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We’re Just Tired

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posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Actually, it appears that a great many of the "53%" are, in fact, dumber than cat turds

No surprise for me, since they seem to forget about all the duties, taxes, and fees levied on the poor besides income tax, all while ignoring that income tax is still excised fro mthe paychecks of hte poor... which is important when you're poor enough to live paycheck to paycheck.

So why don't the "53%" ever go Galt? Surely there are nations with lower tax rates! After all here in the US, we have a maximum rate of 35% The Ukraine has a flat 15% tax... you could move to Crimea! The UAE has absolutely no taxes at all, and I hear the beaches are just lovely. Go to Macedonia for the lovely 10% tax rate, stay for a side of dolmas, why not? Mexico, even, tops out at a tax rate of 29%! And why... neither Afghanistan nor the Central African Republic have any tax code at all!

Hie the off, 53%! Go! Go forth to greener pastures!

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by lnfidel

Lol what the hell was that? Hard working people are waking up, by sheer force of misery, to the fact that the american dream was a lie from the beginning. People, working jobs just to make ends meet, are opening their eyes and seeing the truth of the tilted playing field this concept of false free market and fixed democracy is. People are waking up yet are so crushed, exploited and drained by the system, the power elite, that the energy to make a change is simply not there. Also, if you add the huge element of fear and cowardly glorification for authority we have been indoctrinated in since early childhood, the typhoon of apparent impotence seems overwhelming. What kind of zombie stars that type of malicious post anyway?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

So what are we going to do to change things?

Has the situation gone past the point of being able to change the way our entire corrupt system is?

Wait until TPTB play the "evil alien card" because we have been manipulated by fear.

During the 50's - 80's it was "The Russians" or "Commies"

Next came 9/11 and the new enemy was "The Middle East"

We never learn...........always kept dumb down, distracted and over worked.

Next plan of action for TPTB will be the military weaponization of space.

But how?????

Ohhh there's evil aliens out to get us.

Laugh now, but just wait and watch.

That will finally be the coup d'état because at that point we will be totally under TPTB (whoever the frack they are)'s control.

Reagan laid the ground work for mentally preparing us with his great NWO speech about protecting ourselves.

BS............We keep falling for the same fear game, works everytime.
edit on 17-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 06:36 AM
I'm not tired.

I have a family to support, a life to live, contributions to make. I have rules to break, goals to exceed, mountains to climb. I have dreams to fulfill, oceans to swim, and fights to win.

I've only just started.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 06:36 AM
No, the masses are asleep. Not tired.

I get what you are trying to say---and in theory, it's partially correct.

But there are a lot of people out there who truly don't know what's going on. It's hard to dish out the truth to them. They are incapable of understanding.

Everyday on my FB page, I put a link to some sort of truth and NO ONE ever responds. Yet, if I say that I am eating a turkey sandwich, I get 20 responses.

I have two rich brothers---one in finance and one a CEO-type. If I tried to tell them the truth about what is happening, they would have me committed. They'd think I was ready to be locked up and have the key buried. Seriously. They are both smart, intelligent people but they are asleep....brainwashed. Incapable of seeing a different perspective.

They are not tired. They have it easy. They don't even mow their own lawns.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 06:48 AM
Maybe I missed something.

Where are people forced to go to college, or go to an expensive college?

Who forced people to sign and agree to a mortage that they couldn't afford?

What individual held a gun to people's heads and made them buy a car or truck they could not afford?

It takes two to tango...

If you want simplicity... go for it. Buy some land, move there and live as you please...

"But the rules and zoning dictate to me how I live on the land."... Maybe in some places...but in most areas, what you do is your some research. I live in rural NC and live simple...get along fine. In fact, in my county agriculture is king and I don't even need to get my barns or out buildings inspected or OKd.

"But I will owe land taxes"... yes, but you use the roads and the county/state maintains them. My property taxes are far cheaper than paying a grader to clear four miles of snow so I can get to town.

I could go on... but why? We got ourselves into this mess and we only have ourselves to blame... not the government, not some big corporation, or our parents.... us...individually are responsible for our own dilema...

Now... How are you gonna fix it?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by lnfidel

I'm tired of people that fight for the man instead of mankind.

I'm tired of the fools that believe all the problems are the fault of the poor who have little choice for no other reason than those with power and choice tell them the poor are to blame

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

That is just blatantly not true. What you are saying is WRONG in every way. It flies in the face of what is truly happening in our world.

Human beings were meant to thrive. To enjoy life. To feel comfortable and at home on their own planet.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. And it's not the case because our way of life has been hijacked by an elite group of bankers and power brokers whose agenda is to rule the world. Where have you been? This is news to you?

