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The Power of Thought –Vibrations, Magick and the Law of Attraction

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posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 02:43 AM
Please forgive the rambling nature of this thread. But this is simply a collection of thoughts which have been dancing around my head for a quite a while and the following is my attempt to bring them together into one cohesive theory. Also I realized that I’ve brushed over many concepts a little too briefly but one could write about this stuff for years.


Now nothing on this in this universe is still, everything moves be it on a universal scale all the way down to the quantum level. The universe as we know it is ruled by cycles, seasons, and resonances. Everything has a vibration, has a rhythm. There is a rhythm in the planets dancing around the sun. There is rhythm in the electrons dancing around the nucleus. There is even our own biological rhythms, such as the circadian and neurological, such as alpha, beta, delta and theta rhythms. In other words, the entire universe, from the micocosmic to the macrocosm, is a rhythm, a vibration

All matter, no matter how static it may seem, is comprised of dynamic entities in a constant state of movement and as per superstring theory, all matter is nothing more than the oscillation of quantum strings. The Quantum vacuum is also perpetually in a state of flux of appearing and disappearing virtual quantum.

In many cosmologies’ we see exactly the same concepts echoed. That all creation is the oscillation, the vibration of the current of the light wave emanating forth from the Primal Cause. That through the sound, the ohm, the word, all creation sprang forth. Let there be light, and it was done. When broken down to the quantum level all matter is merely energy which can be analogous to light. And down at this level is where the mind and the mind’s expectations can play a big influence on how stuff seems to move, or appear and disappear, and how it behaves in general

Through sonoluminescense, physicists have managed to use sound to create light within bubbles trapped in a beaker of fluid. Using electromagnetic frequencies, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier claims to he can teleport DNA from one beaker to another beaker which contains nothing but pure water. And anecdotal accounts of Buddhist monks show their mantras can produce brilliant light and sometimes even reverse the effects of gravity.

Vibration is not only the power to create, but also creation itself.


Now vibrationary theory seems to be a bit of a hot topic in New Age literature. From something as simple as sending out good vibes, to the complexities of sacred geometry.

As a one time pagan, I’ve seen a lot of things happen which are unexplainable in the realm of everyday science. Magick, spells, otherworldly entities……. you name it.

Aleister Crowley defined Magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will”

One of the reasons I moved on from being a practicing pagan was I felt the whole 'spells, god and goddess' thing was an over-complexification of something very simple. Something that can be achieved through simply having the correct thoughts while being in the right frame of mind.

I believe in God, in a way at least. But lesser gods I see simply as an archetypal frequency which is echoed in different ways throughout many cultures. And by invoking these gods you are essentially just working with a specific vibration.

High magic itself depends on certain phrases being said during certain hours on certain days while doing certain things to certain ingredients. This is essentially trying to replicate the right vibrational frequency to effect the desired change within the individual. Low magick – simple wiccan type stuff – also tries to effect change though usually for more mundane reasons and usually is much more simplified. Chaos magic can be used for both these things, but goes about it in a slightly different way and was probably the first magical system to really pioneer the ‘do it, and then don’t worry about the results’ frame of mind as essential to getting the desired result.

And finally the Law of Attraction, the New Ages most recent incarnation of magick. This is essentially using your imagination to hold in your mind certain situations you desire. In other words, sending out the ‘right vibes’. You aren’t just imagining it will happen, or knowing it’s going to happen, but putting your mind for a minute or so in a state where it has already happened. Then afterwards putting yourself in a ‘don’t care about the outcome’ frame of mind similar to that used in chaos magic, so that your hopes and wants and worries don’t interfere with the outcome.


The mechanics of it:

As stated above, everything vibrates, and this happens at different frequencies and amplitudes. Different life forms also vibrate different frequencies. If you are sending out lower vibrational frequencies, especially if they have high amplitude, you can harmonize with life forms that also share these frequencies. These can be negative entities, or things such as various germs and bacteria which can in turn make you sick These can also manifest in situations which you may view as negative, or other people which will perpetuate your negative state of mind.

Now obviously if you move your thought patterns up a few octaves the reverse will occur. People who naturally have a high level of vibration do not seem to get sick very often, look younger, and have much less stress in their lives. This is not only because they do not attract as may of these situations, but also because when they are in these situations they can see it from a much higher level. They will also attract like minded individuals and entities which will in turn help them perpetuate these frequencies.

Look at the world around you, a negative situation arises, people react in a negative way, and visa versa. Compare for example the effectiveness of the US War on Terror compared Gandhi's nonviolent revolution


Essentially, all these different systems of magic and ways of thinking are just different ways of saying ‘Like attracts like’. Put yourself in a positive frame of mind and positive things will happen. You get what you fear etc etc….

