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Pregnant Seattle protester miscarries after being kicked, pepper sprayed

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posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Equidae
If that was the case then you'd have to prevent pregnant women from driving since that also is statistically high risk

backatchya No it's not. Driving is NOT a 'statistically high risk'.

Again ... 5th or 6th time for all you people who seem to just luv the driving analogy .. getting into a car is different than getting into a car with a drunk driver. Same with rallies. Going to a rally is different than going to an anarchist protest with a history of violence and chemical crowd control.

A demonstration in and of itself does not have to be dangerous.

But THESE have a well known history of being so.
And they are well known to be cesspools of disease ...
people poo'n and pee'n everywhere .. not bathing ...
TB breakouts ... the 'NYC Park cough' .... etc

Damn stupid thing for her to do if she was pregnant ...
which I'm more and more convinced that she wasn't.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by truthinfact
She did nothing wrong.. Why can't some of you accept that? These people did this to her.. She didn't ask to get attacked and miscarry...

Seems you are not reading the whole thread, its been claimed that she never has been pregnant, her own family have said she's a "compulsive liar" and she not showing proof despite claiming to have it AND has been caught out on knowing the sex of the child 6 weeks before its possible..

Still think she's done nothing wrong?

As for attending a protest that was known to have clashes with Police while pregnant, well if you think that's not both stupid and wrong then I'm sorry for you.

As I said to another poster, would you send your young child across a motorway to get you something from a shop?

There's no law against it but the average normal person would not even think about doing something so stupid...

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by LiberLegit

Why exactly did the cops move in on these people?

They didn't...they were holding a line so the protestors didn't flood an intersection. Cops never moved into the crowd.

Ok yeah. Makes sense. What a messy bunch of people. As I said before, these bait tactics they use to instigate cops are a joke.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by PrimalRed
This is my bet on what is going to happen. She will stop doing interviews now that it has gained in popularity, she will also announce that she will not take the police to court for some reason or another, all in an attempt to prevent any further investigations into her claim.

The police have an outstanding criminal complaint against her from her previous trespass, from which she bailed because she faked her pregnancy then. If the police is certain that the incident was fake, they may choose to go after her just to settle it.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by -W1LL

some peeps here are sick. she had every right to be there. she did not deserve to be hit, she was protesting peacefully. If that had been my wife the policemen involved would not have left alive...

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by LiberLegit

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by LiberLegit

Why exactly did the cops move in on these people?

They didn't...they were holding a line so the protestors didn't flood an intersection. Cops never moved into the crowd.

Ok yeah. Makes sense. What a messy bunch of people. As I said before, these bait tactics they use to instigate cops are a joke.

I know she (am unarmed woman) totally baited that cop into beating her to the ground..

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:23 PM
To bad the story is a non-issue because she made it all up to try and sue for million of dollars...

It really sickens me
the fact she would get people so fired up
over this to the fact where they were calling
the cops murderers and people were wanting
to kill officers and it is all a lie...

Disgusting story


She is armed with a face of death..
edit on 24-11-2011 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:26 PM
Since when did we make excuses for reasons cops kick and pepper spray a pregnant woman, for protesting? I am sure it was a peaceful right of assembly, until they did not want to leave when told to or whatever...

Since when do we make excuses for this?

In real life if I kicked a pregnant woman, killed her fetus, and pepper sprayed her, I would be going to prison....

Since when do we make excuses to justify cops kicking pregnant woman killing their fetus, and then pepper spraying them?

since when do we make excuses to justify this?

Your a sick bastard for making excuses to justify this....


I will beat the snot out of you, if you tell me to my face a pregnant woman deserves to get kicked by cops and pepper sprayed, that just tells me you would let my wife, my friends and whoever else get beaten and killed by authority, for no reason except the fact the authority is mad, the people are utilizing one of their rights...

Since when do we make excuses for this? Maybe in China, or Cuba, or the former Soviet Union, but in USA?

Bunch of brainwashed fools...

Your idiots.. ALL OF YOU who thinks protesting is wrong... IDIOTS..

BTW if I make you mad, good, I am a fighter and I am gonna be one of the ones that fight back....

