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The Power of Thought –Vibrations, Magick and the Law of Attraction

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Rhamavatha
In Mark 11:24 he writes "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." (King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)) If you pray while wanting the thing you are praying for, it sends the message to your consciousness that you are lacking said thing. But by believing you have received said thing, your subconscious then feels fulfilled and sends those thoughts out into the ether accordingly.

Oprah pimped The Secret, which is the Law of Attraction on her show. But "The Secret"/Law of Attraction is taken from a much older occult law.

Great point man. Prayer, when enough faith is present, works exactly the same as spells or positive thought. And using the same mechanics as well. The fact that the the person doing the praying ascribes the results to an outter God instead of what it really is - him or herself, is of no consequence......

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf
Hey Hillbilly, am not sure what TOE is and haven't yet looked into total unifying theories, but essentially what I say int the first part of the post is that all matter is merely energy vibrating at differing speeds.

My belief is that every situation that manifests in our life is essentially just different energy in different combinations vibrating at differing frequencies. Now if, as shown through quantum physics, our thoughts do indeed effect the energy that makes up matter, which in turn makes up the situations we find ourselves in, we can in turn use those thoughts to essentially mimic future situations we wish to find ourselves in by imagining them to be already happening. This is the basis (as I attempted to point to point out further down the OP) of why spells, prayer and the Law of Attraction works.

A "TOE" is the acronym for "Theory of Everything" - now you know. And I agree with your assessment 100%

True, but the different combinations are easy to break simply by having the right thoughts. And the right thoughts are merely those thoughts which will put you into a the place you want to be. This will work assuming you do not allow any other thoughts to creep in which are contrary to the first thought (e.g. doubts about the outcome).

I believe this is correct, as if I have a thought which I do not wish to occur I typically destroy its chances of manifesting by saying, "No! It doesn't have to be that way. It can happen another way."

No I haven't. Will definitely be adding it to my holiday reading list though. Cheers for the suggestion.

Isaac Bonewits is highly recommended. You find out about him here:

And you can find the Laws of Magic here:

Hopefully I helped you with a few. I do not believe one should deny oneself the power of his or her own mind simply due to not fully understanding the mechanics of it. I'm guessing you are no surgeon but you would not refuse yourself the use of your own body simply due to not fully understanding anatomy.

Simply understand that it comes from you. Not any external presence or entity. That is all you should need to know in order to alleviate any fears or doubts you may have

Yes. You are helpful, especially in confirming some of my suspicions on the way things operate. I do not deny using the power, but I am missing something which I do not fully understand, and the way I am with manifesting things, that is not a good thing.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf
I think this would definitely be interesting to look into. Math unfortunately was never my strong point. Essentially though the end product of that math here though is thoughts and results. Mathematics are how the universe functions though…

I actually once tried looking into wave particle physics to see if I could learn anything there, but got completely lost in the calculations.

I think you may be on to something with the binary code though and the groups of numbers. But I can only assume even the most simple human thought would be the equivalent of millions of digits worth of calculations.

Don't worry, I can't fully comprehend physics either, in fact, I am slightly suspicious it is b.s. because of that. I'm not saying it doesn't work or science is b.s., I'm saying something is seriously missing, that's all.

As far as the math goes, I was never great at it either, but I am alright with it. What I was trying to point out though is this:

Look at the flashing lights on a tower and imagine those blinks as 0s and 1s. Now add about 6 more blinking lights to the tower, in your mind. Shift around the patterns of color or the patterns of blinking. It is the same tower, same colors, and same amount of lights, but they are just in different order.

Now imagine looking at a pencil and a pen. Assign them blinking lights, like the tower. Only give one color for form, one for mass, one for type of material, etc. The pencil might look just like the pen, but only have one different color, or it might be all the same colors, but in a different order.

Another way to put it... Imagine you had an French teacher who liked African culture, talked about it all the time, and enjoyed skiing. Now, a few years later you meet an individual who is African and works as a ski instructor in France, who talks all the time. Of course, I simplified the number of variables, but I assume you get the point. It is all the same traits, just shifted around in position. Admittedly, I didn't think up a very good example, but I hope you grasp what I am trying to say.

