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What Attracts You to the Paranormal?

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posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Morgenstern89

thanx ill be sure to check it out

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:05 PM
A better question would probably be what attracts the paranormal to me. The answer would be... I'm a shaman.
I was born to walk between the worlds. It took me a very long time to accept this.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:42 PM
1) What attracts you to the paranormal?

A deep need to understand what and why it happens to me and everyone else.

2) Have you always been a fan or did something trigger your interest?

Actually,ghosts fascinated me as a kid,but the real interest came after the age of 10 when I was walking with my brother and had 2 minutes of conversation with him before I had it with him..."deja vu"

3) What is your favorite paranormal topic to study up on?

Now? Other peoples personal stories.

and of course no post would be complete without this last question

4) Have any good stories you would like to share?

What kind of stories do you want?
I have had a few threads on ATS over the years, listing some of my more profound experiences.
But I don't mind repeating them

edit on 31-1-2012 by Darkblade71 because: typonese

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 09:21 AM
1: What attracts me is simply the fact that there is a whole lot more to the universe then meets the eye. And I want to know everything.
2: At first I never believed in ghosts and demons and such, my parents always told me it wasn't real. When I was about 16 years old, someone I loved died.. And that's when it all started.
3: Well, I like pretty much all paranormal stuff, but am especially interested in the out of body experiences, as well as lucid dreaming.
4: Stories.. I could write a book. But I won't, since most things are quite private matters.
edit on 1-2-2012 by TommyD because: Stuff.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by NephraTari

Does it run in your family?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Well I dont mind hearing them. Please do Share.
edit on 2/2/2012 by JROCK2527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by JROCK2527
First of all thank you JROCK for the thread, you really made me think about some stuff!

1) What attracts you to the paranormal?
Whew, I didn't realize it but once I did some thinking that was a loaded question. I think it is my fascination with time, mass, energy, consciousness and our perceptions of those that has me fascinated with the paranormal.

2) Have you always been a fan or did something trigger your intrest?
I think it was seeing a full bodied apparition as a child that hooked me. From there I started watching "Unsolved Mysteries" and well, I haven't been the same since (I'm 36 btw).

3) What is your favorite paranormal topic to study up on?
Hauntings mostly. Although I have a special place in my heart for UFO related stuff (I've seen two unidentified lights in the sky & possibly a crash, although I think that one was gov tech.) Besides those, earth anomalies! I think there's more to this big ball of rock then meets the eye.

4) Have any good stories you would like to share?
I think I've shared two or three here on ATS in other posters' threads. I try to keep it low key lest the "I hate you 'cause you believe this crap" people come crawling out.

Again thanks for the thread!
(and I've been following the hotel thread, love it!)
edit on 2-2-2012 by OneisOne because: typo, not enough coffee!

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:18 AM
You are welcome Thanks for the reply and following. I would like to hear a few of your stories if you dont mind.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by JROCK2527

The first "ghost" I can remember seeing:

Originally posted by OneisOne
My family was camping at a state park. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked out the camper window. There was a man standing in our campsite. He didn't look normal, faded & sort of foggy looking. But it wasn't like I could see thru him. I could see everything he was wearing. Brown boots, brown floppy hat, flannel shirt & overalls. He was just standing there. I woke my sister up & when she looked out the window, he was gone. I wasn't scared, I was just wondering what he was doing in our campsite. A few years later I was talking to a the park ranger's wife & she told me about her experience. We had seen the same person. The property the park is one was once this man's land. The foundation stones for his house is still there & so is his grave.

Some "shadow people":

Originally posted by OneisOne
When I was around 19 I had a good friend who's house I would stay at atleast 2-3 times a week. We were always coming home from a club or getting up early for road trips. It was usually around 2-3am. Always out of the corner of my eye I could see people walking around in her kitchen, looked like shadows. It happened a few times before I asked her about it. She said her sister, who worked for a catering company & was regularly up in the early AM, had seen them too. Their house was newly built, just about a year old. Her mom did some checking and it turned out that they had built their home on land that had been used for a civil war camp. So she just figured it was the soldiers getting up and ready before dawn.

One of the crazier experiences:
(I would like to note that since I posted this one on ATS the first time, someone has called into question weither the second person that had the experience really was "sick" at the time.)

Originally posted by OneisOne
There have been other things too from different locations footsteps, doors opening and closing, stuff like that. I now have a group of friends that visit haunted locations with on a regular bases. I've had my hair tugged, my shirt pulled, heard out of place voices and sounds. Our last trip I had a very nasty black mass rush me. I calmly took one step to the side and put a hand one a friend's shoulder. It freaked me out, but I was fine. That same night, about 30 minutes later, a different group was in the same area. One of their members was rushed by a black mass, he blacked out & collapsed. He had no idea what had happened to me. Here's the odd part. We were in a closed hospital. The only two people, out of the 30 or so there that night, that got rushed by the black mass were him and myself. And we were the only two people with newly diagnosed medical conditions (him a heart transplant 2 months prior, me adult-onset type 1 diabetes). I just find it very telling that it went for the two people that were "sick".

There you go!
edit on 2-2-2012 by OneisOne because: tags not working!

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:41 AM
i would say 'The God part of the brain' is what attracted me to ESP, paranormal, etc

In others, the same part of the brain (the God part)... led them to Religion or Spirituality as better suited to their psyche

the idea of a 6th sense seemed too far out for them, but for myself and others We chose the paranormal path as being normal
edit on 2-2-2012 by St Udio because: (no reason given)


Originally posted by NephraTari
A better question would probably be what attracts the paranormal to me.
The answer would be... I'm a shaman.
I was born to walk between the worlds.
It took me a very long time to accept this.

so, your saying that Nature not Nurture led to your life path
Nature; by virtue of the more active God-Part of the brain
and not a supernatural 'calling' or a developed leaning to shamanism through the process of aging...

edit on 2-2-2012 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by JROCK2527

Well, what kind of stories? What interests YOU the most? Perhaps I have something along the lines of what you would like to hear. There are to many experiences to just pick one myself. lol

So I will offer you choices I guess.

1.Ghosts and haunted houses
2. Visions and premonitions
3. Spirit contact and the spirit world
4. ESP in general
5. Angels
6..*fill in the blank*

Pick something

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by JROCK2527

the mystery of the unknown is what always attracted me to the paranormal. I love a good mystery of something that is not proven yet, but maybe true. I have always been fascinated with alot of unusual things. Ever since i was little and i watched Leonard Nemoys In search of show.
I love cryptozoology, i think that is one of my favorites. but i also love ghost,ufos, aliens even quantum physics because of the unknown factor
I have seen a ufo in broad daylight so i am convinced they are real

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 01:44 PM
Paranormal is just unexplained science...sort of, kind of.

Who couldn't resist learning more about the world and the weird way things work?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
A better question would probably be what attracts the paranormal to me. The answer would be... I'm a shaman.
I was born to walk between the worlds. It took me a very long time to accept this.

If you really could you would never announce it. Fact.
Unless you are siberian or from the caucasus you ain't a ''shaman'' You may have some abilities, but anyone making a statement like this is demonstrating their lack of maturity and discipline. Shame on you for misleading nice innocent folks!

[didn't mean to crash the thread, my sincere apologies to the OP]

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Caver78

I hate comments like that.

You don't have a clue who anyone is other than yourself.

It is not the first time I have heard that "If you were, you wouldn't be talking about it" crap.

Or maybe you get hung up on the term shaman.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by JROCK2527

It seems to, as most of my gifts have passed to my children, however I have no way of knowing if that is how I got mine, my father was adopted and the records sealed. There is a gaping whole in my family tree on the half that is native american.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Caver78

My tribe has always had a shaman. Perhaps you should pause before making a judgement about things you do not know everything about. The internet does not equal truth.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:51 PM
Are you active within the Native American community in a Shamanistic capacity? Or do you mean that whatever Native American blood you have may be an explanation for your experiences?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Morgenstern89

I am not THE shaman of my tribe if that is your question. I was told by another shaman in my tribe when I was a teen that I was a shaman. At the time I didn't know what that meant and didn't pay much attention to it. I told them they must be mistaken. I had not trained as my friend was training in any of those ways. I was then told that it was not like that for me. It was not something that I could train in but simply something I was born with. She told me I was a spiritual healer and that I did what I was meant to do most of the time without really being aware of it through my normal interactions with people. Even when I didn't accept it, I was still doing the things I was meant to do. I am very much a newborn on this path. I am still trying to find my way.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:51 PM
What atttracts me to the paranormal industry?

Fat bags of cash for simply feeding b.s. to simple gullible people with heads filled with hippie mumbo-jumbo.

Simple, quick dough and no-one can ever prove you're a charleton, no matter how ludicrous your speil is.

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