This is just how it starts, get used to that feeling you have...

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by moonweed

I have heard a lot of bad about the Seattle Cops as well, and it would be for the best interest of mankind if these Gestapo thugs fell off the face of the earth.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by PrimalRed
This is my bet on what is going to happen. She will stop doing interviews now that it has gained in popularity, she will also announce that she will not take the police to court for some reason or another, all in an attempt to prevent any further investigations into her claim.

The police have an outstanding criminal complaint against her from her previous trespass, from which she bailed because she faked her pregnancy then. If the police is certain that the incident was fake, they may choose to go after her just to settle it.

And how do you know that's legit? Don't you think it strange that that arrest sheet was leaked by an anonymous source? I wonder if she could sue the police under the data protection act for allowing that to be publicised (if, in fact it's a genine document rather than a forgery).

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Toffeeapple

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by PrimalRed
This is my bet on what is going to happen. She will stop doing interviews now that it has gained in popularity, she will also announce that she will not take the police to court for some reason or another, all in an attempt to prevent any further investigations into her claim.

The police have an outstanding criminal complaint against her from her previous trespass, from which she bailed because she faked her pregnancy then. If the police is certain that the incident was fake, they may choose to go after her just to settle it.

And how do you know that's legit? Don't you think it strange that that arrest sheet was leaked by an anonymous source? I wonder if she could sue the police under the data protection act for allowing that to be publicised (if, in fact it's a genine document rather than a forgery).

You bring up very good points, my friend. We have no way to ascertain this document is genuine, at this juncture. However, it is very consistent with the rest of the story, i.e. the identity of the father and the fact that he's in jail because of an outstanding warrant.

I'm not saying this is a 100% guarantee of correctness. Thing is, given all the "evidence" we have, this is at least as credible as the account of Jennifer Fox herself. Right?

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 10:12 PM
Funny that you all bought into this story. What a contradiction that the thing she protests against is her aspiration. She tried to decieve and promote dishonesty to attain wealth beyond her station. Back to the gutter for you girl.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Toffeeapple

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by PrimalRed
This is my bet on what is going to happen. She will stop doing interviews now that it has gained in popularity, she will also announce that she will not take the police to court for some reason or another, all in an attempt to prevent any further investigations into her claim.

The police have an outstanding criminal complaint against her from her previous trespass, from which she bailed because she faked her pregnancy then. If the police is certain that the incident was fake, they may choose to go after her just to settle it.

And how do you know that's legit? Don't you think it strange that that arrest sheet was leaked by an anonymous source? I wonder if she could sue the police under the data protection act for allowing that to be publicised (if, in fact it's a genine document rather than a forgery).

If you were the police chief, and had proof that she had lied about being pregnant in the past, wouldn't you leak it if your officers were recieving death threats over her charges?

Her own family say she is lying.

The problem with protestors like her is that they are basically street people going along with the fun. When they put a mic in front of them they sound like they were homeschooled by the family Schnauzer. They paint the picture that the people who oppose OWS see, and it gets used against the movement. Most of the problems at OWS locations have been caused by people who don't even understand what the movement is about.

It doesn't justify the police behavior at a lot of the sites, but it explains it.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:18 AM
this isn't #ing america anymore.

whether you agree with them or not, cops should NOT BE ASSAULTING CITIZENS IN ANY MANNER!!!!

These are non violent protests, the only violence involved, is by cops this # needs to stop

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Bicent76
Since when did we make excuses for reasons cops kick and pepper spray a pregnant woman, for protesting? I am sure it was a peaceful right of assembly, until they did not want to leave when told to or whatever...

Since when do we make excuses for this?

In real life if I kicked a pregnant woman, killed her fetus, and pepper sprayed her, I would be going to prison....

Since when do we make excuses to justify cops kicking pregnant woman killing their fetus, and then pepper spraying them?

since when do we make excuses to justify this?

Your a sick bastard for making excuses to justify this....


I will beat the snot out of you, if you tell me to my face a pregnant woman deserves to get kicked by cops and pepper sprayed, that just tells me you would let my wife, my friends and whoever else get beaten and killed by authority, for no reason except the fact the authority is mad, the people are utilizing one of their rights...