Forget the colors for an instant, and now just turn those colored lights into number value places (like ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) You have ten values to choose from (0-9), and say 7 places. The 0s and 9s make up general things like form, or hardness, or what have you. Depending on which number falls into which place, the combination produces a certain result, like ingredients in a cake mix. And if something has no value in a particular column, then it is assigned a 0. So different things which "exist" look like this:

A rabbit: 0467928
A flower: 0157928
A human: 0468928
A rock: 0000920
Air: 1000000

And say '928' has something to do with size and form and life.

These are just off-the-cuff examples to give a general idea of what I was suggesting. In short, it is a lot like DNA, but on a universal scale. And the numbers may not be 0-9, but may be 0s and 1s, like binary, so that they can simply be ONs and OFFs.

Well, if this were true, then all you have to do, magically speaking, is learn how to flip the switches in the correct order to get any result you desire. Which isn't too far off the mark, in my estimation, as that is pretty much what we do in the physical realm when we make things, but in the physical we are not really flipping switches, instead we are rearranging things like a Rubik's Cube.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 06:14 AM
Thanks for the Laws of Magic, they are very interesting and echo a lot of what i said, although I feel in a slightly more complex way. But I do intend to look into them further and hopefull absorb some of their insights into my own. Cheers

Originally posted by HillbillyHippie1

Yes. You are helpful, especially in confirming some of my suspicions on the way things operate. I do not deny using the power, but I am missing something which I do not fully understand, and the way I am with manifesting things, that is not a good thing.

I think one thing you have to remember with the 'Law of Attraction' is not only can you be quite specific about what you manifest, but also you can be fairly specific about the way it manifests. You obviously don't want to be to exact else you set yourself up for a mental let down if it doesn't happen exactly that way (which often it won't purely due to external factors for we do not operate in a closed system). But you can put in stipulations about how you don't want it to come about, or an approximate time it should come about, whether you don't want such-and-such a person involved, and to ensure it harms none in the long term (sometimes short term pain is long term gain however)

Don't worry, I can't fully comprehend physics either, in fact, I am slightly suspicious it is b.s. because of that. I'm not saying it doesn't work or science is b.s., I'm saying something is seriously missing, that's all.

Me I was always good slightly better at physics cos it applies to real life situations and one of my few talents is seeing the 'big picture' and finding its patterns in smaller things around me. But when it comes to working something out exactly the calculations always let me down. Maths I was never to flash at as it was to abstract for my brain to care.

As far as the math goes, I was never great at it either, but I am alright with it. What I was trying to point out though is this:

Look at the flashing lights on a tower and imagine those blinks as 0s and 1s. Now add about 6 more blinking lights to the tower, in your mind. Shift around the patterns of color or the patterns of blinking. It is the same tower, same colors, and same amount of lights, but they are just in different order.

Now imagine looking at a pencil and a pen. Assign them blinking lights, like the tower. Only give one color for form, one for mass, one for type of material, etc. The pencil might look just like the pen, but only have one different color, or it might be all the same colors, but in a different order.

Another way to put it... Imagine you had an French teacher who liked African culture, talked about it all the time, and enjoyed skiing. Now, a few years later you meet an individual who is African and works as a ski instructor in France, who talks all the time. Of course, I simplified the number of variables, but I assume you get the point. It is all the same traits, just shifted around in position. Admittedly, I didn't think up a very good example, but I hope you grasp what I am trying to say.

Forget the colors for an instant, and now just turn those colored lights into number value places (like ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) You have ten values to choose from (0-9), and say 7 places. The 0s and 9s make up general things like form, or hardness, or what have you. Depending on which number falls into which place, the combination produces a certain result, like ingredients in a cake mix. And if something has no value in a particular column, then it is assigned a 0. So different things which "exist" look like this:

A rabbit: 0467928
A flower: 0157928
A human: 0468928
A rock: 0000920
Air: 1000000

And say '928' has something to do with size and form and life.

These are just off-the-cuff examples to give a general idea of what I was suggesting. In short, it is a lot like DNA, but on a universal scale. And the numbers may not be 0-9, but may be 0s and 1s, like binary, so that they can simply be ONs and OFFs.

