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Pregnant Seattle protester miscarries after being kicked, pepper sprayed

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+18 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by supine

Originally posted by -W1LL

how is she being an idiot... are we to expect the cops to bash us for not breaking the law anytime we try to assemble... police abuse of power should not be expected and not something we should have to worry about when we want to voice our opinion.

By not putting the life of her unborn child first.

Why should she have been beaten in the first place? Give me an honest answer.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:10 AM
I'm not sure how anyone can blame the police...she claims she was three months usually can't tell someone is pregnant at three months, and she was wearing a very baggy shirt.

She endangered her child by going to a protest, she is a flipping idiot for that...if there is anyone to blame it is her.

And I'm surprised by all these people claiming the police murdered the "baby"....first trimester...I thought I was just a parasite at that point
Oh, how the definitions change when you want to drum up emotional reactions.

This is also questionable.

They diagnosed that I was having a miscarriage. They said the damage was from the kick and that the pepper spray got to it [the fetus], too,

No doctor that I know of is going to make a claim like that. This happened 5 days after the incident...I really question if any doctor is going to go out on a limb like that and state that it was the direct cause of the kick or the pepper spray...especially 5 days after it all happened.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by FugitiveSoul
She announced she was pregnant and asked to leave before the round up began. I want badges handed over and cops in jail for murder.

And you honestly think the police can hear every shout from every person???

I'm still lauging at these claims of murder...but I bet all of you would be fine with her having an abortion...right???

+22 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:12 AM
Peacefully protesting is not a crime, you don't nor should expect to be rounded up for doing so. She screamed and begged to walk away before the round up and was rewarded with a baton to the stomach ending the pregnancy she wanted. There is no goddamn excuse on the planet to justify this. Too many pigs, not enough cops!

+21 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:13 AM
Firstly: She had every right to be at the protest and to be treated humanely by the police.

Secondly: She may have been wishing / protesting for a better world for her unborn child.

Thirdly: It wasn't like she was at the front in striking range of the police, if you read the article - it states she was in the middle of the crowd.

Fourthly: Those police should have listened to her when she was screaming about being pregnant. Instead they beat her, struck her and gassed her.

Fifth: Expect retaliation against those pigs. The internet is aware.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:14 AM
As a new father just reading the opening post made me sick to my stomach. I can't even bare to watch the video.

After seeing the beatings and un-called for pepper spraying going on I feel like I live in a country run by a dictator! WTF is next!?


+3 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by FugitiveSoul
She announced she was pregnant and asked to leave before the round up began. I want badges handed over and cops in jail for murder.

And you honestly think the police can hear every shout from every person???

I'm still lauging at these claims of murder...but I bet all of you would be fine with her having an abortion...right???

Are you comparing the difference between choice and violence?

May I ask what planet you are originally from?

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I'm comparing a "fetus" being considered a human being in one case and a parasite in the other.

She could of went and legally had an abortion because legally this country has decided it is not a "human" how can it be murder if it isn't a "human" yet?

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by cerebralassassins

I will go 1 step further, hitting any woman is x x x x x up, Of course, we all know how the police like to investigate crime, well here is 1 such crime that should be investigated. It is about time the police realise that they are here to protect the protestors, not batter, beat or spray them.

The 2 that did her harm must have passed their cop exams with flying colors, low iq etc. How can a system allow them to do this to another human being?

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:15 AM
First off this isn't acceptable. What I'm about to say is in no way in defense of the officers involved..

She's pregnant! The crowds at protests could be easily equated to crowds at a concert. This being said, what sensible pregnant person puts themselves in this situation? Would you want your pregnant wife or daughter in the crowd at a rock concert? I didn't think so. The woman is carrying a baby for chrisakes - why would she put her unborn child in this danger?

If people want liberty and personal freedom, they have to accept personal responsibility. Cops are attacking people at OWS protests all around the country and this woman, knowing this, put her unborn baby in what turned out to be mortal danger.

Are the cops violent trained dogs? Absolutely.
Is ignorance an excuse? Definitely not.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Sure... its her choice. It was NOT her choice to get kicked in the stomach.

Prego or not... why was she kicked in the first place?


+8 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by supine

Originally posted by -W1LL

I am sure there will be people who say she deserved it just for being there... well i just said it so you can spread your hate somewhere else.

No, she did not deserve this to happen to her, however it's called being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She wins no prizes for her troubles being an idiot and endangering the life of her unborn child. As much as you don't want to hear it, she to put herself and her baby in harms way.

