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We’re Just Tired

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 09:50 PM
We keep hearing the same old cliché that the “masses are asleep”, but in actuality they are just tired.

Tired of a private company that collects 40%-90% plus of the hard earned money they make, while losing precious time they could have spent with loved ones.

Tired of a country that allowed, and continues to allow a private banking system to set up office, and bleed its citizen dry.

Tired of working for a banking system that makes up mortgages, out of thin air and bleeds people lives for their sweat equity, all the while thinking they have to constantly produce.

Tired of Large Corporations, Wall Street and Banks that are immune to laws and prosecution, that most of us would have consecutive life sentences for.

Tired of being scared of losing our jobs or small family businesses, because if we do, we won’t be able to pay for our 40% plus taxes, bills, mortgages, educations, food and families we need to care for.

Tired of a working arena that allows only a few options, for the average man and women to slowly work themselves into a miserable lifestyle that disconnects them with their families, friends, and loved ones.

Tired of educations that cost a lifetime of indenture contracts, right out of college, then into miserable low paying jobs.

Tired of having to choose from a miserable selection of careers, working conditions, pay and seeing the same miserable people day in and day out.

Tired of watching the desperate people that are so scared, that they sell their souls, because they think they have nowhere else to turn.

Tired of watching 99% turning on the 99%, because of the illusion that has been setup and instilled since birth.

Tired of a system that caters to politicians on the take, but all the while, gives them kickbacks, per diem, pensions after only 5 years of service, great medical benefits, retained campaign contributions after leaving office and special rights and privileges’, that all of the people, they represent do not get .

Tired of a Constitution that has been stripped and trample upon, until the only thing left was the paper it was written on.

Tired of listening to the MSM lie, distort and BS, until the only thing left to do is not listen.

Tired of listening to the lies, deceit and chaos that politicians stir-up every time they open their mouths.

Tired of watching friends, family and good people all over the world lose everything, including faith.

What the elite did not count on, is the fact that the internet has given the masses a way to speak with each other, and to understand what is actually going on worldwide. Like a growing grassroots movement they are re-educating themselves, all the while, going through withdrawals from years of brain washing, feeling everything from paralyzing depressive states to fully conscious confident positions.

Worldwide many are starting to understand, that our lives envisioned by the elite is like the game of Monopoly.

Yes the elite made the game, the rules, printed money, made up titles, properties, mortgages, pieces, dice to roll, but after playing the game for a long time people are tired, the rules suck.

Only the people that made the game win.

The next step is to just walk away from the game, if there are no players, there is no game.

edit on 16-11-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Tired of being scared if they will lose their job, because if they do they won’t be able to pay the 40% plus taxes, the banks, food, bills, and care for their loved ones.

Tired of a working arena that forces the average man and women work themselves, into a miserable lifestyle that disconnects them with their families, friends and loved ones.

Indeed, the 53% are very tired of working so hard, and having to carry the burden of all of the dead weight in this country.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
Indeed, the 53% are very tired of working so hard, and having to carry the burden of all of the dead weight in this country.

Your statement is very ironic, because maybe the ones not working hard or at all are the smart ones.

I myself enjoy being productive, but not at the cost of being bled from either end. Like I said the rules suck.

Ever play an organized game where most of the players decide to leave?

edit on 16-11-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:04 PM
In a nutshell, I am tired of working and seeing no gains. I own my own business and I am tired of Govt. telling me how to run MY business.

I am also tired of people thinking the Govt. protects them by raising minimum wage. They actually buy into it.

I told my employees today how it really works. After the Govt. in BC raised the minimum wage this week and again in a few Months, these are the choices I have to make along with many other small businesses:

1. Let 1 employee go. Did this solve anything?

2. Have them work more in an hour to make up for lost profit. Now who is the bad guy?

3. Give them less hours to work. Are they actually taking more money home now?

Do I like doing this? No. Do they understand that I make the same and sometimes less than they do? No. Do they understand that I have to let someone go because the Govt raises minimum wage on the back of inflation due to corporate and Govt. greed? No.