Well, if this were true, then all you have to do, magically speaking, is learn how to flip the switches in the correct order to get any result you desire. Which isn't too far off the mark, in my estimation, as that is pretty much what we do in the physical realm when we make things, but in the physical we are not really flipping switches, instead we are rearranging things like a Rubik's Cube.

Once again I really do like your ideas. Maths is the language of life (If you haven't already you reallly shoud se a little cult flick called Pi - see below). But I still think that to capture even the simplest situation mathematically you would need a near infinite amount of numbers in the equation. And it is probably not necessary when just a simple thought held for a minute or two will suffice.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by HillbillyHippie1

I practiced alone from about 2000-2002, then was part of a rather large group in my area for about 5 years, and then I went solo. I used to do a whole lot of magic, but not so much anymore. It always worked too well and too easy for me, which I don't like, since I still haven't put all of the pieces together yet on just exactly how it works, so I enjoy discussions like this since I am always theorizing stuff myself.

Can you give us more insight on this? I'm curious what was so easy?

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:25 AM
Weird that I am just now seeing this thread. Very intriguing stuff, 1LittleWolf.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by 1littlewolf
1littlewolf - I have found that synchronicity has become more and more prevalent in my life over the last year or so. I literally just finished writing a post in another thread here in which I describe how I've always been able to sense energy and manipulate it. I also describe many other things you've talked about (i.e. seeing the cords or pixels of energy that attach everything to each other and being able to attract animals) and now understand some of how I manage to do these things through your explanations.

I've always been afraid of these things because I was aware of them at a young age and wasn't able to control or understand them. There were others who took advantage of my naivety and because of this, I've tried to repress these abilities. I am going to take the time to read the link you suggested but wanted to thank you. This is the first time some of this makes sense to me and I'm instilled with a hope that maybe I can stop being so afraid and learn to use these abilities (which I agree we all have) to manifest greater things into my life.

Everything you said made perfect sense to me and it was as if I was reading something I've been searching for. Thank you.


posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by ottobot
Weird that I am just now seeing this thread. Very intriguing stuff, 1LittleWolf.

Thx. I have generalised greatly for one could (and many have) written whole books on the subjects contained within. But I've never seen (though I'm sure it exists) someone actually try and compare different systems of 'magick' with each other on a fundamental level.

Hopefully you got something out of it.

edit on 12/12/2011 by 1littlewolf because: spelling

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by timidgal

Thankyou for your post timidgal. You sound like a truly amazing person and you have gifts which many people would work their entire lives to try and attain. I myself understand this most of what I will tell you mainly on an intellectual level but am guided by my heart and intuition. I have experienced most of what you speak of so I know it to be true but not nearly at the same frequency. You do sound young at heart and a little naive (in a beautiful innocent sort of way) and I might have a little advice for you. I find people with a personality such as yours are usually the most in touch with the true powers of the soul which deep down we all possess. I will quote your other post and talk about each part in turn

1. From as young as I could remember, I've been able to see energy in its physical form during periods of high emotion (and have learned to work up that emotion if really needed). I later learned how to manipulate certain types of energy (I thought it was an intrinsic part of everyone's natural abilities) but stopped being open about it when I realized that it was not. This realization came about following the discovery that certain people (either conscious or unconsciously aware "psychic vampires") were naturally drawn to me because they wanted to use my energy for their selfish purposes.

This is a wondrous ability and I do not think you should repress it, for eventually it will have to come out and it may well happen at a time when you least want it to e.g during a time of high emotion. And the manner of this ‘energy outburst’ will correspond to those emotions which may well not be a good thing they are negative.

Instead you should try and develop it to a point where you are completely in control. You should look into various methods of psychic self defense to protect yourself and others. You should also meditate and maybe look into various philosophies such as Buddhism or Taoism in order to be more in control of your emotions.

Visualization is also a very important skill to have when learning how to manifest things in a manner which corresponds to your will and this can be learned in meditation. It is important in any form of magick but is a cornerstone in the ‘Law of Attraction’. I have a feeling this should come easily to you.

Finally don’t be afraid to ‘play’ with it in order to develop it. Do little experiments (obviously not involving others unless it’s positive) and just see what happens.

