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Aliens do NOT exist, here is PROOF

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posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Zatox

Aliens probably exist. There's just no proof they've ever come to Earth. And that's fine by me. Keep out.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Zatox
before you get all defensive like most Alien fanatics do, just hear me out..

Ummm no that is about as far as I got in this post

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Zatox

Here is a picture of our Universe:

This is just one universe there are thousands out there. It’s impossible statistically that we are alone, the only form of life. That said we could be the most advanced or we could be the new kids on the block who knows. Stating we are alone is like stating…..hey look at the ant hill......I know there are thousands of ant hills around the world but you know what this aunt hill is the only one with ants.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:42 PM
If you think of the abundance of life on this planet and then of the vast universe with countless planets you can only come to the conclusion that the reason for the existence of the universe is to create life.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:45 PM
I think there is evidence of genetic mutation or engineering at Plum Island.............................I also think that this could possibly be used to further one's secret agenda..........Do I have the evidence for that ? No........

What I do know is that every alien thread I have seen here on ATS have been hoaxes which some people choose to follow to the end.

It may not always be a planned hoax, I actually believe that people want to believe, so bad, that the explanation is "aliens".

I have not seen one shred of evidence at all that says "aliens".

But thats my opinion.........

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Zatox

You have offered no proof.

All you said was the lack of evidence, is evidence that they don't exist.

That sounds more like an opinion, than it does proof....

And before some one responds to me saying "Oh yeah? Well,prove they DO exist"

I have made no claim and therefore have nothing to prove

edit on 25-11-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:53 PM
Soumds to me the OP just wanted to start another argument. There's heaps of threads like this with some idiot declaring that Aliens don't exist without a shred of proof.

Could be worse. He could mix up Aliens with God,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oh for Christ's

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:05 PM
If the aliens really wanted us to know they exist, the government could not stop them from doing this. To believe that the government could actually "cover up" their existence goes against logic, on ever level. So, either
1) They don't exist
2) They exist, but are in cahoots with the government (and stay hidden from the general public)

I don't think there could be a 3rd option. And #2 is downright scary, really.

The aliens could not possibly be so STUPID as to be outsmarted by our government. If they are, I would have to ask where they got their technology.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:11 PM

edit on 25-11-2011 by jeenyus2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by MrUncreated
If the aliens really wanted us to know they exist, the government could not stop them from doing this. To believe that the government could actually "cover up" their existence goes against logic, on ever level. So, either
1) They don't exist
2) They exist, but are in cahoots with the government (and stay hidden from the general public)

I don't think there could be a 3rd option. And #2 is downright scary, really.

The aliens could not possibly be so STUPID as to be outsmarted by our government. If they are, I would have to ask where they got their technology.

Third option could be, They exist, they are under some cosmic law stating they cannot engage us. They want us to know they are out there but they dont want to frighten us either so they are gradually acclimating us to the idea.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by CanadianBlueTrue
reply to post by Zatox

Here is a picture of our Universe:

This is just one universe there are thousands out there. It’s impossible statistically that we are alone, the only form of life. That said we could be the most advanced or we could be the new kids on the block who knows. Stating we are alone is like stating…..hey look at the ant hill......I know there are thousands of ant hills around the world but you know what this aunt hill is the only one with ants.

That's a galaxy sweetheart.

Anyway, I think what you were trying to say is there's about 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and there's about 200 billion galaxies in our known universe.

And there's even theories now (from very credible scientists) that we could possibly live in a multiverse, which basically means there could be many universes out there.

So yea, the odds of us being the only life out there is crazy talk. That's never really been up for debate anyway.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:24 PM
I believe you are sadly mistaken. lack of evidence doesn't make some false just unproven ... just like God or why the seasons came and went in 1500 bc .......

just because we don't know for sure ... there is a lot of empiracial evidence we have been vistied in the past. Personally, I like the version where the Annunaki mutated man to be smarter so we could do tasks for them ....

For some strange reason I have believed that for as long as I can remember but I am not sure where I came up with that belief.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Zatox

Zatox - Space alien other- worlder's exist, because Earth humanoid's exist. Because..... It is the nature of the Universe to create life on Goldilock type planets. To say otherwise is sheer folly.

Now.... on the subject of whether these "other-worlder's" have ever visited our planet Earth -- We still exist, because if that approx. 1,000 foot diameter fiery plasma Foofighter [I saw one night,]was not an alien Starship, but instead a small asteriod.... could have possibly wiped out the entire human race on its impact with Earth.

My alien starship sighting was convincing enough for me, but probably not enough for you, that other-worlder's have visited our planet Earth. It's not just my evidence, but loads of other verifiable evidence as well.

