posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 12:42 AM
It's a great thread, I read most of it even though I've heard of most of this. I bookmarked it because of the links. You get a flag from me even
though you mistakenly made it sound like the pope was talking about ats in the last paragraph.
Laughing WITH you, not at you... I hope...?
Seriously though, this thread is way more awesome than anything I could ever contribute here. Maybe I'll create some extra accounts so I can give you
some additional flags :^] Would that know...? No? Ok.
Maybe people are just still busy reading it? And all the links packed with info? Or maybe the "America as a battlefield" thread is taking up all the
attention? Or maybe with all the "aliens are demons trying to ursurp gods glory" theories floating around, people are just kinda turned off by this
content at the moment? Sorry, I wish I could make you feel better, you did all this work and all... *sad face* Just know it will be bookmarked in my
phone forever! Or until an emp blast fries the circuits... Or the internet is taken down by anonymous. Or if they come out with subvocalized speech
controlled contact lens computer phones and I throw this one away without copying all my bookmarks because it will be a new crazy format that isn't
compatible or some weird thing... Either way, cheer up! You know what I think? Huh? Do you? I think all the jerks on here aren't ready for this
information! You're too good for THEM, not the other way around!
Incoming text, gotta go. See ya next time! I look forward to your next thread. I don't know about the others, but I sure understood and appreciated
it! :^D