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21.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all are created equal regardless of their financial status. -- That we free Citizens of the United States are without exception endowed under a Federal Constitution granting us certain unalienable Rights.
(Reply to oPHILOSORAPTORo: The language is actually correct in regards to the statement we are making. Please notice the use of the word unalienable (not inalianable). There is a big difference between the two. Please see: for more information. If we were speaking of inalienable rights in that case, yes, you would be correct, the Constitution does not (and cannot) grant anything that is already inalienable. However, it does, in fact, enumerate and grant (meaning, officially restate) a list of unalienable rights (that happen to also be inalienable) that we share. There are other inalienable rights that we have, also, that are not even listed in the Constitution (the right to breathe, for example), as well. Thank you for bringing this up because it does give us this chance to better explain the language that we carefully used in that paragraph. )
Originally posted by Ahabstar
I look forward to reading this "document" when I am home from work. I have been watching this whole "movement" and feel confident that this may help my finalization of quantifying just what it is in my assessment.
Originally posted by KendraSins
Originally posted by Ahabstar
I look forward to reading this "document" when I am home from work. I have been watching this whole "movement" and feel confident that this may help my finalization of quantifying just what it is in my assessment.
I am genuinely curious here. What exactly do you "hope" to find? I sense a great deal of bias from anyone that has to put "document" in quotes. Is there something that tells you already this document does not actually qualify as a document? I ask because I feel it speaks to a larger truth about your viewpoint. What makes it not really a document?
Originally posted by Ahabstar
I look forward to reading this "document" when I am home from work. I have been watching this whole "movement" and feel confident that this may help my finalization of quantifying just what it is in my assessment.