Since when do we make excuses for this? Maybe in China, or Cuba, or the former Soviet Union, but in USA?

Bunch of brainwashed fools...

Your idiots.. ALL OF YOU who thinks protesting is wrong... IDIOTS..

BTW if I make you mad, good, I am a fighter and I am gonna be one of the ones that fight back....

This is just how it starts, get used to that feeling you have...

Well said.

Once we start making excuses for cops to assault citizens for no reason, well then I guess we're being brainwashed/told to think it's okay. makes me sick.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Crankgorilla
Funny that you all bought into this story. What a contradiction that the thing she protests against is her aspiration. She tried to decieve and promote dishonesty to attain wealth beyond her station. Back to the gutter for you girl.

Good God man, look at how utterly heartless and depraved your being. Just because no one is looking at you, doesn't give you the excuse to be an empathic-less, conscienceless monster.

Why are so many of the new new accounts so utterly pro-police/establishment and pro-brutality?

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher, Official MouthPiece of the 1%
I'm not sure how anyone can blame the police...she claims she was three months usually can't tell someone is pregnant at three months, and she was wearing a very baggy shirt.

She endangered her child by going to a protest, she is a flipping idiot for that...if there is anyone to blame it is her.

And I'm surprised by all these people claiming the police murdered the "baby"....first trimester...I thought I was just a parasite at that point
Oh, how the definitions change when you want to drum up emotional reactions.

This is also questionable.

They diagnosed that I was having a miscarriage. They said the damage was from the kick and that the pepper spray got to it [the fetus], too,

No doctor that I know of is going to make a claim like that. This happened 5 days after the incident...I really question if any doctor is going to go out on a limb like that and state that it was the direct cause of the kick or the pepper spray...especially 5 days after it all happened.

so suddenly you are a medical expert?
maybe CS or a nerve agent is being tested? an autopsy might clear that up?
maybe the fetus died a couple of days after?

She said she was homeless and three months pregnant, but felt the need to join activists during their march last Tuesday.

maybe she was just desperate to try anything, so as to not give birth to her expected child in a gutter, the child she could probably gotten aborted for free, claiming hardship.

thank you for the demonstration by you, and others claiming it's her fault as if she had no reasonable expectation to any simple human consideration. you've shown us all where you stand and given a wonderful DEMONstration of what your particular brand of christian charity is like.

your hatred of anyone who would protest the system upon which you feed and fatten grossly
[ no matter if they're doing it wrong] has tripped you up.
you'll use any occasion to preach your vile, ANTI-LIFE creed, noted.
also you think you're being cute baiting the pro- choicers

I'm still lauging at these claims of murder...but I bet all of you would be fine with her having an abortion...right???

oh you think this is funny? laugh this off:

why is this fetus being only 3 months old suddenly not human to you weren't you supposed to be ANTI-LIFE COUGH i mean pro-life? in trying to score points you've condemned yourself [don't go posting that you care and others don't, YOU should be screaming bloody murder here, but since it gets in the way of your true religious goals
the worship of Mammon and Moloch, both demanding child sacrifice, not mention the badly suppressed desire to rape at the heart of controlling reproduction with an iron rod which is the cult of Belial.

if there is anyone to blame it is her.

the classic rapist's excuse :shk:

the hypocrisy is astounding only to those who have yet to truly see the face of The Enemies of Humanity

you do know that your credibility as preachers of righteousness has just been repealed, and is totally GONE NOW?
the next time a "pro lifer" foams righteously at the mouth, he or she is not even going to be replied to?

now go running and push that alert button and try and get this post deleted
that in itself will be informative

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by yourboycal2

didn't even read the link did you

don't complain women are being oppressed later on

it would not be possible with out "females" like you to help

i'd like to point out as continuation of my previous post

that these kinds of arguments and the actions being justified reveal at their core a eugenicist bent

xtian babies belonging to certain ANTI-LIFE sects?
the more the better, as to bring armageddon faster

non xtian, or foreign heathen brown babies?
kick it out
stomp it out
shoot it out
poison them with DU and prevent as many possible from being born [don't want them outnumbering "the seed f the righteous"]

even if a woman is not pregnant if kicked there hard enough,it could keep her from ever having kids [mission accomplished]

eugenicist nazis posing as xtians.

