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U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team

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posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
reply to post by NoHierarchy

It does not matter.

It is a state problem, not a federal one.

That is the point.


The feds get involved in ALL SORTS of state issues. But all of a sudden when ecosystems/Indian tribes have federal support it's hands across America for the poor innocent timber industry and farmers??? There's a crisis going on, period. The destruction of an ecosystem and the livelihood of many trumps the land use of a few who STOLE the land to begin with... or at least had it stolen FOR them. That's not to say that innocent farmers shouldn't be eased through this and compensated... but something must be done about the problems presented by the dams and irrational irrigation practices.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by FurvusRexCaeli
The sheriffs are not able to stop the federal government from enforcing federal law. They do not have the legal authority to do this under our Constitution. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either misguided, or they are lying to you, trying to usurp our Constitution and replace it with a fantasy state of their own devising.

Am I thrilled to teach misguided people the truth about our Constitution? Am I thrilled to defend our Constitution when it is attacked by fantasists and propagandists who lie about it? Absolutely.

Hmm, well since you infer that you know so much about the Constitution, and I assume the Amendments as well, then please explain the Tenth Amendment in this context and what it means.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

In the case of the federal government exceeding the authority granted by the US Constitution, trying to enforce said UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws, regulations, or what have you, WHO exactly would it be that would hold the front line to defend the STATE and it's PEOPLE from such usurpations by the federal government?

Seems to me, that the Tenth Amendment clearly bestows the authority to the STATE and THE PEOPLE to do whatever is necessary to defend themselves from depredations by the federal government. And as such, clearly the local Sheriff's departments are within their constitutionally LEGAL rights to rebuff the federal government when the STATE's and THE PEOPLE's rights are being infringed by that same federal government.

So please enlighten me with your apparently professed superior knowledge of the Constitution about how the federal government can LEGALLY ignore the limitations imposed by the US CONSTITUTION and SPECIFICALLY reiterated and reinforced by the TENTH AMENDMENT. Teach me, please....

Quite frankly, my opinion is that if the Sheriff's department will stand firm between the federal government and THE PEOPLE, then THE PEOPLE will stand firm WITH THEM between the federal government and the Sheriff's department.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by michaelmcclen

If it was just one, or a few individuals, I would agree, but this is an idea that is spreading across the country.

Montana, Arizona, Wyoming, Tennessee, Mississippi, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, North and South Dakota, Alaska, Kansas, Ohio, Iowa...this is something that I don't think the feds will be able to stop. It is starting to snowball.

Here is one example from my home state.
edit on 17-11-2011 by gamesmaster63 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:23 AM
Your example involved someone (Detective Steve Kendley) running for Sheriff in Lake County, but unfortunately he was defeated over a year ago.
edit on 17-11-2011 by Off_The_Street because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Off_The_Street

I have to give you that one, my bad,
but it doesn't change the way people are starting to think and act upon those thoughts.

At least, in the "rural" states, more people are starting to realize that the power does lie with the people and not with the Federal government, it is just taking some time to make them understand that.

Here is one of the main reasons I still live in Montana and have no plans to move soon.

Montana Firearms Freedom Act

Yeah, I know it is from 2009, but it still stands. Also, 8 other states have followed suit. Do a google search on Firearms Freedom Act.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by gamesmaster63
I have to give you that one, my bad,
but it doesn't change the way people are starting to think and act upon those thoughts.

At least, in the "rural" states, more people are starting to realize that the power does lie with the people and not with the Federal government, it is just taking some time to make them understand that. I sure hope so. I bought a little "doomstead" in rural Gila County and the people are a lot more suspicious of the Fedz there.

Originally posted by gamesmaster63
Here is one of the main reasons I still live in Montana and have no plans to move soon.

Montana Firearms Freedom Act

Yeah, I know it is from 2009, but it still stands. Also, 8 other states have followed suit. Do a google search on Firearms Freedom Act.

As I have said many times on this and every other forum to which I post, I have Never owned a Firearm and Never Will, because the Government will Protect me, the Police are my Friends, and, besides, Guns Kill People.

but Arizona recently relaxed concealed carry laws; now you no longer need a permit to carry concealed (you have never had to have a permit to carry open, of course). It certainly makes for a more polite society.
edit on 17-11-2011 by Off_The_Street because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 06:15 PM
The way I see it, This could be what we need to happen!