2. Also from as young as I could remember, I could pick up on others' emotions and true motivations with a mere glance. Again, a lesson learned the hard way made me guarded with this ability and I still spend a great deal of time trying to repress it. It's not always a good thing being able to look at a person and intuitively know how he/she is feeling or what they're thinking (and I'm not talking about reading someone's mind - other empaths will know what I'm describing).

I can only imagine. But this can also depend on your point of view. Most people operate only just above a baseline emotional level much like any other animal. The difference is humans are smarter and but are also caught up in the veil of illusory reality, or the matrix. It should be your goal one day to reach a level of understanding that no matter what thoughts you perceive others as having, you still see them as a beautiful individual. No one is evil. But many have thoughts which may seem evil. But these thoughts are only a result of the situation they find themselves in and the experiences they’ve had in the past, all filtered through their baseline personality (which in itself is never a bad thing – it will only ever seem bad through a lifetime of negative situations and reactions)

Once you truly understand this and filter your gift through this understanding then you may be more open to seeing other people’s motivations. You have this gift for a reason and it may be truly beneficial to you one or others sometime in the future.

Again I think repression in the long term can only be negative. But through mastery of thought will come the ability to use it only when you consciously wish to.

3. Have been able to sense and feel lots of "spirits" and other "entities" which are really just forms of energy, either residual (mostly) or active. Every place I've lived has had at least one of these spirits and I can't figure out if they follow me or if I'm drawn to them. I usually can't define a physical shape (at least not well defined features) so I can't identify them as being the same or different.

There are things unseen in all places and anywhere you go, but it may also be a case that they may be drawn to you due to your high energy levels and the recognition that you perceive them. Again you should master some psychic self defense techniques if you sense any of these encounters may be negative. Most of these involve simple visualizations which others around you would not know you are even employing, for they are but just a thought.

4. Have, at times, been able to see the cords or pixels of energy (for lack of a better description) that connect everything and everyone. I can see it most clearly when I'm outside, calm and introspective.

I too can see this often. I haven’t looked into it deeply so what I say now is only my opinion. But as ultimately we are all one, we are all connected. And this connection is what love truly is. You are seeing actually seeing the love that connects us all. It is an energy that pervades all things and has been known by many names such as chi or mana. You see it mostly outside because there is naturally a higher enrg level there. You should see how glorious it is when you are in a natural setting such as a forest.

Remember the state of mind you are in when you see this for this is the state of mind you should aim to be in for most of your waking life. It is when you are energetically at your highest and will be able to see and react to situations at a higher level of understanding.

Try and take in as much of this energy as you can. It is free love energy from the universe and there is an endless supply.

5. Have always had a calming affect on animals and squirrel, chipmunks, etc. will slowly approach me if there's nothing else present to scare them away- again, I think it all has to do with energy which all living creatures are aware of.

I too am privy this ability and have had wild birds land on my shoulder and many other such experiences (which is great for I love nature photography). They sense the beauty in your soul which is not masked like so many others, and like you alluded to they also sense your naturally high levels of energy.

6. People have told me that they feel very uncomfortable around me when my emotions are high or if I'm really upset or anxious about something. They have likened it to an faint feeling of static electricity.

This is why you must learn to not only master your energy, but also your emotions. This can be a good thing to for once you have mastered yourself; you can then consciously raise the mood within a person or a group of people.

That's it for now. I don't think that any of these abilities are unique; I was just for born more attuned to them for some reason (or never lost the awareness as most adults do). I believe that everyone can develop many new senses if they're open to it and work on developing them.

They are not unique and you are right we all have them. But what is unique is your easy access to them. You are very special.

Finally though I cannot stress enough the importance of mastering both the energy and yourself. Like I mentioned many people will spend a lifetime trying to achieve what you already have. But with that comes with a certain discipline of having to do the work.

Naturally gifted people such as yourself, especially if they’re particularly empathetic, are prone to getting ‘swept away’ with it all, and like you already know being taking advantage of by false gurus and others with an agenda to fulfill. Though your mind may see wonders, you must keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. I have seen others such as you descend into what others perceive as madness purely because they cannot control their gifts, or they forget that we exist in this lifetime on a ‘physical plane’ and get too carried away with realities others do not share. This may also creep in via your fears and doubts so you must be able to see things from a higher perspective as much as possible and in doing so realize that ultimately we have nothing to fear or doubt. For as your abilities show the human consciousness extends well beyond the body, and well after the body has passed on.