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by shushu

If she is homeless and at a protest while pregnant, I say Darwin was at work here.

thanks for helping prove my point. as for the regulations cited or made up [as psycho-cops often do]
disproven 2 posts downward
edit on 25-11-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

she was homeless
maybe she didn't get her daily indoctrination/information
re OWS and protesting in general from the TV she no longer owns?

maybe you still have a few scales covering your eyes?

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by PrimalRed

Can the government place any restrictions on the use of a public forum? Yes. Depending on the specific public location and the government’s interest in ensuring safety and order, restrictions governing the use of public property for assembly and protest may apply. The following are some locations-specific regulations to consider when planning protest activities. Public sidewalks: Demonstrating groups should leave rooms for passer-by and should not block the flow of pedestrian traffic. If leafleting, demonstrators should not force passerby to accept leaflets or harass individuals who refuse leaflets. Public Streets: Any march on the public street is typically considered a parade; therefore the location, time and duration of the march are subject to regulation by the city officials to prevent traffic problems. Marchers may be expected to obey traffic laws (such as red light) during the march. Lobbies of public buildings: It is more difficult to obtain access to the inside of a public building than it is to obtain access to a street or sidewalk outside. However, if some nongovernment- sponsored expressive activities are permitted in the lobby, then similar activities by others may not be prohibited based on he content of the expression. But if no activities are permitted, then it is unlikely that a rally or demonstration would be allowed inside.

you forgot to source that [for all we know you made that up]
let me show you how it's done while posting the following
for those who have difficulty understanding the motivations behind such REGULATIONS:

Focus on the critical sentence: "Yet, when a victim explodes or acts out in unacceptable ways, these same officials are shocked and indignant."

What exactly are these "unacceptable ways" of exploding or acting out? Who decided they were "unacceptable"? Why is it that "reluctant school officials" will not "take definitive action" against the bullies -- thus tacitly conceding that the bullying itself is not all that "unacceptable" -- while the same officials are "shocked and indignant" when the victim protests too strongly?

This pattern, and certain of its origins, will be found throughout history, in every culture around the world. The pattern is a simple and deadly one: the oppressor -- that is, those who are in the superior position, whether they are parents, school officials, or the government, or in a superior position merely by virtue of physical strength -- may inflict bodily harm and/or grievous, lifelong emotional and psychological injury, but the victim may only protest within the limits set by the oppressor himself. The oppressor will determine those forms of protest by the victim that are "acceptable."

You see this pattern with regard to many helpless, lonely children in addition to Billy Wolfe...
The oppressor may inflict unimaginable cruelties on innocent victims -- but the victims may only protest in ways which the oppressor deems "acceptable." The profound injustice is obvious, but not in itself remarkable or unexpected: this is how oppression operates. But ask yourself about the deeper reason for the prohibition. This is of the greatest importance: the victims may only protest within a constricted range of "permissible" behavior because, when they exceed the prescribed limits, they make the oppressors too uncomfortable. They force the oppressors to confront the nature of what they, the oppressors, have done in ways that the oppressors do not choose to face.

Take some time to appreciate the unfathomable cruelty of this pattern. You may be grievously harmed and even permanently damaged by the actions of those who hold unanswerable power -- but you may only speak about this evil and its effects within the very narrow limits set by those who would destroy you. If you are killed, the identical prohibitions apply to those who still manage to survive and who would protest the unforgivable crime committed against you. In this manner, the complacency and comfort of those who possess immense power and wealth are underwritten by the silence forced upon their victims. The victims may speak and even protest, but only within severely circumscribed limits, and only so long as their rulers are not made to feel too uncomfortable, or too guilty. Anything which approaches too close to the truth is strictly forbidden.

SOURCE:Memo to the Victims: You Yourselves Will Pay for the Crimes of the Ruling Class

originally posted by the hate fairy
You have a knee jerk reaction that this woman is innocent, which she may not be.

yes, it's an american thing [or at least it's supposed to be]
" innocent till proven guilty" mmkay?
edit on 25-11-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: added reply

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