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Tram thugs stamped on head of woman 'because she was dressed as a Goth'

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:27 PM
this reminds me of the goth kid i used to see on the way to highschool, he wore a leash... and would hold it out infront of himself the entire walk as if he was walking himself. that guy may be asking for it im gonna be flammed for adding this, he was black... but if thats a picture of the girl that was attacked in the article these guys have deeper issues and need to be taken off the street
edit on 18-11-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:32 PM
the point is that it shouldn't have happened....the way a person dresses and to most extents acts is never a reason for violence...except juggalo's...they should be beaten anytime they are in pulic...but aside from that exception this is unacceptable..besides i've seen A LOT of sexy gothic girls..why would anyone want to get violent with them?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by danj3ris

As I mentioned in a previous post, it was early in the morning, and frankly I do not care enough about 100% proper grammar usage here to satisfy the grammar nazis. And as I said before, please belittle my grammar, it just shows that your intellectual argument doesn't stand against mine, so you have to resort to that!

makes me feel wonderful

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by VonDoomen

if i wanted to read these types of stories, i wouldnt be browsing a CONSPIRACY website.

OMG! I hate these threads SO MUCH. THey are SOOOO PoOpy girlfRIend! I hate them but I read them and post horribly long comments AboUt HoW MucH I Haet dem!!!

On topic... Dress like an idiot, get your ass beat. I don't agree with it, but that's how it goes. I'm too old to give a rats ass about a persons style of dress, but damn son, grow up. You dress like an idiot clown, you are doing it for a reaction. Well, you got one. Fake boobs attract pervy guys, fast cars attract loose women, dumbass 'goths' attract scorn and honestly not a single F is given when a goth gets beat up. They are asking for it more than a girl with sweatpants that say PINK on the behind.

Hell, the guy I was going to make fun of is right. This story is RETARDED and should be binned.

edit on 18-11-2011 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

I havent logged into ATS in a long time, let alone replied to anything. I've just been lurking for ages now...but when I saw this comment, I couldnt help myself. you REALLY think this? So let me get this straight, you think that everyone who dresses like a goth is an immature moron? Wow, I am truly shocked that anyone could possibly still think this way. I happen to be a 'goth', and I am neither immature, nor an idiot. As a matter of fact, the grand majority of goths I have ever met have been well educated and surely much more mature than others I have met in my life. Do you actually know any real goths? And the opinion that goths or anyone who dresses differently is 'doing it for a reaction' is outdated and incorrect. Sure, there are some who do, but that doesn't represent the entire subculture.

To insinuate that these people somehow deserved to be attacked because of the way they were dressed is absolutely disgusting and you are really no better than the people who did this save for the fact you actually havent gone out and acted on it. It is opinions such as yous which keep this kind of behaviour going. You say you dont agree with it, but I would beg to differ judging by your words. Someone like you is the kind of person who will say a woman who is dressed a little bit sexy deserves to be raped. Disgusting.

I feel for the people who were attacked, and its a stark reminder of a few years back when Sohpie Lancaster was murdered by the same types of thugs. Behaviour like this should not be tolerated and I know for a fact that there are thousands of people on the lookout for these people. I can't believe the trolls have come into this thread saying that it doesnt deserve to be on the site, especially when it is in the other current events forum. Why is it that you people have to be so cynical and miserable about every little thing?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Luckily we're not all the same...Group behaviour? Human nature? Nah just more of the same narrow and dangerous thinking.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by pyrael

Not only was it an unprovoked attack, but there's also the moral issue of a guy putting a beating to a woman like that... Who raised these animals? Stories like this make me weep for humanity's future...I tell ya...

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by johnnygamble

I had absolutely no idea just who or what ''Juggalos'' are, until you kept banging on about them in this thread.

However, having done some quick internet research, I thoroughly agree that they need a good slap.

edit on 18-11-2011 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by cyoshi
Luckily we're not all the same...Group behaviour? Human nature? Nah just more of the same narrow and dangerous thinking.

No, of course we're not all going to act like that.

However, it can't be denied that some humans - when they are taken over by a natural tendency for bloodlust - will behave like wild animals.

The animalistic behaviour is concentrated on those who are different to the group which we self-identify with. A mixture of fear and hatred ensues, and those who are overcome by these feelings will not hesitate to carry out the most sadistic and diabolical acts with conscientious impunity.

Humans are really a rather strange bunch.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:23 PM
I wear mostly black and Tripp pants most of the time, have been since I was a young teen. This actually almost happened to me one time, but I love in a very redneck area so its not a surprise. This was when I was walking around the town by myself one night when I was 16, three drunk rednecks thought it would be a good idea to attack me. The funny thing is that these guys were all in their 20s and after they attacked me and I hurt 2 of the guys the other 1 ran to their trashy truck and called the cops. I had actually laid the other 2 out and backed away to allow them to get up and go to the truck. After I saw them get into the truck and drive off I turned and walked off expecting to probably be stabbed or shot or something. A few minutes later 2 cops pulled up behind me then the guys pulled up in the truck, it was obvious all 3 were drunk. They told the cops that I ran after them like a crazy dude and tried to mug them... The cops bought the drunk rednecks story and asked them to get somebody to come pick them up. I was cuffed and put into the back of their car. Luckily the only took me home, but it was bull# how it was my fault that I got attacked by morons... I'll bet those rednecks guys never told their friends that story. Never know when the "goth" you attack may actively practice martial arts and be in a fight club. Funny thing is I am not and do not nor have I ever considered myself to be "goth". From what little I could understand of their very poor speech those guys seemed to think I was "1 o those gothic faggots"...