It is about aligning your mind with the right vibrational frequencies to effect the desired change, and understanding that every thought you have creates your own reality around you. I believe we are all God, we are one and the same, we have all come from the same Source. Everything you see around is a direct result of your/our higher consciousness’ imaginings. This is you, the Creative Consciousness creating through the vibrations sent forth from your minds imaginings. And when you realize this fact you will see that everything you think and do can have far reaching consequences both positive and negative. You will also see there is nothing you cannot achieve given the right frame of mind. We are all magicians, we are all gods.

edit on 24/11/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 02:49 AM
Your thoughts control your life

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 02:55 AM
You are not Robinson Crusoe!
I like your posts alot...

Not much I can add to it...
Seems I have passed through similar 'stages' to you, and this is why I like them?!


posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:04 AM
For all those who want to gain a greater understanding of how to apply the Law of Attraction in their own lives you cannot go past this brilliant thread by SkyFloating

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:59 AM
Very wise and well presented. Sometimes people just need that nudge, event or motivation to get from a lower vibration into a higher vibration and then sustain that. Remaining mindful of it helps. Your thread is a good make the conscious effort.

If we all held ourselves in a higher vibration...Imagine the possibilities!

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

Great thread by SkyFloating...only got through page two, but still good stuff.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by blazenresearcher
reply to post by 1littlewolf

Great thread by SkyFloating...only got through page two, but still good stuff.

I have read approximately 1/3 of it.......and that in itself has taken me nearly 2 months

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 08:04 AM
The speed of light turns out to be dividing line between two different but related sets of existence. Let's try a second definition for the physical/metaphysical planes. That which vibrates slower than the speed of light is what we call the material plane. That which vibrates faster than the speed of light we call the metaphysical plane. Kabbalah scholars and Sanskrit pundits, amongst others, have written of this in the poetic language of mysticism going back scores of centuries.

Those vibrations just faster than the speed of light are often known as the astral plane. (It gets pretty weird--in fact, it's a zoo.) The astral plane is also the realm of emotions. Move the vibrations up higher and you get the mental planes. The lower to middle mental planes are where our conscious minds function. Raise the vibration rate up higher and you are in the spiritual realm. Raise the vibrational level in spiritual plane high enough, and voila, you've got Source.

Excerpt from The Physical vs. the Metaphysical Plane

edit on 25/11/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf

where did u find this image?

i r curious

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by galactix

Originally posted by 1littlewolf

where did u find this image?

i r curious

It was here in some blog article on efforts to transport energy through the universe using the phenomenom of quantum entanglement.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

There is something that never moves. Consciousness.
You might have grown up in a world that has made you 'think' that you move. But if you actually check for your self you will see that you never move, everything else does but you don't.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by 1littlewolf

There is something that never moves. Consciousness.
You might have grown up in a world that has made you 'think' that you move. But if you actually check for your self you will see that you never move, everything else does but you don't.

If there is only one consciousness, which incorporates all, are not the thoughts and dreams which flicker through the mind still movement? Movement 'within' but not 'outside' of that which does not move?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

That which it is moving in is still.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by 1littlewolf

That which it is moving in is still.

We do not know what 'it' is moving in though, it would seem more logical if that too were moving.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

You never move. Things move within you.
In this Peter Brown clip he explains it very well, if you don't want to see it all go to 3.10.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 05:26 AM
I think there might be something to what you are suggesting, as the vibrational frequencies would just be another way to say "a combination", as so many others have stated in so many different ways. And that is true, the building blocks of all things are various combinations which makes various and separate things. If vibration is your TOE or unifying theory, then I suppose that works. It would seem to me that you are suggesting that the correct vibration being asserted by the will is kind of like a key which fits perfectly into the vibrational frequency of the lock. Another way of saying, if it is not the correct shape it won't fit the lock - like attracts like.

The thing is, there are many different kinds of locks: combination, padlock, etc. which all work in similar but different ways, meaning they could have totally different "forms" of keys. You certainly wouldn't insert a key into a combination lock!

I think all the magician is trying to do is they are learning how to be a lockpicker or a locksmith.

Have you ever read Isaac Bonewitz Laws of Magic? If so, have you ever compared them to the scientific laws? And if so, have you also gone back and read the actually philosophical literature from which Bonewitz picked everyone of the laws and then fit into his text? If you have not done any of that, I would recommend it, as it might give you some extra insight.

I practiced alone from about 2000-2002, then was part of a rather large group in my area for about 5 years, and then I went solo. I used to do a whole lot of magic, but not so much anymore. It always worked too well and too easy for me, which I don't like, since I still haven't put all of the pieces together yet on just exactly how it works, so I enjoy discussions like this since I am always theorizing stuff myself.

I too believe attraction is a large part of it, as I was originally a fundamentalist Christian and I can tell you that I experienced quite a bit in that spiritual system and had my share of phenomena too, but when I went the other way I saw similar results and entities too, so I am fairly certain the belief system has very little to do with the powers that are being worked with.

