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Was there an atomic war roughly 10,000 years ago?

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posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Grifter42

Oh dear, i hope not!
Your scenario is precise, and probably not far from being the real outcome.
What we must never forget is who we are & where we came from.
I fear that the same discoveries are made again & again, only to be discarded by the 'scientificallly correct' society. I fear we have been at this level many times in the past, only to get wiped out at the last minute.
My hope is that this time, the knoweledge will survive...
ETA; it looks like this has happened many times in the past.
edit on 26-12-2011 by playswithmachines because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by playswithmachines

I know I misssed a few pages but someone told me that Sodom and Ghamora looks like it had an atomic bomb hit back about 10,000 years ago.This would be about the same time as the biblical things were also going on. You might be interested to look at my very first OP called "its official god was a space alien and not our real creator" and see for yourself. It's all in there.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 09:02 PM
If we stored all of our information on disks that could be wiped clean by electromagnetic pulses, and then had a war in which the principle weapons at hand produced electromagnetic pulses, how much information do you think would be left? How long has your last computer lasted you? How long do you think it would recognizably remain a computer after nuclear strike? Do you know how a car works well enough to perform maintenance on one after all the supply lines are cut? Or would it lay fallow, turning to rust, the world reclaiming it's minerals for the next great civilization? Oh, what I'd give to see the library at Alexandria before the fire. It might have contained the previous civilization's knowledge, or what atleast remained of it that was transferred onto paper. But even books decay. How many of you have books from even a century ago? The elements turn them to dust.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 09:07 AM
Ah, that's the clincher!
I can't remember where i read it, but there was a study done that tried exactly that.
They analyzed what would be left of a modern city after 10,000 years.
Apart from some glass, & deposits of rare metals here & there, absolutely nothing would remain.

So IMO it could easily have happened several times already.
Scary or what?

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 10:58 AM
The greatest civilizations in the world, reducing eachother to molten, radioactive rubble, blowing mankind back to the stone-age. Maybe next time, they'll figure out how to not kill each other.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 09:55 PM
Some waste residue left by prehistoric atomic blasts may be found in
Monument Valley, Arizona, the Bakaa Valley in Lebanon, most of the West Australian Desert, and northwest of Cuenca, Ecuador, and there are more... Death Valley and Fire Valley near the city of Las Vegas is another witness to the past and timeless atomic insanity of the Earth human being. eastern slopes of the Andes a few dozen miles northeast of Cuenca, Ecuador. Sodom and Gomorra

2. google vitrified forts

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:33 PM
It's highly, highly unlikely that advanced civilizations prior to recorded history were so advanced as to have nuclear weapons and a subsequent nuclear war that erased ALL EVIDENCE of their technology.

The technology could not have been so centralized as to not have some evidence of it outside the presumed blast areas. For multiple civilizations to have nuclear weapons simultaneously, there must have been some forms of trade and knowledge sharing between them, which would have left telltale evidence of said civilizations along the trade routes. Even in the areas where the supposed blasts occurred, as in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, some things still remained intact.

My point is, there is no way you could destroy all evidence of an advanced civilization. Some parts of it would have survived to be discovered.

Cool story, but I will need very hardcore evidence of it before I would believe it.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:39 PM
I seriously doubt it...

Once again going to fables as fact is .....

I am pretty sure the 21st century is man's triumphs up to X........

Yet my opinion can be argued to death or for another 10 years on ats because their is no proof........

hell I think they were arguing over this 10 years ago here...

Who the hell knows.. Man....

Go outside and relax... Who really cares...

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Ph0en1x

Absolutely. There are written accounts of the great wars between the fallen ones (gods) and man. The wars were against each other and so afterwards they each spread to the four corners of the earth and erected their new civilizations. Their fingerprints are everywhere in our planet.

The more you begin to truly delve into the study of ancient history, forbidden archeaology and that which has been suppressed the more you will discover that the fallen ones came with technology and literally created civilization as we know it from what was hunter gatherer societies. There are so many missing links to it all that it isn't hard to figure out once you really put your heart into studying it.

Just for some light reading into some unexplained examples I put these links in. However, the true study into the ancient wars of the fallen gods and man require far more serious study.