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Sinister in my opinion. Honestly, after the amount of flack i got for posting the story, i assumed that it would be dead by now. Amazing that there are now 4 pages.

I've been thinking of VonDoomen's (I believe it was theirs) suggestion of making a thread encompassing the entire area of "petty people vs expressive people" < to be nice.

I'm looking up past stories and statistics at the moment. I may do this, I may not. Depends on how deep I can dig and how much supporting info I find. I certainly wouldn't want to post a "weekly World News" rag piece. (No offense if anyone likes it for actual news)


posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

Ever thought, there could be a conspiracy in this? maybe the news story is bunk. maybe some feel that the law punishment for these thugs is not sufficient or over sufficient for the crime commited? isn't that mainly what the majority of these OWS threads are about? the law punishment being too strict or not strict enough for the protestor's actions..maybe the conspiracy is these people weren't harmed for their 'Goth' dressing at all; but something entirely different. Is there a conspiracy in this? likely not...However there could be, its a possibility and a matter of opinion, like most threads here on ATS...i see your point of view, in fact i feel the same way you do in some respects. I do not come to ATS to read about sad stories like this, however, i chose to click on the thread, so i'm going to put my two cents in and contribute positively as best i can. As above posters have stated, yes this is ATS, but this thread is posted in the 'Other alternative news' forum, If you prefer the real gems here on ATS, stick to the UFO or General Conspiracy forums or the Search function...whatever suits your liking.. Also, i like the point you posted above, something like, 'Yes i am aware of the forum this is in however look at the site you are posting it on'...Yes this is ATS. but look at the top bar in your browser. it says " - Conspiracy Theories, UFO's, Paranormal, Political Madness, and Other 'Alternative News'" Could this story not be considered political madness? what about Social Issues and Civil Unrest? (which is a major forum here on ATS) and, is this not considered Alternative News? Well i believe it could be considered all of the above...i respect your opinions, but if you dont come to ATS to read stories like this, dont click on it. To click on it is choosing to read it and then to slam the OP. Well, i consider that trolling. We dont like trolls here.
Just my 2 cents... peace

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:56 PM
To the OP: Good thread! Do not let these miserable trolls tell you different. They come in complaining about the story and then proceed to post 20 times. Claiming they don't care about stars and flags; Liars!!!! All of them.

If I see a post that doesn't interest me, I keep it moving baby. The last thing in the world I'm gonna do is post and argue my twisted beliefs just to get a rise out of people. I've only been here for a short time, but I already can recognize the trolls here. They usually like to catch a thread early to garner as much S+F's as possible.

Just ignore them and they'll go away. Giving them attention is only catering to their childish, selfish egos.

To the Trolls: Get a life and learn to spell. Now I'm gonna continue to ignore you all.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:12 PM
I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that these people were beat up for the way the looked, or the replies on this thread, either not caring, or implying they somehow deserved this for not being "normal".

I personally love wearing goth style clothes, especially the elegant aristocrat style. Long skirts, lots of velvet, silk, lace and buttons...

It's what I find most aesthetically pleasing, and more comfortable to wear, I don't do it as an invitation for people to kick my ass. If they don't like it there are plenty of other places they can direct their gaze to.

Like Mr. T says..
Hey, everybody gotta wear clothes, and if you don't, you'll be arrested!
So, why not wear clothes that you like?

By the way, are people less accepting of goths in the U.K.? I've heard of this happening there a few times now, but I don't remember ever hearing about it happening in the U.S.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Astrithr

Mr T is awesome! Good video and quote.

Violence is always wrong unless it's in defense of you or someone else....period.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by VonDoomen

this is the general chit chat forum has nothing conspiracy written on it. If you dont want to brows this particular forum no one says u have to. Maybe they shuld make a forum called "im an @$$hole and like to tear down other peoples post topics" just for you and others who troll the off topic area to complain about offtopic posts being just that!

in reply to the OP and the article at hand. I really dont believe it was just the way they were dressed it sounds as though these lowlifes were just looking for someone to harass and the way these two were dressed and the fact that they were less than the thugs so they made easy targets. When you get the group togather let me know I am in.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 01:26 AM
as a goth i have had to deal with a lot of bullschmidt living in a small rural town. i never could afford the brand names except for some demonia boots which i got at a second hand store in the town i moved to. i'm propably the last guy that any of those thugs want to mess with. martial arts? fight club? guerrilla style hand to hand fighting? one thing i find biased about the clash between goth and urban thug is the agressive nature perpetuated by genereations of progressively challenged tribesman who needed to bring their indiscriminately savage and violent activities along with them and also rap? hip hop? all bastardized versions of kraftwerk... from Germany. music aside, in a single large scale gangfight, these thug types create a bodycount dwarfing columbine. who watches them after a school shooting? who puts a ban on hip hop music after a drive by shooting? and now these soft minded retarded children of the crack era decide to stomp on someone for their appearance? well why don't we hang them for their activities? if goths beat up a thug type they would "run a train" on them both wouldn't they? how biased how much more racist this makes me

p.s. rap hip hop and the like are unoriginal and plageristic
edit on 19-11-2011 by rockoperawriter because: yeah

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by intelligenthoodlum33
reply to post by Astrithr

Mr T is awesome! Good video and quote.

Violence is always wrong unless it's in defense of you or someone else....period.

Yup, nice video for sure.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 05:34 AM
Reply to post by JROCK2527

Thanks for the vote, can't give a star at the moment cause I'm on my cell, but thanks just the same.

FYI, I had originally posted this in the "other Alternative News" section. a mod moved it to here, which is fine by me. I'm at ATS so much I forget that BTS exists lol

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