The deck is not stacked in our favor. Our liberties, our freedoms, our health and our right to live without domination are being threatened each and everyday.

Now, you can sit on your land in North Carolina and pretend that everything is peachy out there. Hang out in your un-inspected barn and do whatever it is you do there.

But the rest of us? We're going to acknowledge what is happening. We are going to fight for our rights. You can either join in...or hang out with a hat over your head.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone

Who forced people to sign and agree to a mortage that they couldn't afford?

What individual held a gun to people's heads and made them buy a car or truck they could not afford?

It takes two to tango...

If you want simplicity... go for it. Buy some land, move there and live as you please...

"But the rules and zoning dictate to me how I live on the land."... Maybe in some places...but in most areas, what you do is your some research. I live in rural NC and live simple...get along fine. In fact, in my county agriculture is king and I don't even need to get my barns or out buildings inspected or OKd.

"But I will owe land taxes"... yes, but you use the roads and the county/state maintains them. My property taxes are far cheaper than paying a grader to clear four miles of snow so I can get to town.

First let me answer your question regarding mortgages, yes people signed them but what they don't know is the fact the banks pay for the houses with nothing, upon closing, yes they make up that money out of nowhere. Why? because they can. That is why we have 100's of trillions in bad derivatives that people can't understand where it came from.

But the truly sinister manipulation is that a Mortgage is nothing more than a central organization, that thrives off of peoples sweat equity, while they people that originally sign the mortgage have absolutely no idea that the bank is preying of off years of indoctrination, ignorance, trust and blind faith.

People are intrinsically good, want to excel in life and be productive, but the current system doesn't allow for that.

And moving to a rural area doesn't help either. I have personally seen "special assessment" taxes levied on rural farm areas that have destroyed villages and townships in Michigan. Special assessment taxes are a loophole that many states use and people can not get out of them. Rest assured they are coming to your area.

I look at how our current administration hired 75,000 an extra IRS agents recently. I have talked to many people these days getting audited for almost no reason.

Why not have those IRS agents audit large corporations, banks, and government?

In conclusion, people should be allowed to live in peace wherever they choose, but these days this is not so.

edit on 17-11-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:26 AM
I 100% agree with your post. Thank You for sharing. I am one of the tired. But we must, and soon vamp up our energy and fight this tiredness. The Game is Over and it has been for many people. Now its time to throw the overplayed game away.

Thanks again for your post

God Bless

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

In the UK the average citizen’s salary, of those who do have a job, is spent 8 days before the next pay cheque is due.

In Switzerland, purportedly one of the more prosperous countries on our planet, the average citizen has spent his/her salary 5 days before the next pay cheque is due.

These days I can buy a dvd player for a tenner but it costs a month’s post tax salary to pay my quarterly domestic fuel bill. ..then local taxes, sales tax (currently 20%), petrol/diesel (with circa 60% duty and VAT), mortgage/rent, insurance.

After that lots been sorted out I can start thinking about food....maybe some clothes.

People don’t feel as poor as their grandparents as they look at all the depreciating electronic gadgets in their homes ( It used to cost a month’s salary for a video recorder) but their generation had a habit of putting a little something by in case of a rainy day. That is not the case with the majority of citizens in the west today.

No savings means no ability to plan ahead. No ability to lift your nose from the grindstone and look around at what’s actually going on. Minimum wage has become the standard wage in many of today’s industries....most of these people living one pay cheque away from destitution.

Yes people are tired...because they don’t get a chance to sleep....let alone wake up.

Cities are so 20th century don't you think? They came into being as centres of trade and developed because of the industrial revolution. Now that revolution has moved east we have no requirement for the number of mass centres of population we presently have in the west. We should be thinking about breaking ourselves down to smaller, self sufficient (where possible) communities, taking advantage of new technologies...contemplating a new existence that doesn’t include waged bondage and serfdom of the masses to the benefit of the few.

edit on 17-11-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by RightWingAvenger
reply to post by jude11

Why be against minimum wage? What you should be against is the a non adjustment of wages to inflation. You have a right to make money with your business but the employees ought to be able to eat and have shelter. I understand if your paying menial labor but they deserve dignity for being party of your team.

It's a shame that the only business getting rewarded or maintaining job security in this country are crappy food chains and megmart type stores. Best of luck to you in the small business sector.

I found myself agreeing whole-heartedly with Jude having ran a couple of small businesses myself. The government when they put pressure on raising the minimum wage and not address the reason they had to raise minimum wage such as too much taxation, out of control governmental spending, and high inflation they're hurting little businesses. Actually they're forcing the small business into non-existence which from outward appearances looks deliberate, leaving only the mega corporations which is not a good thing. Can't speak for Canada but small businesses in the US employ more people than the large corporations so that's something to think about when small businesses are placed in vice grips. It would be more efficient if governments kept their spending down, demand less taxes, and dealt wisely with inflation rather than raising the minimum wage.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Damn the truth...

