I recommend everyone go back and reread the original post again. There are plenty of things that don't add up.
The Op stated that the teacher called and was worried that the kid wasn't eating and may have a psychological problem, yet the Op herself states that
her child has ADHD and is handicapped because of it.
Wait... what? Who here truly is giving the kid any credit and is actually worried about his health and well-being?
Another question I have is how are kids sitting in class watching him eat when they're outside playing, too?
Can't be doing both. What kids were sitting there listening to the boy talk about his meds if they're outside?
Also, the Op stated that she's a single mother and working, yet has time to home school her son? She states that she wasn't able to work after the
school threatened to call family services if she didn't return her son to school. So, getting threatened with family services prevented her from
working, but not the home schooling?
Things aren't adding up here.
Not to mention, the Op believes that the teacher is a cow, the entire town is crappy, and believes that everyone is abusive.
Op, I don't know how old you are, but I'm in my mid thirties. Let me tell you what an abusive teacher is.
When I was in Kindergarten, I had to wear braces on my legs to keep their form after having reconstructive surgery on my ankles because I was born
with birth defects. My mother refused to allow anyone to call me handicapped, so I wasn't in special classes. She wanted me to feel as normal as
possible and be treated no differently than anyone else.
To make a long story short, the class had to do a worksheet. As the answers were being read, I realized mine were wrong and tried to change them. She
saw me erasing and stomped over, grabbed the side of my head by the hair, and slammed my head on the table. Some of the kids even started to laugh.
I was so embarrassed! I went home that afternoon and couldn't even tell my mother what had happened that day. I sucked it up though and went back to
school. The teacher never apologized either. You know what though? I have no mental scars from it and I believe that it has made me a stronger person.
From here on out, nobody(!) puts their hands on me or anyone else if I can help it.
People have no idea how abusive teachers can actually be and making kids think they need special treatment is just as damaging. Suck it up. The
employment world is much more brutal than school life. The worst bullies are adults and kids should learn early how to deal with them. Teach you child
now that the world is a cold place and people will run you down in a heartbeat and offer you a smirk instead of an apology. Toughen up because the
road just gets more rocky as you go along.
edit on 2-12-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)
edit on 2-12-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason