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Israel: time running out to stop a nuclear Iran

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posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Again, in '67, the Arabs, led by Egypt and Jordan, attacked Israel.

How can you expect people to believe ANYTHING you say when you insist on posting LIES like this??

You say you read a lot and know the history of the region well
So I have to ask WHY you continue with this LIE

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Ooga booga! Muslim bogey man!

edit on 19-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Do you bother reading anything i write??? So its not concerning that Iran's deputy culture minister for press agreed that the Jews were behind the plague and typhus outbreaks in the middle ages, because they were dirty?

Or him saying that essentially every evil dictator of notoriety, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, were Jews??

I mention this because it bespeaks of the culture he comes from: If he can talk this way, as a propaganda minister, then it is very clear what kind of ominous message Persians are being given.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by dontreally

The entire thing of a Palestinian people, of Israel oppresing the Palestinians, is a myth! and it is absolutely nauseating to read the filth that pours forth from the minds of the people who post here. Ignoramuses. none of you have probably even read a book on the subject, yet you obnoxiously reply in your ignorance as if you have any knowledge of merit to do so.

Ahh, so the walls, checkpoints,naval blockade,control of resources, bombings etc etc etc are all a myth???

Well thank God for that..

I'd hate to think it was all real and that a "so called" civilized country like Israel could treat any people in that barbaric manner..

Thanks, I'm so relieved to know it's all not true.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Whats the lie there???

Do you know what Cassus Belli is?? Look it up. Its a legal term in international law which means "Cause for war". Egypt's blocking the strait of Tiran, to just one country - Israel - who depends on that strait for their economic survival, is a CASSUS BELLI - A CAUSE FOR WAR.

In addition, Egypt amassed 100,000 soldiers at the Sinai border with Israel. Israels 'preemptive' strike was ENTIRELY within the bounds of international law. EGYPT started the '67 war by blocking the strait to just one country. Something which would educe a response from any country if it was done to them.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Do you bother reading anything i write??? So its not concerning that Iran's deputy culture minister for press agreed that the Jews were behind the plague and typhus outbreaks in the middle ages, because they were dirty?
Or him saying that essentially every evil dictator of notoriety, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, were Jews??
I mention this because it bespeaks of the culture he comes from: If he can talk this way, as a propaganda minister, then it is very clear what kind of ominous message Persians are being given.

Sadly I do read everything you write..

Many BAD things have been said on both sides but we are all entitled to our opinions..
For eg, there are many threads on ATS dealing with Hitler and Stalin etc being Jews..

And before you cast stones at where he "comes from" maybe you should look at the past of many Israeli leaders..
It's not flash.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I'm sure you love this, corruption exposed.

It seems all the Israel supporters are exasperated of this illogical, painfully dishonest propaganda.

Its tiring, and sad. Really tells a lot about the intellectual prowess of the people who post here.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Hes a CULTURE MINISTER! Hes essentially akin to a minister of propaganda. How do you count this as merely the "opinion of one man".??! His opinion BECOMES public opinion.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by dontreally

EGYPT started the '67 war by blocking the strait to just one country. Something which would educe a response from any country if it was done to them.

You said Israel "was attacked"...
Clearly they weren't so it is a LIE..

Also read some history..
Many Israelis at the time agreed that blocking the strait was an "inconvenience" that could easily have been overcome..
Not really an excuse for war IMO and also the opinion of many others..

But then Israel has never needed a big excuse to go to war.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:15 PM
I find it very odd that whenever Israel is down-talked, it is done so with vague accusations, and usually untrue. People seem to hate Israel for no reason

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Its tiring, and sad. Really tells a lot about the intellectual prowess of the people who post here.

You really are that egotistical that you believe YOUR opinion is the only correct one..

What's "sad" is that you feel the need to insult anyone that disagrees with you..

That is NOT the sign of an intelligent mind..

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Hes a CULTURE MINISTER! Hes essentially akin to a minister of propaganda. How do you count this as merely the "opinion of one man".??! His opinion BECOMES public opinion.

So can you disprove his comments or do we merely accept YOUR opinion ??

When talking propaganda though, it's hard not to accuse Israel of the same with all their ranting over Iran with no physical proof..

Though again, it's Israel so we should just accept their word right?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Hes a CULTURE MINISTER! Hes essentially akin to a minister of propaganda. How do you count this as merely the "opinion of one man".??! His opinion BECOMES public opinion.