With your abilities comes the power to achieve anything that you wish. So you must be very careful what you wish for and always measure it against not only the higher good, but also the higher reasoning. Logic and common sense are very good friends to have.

Also like i said above everything in the OP was fairly general but if you have any specific questions don't hesitate to ask. I am by no means an expert though but I will do my best

Love and light


edit on 12/12/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by 1littlewolf
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response, 1littlewolf. It was not until I came to ATS that I was able to even discuss these things with others; I couldn't believe I found the outlet I had been seeking on what was primarily perceived as a conspiracy website, but the universe has a way of bringing what we need into our lives in the most unexpected ways. As I said previously, it wasn't until my adult years when I realized that not everyone felt and saw the same things I did. It's been a very long time since I've felt young at heart, which made your comment that much sweeter, but that's just the point, isn't it? "Like attracts like" and "as above, so below". It appears that I've become extremely proficient at practicing the "Law of Aversion", a talent I wouldn't wish to impart on others looking to attract good things into their lives. It came to light in recent years that my father knew of my sensitivities at a very young age (which he described to others as an "ultra-sensitivity") and tried to protect me by warning people that they needed to keep their emotions in check around me because, for some unknown reason, their emotions deeply affected me. I believe he thought he was sheltering me from something I've come to suspect that he, himself, experiences and is afraid of as well, but in retrospect, it left me completely unprepared and vulnerable.

Unfortunately, I've already lived your warnings about being mindful not to let negativity and sadness become my overriding emotion; this has been my general M.O. for most of my life. I didn't understand what was happening and let my own natural fears, plus the negative energy lobbed at me from those who found the right access to my vulnerabilities, sink me to the deepest level of despair. About two years ago, it all came to a crescendo which I wasn't sure I would recover from. With that said, here I am and although it's been a painful, scary and tumultuous ride, I'm coming through on the other side with a clearer understanding of what happened, why it happened and what I can do to protect myself from it happening again in the future. I came to this point by following the example of a few fellow ATS members, who I greatly admire, and after practicing what they suggested for the last few months, I've finally let go of my anger and resentment because it was literally torturing me. I've learned that love and forgiveness are two of the most powerful forces in the universe and they can either harden or expand your soul. I've worked hard to forgive those I felt had betrayed me and came to realize that the only one who can make you feel like a victim is yourself. All those I blamed deserved my forgiveness and love (although if truth be told, I'm still working on the "love" part, but I'm getting there). There is one particular fellow ATSer who showed me this path, and I will be forever grateful to her. The thread I'm referring to is here if you're interested in reading it.

So here I was searching for the next step in my spiritual evolution when I came upon your post which, for me, addresses why I have been unable to access The Law of Attraction. I've been allowing those self-imposed lingering fears relative to my abilities prevent me from attracting all of the goodness and love I deserve. It's interesting you talk about visualization and meditation and whereas I've never tried a more traditional form of meditation, I've devised and practice a visualization ritual to protect myself. So far, it has worked which makes perfect sense since thoughts are energy, another piece of the interwoven fabric of the universe, and now it's time to start directing that energy in such a way as to bring a positive "like to like". I believe that's what you're trying to tell me, 1littlewolf, and I will try to embrace my gifts instead of running from them. A lifetime of fear is hard to break but I will keep up the hard work of "unlearning" old behaviors and will, instead, practice harnessing that energy with the intent of attracting goodness and love into my life. Your advice and suggestions are more valuable than you realize and I will continue to read all of your comments/suggestions, as well as those made by others in this wonderful thread.

With much gratitude,

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:19 PM
Fantastic Thread littlewolf.
Absolutely enjoyed reading and taking in your observations.
Full of grace and intuitively sound.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

Great post man..

As a one time pagan, I’ve seen a lot of things happen which are unexplainable in the realm of everyday science. Magick, spells, otherworldly entities……. you name it.

What kind of spells did you actually witness.... i read a lot about magick a few years back but never had the sack to try it...

