? hmmmm, that would actually be pretty cool BUT COMPLETELY INCONSISTENT IN A VIRTUAL REALITY WHERE NONE OF THIS IS NEEDED.

Nobody is forcing you to engage in anything, nor to believe in what you are engaged in. That crap about organic matter is just than, an off the bat comment I made in a post which was sort of a silly remark because I have noticed that many times what is really going on is often far more sinister than what we are led to believe. I simply connected the rather entertaining movie Soylent Green with the origins of our Fuel supply to poke fun both at the seriousness of our topic as well as at the very unreliable official versions we are given about something as mundane as the origins of the gasoline we pump into our cars. We are lied to about so many things that it was poking humor at this situation of massive disinformation by scientific bodies and organized interest groups.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

My God... This ridiculousness is making me so frustrated that if they start swarming out of some hole somewhere... I'm GOING TO BE FREAKING CHEERING MOST LIKELY... EVEN IF THEIR MISSION IS TO DELIVER US TO OUR MAKER...and get us off this dumbass planet choked full of HUMAN CONTROL FREAKS who would do ANYTHING to mislead the public and further enslave their brothers as they have done for AGES.

I agree that it is a desperate situation but you are quite misled if you think me to be one of those "control freaks". As for cheering at our massive death, that hardly sounds like the words of a "Duty to others" proponent, even if I can understand your despair at getting to a very evasive truth. I can only ask that you retain your skepticism, but give others a chance to voice their visions and opinions without thinking the very worst of them, and of course voicing your own vision and opinion as it might bring us to better understand things ourselves.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

Aliens came here to warn us about a fate of this planet to give us every chance possible in the spirit of karmic appropriateness. The government covered it up because they foresaw the immediate loss of power because they can solve most problems very simply. In their egos they thought they could advantage from the situation and make the alien problem go away as they appeared peaceful and weary of karmic repercussion having seen so much of it with their own huge eyes. Mankind decided his own fate by not being good sports in the same respect and now they are resurfacing and the government is afraid and sending out disinfo shills so that if they do arrive or surface, we will be big enough idiots to try to fight them off preserving power for the elites.

The "theory" according to which Aliens have visited Earth to warn us of dangers is one which is present in a minority of Alien Abduction accounts, whereby those abducted have been warned of impending dangers. There is a mounting skepticism about this in the UFO community as it is not only contradicted by far greater numbers of hostile abductions with no such rhetoric or message, and also by the fact that the Alien Greys are widely considered to be masters at deception and even to have deceived the US Government as to their real intentions along with fabricated stories about their own impending doomed genetics used as a cover for horrendous genetic experimentation in craft as well as in underground bases such as Dulce, New Mexico.

While there may be other Aliens which are more "angelic" and which seek our well-being, the one I witnessed cannot be confused with such an entity. It was so ghastly that it exploded the very notion of what humanity has for ages termed "The Devil" incarnating EVIL ON LEGS. I do not say this out of prejudice against different species, I have nothing against Giraffes, fish, turtles or other benign creatures. However I am very wary of predators such as large felines, fatal insects and poisonous snakes. This was way way way beyond that, and more worrisome, it was a heck of a lot smarter than any of us. This is definitely a major security risk for humanity, and we'd be altogether very fortunate if for whatever reason they were benevolent. This was NOT the impression it gave me as inordinately large human eating carnivores are hardly reassuring when you meet up with them face to face.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

that was one paragraph but I'd like to extend with more theoretical possibilities just in case this turns into the actual end of the world... some spiritual elaboration not so much tied to what is apparent in our current reality and general world around us but rather tied a little to religious prophecy... so i will not dare treat it the same.

While not religious in the strict sense of organized dogma, I have nothing against a good prophecy nor against religious explanations of spirituality. So I am an avid public if you have some notions about what has befallen us or what might lie in store.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

I don't even think it's going to come to a fight between man and aliens. I think they know too much to not be able to avoid getting blood on their own hands. I do not think they would even fight us, most likely just subdue us..paralyze us, put us to sleep, send us to another dimension etc etc unless these events culminate into a global transfiguration of living things and evil beings DO surface, but I think if they do they will be coming through dark portals which are humans who walk the dark path.

That is a distinct possibility, but it is belied by my experience of a blood thirsty Reptoid who seemed to have just had himself a gory feast. I refer you to my Reptilian sighting posts in other threads which can be found with a rapid search, if you're interested, but it isn't necessary to convince you or anyone of what I experienced. I simply shared it first to warn others of what I saw, and secondly so that people might know where I'm coming from. Up to them to think I hallucinated or am stark raving mad, I happen to know otherwise.

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer

It doesn't matter though, if this happens each person will understand their true path through transfiguration and will know exactly what they are supposed to do according to their path... but this is a big what if.

right now, back down here in our virtual reality
we continue to tend to our "virtual" things and when you look at that "reality' whatever the hell you want to call it, if you excuse your human slave masters who walk around on the surface day in and day out... you cannot POSSIBLY be one who understands or upholds truth.

You will find in countless postings I have made here that I DO NOT FORGIVE the Human Slave Masters right down here on Earth, often calling for them to be REMOVED FOR HIGH TREASON AGAINST HUMANITY. It might be useful for you to check out people's other posts here before getting too swayed by first impressions, yet I find you have some valid points which I am happy to take on board.

The idea of what you call "Transfiguration" or that some might call the great tribulation seems to be in the cards if one takes a look at both what our governing elites do to precipitate various aspects of biblical prophecy, and also if one takes into account the Spiritual War being carried out in the world today. If such prophecies can help enhance our understanding of events and our relationship to these "creatures" I am very interested.



edit on 5-3-2012 by Getsmart because: "DIMENSIONAL" other worldly entities Interact with a CRIMINAL ELITE !

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