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Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being R

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posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by TheMatrixusesYou

Dear TheMatrixusesYou,

Thank you for your response to my post, you are absolutely right, I did not read the entire thread.

May I please try to explain to you what I was thinking and why I responded as I did?

I read the first four pages of what sounded to me like panic and rage. The Opening Post basically said "The sky is falling for freedom in the US." This was a dramatic and important claim so I went to the quoted source. That article had no links, so I started looking for myself and found that the headline for this thread was false.

I am not a brilliant researcher, so I was sure that the minds on ATS would have picked up on this right away and the interest in the thread would die down. After looking at four pages, and the last page, I saw no mention of the fact that Americans were exempt from this law.

I am surprised, since you say the exemption has been mentioned several times, that people are still expressing rage and dismay over a false headline.

As far as the frog and boiling water example goes, you are quite correct, that can happen. But why should we fight the government on battles like this when it only makes us look uninformed? It's a little like starting a thread saying a new law will require us to make milk blue. When it's pointed out that the law won't do that, someone would follow up by saying "Ok, but what about Monsanto and TPTB who are trying to control our population by killing us off? That's the real issue."

I do apologize for not reading the entire thread, but other than that I think my criticism is fully justified.

With respect,

Thank you for your humility. With me it goes a long way. You can see I used it up a couple of posts above and I think it's sorely needed here.

Middle of the first page has this post and the top of page two has this post. So that's before you really get into what's all going on.

Frog in the water analogy. This is done through compartmentalization of events. They poke you here and then back away. They poke you there and back away. You draw the line and they take just one step.

We used to be able to own land and now you make payments to a bank and when you're done you keep making payments to the govt. You used to keep all of your money and now the govt takes a large chunk off the top. You used to be able to raise your child the way you wanted....etc. should I continue? Yes you know all this. The key is putting it all in perspective. One step at a time. The tortoise wins the raise because he paces himself. You can eat an elephant one bite at a time. Compartmentalization. All events are seemingly isolated, especially looking at them closely. When you look from afar at the big picture and entirely different story unfolds.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Do you have a link for the article?

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

***** CORRECTION: It's the mass media owned by the 1% and hollywood (research Jordan Maxwell and the word hollywood) that are consistently mind conditioning the masses to down grade men.

Change last word from me to men.

thank you.
edit on 27-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by TheMatrixusesYou

Smart....................inch by inch TPTB are stripping our freedoms away............but most people just can't or won't see it happening.

By the time they do it will be to late.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:03 PM
There back NAZI= USA



Bush and Blair got they trial in Singapour and they were found guilty of the same act the nazi was.

Where is the links again... i made a post on that

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by antonia

insightful post..............unfortunately true

edit on 28-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

For what good contacting your rep will do......most (not all) owe their allegiance to whomever funded the most to their campaign as well as the lobbyists in Washington.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talks and he / she with the most the most money makes the rules.

Time to stop the buying out of our freedom and liberties.

Time for the common man to take a interest in and throw out those corrupted by money.

Time to take back our country.

So often people that crave power and position are corrupt and can be bought...........they are not in positions of power to further humanity but to further their own agenda.

It's time to weed out the garden of corruption.

We need people who want to better our world not further their own personal agenda.

edit on 27-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by TheMatrixusesYou

Smart....................inch by inch TPTB are stripping our freedoms away............but most people just can't or won't see it happening.

By the time they do it will be to late.

Thank you ofhumandescent. Just know that it's never too late. There's only us talking and everybody listening. For those that are awake, it's our job to tell as many people as possible what's going on. Be like Johnny Appleseed and just go around planting seeds everywhere. Plant so many seeds that apple trees cover the entire continent.

Seeds can also be over-watered and that's possibly what Alex Jones did to occupy wall street with the constant spamming. So you can do it too much.

WWRPD? What would Ron Paul Do? Ask people questions. Questions are non-invasive and gets them to think. This is our most powerful weapon and can strike the most fertile ground imaginable. Just look at all those empty heads out there just waiting to get some ideas. Does anyone have some other ideas?

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Maccaron.Shakaron
sad but oh so true, we in the US seem more scared of losing our 2nd when that is the least one effected, 1st 4th 5th the 6th the 7th and the 8th as well as many others are being trampled on , but look out if you go after the 2nd, all hell will break loose. Yea buy that time you wont have the right nor the freedom to say bo ho you took my rights away, name one that has not been trampled on or made so week that it no longer means what it is meant to mean we in the US are at the point of just this, you complain your not for the US but a traitor to it. Seem that old Paul made his ride for nothing, it just took 235 to except this.

edit on 28-11-2011 by bekod because: editting

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:58 PM
There is another similar thread running.......
perhaps they should be combined into one?
edit on 27-11-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Find what congressmen and senators occupy your area and look them up at to find out about how much money they've been getting and from what companies and keep it in the back of your mind. When you contact their office, it doesn't go unnoticed, but at least let them know how you feel. Go to the next townhall meeting and speak up. Rise up and make the stand. I know I will. The others there will be impressed that you have that knowledge. I think I can see your frustration and it looks like it's time to take it to another level. Let's show these power brokers that we're paying attention. You speaking up inspires others and tells those jackholes on Capitol Hill that more people are paying attention. Let's prepare for a long drawn out awakening and that should be our MO right now. We'll do it. Have faith.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
There is another similar thread running.......
perhaps they should be combined into one?
edit on 27-11-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

They were informed of this thread early on and someone said they read this one and saw how it started out about the bill and started to turn into some 'martial law' thread. [snip] It's the same thing!
edit on 28/11/2011 by Ayana because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by TheMatrixusesYou

Been there and done that............e-mail them once a month.