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by timidgal

Originally posted by timidgal
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response, 1littlewolf. It was not until I came to ATS that I was able to even discuss these things with others; I couldn't believe I found the outlet I had been seeking on what was primarily perceived as a conspiracy website, but the universe has a way of bringing what we need into our lives in the most unexpected ways.

I completely understand this. I've only been here a few months and I found ATS as I'd read something about 'Reptilians' which I'd never even heard of before. I googled the term and found that this supposed 'conspiracy' website was full of intelligent like-minded people who could discuss the 'strange' topics I was interested. The closest I'd ever got before was trolling Yahoo Answers Religion and Spirituality forum. Needless to say not only has this place brought me many answers and helped me connect a lot of previously disconnected bits of info I had floating round my head. It has also raised my online maturity levels by leaps and bounds. I still have a lot of personality faults and haven't yet totally managed to patience when I get a confronted with what I perceive as ignorance. But in terms of my spiritual and personal development this ATS is one of the best things that's happened to me. And I totally came across it by accident looking up a subject which really doesn't interest me.

I haven’t yet had a chance to read your thread but will definitely do so soon. In terms of further advice to you I don't really have much more to say unless you want to ask me something directly. You may have already found this thread by Skyfloating. It contains everything and more you'd ever want to know about the Law of Attraction, but it's also very extensive and I've only managed to make my way through 20 pages so far. One last thing that may interest you is a post I wrote last night here

You mentioned synchronicities and this thread is about energy so it relates to what’s been discussed. Actually as it’s my post and my thread I think I’ll just post the whole thing in full.

This my friends is the true meaning of Beauty

Love is the connection, the attraction which exists between all things. It is an energetic reminder that ultimately we are all one and have come from the one Source, from what many would call God.

When you look at something as beautiful, you are in small way feeling this attraction, this energy which connects us all. You are in a small way feeling love for the object or person which is the target of your focus. And deep down you are acknowledging that it is a part of you and you are a part of it. It matters not whether its a simple plastic bag blowing in the wind, or the wonder which is an old growth forest. Everything has some amount of this energy, for everything is ultimately you. But you will notice that in truly beautiful places such as an idyllic mountain stream running through the wood you do not have to struggle to find the beauty because the energy levels are high enough that you pick up on this love without even trying.

What happens when you find the beauty in something is, as I said above, feeling to a certain extent the love (which exists in all things) between you and that object. You are giving part of your own energy to that object, and in return you are receiving some of its energy. Trees, wilderness, mountains, caves and almost anything (even some humans) are a direct tap to the universal energy which binds all things. When you admire the beauty of something, you project your energy forth which in turn creates a vacuum which is filled by the energy of that object. As this object is being constantly replenished by the energy which pervades all, so you actually raise your own personal energy significantly and begin not only to feel the love inherent in all things, but also you will see things from a higher perspective, or in other words a perspective more closely aligned to your higher self.

It is in this way you can use beauty to guide you toward the synchronicities which pave the way for your true life's purpose.

"Which road should I take?" - be still and see which one seems to attract your attention more.

"Why do I keep noticing this person?" - maybe they have a message for you. Perhaps you should engage them.

"This option seems so stupid/difficult/illogical, yet I can't stop thinking about it" - that is because it is where you are meant to be. Put aside your doubts and follow your heart.

The road of your higher self seemingly takes many twist and turns, it can appear difficult and treacherous, but ultimately it will not be. For the road to your lifes goals and dreams will always be the path of least resistance. And it the beauty of it all, the love between yourself and all others which will be your guide and safetly lead you home.

Try and spend as much time as you can being in places of obvious beauty. Take in the energy which pervades the air around you and it will move you to a higher place. Always stop and try and take in the beauty which exists even in the most seemingly ugly situation or location. It will always be there, you may just have to look a little harder to find it. For then you will take in that energy, increase your vibratory level, and all your thoughts words and deeds will be much more closely aligned with that of your higher self, which in essence is your true purpose for being born into that beautiful body known as You.

Love and Light


edit on 14/12/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Akragon

Originally posted by Akragon

Great post man..

