posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:51 AM
Originally posted by MrWendal
In another thread that showed a video of protesters who had their arms linked together. Police began jabbing them with their batons. As I watched that
video, I knew what I would do in that situation and I even posted the same remark. If it were me, this is what would happen. Sooner or later, someone
is gonna do it, and I was right. Someone did do it, only this time it was a cop. Seeing as how there has been a progression of defensive tactics from
protesters, how long do you think it will be until one of these protesters actually does it?
Fair enough on what you're saying there. This is bound to keep escalating and that is a disturbing thing to see. I do believe the pushing to a fight
is coming from both sides though and protesters aren't even willing or able to see and admit their part in how these are developing. I've noted that
there are definitely exceptions to that, but for the most part, it takes two to tango.
How would peaceful protesters be pushing? Well.... There is something people seem to lose sight of with both cops and soldiers. They're human too.
They feel emotions and respond to perceptions just like everyone else. They feel FEAR, insecurity and anxiety just like everyone else. When protesters
who outnumber the police at 3 or more to 1 start crowding a thin line of cops, it SCARES them. This is something they won't admit. EVER. However,
I'm not guessing. As a cops kid, I saw it and heard about it. Cops react when scared and usually with violence. It's the training and years dealing
with the absolute worst the human species has to offer.
It also doesn't help when they have cops being attacked with knives or razors like the two in San Francisco the other day just trying to control the
crowd in an intersection. These cops also KNOW many of the people in the camps that protesters don't necessarily know that much about. They've
arrested them many times and they've seen the victims of what some of those camp members are capable of producing. There ARE reasons why some of
these Police Departments aren't playing any games whatsoever. Just something to consider as you watch and react to the tactics.....they do too. It's
a self perpetuating cycle to a really tragic end if OWS doesn't start to de-escalate things, and soon.