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ATS: We Have Failed!

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:35 AM
Its far from over. The economic injustice still exists, which will necessitate some form of resistance. People are sinking further and further into poverty. I don't think that people are going to heed the message to just go back to their cages and watch American idol and make their weekly trips to the mall and consume like good little livestock as their standard of living slips further and further into the abyss.People have finally started to wake up to the obscene level of abuse that persisted for decades.. The protests may have been hindered, but the IDEA is alive and growing. And it will not be stopped. There is a physics to all of this and its going to culminate in a positive social change.A river wont suddenly reverse its course and flow backwards once its started to flow in a particular direction. And the elites are clueless to this, their arrogance blinds them. Just like the people in the Forbidden city didn't know things were changing around, them, and the French aristocrats joked about the rabble, and continued their parties and decadence right up to the moment people showed up with torches, this thing is growing and will not stop. Its not one person, there are no leaders, its an idea, a single mindedness THAT EVERYONE DESERVES A CHANCE AT A GOOD LIFE, NOT JUST THE ONE PERCENT. And if people consider that is a weakness, I have two words for you, ARMY ANTS. They are small little creatures but as a group nothing can stand in their way. Think Gandhi. India liberated itself from an oppressive power through the use of a single idea, they simply would no longer cooperate. And I don't think it will even be violent. The elites will just become irrelevant. People will stop playing the game and that will end their power. When enough people stop cooperating they will be powerless. This has played itself out again and again in history and this time will be no different.
edit on 18-11-2011 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2011 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:39 AM
The only chance we have is unity, and we aren't capable of that. So just give up. Stock up on supplies and pray that we'll live through the storm.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:46 AM
Why do you think the world revolves around America ?
The whole world is facing the same problems as US. If you want to give up, go ahead.
You might've failed, the rest of us didn't.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by L00kingGlass

Thats exactly what they are counting on.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
That's right ATS.....we have failed!

I haven't, I saw through Occupy Wrong Street from the get go

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
What may amount to being the only chance we had at changing the way we live and govern ourselves is quickly fading into the history books as a mear footnote of tragedy.

I disagree, I think it's the other way around
They missed our big time
They had a great chance to protest against something instead they showed up in masses to protest against rich people
Yes I said rich people, don't say oh it's corruption not rich people
it's both

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
Many of you tossed the Occupy movements to the side as a political inconvenience and ridiculed the people that were willing to take a stand on principle.

Turning a private park into a dump is not principled, occupying the consequences of corruption and people who earn alot because they earned it is not principled

I'm sorry but YOU failed!

You have to support an intelligent movement not a stupid one

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
These people didn't want to enact a liberal socialist regime that took away capitalism and individual freedoms! They wanted a small glimpse of hope that their future would be brighter than the inside of a corporate cubical or less depressing than an unemployment line.

What does any of that have to do with wallstreet?

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
But when the American people needed an intelligent group of people to help formulate ideas and actions that would be effective, we sat back and called them names; pointed fingers and grimiced at the thought of actually having to step away from our keyboards and put actions behind the very words spoken on this website. The collective knowledge we possess here would have been an invaluble asset to aid in the change we all know is needed.

I think not

Listen, i've posted many videos of protesters being completely unable to debate, most of them knew nothing about what they were talking about
I posted many videos and didn't see one where I saw intelligent people debate, not one
Sgt. Ray Lewis was the only good video I saw

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
To those who sat idly by afraid of dirty hippies and socialists: We could have used your help. You knowledge and insight would have been invaluble in a movement where all Americans needed to toss aside the petty differences and stood together as humans..

I gave you my knowledge, so did others
But you took it as petty insults, that's what you don't see

Many including me told you, get a plan, make a list of demands, clean up after yourselves so you look like grown up adults and not spoiled children, occupy washington and your local representative's office, not wallstreet.
But you failed, you did not listen you only took it as insults.

It's time to accept that YOU failed and others like you who have this Occupy Wrong Street mentality!

Despite you and me probably being on the same team, our differences lie in approach where I actually have one.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:55 AM
A lot of the people here just said that the protesters should instead be protesting here and there, doing this and that instead, but why can't ATS people go over to the protests themselves with their ideas and have them expressed to the protesters with intellect and enthusiasm? And I do not want to hear any of the "whawha no one would listen, we are all screwed anyway because of TPTB" stuff. Even if the message of the protests could be expressed in a more coherent way, it is still a step to inspire more protests and give courage to people with ideas for a new world to step up and get the ball rolling.

Face it, we want to feel special being aware of things others aren't and when other people become aware of injustices and express that in a mainstream way, we don't feel special anymore and start putting the protesters down.

The world will never change for you if your perception of it doesn't change...if you only see the negative side of things, there might be some conflicts inside of you that you might want to figure out.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:55 AM
We haven't failed. Tensions are still mounting. Corruption is still rampant. OWS was only the beginning. Stage 1.

Now that the people have come together for a common cause that was unsuccessful, it will only be a matter of time before they are at it again. Until they are successful.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by L00kingGlass

OWS was doomed to fail.

If you look at any movement out there that garnered MASS support,it was those who had great leaders,and powerful messages.Messages that stand the test of time.Messages that TOOK time.

All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take. ~Mohandas Gandhi

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. ~Nelson Mandela

All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

These men didnt quit.

I suggested early to Occupying DC.
Imagine a hunger strike there,not kitchens to feed the masses of OWS.

That would have been a message.That would have garnered support.That would have meant something.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:57 AM
Why is there failure?