Thanks for posting this.

I posted this a while

edit on 17-11-2011 by FewWorldOrder because: add word

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by lnfidel

Maybe we can all sit at home on our fat asses collecting welfare and food stamps.

After all, it is how our forefathers built our fine countries. Sitting at home on the xbox waiting for life togive us everything.

wake up.

No star, no flag. Get to work, stop sniveling.

I will agree with you on one thing, our forefathers built our fine country, and the current fathers have completely undone, and disrespected everything our forefathers established.

Mules work hard everyday with blinders on. And many people are still in denial of wasting their entire lives on a system that is currently failing before their eyes.

It's OK for politicians to sit back on their collective fat asses and collect unjustified checks, medical and pensions, but if the majority of the populace needs a rest to actually see what is transpiring around them, they are called lazy.

How ironic is that?

"Sniveling" by wise mens terms, is what our forefathers called standing up for themselves, and speaking out against a corrupt system.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade

Originally posted by Realtruth

Tired of being scared if they will lose their job, because if they do they won’t be able to pay the 40% plus taxes, the banks, food, bills, and care for their loved ones.

Tired of a working arena that forces the average man and women work themselves, into a miserable lifestyle that disconnects them with their families, friends and loved ones.

Indeed, the 53% are very tired of working so hard, and having to carry the burden of all of the dead weight in this country.

You mean those using derivatives and CDSs, right? Or is the stock market the "hard work" you are actually talking about...? They have privatised profits and made expenses collective. That's a lot of hard work, as is law making and insider trading...

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Originally posted by lnfidel

Maybe we can all sit at home on our fat asses collecting welfare and food stamps.

After all, it is how our forefathers built our fine countries. Sitting at home on the xbox waiting for life togive us everything.

wake up.

No star, no flag. Get to work, stop sniveling.

I will agree with you on one thing, our forefathers built our fine country, and the current fathers have completely undone, and disrespected everything our forefathers established.

Mules work hard everyday with blinders on. And many people are still in denial of wasting their entire lives on a system that is currently failing before their eyes.

It's OK for politicians to sit back on their collective fat asses and collect unjustified checks, medical and pensions, but if the majority of the populace needs a rest to actually see what is transpiring around them, they are called lazy.

How ironic is that?

"Sniveling" by wise mens terms, is what our forefathers called standing up for themselves, and speaking out against a corrupt system.

Our forefathers threw tea in the ocean and raided Corporate ships. They shot Corporate soldiers in the streets...

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:03 PM
Brilliantly said and summed up beautifully.
We have to indeed walk away from the game.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone
Maybe I missed something.

Where are people forced to go to college, or go to an expensive college?

Who forced people to sign and agree to a mortage that they couldn't afford?

What individual held a gun to people's heads and made them buy a car or truck they could not afford?

It takes two to tango...

If you want simplicity... go for it. Buy some land, move there and live as you please...

"But the rules and zoning dictate to me how I live on the land."... Maybe in some places...but in most areas, what you do is your some research. I live in rural NC and live simple...get along fine. In fact, in my county agriculture is king and I don't even need to get my barns or out buildings inspected or OKd.

"But I will owe land taxes"... yes, but you use the roads and the county/state maintains them. My property taxes are far cheaper than paying a grader to clear four miles of snow so I can get to town.

I could go on... but why? We got ourselves into this mess and we only have ourselves to blame... not the government, not some big corporation, or our parents.... us...individually are responsible for our own dilema...

Now... How are you gonna fix it?

Yea, you actually missed the entire period from 1914 to the present, especially the deregulation under the Reagan presidency and each successive regime. They have succeeded in making all taxpayers responsible for their private debt that has gone south by federalizing it and having it insured by the FDIC. It has nothing to do with us not paying OUR bills. Most of us do. THEY don't have to. They just hand the bill to the Fed and have the FDIC add it to pile. Google : "robosigning" for some idea of the scope of their ponzi scheme. GS intentially gave bad loans, sold them as good comodities and took out insurance policies AGAINST them...that kind of thing is what we are talking about, not your myopic view.

Corporate debt for the big 5, including dirivatives, is topping 1.6 gazillion dollars, (yea thats a real number) a mind blowing 40X the entire money supply on the planet. How did my student loan cause that? There are 7 billion of us on the planet now. Did each of us default on a personal loan in excess of billions? Why should I be responsible, as a tax payer, to pay that bet back? Why are the next hundred generations of American's responsible? Why do you idolize a system that hands you the rules you are required, by law, to play according to THEN goes out and disregards them in its own practices?