So by your logic, your opinion is really only the opinion of your government officials? Gotcha

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by dontreally

I am just a man.. I follow no damn government and dont believe in the primitive superstitous rubbish called religion that people use as an excuse to butcher each other. Have seen far too much of the idiocy and savagery of the fanatics over the years in my travels.. Unfortuneatly humanity refuses to grow up and still act like primitives slaughtering each other over imaginary differences and their barbaric gods.. I have neither a need nor use for any damn governments, leaders or religions I follow none I am a human being... Its my life I live it on my terms and do what can to help those who need it if am able to...

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by ipleadthe5th


You can incapacitate an entire country by ATTACKING their ability to sustain their economy. That is why such attacks are deemed CASSUS BELLI.

And where do you get this nonsense that it wouldn't affect Israel's economy?? That Israel should just of "gotten over it". It was ILLEGAL. It was and is defined by international law as Cassus Belli. Thats all that matters.

Because Israel was attacked first by this economic warfare, and then Egypt's packing 100,000 troops at the Israel Sinai, Border, that was more then enough provocation for Israel to attack Egypt.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I'm sure you love this, corruption exposed.

It seems all the Israel supporters are exasperated of this illogical, painfully dishonest propaganda.

Its tiring, and sad. Really tells a lot about the intellectual prowess of the people who post here.

Save us your patronizing please.

You're all out of propaganda so now you're resorting to insults?

I'm still waiting for you to take me up on my challenge to show me the proof in that report btw.
edit on 19-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Here's a HUGE challenge people..

Spot the difference in these two posts.

Again, in '67, the Arabs, led by Egypt and Jordan, attacked Israel.

that was more then enough provocation for Israel to attack Egypt.

I'll stand by my statement that the first was a LIE..

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by dontreally

And where do you get this nonsense that it wouldn't affect Israel's economy?? That Israel should just of "gotten over it". It was ILLEGAL. It was and is defined by international law as Cassus Belli. Thats all that matters.

Oh I get it now..
It's like Israel selling Palestine it's own resources and also holding back Palestine's tax money etc..
Is that the sort of thing you're talking about or do we "again" not mention it because it's Israel doing the dirty??

Do you NEVER expose Israel for the same wrongs you throw at others??

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Nope, its the sign of a person tired of arguing with ignoramuses.

I point out what Iran's propaganda minister says about Jews, and you brush it aside, time and again, as unimportant. That means you lack intellectual prowess.

I define intellectual prowess not by knowledge - but how one interprets information, honestly.. Truly, to know anything in the outside world, one has to know his own world. You guys are too consumed by the arena of public opinion, and popular rhetoric, to be persuaded by any information i can post here to change your opinion. This is because you don't assess your own motives. You don't pay attention to the fact that your insistence is based upon on an egoistic stubbornness to accept contrary information that would challenge an opinion you have held to: this is what is meant by the much derided idea of "idolatry" - to be consumed by the idea - the concept you subscribe to, even when challenged by new information.

Doesn't matter that Iran funds Hezbollah and Hamas. They deserve a bomb if they want one - and that apparently wont post a danger to Israel............Doesn't matter that the Ayatollah and Ahmadinejad want Israel to vanish from the pages of time. Doesn't matter that Iran is a theocratic, anti-democratic, engine of Islamic radicalism, in the world. Still, you subscribe to the Alex jonesite mega-popular view in conspiracy culture, that "Iran is being attacked". No. Iran is guilty of quite a bit, and they aren't as innocent as you people imagine them to be.

And as for the Palestine issue. That is black and white, clear as day. You talk to me about history? Buddy! I go to school for polysci - maybe i should take a picture of my library, packed with books on the history of Israel-Palestine, political philosophy, etc ..Palestine is a term RESURRECTED by the British for the roman name given to spite the Jews after the 2 Judean wars. Judea became "palestina", after the Philistines, the biblical nemesis of the Israelites. It was the ultimate vinegar in the wounds for the downtrodden Jews. and now you have ludicrous ideas of there being a definitive palestinian people with their own culture!? All fabricated. All made up. They are culturally the same as the Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese and Egyptians living around them.

Anyways. I'll take the position of skyfloating. Non-intervention with people possessed by the propaganda monster.. I'll let you lunatics go on with your Israel hatred.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by dontreally

You know I'd listen to you more if you were actually honest with yourself..

It's just hard to take anyone seriously that has such a one sided, biased view of Israel..

You ignore everything that Israel has done or is doing and merely focus on mainly opinion pieces by pro Israeli sources..

You don't mind lying to push your beliefs as was shown with your 67 war comment..

I could easily write an essay on how your "opinions" are extremely biased using your own posts.

Then your continued insult against anyone that disagrees with you just leaves you open to more rebuttals..

You made your bed, enjoy your rest.

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