I'm tired of supporting the Govt. AND employees that think the Govt. is there to protect them against the big, bad small business man.

If small businesses continue to close, it won't matter how high minimum wage is if we're all out of work.

Need a nap now...I'm tired.


edit on 16-11-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:06 PM
Star and flag for you sir. Please colab with a musician and turn this into a song beautiful articulation. No haters comments from me just appreciation for what you have shared.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:54 PM
I myself have been completely brainwashed for twenty years of my life, whether wasted time on drinking thurs, fri, and sat, sometimes doing blow all night playing video games for hours on end, and watching fox news day in and out i feel i am now waking up to whats really going on. It started after looking to meditate to make me more creative, after about two weeks of meditating straight, everything looked different and i became aware and noticed a lot of things i didnt before which is how and when i came to this site. Ever since then ive been glued and have completely changed my perspective on how everything works and its a shame. Its sad to see people so blind as to whats happening right before their eyes. I feel as if they feel it to they just dont want to admit it because its getting so bad.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:07 PM
Great post.

It's all a big game. 8 hours of sleep + 8 hours of work means 2/3 of life wasted. I am a hard worker and on a track to make plenty of money ect ect. But honestly is it worth it?

Further, nothing ever changes. There are so many common sense solutions to so many of our problems but there is just so much bs.

I truly feel that things are going to change drastically once my generation (20's 30's) become decision makers.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by thatshicray
I myself have been completely brainwashed for twenty years of my life, whether wasted time on drinking thurs, fri, and sat, sometimes doing blow all night playing video games for hours on end, and watching fox news day in and out i feel i am now waking up to whats really going on. It started after looking to meditate to make me more creative, after about two weeks of meditating straight, everything looked different and i became aware and noticed a lot of things i didnt before which is how and when i came to this site. Ever since then ive been glued and have completely changed my perspective on how everything works and its a shame. Its sad to see people so blind as to whats happening right before their eyes. I feel as if they feel it to they just dont want to admit it because its getting so bad.

Think back to when you were in a state of denial.

Would anyone want to admit that most of their life was wasted, or lost because of bad choices, limited choices or brainwashing?

And congrats on pulling yourself, out of a self-destructive lifestyle.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by jude11

Why be against minimum wage? What you should be against is the a non adjustment of wages to inflation. You have a right to make money with your business but the employees ought to be able to eat and have shelter. I understand if your paying menial labor but they deserve dignity for being party of your team.

It's a shame that the only business getting rewarded or maintaining job security in this country are crappy food chains and megmart type stores. Best of luck to you in the small business sector.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:14 PM
I think many of us are going to find that simplicity is closer to what we are looking for.

And if something stresses us out, then avoid it.

I look back at all the stressful situation I have been in and think although I have experienced them, enough is enough.

edit on 16-11-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by RightWingAvenger
reply to post by jude11

Why be against minimum wage? What you should be against is the a non adjustment of wages to inflation. You have a right to make money with your business but the employees ought to be able to eat and have shelter. I understand if your paying menial labor but they deserve dignity for being party of your team.

It's a shame that the only business getting rewarded or maintaining job security in this country are crappy food chains and megmart type stores. Best of luck to you in the small business sector.

As you can see in my post, I AM against non adjustment of wages to inflation. But I am tired of employees not taking the time to understand that we as small business people are also in the same boat as them. We aren't rich and we just get by as they do.

Employees seem to put us in the same boat as the large corporations and we are not. So when we have to lay off one employee to save 2 more, what then? We are the guilty?