My student loans are part of a package that has been sold on the market and betted against by those that sold it. Profits are kept by the buyer and losses are guaranteed by the FDIC. Every dollar I pay into the system can be lent against fractionally and can lead to even more bundled loans and adverse bets. Any and all aspects of this process, including the weather, can be speculted on and bet for / against with the profits, once again, going to the one that places the bet and the losses, once again, being covered by the FDIC.

How do you, in your rural farmhouse, defend yourself against that? Do you have clear title and mortage in your hand? If not, you are going to lose everything soon, even if you pay your taxes and vote in every election. TPTB dont care about you as an individual. They don't care if you are law abilding or vote. They care about taxes because it hits the bottom line and your refusal to pay it gives them the opportunity to liberate you from occupying your own property. Don't believe me? Try it, clear title or no....

Something is not right here...

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by MRuss

For your post.

I was trying to be kind and optimistic in my last post.

In my 58 years of life, I have found most if not all people, think they know it all...........they have all the answers and simply can't really imagine any other way of thinking but their way.

This goes for religion, politics, sex, ets, moral values, etc.

You cannot change any person's core beliefs unless and until they are ready and that usually takes something drastically happening in their life to change them.

Another reason is that most people do not research, they do not read.

They will spend thousands to join a gym, almost a couple hundred a month for cable, booze, cigarettes but zero on a really good informative book - or even go to the library and check out books on UFOs, Politics, World Events, Latest Scientific Discoveries, Space, Quantum Physics, Conspiracies, etc.

People will watch Dancing With The Stars, Reality Shows, Cup Cake Girls, read Harry Potter (when there is a real HP situation actually going on.........not quite magic but quantum physics / et).

For most people, taking that red pill is a twitch....................once you take it and fall down that rabbit hole, there truly is no going back.

Problem is, we are all so interconnected that if enough of us don't wake up, unite and rebel against the greedy, insane way our current system is being run, we all may go down together.

The old adage, "United we stand, divided we fall." Comes to mind.

And we are currently falling.

the video below is called Bombs, Body Scans and Israel

The Second video is rather lengthy but worth downloading and watching. I too started out like the guy that did this video. But damn I just had to keep digging and digging and digging (guess it was learning how to research for my Social Politics Professor) and than I just had to swallow that red pill.

Keep in mind the 1% truly believe that the 99% are too stupid to rule themselves.

“Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out they don't..”― Leo Buscaglia

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Tired of a private company that collects 40%-90% plus of the hard earned money they make, while losing precious time they could have spent with loved ones.

When I had few obligations and debt, I used to have something called 'hobbies' and 'friends'.

Tired of working for a banking system that makes up mortgages, out of thin air and bleeds people lives for their sweat equity, all the while thinking they have to constantly produce.

Pay off 60% of your mortgage (maybe about 2 houses worth of payments) stop paying and lose everything, It's like buying 100 chocolate bars for $50 plus interest on loan from some guy and gave him only $30 because you lost your job,
you lose the $30,
you lose ALL the chocolate bars.

We, or most of us think this is normal!

Tired of being scared of losing our jobs or small family businesses, because if we do, we won’t be able to pay for our 40% plus taxes, bills, mortgages, educations, food and families we need to care for.

WE are not slaves, (are we not?) we have freedom! Free to work hard for less and less, so we can work longer, and harder!

Tired of a working arena that allows only a few options, for the average man and women to slowly work themselves into a miserable lifestyle that disconnects them with their families, friends, and loved ones.

I get out to visit sometimes maybe once or twice a week, if I feel up to it, on a day off. Who needs more time than that?

Tired of a system that caters to politicians on the take, but all the while, gives them kickbacks, per diem, pensions after only 5 years of service, great medical benefits, retained campaign contributions after leaving office and special rights and privileges’, that all of the people, they represent do not get .

Things are much fairer in Canada, our politicians need to 'work' for six whole years, that's '6' years!
I may never be able to retire, but then again my job cannot possibly be as retirement worthy as theirs. They have a very important job to do, they keep us in line.

What the elite did not count on, is the fact that the internet has given the masses a way to speak with each other, and to understand what is actually going on worldwide. Like a growing grassroots movement they are re-educating themselves, all the while, going through withdrawals from years of brain washing, feeling everything from paralyzing depressive states to fully conscious confident positions.

Only until they make as many options on the net as TV gives us.

This post contains sarcasm.

PS, Realtruth, you speak how I feel all the time, for years.
Why do I bust my butt for so little in return?

edit on 17-11-2011 by Toadmund because: (no reason given)

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