People have been fighting this system of corruption long before OWS was conceived and will continue regardless of their positioning/co-opting after all this. It was a good avenue to wake people up to the problems and hopefully, instead of following marching orders from van jones and ilk, they will do their part to get the message out. Heck, make websites, contribute to websites that are out to tell the truth, talk to people nicely who bring up politics and the economy (in forums/comment boxes on MSM sites/in real life). The message only dies if you let it. Refocus the anger and frustration on the real issues: the FED, banksters, corruptocrats, etc.

Don't be defeated, just do your part. If things continue on this path all I can say is: keep stocking up on guns, ammo, food/water, and seeds; get ready to ride out the storm that will come.

And yes, police violence is WRONG, regardless of if its against OWS, La Roush (sp?), Westboro Baptist, etc.

Keep your head up, use your voice and typing-fingers, and keep the truth rolling. The more we can discover and bring to light (on any issue from politics to economy) the more people will listen and find it hard to ignore.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by openminded2011
And I don't think it will even be violent. The elites will just become irrelevant. People will stop playing the game and that will end their power. When enough people stop cooperating they will be powerless. This has played itself out again and again in history and this time will be no different.
edit on 18-11-2011 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2011 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2011 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

Exactly. You can't stop a river.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

We have not failed, it has only just begun!

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Rosa Parks was, in many ways, an exemplar of what OWS should be. She wasn't the entire Civil Rights Movement, but she was a catalyst. She didn't end segregation, but she inspired the thousands of individuals who together did end segregation.

OWS needs its own version of Rosa Parks. A person that is a catalyst that brings the scatter-shot passions of the many, and focus' it into the sort of passion that foments change. Not necessarily a leader, save by example.

OWS doesn't have this, and needs it badly.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

I'm sorry but YOU failed!

You have to support an intelligent movement not a stupid one


I would have much more respect for those like Michael Moore as an example,if he decided to say,"I am giving up my material possessions,and I am going to hold a hunger strike on Wall Street steps,until our demands our met." Key word, demands................

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Oh really...

HARDLY, we showed them we are willing to stand up, we made these dude sweat and pull out all the stops!
I would've gladly stood up and protested my self but I have made a commitment with the US Army and many other people unfortunatly are slaves to their jobs to be able to feed their families.

If you are ready to throw in the towel, do so, but this is just the beginning.

The revolution is now.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:09 AM
This is just the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end...

More people will lose jobs, more companies will fold, more public services cut, more people losing homes.... the economy is ****ed...

The numbers at these protests now are a drop in the ocean compared to what It'll be like in a year or two.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Many of you tossed the Occupy movements to the side as a political inconvenience and ridiculed the people that were willing to take a stand on principle.

The problem is very simple, and generally overlooked by people such as yourself: The OWS people did not stand on any principles that actually represented the claim of 99% representation. Most of the OWS people stood on socialism, communism, and stealing from those who work for a living. I have no respect for anyone who would replace my way of life with real slavery all the while telling me that I was liberated from the same. Many nations have fallen to that commie lie; however, Americans just don't buy into that nonsense.

They weren't the 99%. They were but a handfull of misguided self-failures.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:10 AM
all stages of an awakening, everyone at different levels of awareness / consciousness

True change only comes from WITHIN

Those on the path for awhile and are not deceived by illusions in place (political - economic - religious - social) understand that in order for change to occur one must manifest the higher virtues of humanity within themselves, leading to enlightenment which leads to self governance / personal responsibility on all levels

Until this happens across the board true FREEDOM and true change will not come

All we can do is focus on what we do as individuals, let the light shine and hope the collective shifts as more people truly wake up from the long slumber


posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

[color=dodgerblue]I agree with much of what you are saying.

I have been a member here for nearly a year and had also lurked for several months prior.

Before there was 'Occupy' anything the people of ATS would cry for revolution. For protests. For the 'sheeple' (I despise this term.) to get up and DO something. Stand up. Take back the nation. For the people, by the people.. and so on.

So people finally did. They stood up. They got out and protested. They are standing up for what they believe in whether anyone agrees or not. They are out there doing something. They are fighting the good fight. Etc etc etc...

And now all ATS does is complain about them. OWS movement is unclear with their intentions, their message is not organized enough, bunch of dirty hippies, they stole my water, they are making my commute difficult, etc etc etc.

So you cry out for revolution and then criticize it when people try to make it a reality.

All from the safety of your keyboard...

Good job.

Disclaimer: This isn't toward anyone specific. Its just what I have noticed happening prior to and during Occupy.
edit on 18-11-2011 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by GrOuNd_ZeRo

we made these dude sweat and pull out all the stops!

If they'd done that, you'd all be dead. You were merely tolerated for the spoiled brats that you are, and then dispersed like hippe troublemakers with kid-skin gloves. Next, they cleanup your squaler and filth.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

f you look at any movement out there that garnered MASS support,it was those who had great leaders,and powerful messages.Messages that stand the test of time.Messages that TOOK time.

There you have it. Any political movement that wants change as drastic as what OWS calls for, or The Tea Party for that matter must realize early on, that the message will take time, maybe a lifetime.

Apartheid in South Africa. Jim Crow in the United States. These took lifetimes to change, and blood was spilled, usually on the part of those wanting change.

In this age of the ten second sound bite, and fast everything, we've forgotten patience. To effect radical change takes time.

Apartheid was the law of South Africa for decades. The ANC, amongst others, fought it for almost that long. I'm defending no ones methods here, just stating it took a lifetime to change South Africa. Jim Crow laws in the South became law shortly after the American Civil War...and it was only in my lifetime that the last of Jim Crow was removed from the books... That's three generations, maybe four, people.

How many years did dissidents in the old Soviet Union fight their long battle against oppression?

OWS requires patience, and commitment.

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