Since when should excercising your peaceful right to assemble considered a danger?
How can anyone justify this?
Sickening to even think that way.

She should have KNOWN that peacefully excercising her rights as an american, and doing NOTHING Violent or illegal would de a danger to the life of her unborn child?
No she didn't KNOW better, unless she accepts that we can be killed for doing NOTHING violent or illegal by a COP.

Brainwashed sheep.

The only people that deserve a beatdown like that are the ones thinking this is acceptable.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Thirdly: It wasn't like she was at the front in striking range of the police, if you read the article - it states she was in the middle of the crowd.

How do you get kicked if you aren't at the front of the line? Does the cop have an abnormally long leg? Or was he in the middle of the crowd as well?

How do you get pushed by a bicycle creating a perimeter line if you aren't in the front?

She endangered herself...plain and simple...just like anyone else going to a protest that they know may turn into a riot.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by BadNinja68


edit on 22-11-2011 by Greenblaz because: upset rant removed

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:20 AM
Sad situation yes .

Going to a protest , that you know can turn violent while pregnant is even more sad.

She put her self in harms way , im sure she sees how the protests get out of hand with whacky OWS , instigating police brutality for a photo op to cry police brutality .

I feel bad for the child . But do not feel bad for the women who put the child in a dangerous situation .

"What crime did the child commit to be born " ? In this case it's only crime was to be inside of a careless women. It wasnt even born and its punishment of HER actions were set.

The police should also be punished who ever caused it . Of course no doubt.

Wrong place , Wrong time . OWS has been shown many times there peaceful protests arent' so peaceful. Surley this would be no surprise to her?

Watching the OWS on tv ? and the clashes.....

women - Hmm perhaps me and my unborn child should go there . I know there is violence , bottles , pepper spray , rubber bullets risk . But who cares. Im to selfish to care about my unborn child , so i will gladly go in the middle of it .

give me a break.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:22 AM
There are risks involved in everything. Those of you saying this woman had every right to be there are only 1/2 correct.

Again, we have WATCHED police beating protesters around the country for two months now. You would imagine that someone actually attending one of these protests would be very aware of this.

So, she was an informed protester and was aware of the dangers involved and chose to attend nonetheless. If you know Compton is dangerous, yet you choose to take your baby for a stroller ride through the neighborhood, you cannot expect anything but bad to happen.

It's a tragedy but pregnant women shouldn't stand in chaotic crowds when the possibility of violence exists. Again, I'm not defending the police - I'm just trying to point out what a stupid decision this woman made.

For the record, if my wife were pregnant and trying to attend a protest or concert or any other event with a large, chaotic crowd, I would do everything possible to convince her not to go. Fortunately I married an intelligent and loving person who wouldn't need a common sense injection in this situation.
edit on 22-11-2011 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:22 AM
This is a tough one. She has the right to be there, and I think that the police need to refrain from using force in any non-threatening situation, but IMO she should not have been there.

It has become quite clear that the police are prone to using excessive force at these protests and one should use good judgment as to whether or not that sort of enviroment is safe for a prego woman.

I say shame on the police for being violent, and shame on the woman for being there in the first place.

I am not religious, but God be with that poor child!

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Read the article, it says people were dragged out of the crowd. Did you read it?

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

I'm still lauging at these claims of murder...but I bet all of you would be fine with her having an abortion...right???

You can laugh at our outrage, as that is your right, but I will deprecate your justification of the police beating a woman, whether she be pregnant or not. In this case she happened to be pregnant. She also happened to announce she was pregnant as well as asking to leave before the inevitable, yet still unnecessary, violence against the protesters began.
If they were close enough to strike her. They were close enough to hear her.

+4 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:28 AM
It seems to me that TPTB are sending out their meanest, dumbest, most psychotic cops to try and incite violence from the protestors.

Wall Street / Corporate America / The US Government (all the same, unfortunately) thought that maybe the protesting would peter out if it was ridiculed in the mainstream media, but the protests have only intensified. Plan B for them seems to be making some cruel fat pigs cause pain and damage, so the protestors rise up in anger and begin kicking some ass.

Then they can call in the National Guard to clean out the protestors via Martial Law, showing the American people their fearsome might and willingness to punish those who speak out.

Since the tipping point isn't coming soon enough, they are trying to force it with abominable acts of cruelty, knowing it will be filmed and go viral on the net. I mean, we've all seen that big dumb campus cop spraying those kids at UC Davis like he was spraying round-up on weeds. This abuse of power is being encouraged from the top, it's the only way to escalate the situation so that bringing out the big guns is "justified".

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