Obama (for whatever good it will do) every Monday.

Thanks, good advice.

I also go to our town meetings

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Alright! That's impressive! It almost makes me want to shut up. That last post helped me and hopefully many others to see what the standard is. how about an email blaster? /rhetorical

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by bjarneorn

Originally posted by PrimePorkchop
reply to post by ThatGuy45

You either "go with the flow" or run against it. If you choose the latter, then I say you get exactly what you deserve.

I think you should pack your bags, and move back to China. You obviously don't want to live in the free world, and honestly .... you don't have to either. :-)

I want to live in a world where people like you can't walk all over MY freedoms. Im not walking on any of yours. Also, please tell me that you at least find it as hilarious as I do that in one breath, you claimed this country has no more freedoms by saying they're being taken away by a police state, then in the very next breath you tell me to "leave the free world"

Also hysterical that even in your "Free world" others aren't "free' to have differing opinions from your own line of thinking.

Oh well. Typical liberal.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:40 AM
Well, now I know why they built the American FEMA camps with caskets and playgrounds.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by TheMatrixusesYou

"We used to be able to own land and now you make payments to a bank and when you're done you keep making payments to the govt. You used to keep all of your money and now the govt takes a large chunk off the top. You used to be able to raise your child the way you wanted....etc. should I continue? Yes you know all this. The key is putting it all in perspective. One step at a time. The tortoise wins the raise because he paces himself. You can eat an elephant one bite at a time. Compartmentalization. All events are seemingly isolated, especially looking at them closely. When you look from afar at the big picture and entirely different story unfolds."

My reply is that You still can own land and ONLY real human beings can own land, corporations CAN NOT. It is all paperwork that people are too lazy to file or pursue.

Second, The government takes your money because you do not rebut the preumption that YOU, your strawman in all caps, can not work because it is the HUMAN you who is doing the labor, again, file a UCC-1 and take control f the strawman and rebut the presumption you are a legal fiction and government employee.

Third, you can raise your child the way you want too, just don't spoil them with all the trash being sold today on the television. Say NO, if they act out, spank them or ground them from the TV. Be responsible. Once you file the UCC-1 and claim your children's birth certificate numbers too and burn the document and the SSN, then your child is yours and NOT a creation of government. It is because we all go along with the presumption that WE were created BY the government and not the other way round, that we got ourselves into this hole. Time to jump out of the hole, File your UCC-1 and be done with government, lets quit playing their games and get back to the common life of the common MAN. Simple really.
READ IT MANY TIMES, you have the time for football, the bar, soccer or other programs on the TV, stop that and READ THIS MANUAL!!!!!!
edit on 28-11-2011 by daddio because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-11-2011 by daddio because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-11-2011 by daddio because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-11-2011 by daddio because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-11-2011 by daddio because: Response

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by TheMatrixusesYou

Just one further note, if you do not agree with taxes being removed from your check because you are NOT a "U.S." citizen but an American witht he natural born RIGHT to trade labor for living it is right in the IRS code sections.

Sec. 3402(p)(3). Authority for other voluntary withholding.
The Secretary is authorized by regulations to provide for withholding-

(A) from remuneration for services performed by an employee for the employee's employer which (without regard to this paragraph) does not constitute wages, and

(B) from any other type of payment with respect to which the Secretary finds that withholding would be appropriate under the provisions of this chapter, IF THE EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE, OR THE PERSON MAKING AND THE PERSON RECEIVING SUCH OTHER TYPE OF PAYMENT AGREE TO SUCH WITHHOLDING. Such agreement shall be in such form and manner as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe. For purposes of this chapter (and so much of subtitle F as relates to this chapter), remuneration or other payments with respect to which such agreement is made shall be treated AS IF THEY WERE WAGES PAID BY AN EMPLOYER TO AN EMPLOYEE to the extent that such remuneration is paid or other payments are made during the period for which the agreement is In effect.

Note that the Secretary is authorized to provide for withholding by issuing tables computational procedures and other instructional material on withholding that apply ONLY to those who have VOLUNTARILY AGREED to withholding. An agreement exists only when an individual who is hired voluntarily REQUESTS that money be deducted and withheld from his pay for payment of taxes and the one for whom he works completes the agreement by his VOLUNTARY act of collecting money as an unpaid tax collector for the government.

Despite the general mistaken belief that the deduction and withholding of money for taxes is required by law, a simple reading of this code section shows that such is not the case. Mandatory withholding would conflict with two key provisions in the U.S. Constitution: the Fifth Amendment right to due process states that no person shall be deprived of property (having his pay withheld) without due process of law (a ruling by a court) and the Thirteenth Amendment prohibition against slavery or involuntary servitude, such as being forced to be an unpaid worker (slavery) or an unpaid Federal tax collector.

Read people, do some research, if we all just got this going and got on the same page.....

the government can not lock up those who have founded the government. It can not ENACT any statute or ordinance that would violate the publics natural right!!!!! Null and Void.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by daddio

I'm going to have to come back to this later as I'm currently busy with daily tasks.

If what you are saying is correct and that the Strawman is a real deal, and I do have my doubts, then revoking US citizenship could ultimately be disastrous if this new bill gets passed. The only exception to indefinite incarceration without trial is toward US citizens. You would actually be put on a list as a potential terrorist and hauled away since you have revoked US citizenship to claim other citizenship. You'd be considered a terrorist because your knowledge could spread to others which could eventually violate national security. Right?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 12:28 PM
For you that want to see how this S 1867 turns out , here's hoping it fails, and with Amendments (270 proposed), seems to me the rebirth of the "P"act with more power than before.

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