posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:25 PM
I am interested in the paranormal because I have had "strange" experiences all my life. I started researching the topic at a very young age trying
to find answers. I have experienced ghosts, UFOs, some huge monster walking by our bathroom window (possible BigFoot, and it lived in the woods across
from my house for almost a year, yelling at night), having objects materialize right in front of my eyes! Actually, it was just one object,
but......... very frightening experience! I suppose that is the one I'll discuss here...
I had a ring setting that was made from Kentucky coal that my husband gave me (ex-husband now). He said it was one of a kind. Maybe a year after we
were divorced I lost the setting in the ring at a local club. Three months later my cousin and I went to a drive-in theater (this was in the mid
1970's). During intermission I went for a bathroom run. As I stood and looked up, there was something black dangling in mid-air in front of my face.
I thought at first it was a spider hanging on a web, but then it fell to the concrete ground and made a noise so I knew whatever it was, it was a
solid object. As I knelt over getting a closer look, I realized this was the setting from my ring that I had lost three months prior in a totally
different place! It was like it just materialized in front of me and fell at my feet. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. When I went back to the
car my cousin asked me if I was okay because she said I was pale as a ghost. I told her what happened, and she was speechless! When I got home I
placed the setting in my ring, put the ring away in my jewelry case, and I have never taken it out again since that day! Still don't know what to
make out of this! Anyone ever experienced anything like this?