As a one time pagan, I’ve seen a lot of things happen which are unexplainable in the realm of everyday science. Magick, spells, otherworldly entities……. you name it.

What kind of spells did you actually witness.... i read a lot about magick a few years back but never had the sack to try it...

Cheers Akragon for your encouraging words.

I've had little birds land on my shoulder, conjured a fire in a pile of damp rotted wood, brought forth a 'thought form' to protect an area special to myself and some others and this still exists today some 10 years after it was made, there have been numerous things. Many the doubting mind could put down to coincidence so I have not listed them and only mentioned the things (although there are quite a few others also) which I've observed which cannot be dismissed as simple chance.

I would fully encourage you to go ahead and try it. Once you realize it is not some out-worldly entity or some supernatural force, but merely you and your mind doing it then it really isn't that scary. What you have to understand is that you are creating your own reality everyday, it's just that you believe you are merely a participant in the physical world, not one of the directors. Therefore your life (and I am generalizing here) never moves beyond the mundane or predictable. Once you move beyond that and realize you are ultimately controlling it that's when really cool stuff starts to happen.

edit on 17/12/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 10:27 AM
Hmmm....i've pondered this for a while...

Until i saw this...

Then it made me realize there is something missing to that Law...

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Quickfix

Originally posted by Quickfix
Hmmm....i've pondered this for a while...

Until i saw this...

-->insert stupid video here

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 08:14 PM
Peeps say everything is Light but everything is also Sound (frequencies/vibrations). Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it isn't sound.

I'm currently playing with how it is possible for the Higgs/Boson particle to be a particle of sound and located in a photon, since all matter is comprised of light.


posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad
Peeps say everything is Light but everything is also Sound (frequencies/vibrations). Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it isn't sound.

I'm currently playing with how it is possible for the Higgs/Boson particle to be a particle of sound and located in a photon, since all matter is comprised of light.


There may well be something in that. Sound is a wave, light can manifest as a wave (although at a much higher frequency and there is no photon 'stream'). All matter is 'light' and sound is essentially a type of energy travelling through matter. Maybe different octaves or notes could correspond to different colors on the spectrum idk 'as above so below' so to speak.

I myself would be very surprised if a relationship between light and sound isn't discovered at some point in time. You may be interested in the phenomenon of 'sonoluminescense' I mentioned in the OP. The mechanism behind that still remains completely unsettled.

I'd be interested to hear how your musings transpire toady.

edit on 17/12/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad
Peeps say everything is Light but everything is also Sound (frequencies/vibrations). Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it isn't sound.

I'm currently playing with how it is possible for the Higgs/Boson particle to be a particle of sound and located in a photon, since all matter is comprised of light.


There may well be something in that. Sound is a wave, light can manifest as a wave (although at a much higher frequency and there is no photon 'stream'). All matter is 'light' and sound is essentially a type of energy travelling through matter. Maybe different octaves or notes could correspond to different colors on the spectrum idk 'as above so below' so to speak.

I myself would be very surprised if a relationship between light and sound isn't discovered at some point in time. You may be interested in the phenomenon of 'sonoluminescense' I mentioned in the OP. The mechanism behind that still remains completely unsettled.

I'd be interested to hear how your musings transpire toady.

edit on 17/12/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

Sonoluminescence is interesting!

I've never heard of it so I will have to read up on it before commenting.



posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:57 PM

There may well be something in that. Sound is a wave, light can manifest as a wave (although at a much higher frequency and there is no photon 'stream'). All matter is 'light' and sound is essentially a type of energy travelling through matter. Maybe different octaves or notes could correspond to different colors on the spectrum idk 'as above so below' so to speak.

Any phenomenon that can be rendered as a waveform can be translated into it's equivalent signature in another medium.

E minor = stormy blue.

Synesthesia is when one sensory signal is conflated with another. A symphony in E minor is a wash of saline-scented blue waveforms in the mind of the synesthesist. They are able to make these conversions, naturally. It is interesting to note that this isn't considered a disorder, rather it is viewed by some neruoscientists as having a richer and more integrated sensory apparatus.

That was an enjoyable read. You might dig this thread:

"What's the Frequency, ATS?"
edit on 2-1-2012 by mistermonculous because: doh.

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