"Show me one" --- Well hold on too your panties: Because even though I did not see, of what I describe as a space alien, or robot when I took the picture; back in the summer of 1972, @ Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, USA.

Check-out: Space Alien Hiding Behind Fossil Rock -- On YouTube - Located in the lower right hand corner of the photograph; with his face or helmet exposed, along with his left leg and foot that is resting on a Miocene fossil rock.


edit on 25-11-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 25-11-2011 by Erno86 because: spelling

edit on 25-11-2011 by Erno86 because: grammar

edit on 25-11-2011 by Erno86 because: ditto

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Zatox

In reply to you're thought-provoking thread i have this comment to make....

"Fried spam is infact a good substitute for bacon"

See what i am getting at ?

No ?


posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Zatox

ufo's now aliens dont exist....hmmm. This website is based mostly on these kind of topics, Why sign upto something just to say point blank they dont exist.

I cant say whether aliens exist or not..

But the other one I know full well they do! ;o)

Keep thinking like that.
Just for you I'll say I never saw anything on the 4th oct 2009 that would confirm this, it will help you sleep.....

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by lukeUK

Regardless of Aliens or not, I know UFO's exist. I have seen 5 UFO's over the last few years. I know they exist. And there's no way in hell the 5 UFO's I saw were man made!!

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:59 PM
What an ignorant post by the OP. The Mods made a thread about this sort of thing. I don't understand what is going on to be perfectly honest.

Are we suppose to engage in this debate?

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:09 PM
The OP has replied like 5 times in this entire 4 page thread, 80% of which were removed for Manners & Decorum violations by ATS Staffers. I think it's pointless to argue with OP when s/he states s/he has "PROOF" of such conjecture, while providing absolutely 0 evidence and obviously not willing to listen to other people's replies without being snarky. But I'm going to anyway.

Rather than base your silly hypothesis off of "a stupid looking photo with a dot on it," lack of solid public evidence, or whatever, I implore you to investigate the statistics of actually capturing extraterrestrial activity on cameras, video, etc. I found these great passages in William Bramley's The Gods of Eden that paints a pretty clear picture (lawl) of why there isn't much photographic evidence of extraterrestrial activity:

Roughly 90% to 95% of all reported UFOs prove to be man-made aircraft or unrecognized natural phenomena. Approximately 1.5% to 2% are outright hoaxes, often accompanied by spurious photographs.

So we have approximately 97% of all UFO sightings explainable by man-made aircraft, natural phenomena, or straight up hoaxes. That leaves us with roughly 3% of actual UFO sightings that are of nonhuman origin. With that tiny, tiny percentage—statistically speaking—there isn't much chance of capturing genuine extraterrestrial UFO sightings on film. Bramley goes on to provide an example:

Let us guess that 2000 “flying saucer” flights are made over Earth every year. That amounts to 5 ½ flights every day.

Of course, 2000 flights made every year is simply an assumption, but based off of the numbers above this is a reasonable educated guess. As far as we know the number could be even smaller, thus lessening actual flights/sightings per day. Let us not forget that the majority of UFO sightings are reported at night time, generally in rural areas. Capturing a clear photo at night time is already a low statistic, but also take into account that not everyone has a camera on them at all times that happens to encounter an extraterrestrial sighting. Also, not everyone is a professional photographer that knows how to make proper f.stop settings, exposure settings, ISO settings, etc to craft a clear photo at night.

There are many reasons to believe extraterrestrials have, or are currently, visiting our pale blue dot in this vast emptiness of space. It takes a dense frame of mind to base that extraterrestrials don't exist because we lack physical and photographic evidence when personal cameras haven't even been around that long. I am a skeptic towards every single photograph or video that states they've captured extraterrestrial craft simply because the chances of ET sightings are extremely low. I, too, constantly fight with whether or not I believe in extraterrestrials due to lack of evidence, but on a universal scale the chances of extraterrestrials existing are extremely high. It would be arrogant and downright ignorant as a human being to think that this universe is for us and us alone.

OP, I recommend you re-open your mind to the possibilities of extraterrestrials existing and reading a couple of good books about why it's possible they may exist instead of watching a bunch of YouTube videos while basing your beliefs off of those. If you still deny the extreme likelihood of existence of ET, then that is your decision.


edit on 25-11-2011 by duhdiggitydan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by game over man

I agree... The OP is trolling IMO and should not be dignified with any sincere response other than what I just posted...

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:36 PM
This is idiotic. You cannot prove a negative. That's pretty much Logic 101. I can't believe this thread has gone on so long. I can't believe I was dumb enough to add to it with this post.

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