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America, land of the brave

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:17 PM
Fact is your government has killed many millions of innocent people. They are worse then ANY dictator you’ve gone after combined and times by 100000000.
You are responsible for enforcing the rigged monetary system that see billions of people live in poverty. This alone kills hundreds of millions of people every year.
You are the ones dispersing dangerous drugs, be it illicit or pharmaceuticals.
You are the ones installing puppet governments to steal nation’s resources and make people fight against their countrymen.
You are the ones who continue to rape the earth for resources and stop the production of green energy.
You have controlled all the worlds’ technological advancements in the last century and refuse to let a person do anything that goes against the monopoly you hold.

Why should I or anyone for that matter care?
All I ever hear is 'never forget' or 'it was the worst day in all of history'. All along these lines.
911 was nothing, it is a joke in the scheme of tragic events.
You cry so much about it, fact is you wouldnt last 2 minutes in a city being bombed by the US.
The American government does this daily to other nations and has been doing it for almost a century.
No matter who caused it the fact is the US used it as an excuse to blow up another country and butcher another couple of million people. Now you might say I’m a monster or don’t have feelings but I think that using an event such as 911 for a war agenda is much worse then saying that people should get over it.
The fact is America deserved 911 and if karma existed America would get the big earthquake it’s been waiting for.

Now I do feel bad for the individuals in your country, many of whom are waking up. But to many of you have supported or not done anything about your governments tyranny over the world.
Its time America is stopped once and for all.

These numbers are not even close to the real death toll at the hands of your government, but it gives you an idea:

1940s - Nuked Japan.
Death toll: 145,000 to date in Nagasaki, 250,000 in Hiroshima, around 300,000 in Fire bombing of Tokyo.

1947-49 - U.S. helps command extreme-right Greece party in Civil War.
Death toll: about 70,000 contributed by US-backed forces

1948-54 - CIA directs war against Huk Rebellion in Philippines.
Death toll: about 11,000

1950 - Independence movement crushed in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Death toll: conservative historians estimated about 8,000 peasants

1950-53 - Korean War
Death toll: about 1,776,000

1952 - CIA overthrows Democracy in Iran, installs Shah
Death toll: about 20,000

1954 - CIA directs invasion of Guatemala after new Democracy there nationalized U.S.-occupied lands
Death toll: about 140,000 missing and dead

1958 - In Lebanon, marine occupation against rebels
Death toll: about 2,000

1960-75+ - Vietnam War including Cambodia and Laos
Death toll: about 4,502,000 including civilians and resulting famines (conservative estimates)

1961 - Cuba's Bay of Pigs Invasion fails
Death toll: about 4,000

1963 - In Iraq, CIA organizes coup against President and agrees to back formerly exiled Saddam
Death toll: about 7,000 including civilians

1964 - In Panama, troops kill protesters against US-owned canal
Death toll: about 1,000

1965 - CIA assists Indonesian coup
Death toll: about 900,000

1966 - Troops and bombers threaten pro-communist parties in Dominican Republic
Death toll: about 3,000

1966-96 - Green berets in Guatemala against rebels, US backs pro-American forces in country until 1996
Death toll: about 200,000

1970 - Directs marine invasion of Oman
Death toll: about 2,000

1973 - CIA directs coup to oust elected Marxist president in Chile
Death toll: 30,000... 3,000 later disappeared under US-installed dictator

1976-92 - CIA assists South-African rebels in Angola
Death toll: median estimate at 550,000

1981-90 - CIA directs Contra invasions in Nicaragua
Death toll: median estimate at 30,000

1982-84 - Marines expel Lebanese rebels, aided by Israel
Death toll: 40,000

1987-88 - US intervenes for Iraq against Iran
Death toll: about 150,000 during time-frame, 100,000 during Desert Storm, 350,000 from resulting famine

1989 - US invades to oust CIA-installed Panamanian government gone rouge
Death toll: 2,000

1992-94 - US-led occupation of Somalia during civil war
Death toll: 50,000 in combat, 300,000 by starvation

2001+ - US Occupies Afghanistan
Death toll: 120,000 including civilians and combatants and resulting Opium Wars

2003+ - Iraqi War
Death toll: 665,000 also by starvation, displacement

The USA are the real terrorists.
There time will come!

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:32 PM
Well, those are some real Al Gore mathematics going on up there. It's kinda fuzzy in spots. For example, does Uncle Ho or the Khmer Rouge get any credit? How about the Pathet Lao? Surely all their hard work and contribution to the wars warrant honorable mention, doesn't it? Oh.. I see.. Since it was the U.S. on the opposing side, the U.S. owns every death across 3 nations and 2 related but separate wars? Yikes.. You drive a hard bargain for liability.

Seriously, was there a purpose to the thread other than a hard core rant against America? You'll be hard pressed to find an American these days who is proud of everything done in our history. Some feel different on each issue, but we all generally agree some things were just wrong. That is why The TTP and OWS both want major change...that covers everyone.

Having said that? America is NOT the bad guy for every single bad thing to happen on Planet Earth since 1941, or 45 or whenever someone wants to point and say that day is when the Empire came to life. The U.S. has some pretty serious tarnish on it's stars...but no more or less than a few others in a world that is NOT a nice place.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:35 PM
And that is probably only a fraction of what the u.s has done and will keep doing.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:35 PM
Sorry but this thread is just going to cause Grief,

i get what your getting at... America have been in alot of wars that are unjustified.... however

Of all those wars listed how many were indeed being fought for percieved good reason? i appreaciate in more recent year wars that America (and Un/Nato) have been involved with have had some less than ethical origins,

some wars listed there were because theree were people being persecuted in some way or another, furthermore how many of the listed wars were infact Nato or UN missions to begin with Remebring that when there is a "war" in which America step into it is usally with its allies, and not always America who suggests the War, Due to the size of its military they (usually along with british forces) are the first into hostile situations,

Now i am very aware there is a whole World police argument to say America gets involved where it shouldnt, in these cases it is very rarely America but Nato/UN (with allies) who are infact essentially the world police.