Steve Quayle's book "Angel Wars".
edit on 28-9-2012 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:58 PM
Could have been an exploding comet or an asteroid exploding. It could have had sulfur compounds in it that would explain the burning. It could also have been a radioactive meteor or one containing phosphorus. It doesn't have to be an atom bomb. I can't say it wasn't an atom bomb either because I wasn't there. I do believe there was an extremely advanced civilization on earth long ago, but did they create weapons like this? I don't know.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 12:18 AM
To all you who say its impossible to have the technology then know this:

After Atlantis nuked MU, MUdidnt have nukes but hit Atlantis with a kamikaze (Maned with rocket guidance) asteroid to explode above Atlantis like a shotgun blast, this caused a pole shift

a pole shift causes waves 2 or 3 miles high at 1000 miles per hr to wipe the slate clean

MU was where the gobi desert is
MU you can still find metal pipes in the rock
some of MU's people survived in bomb shelters and descendants survive till today and have extended it to an underground city, they are nicer than we are so its best we leave them alone

google: ponta delgada
click maps
zoom out a bit at a time, you know how meteors leave scratch marks from debris, notice that

Santorini was little Atlantis before the island blew, traces remain

tens of thousands of years Before that we where as big as we are now but nuked ourselves silly
most deserts are from wars

sadly it goes further back several times with more nuke wars, groundhog civilisation

people know Atlantis existed because in a prev life they lived/died in Atlantis, it wont go away until people figure it out, like king Arthur and the Merlin are in our sub-conscious also

or when we look at certain stars or the stars in general

the sub-conscious knows all lives you have lived

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 12:26 AM
has anyone seen how easy it is to make a nuke?
its just getting a lump of uranium/plutonium etc.. and shoot it with same material as a bullet

you dont really need a bomb a dood can make a uranium bullet and shoot it into a few kg of the same material
a chain reaction will start

the hardest part is making the fusible material and that isnt difficult either

discoveries lead to knew discoveries, look what we have done in 100 years, the planet is billions

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Ph0en1x

Good stuff... something definitely happened thats for sure. But what exactly and who, that is the question. I mean, the distroyed towns were modern 'primitive' settlements but no building technology like we have today.

One would expect a civilisation to have more advanced building structures and electrical "stuff" laying around if able to construct an atombomb. The evidence doesn't seem to add up. Unless it was a foreign, a way more advanced civilisation doing the damage.

But what civilization in those times had that knowledge? Atlantis..? There is no archeological proof that a civilisation so advanced ever 'they' tell us.

edit on 28/9/2012 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by HiGilgamesh

I think that most deserts are from stripping the clay out of the soil to make pyramids and pottery.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:25 AM
like i always try to tell people

all evidence of advanced races would of been wiped out

once we're all dead the only thing left standing will remain the pyramids, why arn't we smart enough to contribute to history? all our stuff will be gone

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by WanderingThe3rd

Pyramids aren;t even that old, they are already slowly disintegrating... imagine in 20,000, 30,000 yrs...

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:35 AM
How many time is this HOAX gonna get re-discussed?

It is 100% a HOAX. Search the forums, it's been debunked many, many times.

Please people, don't believe everything you read.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by pavil

Yes it is unlikely. But, there was a global flood that supposedly occurred afterwards. That easily could have erased most evidence of a previous technologically advanced civilisation. I will not say all, because some still remains.

I hypothesise that the global flood was triggered by the nuclear war. The biblical account, if there is anything to it, (which there likely is due to the vast amount of cultures with a similar story) states that the earth was full of violence in those days, which indicates a total war. Then, the earth having some sort of self-cleansing mechanism, flooded in order to clean up.

Might sound crazy, but theres a lot we do not know about how the earth works. I personally suspect it to be a living entity, along with the entire solar system, especially including the sun. Human consciousness is simply the earths way of experiencing itself, which is why we remain for so long. But there always comes a point where we go too far and need to be culled.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Firefly_

Global flood is impossible thru a nuclear war, Tsunami and minor flood yes, but not entire global flood.

This whole Global flood theory is a local man's point of view. To him, water everywhere, no communication = global.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 08:47 AM
Thoroughly debunked here:

The text in the OP is NOT in the Mahabharata, it was a hoax made up in the 1960s. There's no vitrified cities, no radiation in India that would indicate a nuclear war, etc.etc.

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