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America, land of the brave

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posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

I find you disgusting ..Not America its sad for me to see someone hate so deep

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
reply to post by CherubBaby

Okay, I understand Obama said and did some things down there that really have Australians in a tizzy this evening. Hey, we can relate to that. Obama does things up here every day that have us in a tizzy. Lets not go condeming and wishing the ultimate in bad juju on a whole nation because of it though. Whatever our Great Leader did this time...really, he knows not what he does.

On the off chance your hate is as real and bone deep as it may appear here, then I bid you a good night. Well, no, I bid you night. Nothing good about it, if the dark nugget of hatred is something your familiar with.

One observation though. Australia was among the best allies the MAC/V had in Vietnam. Much of what never happened in Cambodia and Laos were only possible by the bush pilots of Australia and their willingness to go where even American pilots refused to tread. The same can be said for Australia's support in World War II and in our more recent Middle Eastern misadventures. If collective guilt is what you feel, then you're right in the middle of that right along side us. Australia wasn't forced, they chose to be one of the best diplomatic and military allies the United States has ever had.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
If god existed he would have wiped your scum country out ages ago

Your hate runs deep,and is a scourge on this planet.

Of course my hate 'runs deep'
Look at your people who hate people not even involved with 911 and want to kill them. well imagine the hate when you realise that one country has been responsible for most of the worlds pain for the last century. America and its puppeters are the scum of the earth, and if god existed im sure he would crush them like the puny cowards they are

Try this for me...........

Instead of hating the United States,I suggest you take a trip to the outback,where you live, and ask the Aboriginal peoples of the land your living on,what hate means to them. Im sure your perspective will change dramatically.

Then come back,and tell me if you can justify your hatred..................

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Actually, owing that the idea of human organizations such as ideologies and political factions very likely predate our own species (even chimpanzees organize into political gangs, after all) it's probably safer to put the total in the billions figure.

Honestly though, your point is... what? yeah, governments and ideologies have resulted in dead people... that's awfully vague. Are you trying to argue that governance is bad? 'Cause it's instinctive to our species (this hasn't stopped people from railing against such things as sex and omnivory, I'll grant). Should we have no ideologies?

Basically your point is so broad that it's really more of a plane.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

The "two wrongs make a right" argument, Sonny?

'Cause I'm sitting here, being all brown and Choctaw while you're posting this...

Just saying, might not want to go pointing at other nations' follies with their indigenous peoples, in an effort to defend the US, yeah?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

I find you disgusting ..Not America its sad for me to see someone hate so deep
Im sure you do.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

What more can I say Fox?

Ive seen people killed in my alley,gangway, the front of my street.
Ive seen people killed on TV.
Ive read history books,filled with killings.

Governments and Ideology's kill.

Is the United States part of the problem?

You bet.

Is their other country's that are part of this problem?

You bet.

will it ever stop?

Hasnt stopped in a few thousand years,and we make bigger and better killing devices daily.

OP is cherry picking his country's of mass murder,and hating ANYONE that is living in the US.

Im letting him know hes no better then those who commits those type of crimes to humanity.

He doesnt have to kill. His thinking can kill.

Hatred has lead to killing. He doesnt care Fox.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by sonnny1

The "two wrongs make a right" argument, Sonny?

'Cause I'm sitting here, being all brown and Choctaw while you're posting this...

Just saying, might not want to go pointing at other nations' follies with their indigenous peoples, in an effort to defend the US, yeah?

Very much sarcasm,and Irony there........

You of all people should have known..........

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:30 AM
Simple really.
Using the OP's logic, destroy America and no-one will die anymore.
Peace and unicorns will reign over the land, happiness and joy will sprinkle dew drops of love over everyone, and everyone can go to sleep at night with full bellies and pleasant thoughts.


posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

I say this to you with respect. America is my home. I was born here. Americans are my neighbors. We are people and human beings. I don't approve corruption and murder. The truth is, all Governments have done it.
I am without words for those who have died for no purpose in this land and in those throughout the world. Still I have to go one living and do my best. The only comfort is the truth and the truth in the end is this. "If we all got what we deserve, not many would be left" Thanks for the thread.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Again though, his information (if not his rhetoric) makes a pretty noticable point.

whether or not the US was responsible for all those deaths, the irrefutable fact is, the US was involved in them. Even directly responsible, in more than a few cases. Now, this might not seem significant to you.. .but did you know that Nigeria, for example, was not involved in the overthrow of Chile's government and the murder of its president? Wackily enough, the Soviet Union managed to not stick its hands in Vietnam at all? That Portugal had no stakes in the overthrow of Mossadegh or the tyranny of the Shah? Canada wasn't arming Suharto in Indonesia, and Madagascar didn't try to invade Cuba?

While you can state "governments and ideologies kill," the fact of the matter appears to be that some are way more involved in the killing than others. As far as I know, Finland has not laid utter ruin to two nations in the last ten years (or twenty, or two hundred... though it did kick both Nazi and Soviet ass when they tried to roll in.)