Just wanted you to understand you have posted a very one sided argument.

Edit - I have in the past Voiced my opinions on America getting involved where it shouldnt, however that has been over specific Situations and not a general blanket of every war

Just my thoughts
edit on 16-11-2011 by GonzoSinister because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:39 PM
do not confuse the rotting empty flesh of a once nearly but never quite great "America" with the monster that now uses that skin as a disguise to destroy the world.

if you do, you are no better than any other "American"

the whole world is full of these Americans, fools who can not see the truth, or the hopeless who see the truth and realize there is nothing, NOTHING AT ALL, they can possibly do.

we must all wake up. we must all stop pushing the blame around to delude ourselves that we have control.

we must face the truth together.
edit on 16-11-2011 by BohemianBrim because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2011 by BohemianBrim because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:39 PM
65 million in the People's Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1.7 million in Africa
1.5 million in Afghanistan
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
1 million in Vietnam
150,000 in Latin America
10,000 deaths "resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power."

Estimated number of victims of Communism

Lets not just"rant" on America ..........

Governments and Ideology's have been killing people for ages...............

Seems you forgot to add that in your hate for America.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:40 PM
This is all i have to say:
God Bless America

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

If you don't mind, I was curious where you call home. Your country ? I am not trying to disagree or agree with you. I am simply curious. thx

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
This is all i have to say:
God Bless America
If god existed he would have wiped your scum country out ages ago

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by CherubBaby

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

America is worse then any of those people combined.
The US has been the cause of many more wars and deaths, you cant justify there actions by saying that other people have been bad also.
This thread is ment to raise awarness at how disgusting america is.
Seeming that america enforces the monetary system i would say it is responsible for a vast majority of terrible events in the last century

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by CherubBaby
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

These are simply death toll figures for wars the US was involved in. The question is, why were we involved? We were key players in several of them - the Iran-Iraq war, for instance was pretty much formulated out of Washington, as was the subsequent Iraq-Kuwait war. we staged, protected, and assisted coups and dictators all through central and south America. The Vietnamese war was 100% manufactured by the US - We invented South FVietnam, halted elections, and basically worked out level best to start a war there (helps that we already had fifteen thousand "advisors" shooting guns in the jungle by then, I guess)

No, not all that blood is on the US' hands. But to argue that those hands are clean is idiocy. if nothing else, we need to tell the truth to ourselves

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
If god existed he would have wiped your scum country out ages ago

Your hate runs deep,and is a scourge on this planet.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

No, not all that blood is on the US' hands. But to argue that those hands are clean is idiocy. if nothing else, we need to tell the truth to ourselves

I agree wholeheartedly Fox.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:54 PM
No doubt I'll be called an America hater, but I agree with you on many of your points. But I do have one quibble: Many of us are trying to change things; have been trying for years. If a single decent person could vote out all the criminals in government, put them to the rout, and install some true patriots--well, I myself would have done something by now. It's just not as easy as our well-meaning critics think. That's one of our most enduring problems: With all the money attendant to holding office, the sneaky lying bastards are willing to say and do anything for the opportunity to feed at that trough--including misleading well-intentioned but dull-witted citizens into voting for them. Decency lost its hold a long, long time ago.

But I do want to reinforce your view of our deserving 9/11. I won't go so far as to say we brought it on ourselves; but I will say that the people who brought it on us have done some horrible things in our name. If only the people who brought 9/11 upon us were the ones suffering for it, we'd all live in a much better world. And i too am sick of all this "Never Forget"-type bull---t. Grandstanding self-righteousness and pretentious victimhood. As you point out, by comparison to many of the suffering peoples the world--most of it brought on by us and our allies--it's a mere flesh-wound.

And to those of you who want to call me an America hater: Kiss my butt! I'm a veteran who took an oath to protect our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. We know who the enemy is--it's the bastards who do these things on our behalf and in our name. Little did I know, when I took that oath, between enemies foreign and domestic, which ones were doing the worst damage....
edit on 11/16/2011 by Ex_CT2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

You realize you're citing an author who was already certain that 100 million deaths were "caused" by communism, and and offered absolutely no sources in this work to back up the numbers she arrived at, correct?

Sort of like you're doing. You want it to be true, so you demand others believe it's true.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
If god existed he would have wiped your scum country out ages ago

Your hate runs deep,and is a scourge on this planet.

Of course my hate 'runs deep'
Look at your people who hate people not even involved with 911 and want to kill them. well imagine the hate when you realise that one country has been responsible for most of the worlds pain for the last century. America and its puppeters are the scum of the earth, and if god existed im sure he would crush them like the puny cowards they are

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by sonnny1

You realize you're citing an author who was already certain that 100 million deaths were "caused" by communism, and and offered absolutely no sources in this work to back up the numbers she arrived at, correct?

Sort of like you're doing. You want it to be true, so you demand others believe it's true.

Actually I was just trying to point out that Governments and Ideology's have killed hundreds of millions.

I did say estimated,right?

Dead men tell no tales................

The OP's only purpose is to be critical of the US,and push his HATE of "wiping it out".

edit on 17-11-2011 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

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