Don't think so.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by jude11

Just being clear here. You make the same amount of $ they do or less? Your complaint is that a raise in minimum wage is affecting your profit, right? So you make minimum or below minimum wage being the business owner. Must be your first year open or your business plan needs a major overhaul. Im a business owner too yet can afford to pay my employees way above minimum wage plus raises every twelve months. I am a gym owner and have only five employees though. Could have more if I lowered their pay, but I subscribe to the idea that an economically stable employee will be a happy, much more productive asset to the business. Up until now I have not been disappointed. Maybe you'd like to try that angle. Seven years open and have been very successful even during this recession/depression where many businesses have gone belly up. First year was hell though, but it is expected with new small businesses.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by jude11

I certainly understand your frustrations especially with the amount of paper work required of small business in Canada. It sounds to me like you are too close to the edge if you can not afford a couple of extra peanuts to feed your monkeys. Maybe it might be best to shut it all down and save yourself the stress!

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:34 PM
IMO there are two types of people that do well financially in businesses.

1st are the ones who really love what they do and attract people, money and success because of this energy.

2nd are the individuals that manipulate others for the sake of power, money and greed, although they are outwardly successful, they lack everything the 1st person has for success.
edit on 16-11-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

That is very insightful. How very true and a star for you!

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
I think many of us are going to find that simplicity is closer to what we are looking for.

edit on 16-11-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

Excellent post! S & F

Bradford Brown:
We expect simplistic answers to life's problems.
When we receive simple ones we get confused.

The the complexity of food production:
Things grow on the land at which point it will serve us extremly well to simply pick and eat it.

But nooooo! We have to process and cut and mix with toxins, then bottle, can, dry and freeze, preserve and package through complicated factory processes which leads to the consumption of toxins under mal nutrition so that we can bless our bodies with diseases in many shapes and forms. At which point we will approach a person behind a computer who has spent lots of money obtaining a 'permit' to prescribe compressed toxins processed into multicoloured little round shapes that will suppress the symptom of what all this has caused.

Yesterday it struck me so hard, like a bolt out the blue:
When I make tomato juice thoughout the day, I put off wasing the juice extractor contraption till the end of the day. The pulp by this time starts to have a distinct smell of compost. Yet, the whole tomatoes that have been sitting there remain prefectly preserved for at least some days.
This implies that fruit and veg have a natural preservative built into them.

Food has been turned into a comodity that has nothing to do with feeding the body.

I am so tired tired tired of this human mess and stupidity. Being trapped by it. Having to confine to it. Playing their game.

It is disgusting how we work harder yet seem less and less able to afford anything. We are really battling financially but are both hard working. Food seems rediculously expensive, and we don't even eat meat!!

All this has flown over to our physical state of (un)well-being. We wake up tired. Even my daughter of 12 is complaining that she is tired.
Please dont dare to say it is because of a lack of protien. IT IS NOT. We eat extremely well and balanced.

However, we do live close to a cell tower which I am 100% convinced is causing this exhaustion.

Tired of the stupid game!
I don't want to play anymore!!

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by jude11

Jude11, you are right there is a big difference between small business and big business. If you are a small business person they generally do not clear more then a manager working for a large corporation. Some small businesses are the exception and make millions. It depends what type of business you are in. However, the rules do suck for small business the same as the employees. When everything revolves around money and most people cannot afford it, life sucks. This includes the small business person as well as the employee working for minimum wage. There has to be some rules though for business, otherwise it will be become slave labor. I have known many business people that treat their employees really badly, and if they get out of line they will destroy any chance they have at getting another job.

That said, our system sucks all the way around. From inflation, to more increasingly crappy regulations, to large corporations controlling every segment of the marketplace. How is an individual to compete? It is very difficult.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Maybe we can all sit at home on our fat asses collecting welfare and food stamps.

After all, it is how our forefathers built our fine countries. Sitting at home on the xbox waiting for life togive us everything.

wake up.

No star, no flag. Get to work, stop sniveling.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by lnfidel

He typed from his mom's basement, in an angry manner....

Your generalizations though... as always... first rate!

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by lnfidel

I find your response extremely condesending.

We work very hard. Yet, prices have skyrocketed so much that if you are the man in the street you barely get by and mostly have to go without.

We are constantly tired and can't enjoy life.

Think this is a fun game?

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