While it doesn't make we Americans bad or evil people, as the OP seems to believe, it DOES mean that our nation has a hell of a lot to account for. Other nations do as well, but that doesn't free us to turn a blind eye to our own, or to pretend "everyone's equally bad" - because no, no they aren't.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by sonnny1

Again though, his information (if not his rhetoric) makes a pretty noticable point.

Sorry,but its BS. I can get a better debate out of you..........

This should be in the "rant" forums.

There is no debating his points.

His hatred is like those who hate because of color,creed.

You can search through the forums,and find many good threads that debate his "noticeable points".

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

Where are you from, is your country innocent of any wrong doing outside of its boarders? Is its government respectful of its citizens, are their taxes uses in a fair and honest manner? Do the corporations that reside within practice fair market trade and ethical business practices? Is your country’s people a supporter of a constitution based on human rights? Is your country a supplier of foreign aid money and resources to less fortunate countries? If not than you have no room to talk. I can understand your anger, but the world not just the U.S. has many problems to work out.
The British empire, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Germany and many others are guilty of the same or similar crimes.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
reply to post by CherubBaby

Seems my original question has been answered, the same can be said about your country as well. Being part of the crown, your government has had a hand in all the atrocities committed in the empire whether willing or not. My point being, these are human problems caused by elitists and imperial mentality. Your right that just because others have committed the same acts it does not lessen the impact of U.S. involvement. This is a cycle that will continue until the mindset is changed, if not we will be complaining about another new empire in the future after this one falls.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by sonnny1
There is no debating his points.

His hatred is like those who hate because of color,creed.

In other words, he fits right in here. So why not have a go at it?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

Originally posted by sonnny1
There is no debating his points.

His hatred is like those who hate because of color,creed.

In other words, he fits right in here. So why not have a go at it?


Star for ya,and Touche.........

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

No debating his points? If his case is as evil as he paints it, then who isnt responsible for all that? You and I should be guilty just as much as he himself would be.
He's too busy saying its one country when in fact, its just people in general.
Its worse to blame a nation, any nation of peoples because the nations of today are becoming so mixed not one nation can bare the blame, you say americans and you might as well say the world, you might as well and every country who allows immigration or colonialization right along with it. Its as if the guy looked at some website that had everything that only the US has done, when the US is home to all nationalities of people. I guess we can all start with ourselves if his case is true and so can everyone else.

I mean who have I raided, plundered, stole from, or killed? Not one person. I spend my time here like everyone else speaking against the loss of life. I dont want it happening in any nation.
Ill bet none of the US is a nation of evil threads ever mention the atrocities of any war that dont account for the actions of everyone with the exception of the US. How many people here know that Russian soldiers were so brutal during the old war that it even freaked Patton out? Patton! Piss over the side of bridges Patton, but they will list every atrocity committed by the SS. People deny the holocost! omg, world war 2 was in itself a holocost! Howbout the french and indian wars? Go count some scalps?! The spanish wars! This isnt a US problem, its a world-people problem.

Here you go, a point.
War, greed and mistrust among people is the problem. Accusation, building cases toward one nation is not only blind, its ignorant, its very shallow and stupid to do when the actions/inactions of humanity are to blame. I can watch videos right now of arabs doing public beheadings. Mexicans doing beheadings, babies being killed by gunfire in Syria, BABIES! Iran threatening the lives of millions in Israel and vice versa, mass-starvation in large parts of Africa, people jumping off of skyscrapers and bridges worldwide, kids beating old folks and murders happening here and yes even cannablism. Chinese are running eachother over and walking off like its the new in thing to do!

I mean.. the list goes on and on, and people want to point at one nation? How stupid are we as a people as a human race to allow this daily? When the world is in a crisis? THE WORLD IS IN A CRISIS, things are bad everywhere and I dont know of a Government nor people anywhere who is innocent of anything when we look at the world as a whole and when one person does it and places a blame singularity, I get sick to my stomache, I just wanna fedex puke and diahhrea fecies to people so they can stir it in their eggs. Call it nephalims salsa of disgust. EAT UP!

Its like, I blame you all for everything that happens. every last one of you who is too busy casting blame rather than solving the worlds problems. Chew on it for a second and continue to blame one nation. Pft noone is innocent by these standards, dont be hypocrits people. Seriously.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Yeah I was about to say China holds the record for the most murders but you beat me to it...I forget his name but some leader back in the day slaughtered millions over 50 million I guess you could say it was 65

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

They know it better than you. The people of far island don't care.

They were just thinking that they are always going to stay on the winner side. This is what has made them look scared.

China is going to replace them.

The warmongers and war-supporters will be going to get what they have wished for others sooner or later.

Look at them in the NEWS , they just complain about themselves.

If Iraqis and Afghans get killed for next 300 years , they won't care.

They call themselves civilized , but they are always on the winners side.

They have understood that the winner side is going to change.

So , they are scared.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

You will see Far-islanders coming here and denying all the statistics you have gathered.

The Far-islanders can not reach the reality for themselves.

That is why they are Far-islanders

Read more about far islanders theory.

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