I am curious of how the vibrations may fit in with the math, as I get the feeling everything is a series of 1s and 0s in many varied combinations, which is why patterns and cycles occur, since you could have say 123456 which could be 654321, 234561, etc. but you would always have, in that particular "group", which is recognized as a cycle, the same 6 numbers, appearing only once, but in different orders. There is some mathematical name for it, I think maybe permutations, or maybe its just combinations, I don't remember. Perhaps the vibrations are indicative of what number and where it will appear in the set - mathematically speaking?

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by 1littlewolf

That which it is moving in is still.

We do not know what 'it' is moving in though, it would seem more logical if that too were moving.

Follow your roots... go back to the Corpus Hermeticum... what Itisnowagain states is true....

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by HillbillyHippie1
I think there might be something to what you are suggesting, as the vibrational frequencies would just be another way to say "a combination", as so many others have stated in so many different ways. And that is true, the building blocks of all things are various combinations which makes various and separate things. If vibration is your TOE or unifying theory, then I suppose that works.

Hey Hillbilly, am not sure what TOE is and haven't yet looked into total unifying theories, but essentially what I say int the first part of the post is that all matter is merely energy vibrating at differing speeds.

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”
― Albert Einstein

My belief is that every situation that manifests in our life is essentially just different energy in different combinations vibrating at differing frequencies. Now if, as shown through quantum physics, our thoughts do indeed effect the energy that makes up matter, which in turn makes up the situations we find ourselves in, we can in turn use those thoughts to essentially mimic future situations we wish to find ourselves in by imagining them to be already happening. This is the basis (as I attempted to point to point out further down the OP) of why spells, prayer and the Law of Attraction works.

It would seem to me that you are suggesting that the correct vibration being asserted by the will is kind of like a key which fits perfectly into the vibrational frequency of the lock. Another way of saying, if it is not the correct shape it won't fit the lock - like attracts like.

The thing is, there are many different kinds of locks: combination, padlock, etc. which all work in similar but different ways, meaning they could have totally different "forms" of keys. You certainly wouldn't insert a key into a combination lock!

I think all the magician is trying to do is they are learning how to be a lockpicker or a locksmith.

True, but the different combinations are easy to break simply by having the right thoughts. And the right thoughts are merely those thoughts which will put you into a the place you want to be. This will work assuming you do not allow any other thoughts to creep in which are contrary to the first thought (e.g. doubts about the outcome).

[quote] Have you ever read Isaac Bonewitz Laws of Magic? If so, have you ever compared them to the scientific laws? And if so, have you also gone back and read the actually philosophical literature from which Bonewitz picked everyone of the laws and then fit into his text? If you have not done any of that, I would recommend it, as it might give you some extra insight.

No I haven't. Will definitely be adding it to my holiday reading list though. Cheers for the suggestion.

I practiced alone from about 2000-2002, then was part of a rather large group in my area for about 5 years, and then I went solo. I used to do a whole lot of magic, but not so much anymore. It always worked too well and too easy for me, which I don't like, since I still haven't put all of the pieces together yet on just exactly how it works, so I enjoy discussions like this since I am always theorizing stuff myself.

Hopefully I helped you with a few. I do not believe one should deny oneself the power of his or her own mind simply due to not fully understanding the mechanics of it. I'm guessing you are no surgeon but you would not refuse yourself the use of your own body simply due to not fully understanding anatomy.

Simply understand that it comes from you. Not any external presence or entity. That is all you should need to know in order to alleviate any fears or doubts you may have

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by HillbillyHippie1

I too believe attraction is a large part of it, as I was originally a fundamentalist Christian and I can tell you that I experienced quite a bit in that spiritual system and had my share of phenomena too, but when I went the other way I saw similar results and entities too, so I am fairly certain the belief system has very little to do with the powers that are being worked with.

Like I said the only power which you are working with is your own. And this is true if you look at it from a universal level or an individual level.

I am curious of how the vibrations may fit in with the math, as I get the feeling everything is a series of 1s and 0s in many varied combinations, which is why patterns and cycles occur, since you could have say 123456 which could be 654321, 234561, etc. but you would always have, in that particular "group", which is recognized as a cycle, the same 6 numbers, appearing only once, but in different orders. There is some mathematical name for it, I think maybe permutations, or maybe its just combinations, I don't remember. Perhaps the vibrations are indicative of what number and where it will appear in the set - mathematically speaking?

I think this would definitely be interesting to look into. Math unfortunately was never my strong point. Essentially though the end product of that math here though is thoughts and results. Mathematics are how the universe functions though…

I actually once tried looking into wave particle physics to see if I could learn anything there, but got completely lost in the calculations.

I think you may be on to something with the binary code though and the groups of numbers. But I can only assume even the most simple human thought would be the equivalent of millions of digits worth of calculations.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:18 AM
In Mark 11:24 he writes "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." (King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)) If you pray while wanting the thing you are praying for, it sends the message to your consciousness that you are lacking said thing. But by believing you have received said thing, your subconscious then feels fulfilled and sends those thoughts out into the ether accordingly.

Oprah pimped The Secret, which is the Law of Attraction on her show. But "The Secret"/Law of Attraction is taken from a much older occult law.

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