If our "Representatives" fail to do their jobs, and uphold their oath of office, They should be arrested, jailed, assets seized, (including their campaign money) and fined for every penny they have made in taxpayers money...

Just sayin'

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:54 AM
in the cities where occupy wallstreet movements take place, the police outnumber the protesters in almost every venue, despite the relatively large number of protesters. Obviously Oakland is an exception. The problem is out of a hundred, you may have a handful with the conviction to stand their ground - the necessity for getting results. Because of this, the Police ALWAYS outnumber the rebellion, even in places like Oakland, for 50 police is the same as a thousand protesters, and those thousand protesters represent the tens of thousands who care, and the hundreds of thousands who don't.

These sheriffs are no different. They represent such a tragic minority that it becomes like a sick game watched by a young Nero, waiting to laugh at the cruelty in store for the brave and courageous, but foolish minority.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by jude11
The Police take an oath to protect us from criminals...

This is exactly the time to do so.

Great to see.


Sheriffs take oaths and are elected. City police are quit different than Sheriffs.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are

Originally posted by jude11
The Police take an oath to protect us from criminals...

Not entirely accurate:

Police have no responsibility to protect individuals

Police have no legal duty to respond and prevent crime or protect the victim. There have BEEN OVER 10 various supreme and state court cases the individual has never won. Notably, the Supreme Court STATED about the responsibility of police for the security of your family and loved ones is "You, and only you, are responsible for your security and the security of your family and loved ones. That was the essence of a U.S. Supreme Court decision in the early 1980's when they ruled that the police do not have a duty to protect you as an individual, but to protect society as a whole."

"It is well-settled fact of American law that the police have no legal duty to protect any individual citizen from crime, even if the citizen has received death threats and the police have negligently failed to provide protection."

A common mistake. One would think they are obligated to protect you, but in fact they are not.

It is a common mistake to think Police are Sheriffs.

Police do not have a duty to protect, but The Sheriff does.

Your reference is for Police not Sheriffs. police is city and Sheriff is County.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 06:05 AM
Hate to burst everyone's bubble but the fact of the matter is that law enforcement is NOT on the side of freedom loving Americans.

Let me do the math for you -

1. America is a Masonic Nation founded on masonic pricipals, masonic religion, and masonic monetary system.

2. America is run by a dominate majority of Freemasons

3. The God of Freemasonry is the Morning Star (Lucifer)

So, just in case you haven't gotten the clue from the 28,943 masonic monuments throughout america, Masonry is your king, your government, your god.

For those religious zealots who think that protesting, yelling, and exposing these issues will stop the NWO machine, you are sadly naive.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by FurvusRexCaeli

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
reply to post by FurvusRexCaeli

The thread references the court case. Here, I'll post it for you to READ:

Case No. 2:96-cv-099-J (2006)
"The court confirms and asserts that “the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers EXCEEDING that of any other state OR federal official.”"

For the third and final time, that is an imaginary decision. It was made up by conspiracy theorists. The judge who supposedly handed down that decision has gone to the unusual measure of publicly disavowing the internet lies about the case. The court did not confirm or assert anything, it dismissed the case. Here, once again, is the judge's letter, which totally debunks the imaginary court decision. I have given up all hope that you will read it and cease your deceptive claims, but perhaps an energetic defense of the truth will convince other people not to be deceived by you. Here, I'll post it for anyone who cares to read:

This Court has never issued an order which would serve to limit the lawful activities and duties of federal law enforcement officers and other federal employees in the District of Wyoming.

Furthermore, this Court has never made the comments attributed to it which purports to advise state officers they can prohibit federal law enforcement officers or agents from entering a Wyoming County. Those alleged quotations are utterly false.

Any person who interferes with federal officers in performance of their duties subjects themselves to the risk of criminal prosecution.

The sheriff's don't need this court case.

They simply need the US constitution. The Tenth Amendment is a good place to start. Here's a snippet:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people".

God bless James Madison...

Lots more great reading in that FINE little document of ours too.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:51 AM
This is awesome, and sounds very similar to this case in Nye County Nevada

This is exactly the type of stuff Sheriff Richard Mack has been talking about about the power of the county sheriff.

I cannot give enough praise for these sherrifs. Let us hope more will follow their example.
edit on 9-1-2012 by vagabond50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 02:20 AM
Yep this is good news lets hope this trend continues to escalate...

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 02:41 PM
for all of you interested in this subject, check out the County Sheriff project

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